August 13, 2018

August 13, 2018


  1. We reviewed Scaling requirements status and plans (great work done by Scaling team for building their Roadmap!!!), CCVPN status, 5G status, HPA status. The rest (and any potential planned Dublin requirements will be handled next week)

    1. Zhao, please add China Mobile’s scaling in implemented in Beijing as well as any potential enhancements planned by your team to this Roadmap

    2. I asked 5G team to prepare presentation to the group on 3GPP SA5 network slicing status and requirements. This will be presented within the next few weeks

    3. Scaling Roadmap discussion triggered a question of TOSCA model support – when TOSCA will be supported by VNF vendors, what are SP requirements etc.

      1. One suggestion is to have survey both for VNF vendors and for SP to bring some inputs

      2. The other suggestion is to have this discussion by the whole TSC, as this goes beyond any specific subcommittee agenda

Advise is needed here.

      2. Usecase subcommittee elections are postponed along with all subcommittees elections till explicit notification from LF.