October 30, 2017
R1 use cases:
i. Design time: Finished everything. The design might need to be modified based on the subsequent instantiation test.
ii. Closed loop: Fixed the last few bugs between APPC and MultiCloud. We will test the entire loop today or tomorrow to validate that the entire closed loop control is working.
iii. Generic service instantiation: Passed VNF and virtual network instantiation. Will finish all generic service instantiation early this week.
iv. Custom service instantiation: Passed service template decomposition, homing, and AAI service creation. The plan is to finish other custom flows and custom DG test this week.
b. vVoLTE
i. This use case has made some major progress last week, however some critical issues still exist.
ii. One reported issue required handling was installation of DCAE platform and Alla/Yang took action item to follow on this. It was reported as fixed already yesterday after our meeting.
2. R2 requirements discussion:
The priority is given to extension of R1 use cases (R-vCPE, vVoLTE) and S3P relevant features
Following the discussions I have modified the table https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Merged+list+of+R2+functional+requirement+candidates to include the last column
Commitment |
People/companies willing to work on the requirement |
c. Each requirement in the table, if not yet done, need to be extended by the following contents (where relevant and applicable)
Use case description, including How it supports S3P
Platform requirements/dependencies, flows, identifying “what” and not “how” (“how” would be defined by the relevant projects)
Any dependencies on specific VNF capabilities
VNFs that we would use to test the requirement
Commitment, as mentioned above
d. The deadline for this modification, as we agreed, in order to bring those requirements for R2 TSC endorsement and projects functionality detailed discussion is next Monday, Nov 6