June 4, 2018

June 4, 2018


  1. Lin Meng presented progress achieved on definition of CCVPN https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/CCVPN%28Cross+Domain+and+Cross+Layer+VPN%29+USE+CASE

  2. Ajay Mahimkar presented progress achieved on Change Management definition for Casablanca

  3. Thinh Nguyenphu, ETSI SOL Vice-Chair, presented ETSI NFV scaling concept and detailed TOSCA model to support scaling


Action Items:


  1. Lin and Ajay will work offline with involved parties to resolve remaining, rather minor, comments till next Monday. If there are no outstanding comments by the next Monday, we will endorse these use cases/functional requirements

  2. Ajay will work offline with PNF support team to correlate proposals (Change Management also includes proposal for RAN PNF software upgrades)

  3. Thinh will upload his presentation to wiki (Thinh, thanks again for your courtesy to provide it!) and send link to it

  4. Requirements’ terminology applicable to all activities running in ONAP (e.g. “should”, “shall”, “may” etc.) will be discussed during our f2f meeting

  5. Wiki centralized placement of the documentation will be discussed during f2f meeting

  6.        All use cases/requirements authors:

    1. a.       Please make sure to review your proposal with Architecture subcommittee to make sure it is aligned with Casablanca architecture plans. Chris has available time slots for the next week to do that

    2. Please prepare short 120 minutes presentation of your use case/requirement for Casablanca meeting. It cvan be based on your presentation used for endorsement, please let me know. We will review status next Monday