August 6th, 2018

August 6th, 2018

  1. All Beijing Release functional requirements leads (HPA (Alex), Change Management (Emmanuel), Scaling (Scott)) are asked to list all their functional requirements “shortcuts” which were made in Beijing Release and what is planned to be accomplished out of this list for Casablanca Release. I have created the following wiki page for this: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Beijing+release+functional+requirements+shortcuts

 2. We must further discuss how we handle and prioritize requirements and use cases  (with EUAG involvement) prior to each release. I will raise this point at one of the upcoming TSC meetings

 3. We reviewed CL requirements https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Control+Loop+Sub+Committee+Release+Planning and our recommendation is:

  •  vFirewall enhancements – discuss with vFirewall team firstly

  • Ease of creating analytic components and on-boarding DCAE micro services  - discuss with DCAE team firstly

  • Event based Common API for Control Loop Operations and Defining and Modeling Control Loop for LCM Operations – discuss with ARC subcommittee