October 23, 2017

October 23, 2017

We had long discussion on when/in which form R2 use cases/requirements should be brought for TSC approval. It seem that the best way forward is to get a general endorsement of the TSC (as we had back in New Jersey meeting/May) for a specific use case/requirement without having to get into the details of how it will be implemented (but this level of details will be needed for the final approval, as we did back in Beijing meeting/June). For the final approval, we will need, at least


•             Use case description

•             Platform requirements/dependencies, flows

•             Any dependencies on specific VNF capabilities

•             VNFs that we would use to test the use cases

•             Companies willing to contribute


Non-functional requirements will be brought for TSC discussion/endorsement this Thursday, I will ask for a time slot.

Use case/functional requirements authors, please let me know by Wednesday if you believe your material is also ready for TSC discussion/endorsement this Thursday.




  1. Overview of R1 vVoLTE and R-vCPE status and needs was provided. Both use cases are making good progress this week


2. External Controller discussions status was presented by Ramesh. It was commented by Vladimir that requirements were “over-generalized”. Vladimir will try to become part of the discussions to give his feedback.


3. Luman asked for guidance on E-vCPE way forward in R2. We recommended that new proposed functional entities should be discussed in Architecture subcommittee, once previous comments are addressed, and new functional requirements, if exists (assuming this use case leverages work done in R1 R-vCPE), should be brought for approval


4. Beijing Release, 5G and network slicing – the next level of details. The task force is not ready yet to discuss the next level of details. Some discussions take place with modelling subcommittee and with a different projects