January 15, 2018

January 15, 2018


  1. We reviewed status of functional requirements for Beijing and progress achieved by teams within the last few days. Requirements team continue discussing and get commitments from a different PTLS. Update from all teams is requested by Thursday, including update on HPA interactions with Scaling and Change management functionalities. Gildas also created a web page https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Beijing+Functional+Requirements (thanks, Gildas!!!), so please either communicated updates status to me or update it directly on wiki (or both J)

  2. We will continue working with the Integration team, which will assign member responsible for each functional requirement. Those functional requirements will be tested on Amsterdam use cases, this Amsterdam use cases teams’ support will also be needed (flows will need to be modified etc.). Once we have all scope agreed (this Thursday), we will discuss concrete next steps with Helen and her team.

 3. On the time slot issue: we will consider this and come back to the discussion in a two weeks from now. One solution is to switch back to weekly meeting, but dedicated some of the meetings to the specific functional requirements discussion. The other solution is to have some dedicated additional meetings. The additional one is to try manage it by general Usecase subcommittee meetings (time may be insufficient as more scope has to be covered).