April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019

Hi All,

Yesterday during the meeting:

1. Borislav presented network slicing status in Dublin and we discussed way forward and need in VNFs/PNfs/simulators in order to move to the next step.
2. Alla presented working plan for the next Releases. What we initially planned for El Alto would, most likely, move to Frankfurt. https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Release+6+%28Frankfurt%29+proposed+use+cases+and+functional+requirements. This gives us more time for preparations to Frankfurt.
3. As we have more time now, Chaker proposed to start from business requirements description per each use case/functional requirements (top/down approach), add it to explanation. That would allow to find commonalities between a different use cases and clearer define what is new requirements and what can be based on the existing ones. Starting from the next meeting, we will start reviewing it. Owners – please extend your use cases/functional requirements descriptions correspondingly, by adding business level requirements firstly. Please let me know who will be ready to present next week already.

Best Regards, Alla