November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017

Here is the summary:


  1. Alla thanked all Usecase subcommittee members and Integration team members greatly contributed to the success of Amsterdam Release!!!


      2.   R2 requirements

a.            E-vCPE requirements were presented by Luman. This will follow by email discussion which Luman will initiate ASAP, describing the problem the requirements are resolving, and high level description, in addition to the presentation.


b.            Centralized Parsers Distribution requirements were presented by  Atul. Some questions were raised. The next step is to include the requirements into merged requirements table, including all needed information and also present it to Architecture subcommittee


c.             General: What is currently missing in the requirements definition. Yuan has expressed his view that VNFs/PNFs source/description is missing from the use case as well as expressed concern of lacking of 5G standard to start with 5G related requirements. We decided that:

 i.                    Each requirements group/task force leader (5G, Change Management, VoLTE remaining requirements, E-vCPE, VNF Scaling;  Centralized Parser Distribution and External Controller, once ready) will issue separate email to the whole list describing what has already been defined in a different places related to his/her use case/requirements with the corresponding links

ii.                  Community members will provide comments what is missing (if something is missing), target date is next Monday, 27/11/2017


d.            VNF Scaling – next level of details – this task force representatives didn’t attend the call. Steve/team – please also issue email as described above for the VNF scaling related requirements to see if ONAP community is satisfied with the level of definition


e.            External Controller – status of the discussions (Ramesh). There was no progress on the related discussions. Ramesh will update us next week on the progress achieved by then