February 25, 2019

February 25, 2019

Hi all,


Thanks to all meeting participants!


Here is the meeting summary:


The scope and the recurring topics of our Monday’s meetings will include the following:


  1. M[x]-GATES, Score Cards, PJM, Status on Milestones

  2. Architecture , Requirements – TSC Bridging

  3. Steering Key Topics for discussion & investigation

  4. Testing – Evolution – Integration/Regression Dev-Test

  5. PTL cameos

  6. Release Content & Next Release Content

  7. Conferences Preparation, Reports, Review & Discussion

  8. Use Case Reports & Status

  9. Cross-U/C Interactions Steering topics

This would be done under assumption that different use cases/functional requirements tracks for covering their detailed work continue.



  1. M-GATES – Discussion about the M1-2-3-4 gates. Where we are on Score Cards, PJM type discussion and topics, Status on Milestones. Bringing people together related to Use Case and where we are on the Use Cases.

  2. BRIDGING – tie together Architecture , Requirements, and TSC calls. Identifying those key things that come from those other calls back to what is relevant for Use Cases.

  3. STEERING –Steering Key Topics for discussion & investigation. Identifying what we need to be investigating.

  4. TESTING - Testing and Integration/Regression Dev-Test are key topics that span U/Cs. Tying in integration status, and discussion about where testing and integration needs to evolve. For example a discussion of regression testing and how that will be done, or what developments in automation of integration team means to the U/Cs.

  5. PTL CAMEOS – have a “schedule” of PTLs to make cameo appearances at the U/C (Monday) call and then reach out to the U/C owners to ask what they need to discuss w/ the PTLs and reserve 30min (or the whole meeting) to meet with that PTL discussion U/C topics.

  6. RELEASE CONTENT – the Release and Next Release Content, USE CASES/FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS WISE. What potential new U/Cs are we thinking about for R5 El Alto for example.

  7. CONFERENCES – Discussion about Preparation and review of topics and presentations and logistics. Then after the conference discussion of Reports, Readouts, Review, and Retrospectives.

  8. U/C STATUS – Use Case Reports & Status

  9. Cross U/C INTERACTIONS and INTERDEPENDENCIES – share the Cross-U/C Interactions finding, and create Steering topics for further investigation by the U/C teams or U/C realization calls.


AI – Alla to create and distribute template for use case/functional requirements’ reports.


Pre-M3 Usecase subcommittee meetings (next 2 weeks) will be dedicated to M3 status review.


AI – Alla – to distribute M3 scorecard template adopted for use cases/functional requirements usage.


Best regards, Alla