August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017

1. R1 use cases: Status and actions, required from Usecase subcommittee (vCPE, vVoLTE) was presented by Yoav (vCPE) and Yang (vVoLTE)

2. EPA support - Alex Vul has presented this concept. Several questions were asked and clarifications were provided. AI are:
A. Upload the presentation to wiki
B. Complete related ONAP Platform missing capabilities and R2 Architecture requirements
C. Discussion will continue over email list

3. R2 use cases proposals and task forces status
• Enterprise vCPE, SD-WAN – updates were provided, and responses were provided on the questions raised on wiki regarding similarity and potential harmonization of these use cases
• 5G
• ONAP Change management: Emmanouil will provide us with update whether this is split into ONAP missing Platform capabilities or kept as a use case proposal

4. General topics

• Initial outcomes from R2 use case planning discussion 

• Criteria for use case selection – initial input (from the recent TSC discussions) will be uploaded to wiki. Please extend the list.
• I will provide summary of TSC discussions on R2 use cases planning by Thursday this week (will wait few days more for getting more inputs)

5. Next meeting will be led by Long (China Telecom), Ievgen (NetCracker) and Yoav (Amdocs) presenting and discussion the topic of potential R-vCPE/E-vCPE/SD-WAN harmonization for R2