July 31, 2017

July 31, 2017

  1. R1 use cases: Status and actions, required from Use case subcommittee (vCPE: Kang Xi/Yoav Kluger, vVoLTE: Yang Xe/Chengli Wang)

We reviewed all blocking issues (presented by Yang (vVoLTE) and Kang (vCPE)) https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/July+Virtual+Developers+Event+Blockers Today there is also vVoLTE meeting with the project teams which may resolve some of those issues. We agree to add column to express whether each specific issue is blocking for M2. This was already done by Yang, thanks a lot!!! VFC and SDC teams, please pay attention to your blocking issues for M2 and please update in case of progress achieved later today.


  1. R2 use cases proposals for presentation and review

    1. ONAP Change Management https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Use+Case%3A+ONAP+Change+Management  - was presented as use case candidate for R2 (Emmanouil Mavrogiorgis). We agreed to form task force discussing this use case, led by Emmanouil. The objectives will be to see what is covered/planned to be covered by a different projects, and where gaps are, and what needs to be covered by this use case. I will issue separating email on this asking community to approach Emmanouil and start this work.


  1. 5G use cases family (Disaggregated RAN deployment, E2E network slicing and SON) https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Release+2+Use+Cases?preview=/8230720/10783664/5G_RAN_UseCase_for_R2.docx – was presented as use case candidate for R2 (Vimal Begwani). We agreed to form task force discussing 5G potential use cases, led by Vimal. The objectives will be to discuss this proposal, see additional proposals, decide whether they all needs to be merged into a single 5G use case for R2 or proposed as a separate ones, and further work on proposals. I will issue separating email on this asking community to approach Vimal and start this work.


  1. Enterprise vCPE https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16230879  - to the previous ones, I would suggest to form task force discussing this use case and potentially extending it, as we’ve had several email proposals on how this may be extended.  I will issue separating email on this asking community to approach Luman and start this work.


  1. General topics

    1. Criteria for use case selection (for your information, R1 use cases criteria for selection are here: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Release+1+Use+Cases ). We haven’t had time to discuss this, please approach me in case of any suggestions. We will discuss this next week.

    2. Plans for alignment with Architecture subcommittee on R2 use cases architecture, plans on initial presentation of R2 use cases to the TSC, pre-R2 rough milestones  - work is in progress, will report to the group.