August 7, 2017

August 7, 2017


  1. R1 use cases: Status was resented. Huge progress was achieved last week on vVoLTE (working with SDC, SO, modelling) definitions. Teams continue working and schedule dedicated meetings with the projects teams. Committers working on a different features related to the use cases implementation are being identified. Also, Alla/Kang/Yang/Helen will verify and confirm which labs are going to be used for hosting vCPE and for hosting vVoLTE. China Mobile Lab is volunteering for hosting vVoLTE (final) and Intel lab is volunteering for hosting Residential vCPE (not finalized yet). currently, Integration team will use these two labs for the final E2E testing for ONAP release 1. However, we encourage other labs to implement those use cases themselves. All service template, (SD/NSD, etc.), DGs, configuration, policy, etc. that the Integration team is using will be in ONAP repo for other labs to reference.


2. R2 use cases proposals and task forces status

  • Enterprise vCPE – some modifications related to potential harmonization with the residential vCPE were presented

  • 5G – the task force was formed and one meeting was help since last usecase subcommittee meeting

  • ONAP Change management – task force meeting may be scheduled for this week

  • SD-WAN use case was brought by Ievgen (Netcracker). We didn’t have time to review it. Ievgen will upload to the wiki and we will then invite interested parties for discussion.

3. General topics

  • Architecture/Usecase subcommittees joint meeting on R2 use cases/architecture alignment – the meeting objectives were clarified. Later in the day, agenda was discussed with Chris Donley and sent out. All people are encouraged to prepare and share their questions in advance

  • Discussion on initial presentation of R2 use cases to the TSC

  • Pre-R2 and R2 rough milestones  

Two last bullets triggered a very interesting discussion on whether we should introduce new functional use cases in R2 (e.g. 5G, SD-WAN etc.) or rather concentrate on extending ONAP Platform Capabilities. There are many ONAP Platform missing features/capabilities in R1, and it may make sense to implement those for the same use cases in R2. Additional objective is to identify potential commonalities for the implemented use cases e.g. in the area of modeling, and implement those for the existing use cases in R2. There was consensus that ur objective is not support of a different functional use cases, but support of a different ONAP platform capabilities, harmonized for those use cases. We also need to see whether R1 use cases implementation is aligned with the ONAP target architecture and, if not fully supported,  build that alignment in R2. It was also clarified that nothing prevents additional functional use cases from implementation, if they are based on supported ONAP platform capabilities.

Action items:

  1. WiKi page for missing ONAP Platform capabilities was created https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Missing+Platform+capabilities We all should work on listing ONAP Platform capabilities there – those currently missing, and can be considered as R2 candidates

  2. I will prepare short presentation for TSC meeting triggering the discussion on Extending ONAP platform capabilities vs introducing new functional use cases for R2.

  3. Milestones discussion should also be held during TSC meeting.