August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017

1.Business drivers and application scenarios of the use cases

Long has presented the extended scenarios of E-vCPE including site to DC/Internet/site. Several questions were asked and clarifications were provided.


A. Yang proposed that the implement of site to site scenario is not exactly the same as the site to DC/Internet in consideration of underlay connection.

2. Use case goals and their representation of ONAP functionalities

Long has presented the new ONAP functions of E-vCPE. Advices and proposals were proposed.


A.Yoav proposed that the Enterprise vCPE use case has to include the capability to stand up VNFs on the CPE.

B. Yoav proposed to separate the underlay and overlay in the Enterprise vCPE use case, and only cover the overlay in R2.

C.Yan Chen said it will depend on whether the SDNC and MSO will support the underlay configuration in R2 and it need more discussion.


3. Common features and reusable components of the use cases

A. Long and Ievgen has presented the comparison of components in R-vCPE,E-vCPE and SD-WAN.


B. ONAP flows and architecture of SD-WAN use case has been updated in wiki page. Discussion about these update will continue over email list or in the next meeting.


4. Harmonization proposals and next stages plan

Long has presented the possible harmonization proposal.