TSC 2021-09-30

TSC 2021-09-30

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly status

Honolulu Maintenance Status Review

  • Doc build issues discussed in the Doc slackl channel on during this morning's call  2021-09-30 Doc project meeting
  • Suggestion is that the Maintenance release goes forward with component release notes to be updated later 
    • pending component level release notes are:  CCSDK, Multicloud(release # is wrong), OOM, OOF
  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Honolulu maintenance release with the component level release notes for CCSDK, Multicloud, OOM & OOF to be completed by   
  • Honolulu daily results

Istanbul RC is on October 14th, 2021

Jakarta Release 

  • How to shift to "Agile"? Let's build a transformation plan (Ciaran Johnston , Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed))
    • publishing the roadmap reflects waterfall - everything released in May where actual case may be that component level content may be available earlier.
    • Important to both developers and consumers
  • As soon as all the requirements for one milestone are met projects may move to the next milestone  
  • Need a light-weight process for a project to communicate requirements have been met early
  • Smaller changes will help the OOM & integration teams.
  • Ciaran Johnston and Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) can have a workshop session on the process 

#AGREED the TSC approves the Jakarta release schedule as presented today in (v. 3) of https://wiki.onap.org/x/VIKfBg with the actual publishing of the schedule to be held in draft pending the outcome of the agile transformation workshop


  • Sonar Job ticket is being actively worked.
    • IT-22927 [seccom] Integrate webservice

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

TMF Forum/IPR Request - Latest update

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

CNF Task Force Presentation to the ONAP TSC:

  • Oct 7th: ASD Readout and ETSI CNF Package Evolution
  • Nov 4th: Jakarta Reqs (Implementation of ASD/ETSI CNF Packaging)
  • Nov 18th: Jakarta Reqs (Continuity of CNF O)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

#ACTION: Eric to present TSC Readout on 10/6 i.e. 2021 Consumption & projection

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

  • ONESummit - October 11 - 12 
    • PTLs and Subcommittees ask if standing meetings should be cancelled - take action to change meetings as needed.
  • TSC Call will be canceled on Nov 25th (Thanksgiving)
  • LFN Developer and Testing Forum, Week January 17th, Virtual Event
  • ONE Summit Europe, March 8-9, Antwerp
    • Proposal: 2 Day Developer Event March 10-11
    • Hotel Radisson (same space as last time)
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum, June TBD
    • Physical Event
    • Europe or Asia (preferred)

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:03 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
06:59:42 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
07:00:20 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:00:25 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:00:55 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:01:09 From  Jason Hunt  to  Everyone:
    #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:01:54 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:02:02 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:02:04 From  Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:02:04 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:02:27 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #info, catherine lefevre, att
07:07:36 From  Srini Addepalli (Intel)  to  Everyone:
    #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:07:42 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:08:18 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    Double booked so can’t join audio until my other meeting ends.
07:08:27 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    ok thanks
07:12:33 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:12:56 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    thank you
07:13:22 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    ^^Dong Wang :-)
07:17:36 From  Srini Addepalli (Intel)  to  Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message):
    Hi Kenny, when is new TSC going to take over?
07:18:37 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Srini Addepalli (Intel)(Direct Message):
    First meeting would be on the 14th.
07:18:52 From  Srini Addepalli (Intel)  to  Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message):
    Thanks Kenny
07:19:19 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Srini Addepalli (Intel)(Direct Message):
    Appreciate all of your contributions over the years :-D
07:22:35 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    SO (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-so/en/honolulu/release-notes.html#release-notes) - missing     CCSDK/CDS (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-ccsdk-distribution/en/honolulu/release-notes.html#release-notes) - missing     Multicloud (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-multicloud-framework/en/honolulu/release-notes.html#release-notes) - existing, but version 8.1.0 instead of 8.0.1     OOM (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-oom/en/honolulu/release-notes.html#release-notes) - missing     Policy (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-policy-parent/en/honolulu/release-notes.html#release-notes) - OK     DCAE (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-dcaegen2/en/honolulu/sections/release-notes.html#release-notes) - OK     OOF (https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-optf-osdf/en/honolulu/sections/release-notes.html#release-notes) - missing
07:24:05 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    So is done, commit on the way
07:27:57 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote does the TSC approve the Honolulu maintenance release with the component level release notes for CCSDK, Multicloud, OOM & OOF to be completed by 08 Oct 2021 ? +1, 0, -1
07:28:00 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:06 From  Srini Addepalli (Intel)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:07 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:07 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:07 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:08 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:08 From  Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:09 From  Jason Hunt  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:16 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:21 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1 - Thank you to all of you
07:28:28 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:28:36 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:29:16 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED the TSC approves the Honolulu maintenance release with the component level release notes for CCSDK, Multicloud, OOM & OOF to be completed by 08 Oct 2021  
07:48:55 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote Does the TSC approve the Jakarta release schedule as presented today in (v. 3) of https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/S4j7 with the actual publishing of the schedule to be held in draft pending the outcome of the agile transformation workshop? +1, 0, -1
07:49:00 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:02 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:02 From  Srini Addepalli (Intel)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:05 From  Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:07 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:10 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:10 From  Jason Hunt  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:22 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:30 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:32 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:41 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:42 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:49:49 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:53:53 From  Sai Seshu  to  Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message):
    Are you in India at the moment :)
07:56:06 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info IT-22927 [seccom] Integrate webservice
08:00:21 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Sai Seshu(Direct Message):
    nope. at home as usual.
08:01:23 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @eric - thanks
08:05:07 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    @Catherine, We will propose figures for Azure next week
08:18:31 From  Kevin Sandi (LFN)  to  Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message):
08:18:41 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:03:31 way.
07:03:37 Okay, good morning, good afternoon, good evening Good night, wherever you may be recording has been started. Everybody's muted when you come in please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking, if you're on a phone you can use star six to unmute yourself.
07:03:50 And if you send me a private chat message will become part of the public record because I cut and paste all that stuff into the meeting minutes.
07:04:02 Start off the meeting by talking about our anti trust policy.
07:04:06 You can find this link from the elf, and all the project websites policies important when we've got multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
07:04:18 Please review if you have any questions please contact companies legal counsel, members of the lF may also contact Andrew up to grow firm up the grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
07:04:37 And on today's agenda will talk about Honolulu.
07:04:45 We know that we're going to be talking about the doc.
07:04:49 Doc issues I don't think it's specifically listed here but I know that will be a topic of discussion today,
07:04:59 The
07:05:02 EMF forum,
07:05:05 quick update on that elections and other business. But let's start off with the release status, I will stop sharing.
07:05:26 I guess I need permission.
07:05:31 Kenny.
07:05:31 Oh, you didn't come in as you didn't come in as a somebody.
07:05:37 Yeah, I'm not sure what happened there.
07:05:46 All right, thank you.
07:05:51 So, since the,
07:05:55 the documentation build issue is kind of a big deal right now. Why don't we go ahead and get that out of the way. So I got word from the relevance team on slack this morning.
07:06:12 Excuse me that it appears that the issue has been resolved.
07:06:20 Thomas Are you on the call or Eric, can you comment on that. Can you confirm.
07:06:29 Yes. So, let's say, was Gruber he saw that and left docs library.
07:06:39 But there is a book
07:06:45 today as a different project are using some requirement five.
07:06:53 Well, although the requirements, in fact, is already suggestion of the package that timestamp.
07:07:02 And so as a result, the documentation center is failing.
07:07:09 We had this program with
07:07:14 project but we found a way to solve it.
07:07:17 So what we discussed just now in that meeting.
07:07:21 We propose to fix this program to the projects and needs a man nos realism on after will expand to as a project out to sort of.
07:07:32 Okay, so we still have some work to do to unblock the maintenance release, is that correct.
07:07:44 And here's Andreas. Yeah, so my, my suggestion would be.
07:07:48 We have the maintenance release.
07:07:54 Let's say the maintenance release note for the umbrella. So part in the, in the, in the main dock, we have it. Yeah, it's in there. The only pending issue is the maintenance release notes of the separate components.
07:08:12 We just have a fully, let's say, release note for policy. There are still release notes which are really completely missing like as all CDs or CC SDK.
07:08:31 And, or F, which are part of the of the maintenance release. But I think they can be delivered, when the pipelines have been fixed the functionality and, which is already in all em.
07:08:45 So in the om build. I think it is complete, in my opinion, maybe, if survivors here can confirm that so there will be no pending functionality changes, which are needed.
07:09:02 And so, I don't know whether it makes sense to to release them, the maintenance release and when the when, as I said, the, the, the fixes have been done to the pipelines.
07:09:20 Any way to read the read the docs for the components will be updated automatically and the release notes will be for the specific components will be then updated automatically.
07:09:30 So my suggestion would be to close that maintenance release.
07:09:37 Today, and deliver the release notes for this quarter specific components.
07:09:44 Then afterwards.
07:09:46 So if you look at the moment into docs own up. org, you will find in the release so the main release notes you will find the release notes. So the main really umbrella release note with the components which have been patched in that release, no indeed
07:10:05 maintenance means.
07:10:07 Okay, Thanks, Andreas thoughts about that.
07:10:14 I have only one question.
07:10:32 I don't know if you, you see my email today.
07:10:29 But, Bill hazard of the gating for the owner Luna was very good on Monday. But over the past days, it has declined. Particularly, so I don't know if it's because we already introducing new changes or not but I wanted to confirm with you that the doctor
07:10:44 are still good, or if we have been on the fire.
07:10:48 Another problem.
07:10:50 Catherine before we move into that can we just make sure that we have agreement on the documentation issue.
07:11:01 Does everyone is there are there any objections to the proposal that Andreas made about proceeding with the release and let the component release notes get updated later.
07:11:17 Well, I think before we say, let's continue with the release.
07:11:22 We need to be sure that the release is good for that. Yeah.
07:11:29 I'm trying to separate out issues.
07:11:29 So I just want to, I just want to clarify the documentation. All other issues aside is are assuming we go ahead with the release our people okay doing that.
07:11:44 Without the component, release notes for the time being. Are there any objections that.
07:11:52 Okay.
07:12:02 So, We know the content of the ad,
07:12:02 What's the once the release notes get automatically updated. Once the problem is resolved.
07:12:11 But yeah, It's true that they wouldn't be available immediately.
07:12:18 but it means that we cannot believe DVDs and say to the people that they can consume because then they will look at it, and there will be no information about the components.
07:12:31 Because maybe Mahal can can come on, but I believe functional content of the news. Okay, so that is it. To do the suggestion is that these two men Oscar is the condition is there.
07:12:56 But just to be seen some, some of it is not for two or three projects.
07:12:58 Yeah, the question what what Catherine is raising is that we have daily Honolulu.
07:13:08 Test executions which have been executed as a as I see now in the integration dailies on the 24th fifth and sixth.
07:13:20 As I'm not wrong so.
07:13:23 And I think the last one from. So the last change in Honolulu was done in Honolulu branch was done on the 21st so it should contain all the changes which have, which would be part of the Honolulu maintenance release and we, we, it is not completely hundred
07:13:43 percent.
07:13:48 Let's say successful there is still this of problem which we, which we have but this is not affected, or not, let's say, a problem let's say of the changes which have been done for the maintenance release right so as a general issue, we, we also face
07:14:04 in other environments at least what I see. And I have an homes health check problem seeing here at the least, which is also let's say not tested but you see that we have a basic clamp era,
07:14:25 which could be the CIE problem but i think i don't think that it's at least related, in my opinion, at least related to the fixes which has been done for the maintenance release but I'm not hundred percent sure.
07:14:40 Yeah, so we don't have 100%. As you know, we when we would expect, let's say, usually in the daily builds for the Honolulu brunch That's right.
07:14:57 problem is that we have not not continuously at the moment Honolulu automatic installations also in my lab in the DT lab we don't have that.
07:15:09 And that's a pity at the moment.
07:15:19 But no worries Andreas, I, because the figure we're so good, and then the hospital in the hub so that's why one point yeah, or not. If we have a good feeling about this I will really follow the recommendation of the integration team at it, I'm not there
07:15:30 to sue somebody just want to be sure that we didn't miss anything. And then my point regarding the documentation
07:15:43 is, we can proceed but if we say, if we understand that the owner luminance is available.
07:15:54 And people want to the glory.
07:15:59 I think that it would be okay because it's covered by om, but if they want more information about some project. This is where we are put on Sunday oh yeah right that's what you were trying to express.
07:16:12 Okay, so we put on surely take some risk but we if we contact your journey the PDL.
07:16:20 Maybe it's a question of one or two days to fix the problem. Okay, thank you to confirm my understanding what, just, just as a hidden so when, when I look at the daily pot, Honolulu results, also from August to where the fixes have not been introduced.
07:16:38 They look the same absolutely all as the same though the smoke use cases and the health check results as they are. after the maintenance release i don't i don't see where you say that it's that there was something at the beginning of the week completely
07:16:56 great and then something. Maybe you have looked at them yeah so so here's, but not on the Honolulu branch. So, Yeah, here's here's what happened. So you'll notice, so we put, we put the, The agenda together.
07:17:16 Yesterday, and we were looking, we're looking at these
07:17:22 results, but you see we get that sound okay that's.
07:17:30 Yesterday they were found. Yeah, so, at, at some point someone, someone deleted.
07:17:38 These results.
07:17:41 So I'm not quite sure why that happened, but so you can see that we were, this is what Catherine was referring to. So, so the results on the 29th. I think the smoke tests were at like 25% or something like that okay but if we, if we look at the results
07:17:59 from three days earlier. Yeah.
07:18:16 Yeah, that was what I mentioned, though they look the same as before the maintenance really started so with the, with the bottom for the bit the master release right it happened that way problem, the problem that that Catherine was pointing out is from
07:18:20 the 26th to the 29th. Yeah. The smoke tests went from 78% to like 25%, but those those results have been deleted deleted.
07:18:38 Most likely, because the dude. So what I want to explain is the La, la, latest or the latest change for the Honolulu maintenance release was on the 21st of sep tember.
07:18:50 So okay, there was no change between 26 and 29 so I expect that that wasn't that was a problem maybe on the, on the 29th of the general left let's say lab problem or something like that you know I'm done I don't know the, because it's in the orange lab
07:19:07 created.
07:19:09 And therefore, there were some other environmental issues but this is not as they wish.
07:19:14 Yeah, sorry, sorry to interrupt so I do see a response from Morgan indicating wider results after the 26 were failing and he seems like he cleared the results because I think they were moving the creating resources and that causes some load issues and
07:19:29 more failures, but he did confirm on the email pretty much whatever results were not on the weekend, that should be final encode whatever cases for five, I mean failed he had an explanation for those those as well in the email.
07:19:40 Okay.
07:19:42 We know software changes as I said, dangerous or something between 26 and 29. Right, so we can presume that that any failures for the result of some issue with the test infrastructure.
07:19:56 Okay.
07:19:57 All right, so that that's fine So, so then I guess we're left with the documentation issue.
07:20:04 So, you know, I think Catherine, you know, Catherine makes a good point about, you know, wanting to make sure that we do a release that has all of the components.
07:20:18 Release Notes.
07:20:21 But, you know, on the other hand, you know we have a, we have a proposal to go ahead and, and move forward with just the main release notes so I guess it's up to the TASC.
07:20:35 Do we want to delay the maintenance release further until we have the documentation issues sorted, or do we want to proceed with the release.
07:20:48 I understand there is only three projects with this issue so my feedback to the deities that we keep going because otherwise it will mean like keeping going.
07:21:01 We believe it, because otherwise it will continue to burn us from how, why we are trying also to finish assemble, but I would like to have the list of projects, because I would like that we follow up with the project.
07:21:17 We did not provide these yet, so we can close the deal within the next two three days, but I would not be against the fact that we kind of looks like Russell no feedback because I want to recognize the huge work performed by all the project team, and
07:21:34 also by the integration and the documentation team to ensure that we, we have this gaping up so that's my feedback.
07:21:44 But maybe other people if all the feedback.
07:21:49 And specifically, the list of of pending components that need release notes are.
07:21:58 I put it into chat to go in the chat. I'm the go at least my list, which I have in the, in the chat for the previous meeting.
07:22:11 Well, I will put it here in the chat now Okay, what is what I what I feel so.
07:22:17 So the Ok, I will try to say, make it shorter so I have to complete this.
07:22:32 Okay.
07:22:37 Okay, it's a little bit longer. So basically as always missing CDC SDK is missing.
07:22:45 Multi cloud has as its existing but has just one small typo, which is release name number is not 810 but 801 OM is missing still policies okay DCI, he is popular okay there is this, because of the build failure they have already some release note but
07:23:07 this has to be updated, according to the failing build.
07:23:12 This will be doing a gun.
07:23:14 When the when the fix is done so as Eric said, this is, this is ongoing. and
07:23:24 this is a feast has been fixed.
07:23:44 The question has been. But now we need to revise your patch in your reason up so forth seems to be okay but how far as I did some patch for so far away from the tissues the cars are reserved to your building central to work.
07:23:46 So let's, let's have a look on your on Garrett.
07:24:05 So for of looking at the at the
07:24:10 at the
07:24:14 essential set as it was done.
07:24:20 Okay.
07:24:18 On the way, yeah.
07:24:21 Thanks.
07:24:32 Okay. So, are we prepared to put forward a vote based upon cc SDK multi cloud. Ribbit, ribbit, changing the release number.
07:24:50 Om and of being pending.
07:25:04 Silence means agreement.
07:25:08 Yes. Yes, to be sure I'm not sure I understood the sentence so you are asking if we are approved to sign off demand and cities, right, because you were mentioning bending no we keep going right well to have a boat, on, on the release i think is what Kenny
07:25:32 was asking a cycle.
07:25:32 Today, why we continue to finalize the release note that the question.
07:25:38 Sorry I want to be sure.
07:25:42 Jimmy. Well, similar to what we've done in other releases from time to time over the year it's we sign off on the we approve the release with the, with provisions that the release notes are to be completed within X number of days.
07:26:03 Yeah, I think you're in violent agreement.
07:26:07 I'm looking at ending the processor I just wanted to validate my understanding, thank you.
07:26:18 Okay, do you want to write the boat text, Kenny up.
07:26:42 I guess I can type it into the.
07:26:47 Yeah, yeah let me put it in there and then people can see it as, as I'm going here.
07:27:07 weighted by what date.
07:27:12 Let's say
07:27:16 the eighth.
07:27:21 Yeah.
07:27:24 October eight.
07:27:26 What happened there.
07:27:35 Okay.
07:27:38 I look like the correct vote.
07:27:42 I'm dropping it into the chat window.
07:27:59 There it is.
07:28:22 10 more seconds.
07:28:38 Okay, and it passes. Thank you folks.
07:28:50 Yeah, there are a couple of outstanding issues.
07:28:56 Andreas or Eric can we get this, this one closed, Doc 763.
07:29:07 Yeah, it's good because.
07:29:08 Okay, I'll go ahead and close it now.
07:29:27 All right.
07:29:31 Thank you.
07:29:34 And then there was one other OM 2831.
07:29:41 It's.
07:29:44 We should shut the check with with Yvonne because he has read, we had fixed the back but he had not merged yet.
07:29:54 I'm expecting.
07:29:56 So we should check with the server. So it's not in the om build at the moment. And I'm wondering, I was wondering whether you know why why.
07:30:07 Yeah. Yeah. Can we remove it from the Honolulu maintenance release.
07:30:14 Yeah, I think so.
07:30:17 All right.
07:30:48 All right.
07:30:50 Thank you.
07:30:54 Okay.
07:30:57 So, you can.
07:31:01 There's a link in here to the, the weekly status that I sent out yesterday, just want to highlight the fact that we did.
07:31:12 If I think everyone remembers that the TSA approved em for a couple of weeks ago, a condition on
07:31:24 closing.
07:31:26 Some remaining milestone tasks and coming up with a plan for tracking, best practices and global requirements. And so we have met.
07:31:44 We have met those conditions.
07:31:47 I checked that earlier this week. So, im for is in the books.
07:31:53 Next, coming up is the release candidate, on October 14.
07:32:03 I need to get some clarification from the PTS on, because we we added another milestone and, and changed how we approach the release candidate so I need to get some clarification from the PTS on the, the milestone tasks and where, where they should be
07:32:27 and so on. So, I'll take care of that on Monday and then publish the, the milestone tasks on Monday.
07:32:39 All right.
07:32:42 Let's see.
07:32:44 Next step the Jakarta release.
07:32:48 I put together a proposal we talked about it in this meeting.
07:32:53 A little. Let's see last week and agreed that we would vote on it today. I didn't receive any comments, over the past week, on the proposal.
07:33:06 Does anyone have any questions or, or comments, are we prepared to move forward with a vote on the Jakarta schedule.
07:33:19 Yeah, I don't know if the notes in the minutes there from Magnus and Karen are
07:33:30 relevant to the schedule approval, or if it's after approval how we get there.
07:33:40 I think it's about what the messages from, from this I mean the the picture, and the of the of the roadmap, we think is should be changed a bit to show the agility.
07:33:58 I don't think we question the dates on the milestones.
07:34:04 But it's, it's about the, the message that we send by by publishing this kind of roadmaps. That was the main sort of objection we had
07:34:24 it. Basically, rather than looking agile it looks, it appears to be highly waterfall. Yeah, I think that people anyone who looks at this would say, when can I get access to functions in, in, in Jakarta When can I get this requirements.
07:34:42 Well, me next year.
07:34:46 And in practice, we actually could be looking at sort of deliveries from the different projects or the constellation of projects much earlier. And that should should be sort of visible in some way to to the community.
07:35:04 So I guess that's it's the message that we send by, by, sort of, having this kind of release plan.
07:35:15 That is, can be less optimal.
07:35:26 Frank is saying I think that, you know, we have an opposite issue, quite a lot right be postponed some milestones I don't think that we have many occasions when we actually released the staff prior to what we commit.
07:35:45 Right. And then, this is a real error, think and i think that also earlier.
07:35:51 We did such with him, we release the release plan so I want to say I don't see any issue in doing the same thing. Now,
07:36:01 the point we were trying to raise was that if you have an indication of a culture of intuitively releasing regularly smaller regular small updates, often, then you event you effectively de risk, the impact of a large integration effort happening towards
07:36:17 the end of the project.
07:36:19 And that was the the Russian, one of the rationale is why we thought it would be useful and important to indicate both to developers that it's possible for them to to do that regular intro to release and then also to the consumers of the software that
07:36:35 maybe earlier deliveries that they can take if they want to.
07:36:38 So that we then have an opportunity throughout the project to ensure that we're not sort of back happening.
07:36:45 A lot of the potential sort of large integration issues that might arise if we don't do that. So it's kind of to move towards a culture of, you know release early release often, and to bed early integrated often yes will come with a full Jakarta release
07:37:01 in the time that's indicated here, but we will in the interim have, you know, a pretty good line of sight of any of the major challenges that we're going to have in the meantime.
07:37:11 Yeah, i think that it's an important point and make some sense.
07:37:17 So, the milestones that we have here are a little bit different than the one that we know from for example wt or allowed to say, Well, we've been working on the new release gathers we've been trying to kind of shift towards add.
07:37:32 But, look, make the revolution.
07:37:35 For for the community.
07:37:36 community. Just because we still need to continue shipping the software while we are changing our process.
07:37:42 So I just wanted to make sure that you're aware that for example the M one milestone that doesn't, or to specifically where we have a spec freeze.
07:37:55 It doesn't mean that you need to wait for example to feel em to get your spec approved.
07:38:08 The deal is that as soon as you have it ready as soon as you didn't make sure that all the requirements are met, I mean you have green light from ppl you have green light from architecture.
07:38:14 As soon as as you have that you may start implementing it and even.
07:38:26 You can ship that to the om way before and that's perfectly fine with me. Really is in the sense is the final date by which you need to get your respect approved.
07:38:32 If you fail to do it, you may continue working on that in the next release, but if you manage to get your respect approved. This is something that potentially can be a part of this release.
07:38:48 So how do we message that is the fundamental question here.
07:38:56 That's a very good question, and I'm not a great person to.
07:39:02 I believe that there is way more better people than me to create
07:39:10 it Oh, I know so hope people know because indeed there are feature know earlier, we also need to be sure, it's already documented so I liked it. We see here we, we, we, we have some issue with the release notes of owners.
07:39:27 Right, so we want to be sure that if something is available, earlier we also need to have a process to communicate or in a way that it's not lost on a wiki, but it's already written in the release notes so thing we need, we probably need a new transformation
07:39:49 plan to highlight the whole weekend communicate is a feature is available earlier that the No.
07:39:57 No heads and. And what we have done is some component was arriving late, my break discrete later is the gating is enough. So, I think Allison also have to be done, but I agree that we should communicate better the fact that BTL can they blocked all the
07:40:18 the time they can do so heads, all the time these days are really poor morality checkpoints perspective.
07:40:27 So if there are some people who want to.
07:40:31 And I know down in magnitude already moved on to for that but if we can not only work on the messaging but also hope people can document it when they finish something that will be.
07:40:46 That will be great.
07:41:08 I think we need some kind of lightweight process area you're perfectly right, Catherine in. In, when you, when you make this sort of frequent releases or deliveries, that you you show with what you've done and it shouldn't be a lot of, of, well, overhead
07:41:15 for the details, but there should be some, some quality measure on, on what you, what you what you what you have.
07:41:25 When you deliver.
07:41:44 We can put it into the.
07:41:44 m.
07:41:42 We could set up a walking group who will really try to see how we can define a process to allow people to deliver earlier yd still committed until the end of the release, if something break, and I'm the same time.
07:42:02 Bryce to work on the messaging, for me, there are two cars messaging,
07:42:08 or even three messaging process and ensuring, and I don't want to send nQm team but we don't have a lot of commuters today.
07:42:28 You know, the project team deliver more frequently. Do we need to make a call to the community to provide more people to the OMTO we don't have any problems.
07:42:43 We always need more people, and we are working to accept them.
07:42:48 But I, you know, the thing with releasing more often is that even if you've put more pressure in the game, usually either set of changes inside the container is smaller.
07:43:00 It's way easier to integrate the example for with policy charts that are being added this release, if that is a single patch that contains a few thousand lines of new charts that that's still something that we can easily integrate other on the other hand,
07:43:30 when they managed to split that into five, or even 10 different patches that something way easier to integrate and working step by step and, you know, adding a small bunch of features, at the time, that's really something that helps us rather than disturbs
07:43:33 us.
07:43:36 Doesn't make sense to hold the team wants to proceed. I think we if Dan and Magnus could lead us towards formation plan.
07:43:49 We can potentially the candidate, as it. And, and I had Nick on mini slack.
07:43:59 If, if the PDL because I think the pitcher is also a lot to say, believe that they can do.
07:44:08 They can deliver more often, or not I think it's also discussion with the PTS to see what they can can do this. Some, some team is very small some chemo villa.
07:44:21 I don't know any other, so to see how we can move forward.
07:44:27 So I think my goodness, I'd be happy to run a workshop, maybe to present some potential ideas and take a discussion on how we can maybe with a very lightweight process bring something like this together, which we can then connected back to the TASC maybe
07:44:44 that can result in an extra line of that perhaps to be sent an example which looked I think of it like Christmas tree lights or something but you know maybe just an extra line that indicates potential trip drops over a period of time to this, and then
07:44:58 we'll also maybe have a very very lightweight process for doing so.
07:45:05 Sorry, go ahead
07:45:10 and record the session because so whatever the location of the team is they can also review and understand better what you're trying to accomplish.
07:45:25 Magnus.
07:45:37 No, no, just that I propose that we that we can vote on the dates for the milestones today but but but wait with the publishing the, the picture is it looks like now as an official document.
07:45:46 Until we have had that workshop and have had time to discuss this a bit
07:45:56 good position. Anybody have any questions or feedback to provide
07:46:14 you Hey Catherine This is Dan I think one thing that probably is may be helpful to distinguish is that when we talk about doing like multiple drops.
07:46:13 We find you to distinguish between changes that are like not breaking versus non breaking. So when we when we talk about release milestones those, those are when we would do like changes to like interfaces that are potentially breaking.
07:46:28 So probably as we're doing our planning, we need to somehow distinguish between like minor things that are transparent that don't have to be aligned with other projects versus things that feel
07:46:45 like you're making a breaking change if you update all the components that you have if you can collaborate with other ppl steps, not an issue to do that earlier.
07:46:56 So true.
07:47:08 Yeah, I'm just saying I'm just saying that on the opposite end of that if you're making a change that's not a breaking change with that can go out whatever.
07:47:07 I think the key. This truly not break.
07:47:10 Yes, it's a.
07:47:12 Its. We should not break the belt.
07:47:26 That's the, the key success to deliver earlier that sometime in need to recognize that maybe one two component might be broken for a while because it's a huge change in the interface, whatever.
07:47:32 But the whole that we try to promote this what you just said, Don't break the biz.
07:47:36 Okay.
07:47:38 I think we have a way to move forward.
07:47:42 Any other feedback from the team.
07:47:54 And we don't publish officially. So we, it will remain until until we have a bit of messaging as suggested by a mechanism can today.
07:48:06 Thank you.
07:48:09 Okay, so
07:48:13 if you want to pop back to the
07:48:20 meeting minutes David, I've typed the vote in there so folks can take a look at it before I paste.
07:48:32 Now, on the bottom, the PSC approve the Jakarta release schedule is presented today v3 of the document.
07:48:38 There's the link with the actual publishing of the schedule to be held in draft pending the outcome of the Agile transformation workshop. Does that sound correct.
07:48:51 Yeah.
07:48:56 There you go.
07:49:33 get 10 more seconds.
07:50:00 And that passes as well. All right, that's it for me Kenny.
07:50:09 Okay.
07:50:14 So we talked.
07:50:18 We talked about the documentation issue, are there other.
07:50:26 Are there other relevant topics for today.
07:50:34 Now for my second
07:50:45 senior senior opening tickets on
07:50:50 for QC are requested by sitcom to, to enable to, to use so now to to verify to God before rejecting it. Yes.
07:51:03 I actually pulling Kevin to help us out with this, um, I been guiding him on what needs to be done because I, I got pulled into another task but yesterday I was able to complete that task that I was pulled on so I can come back and check with Kevin, how
07:51:23 how are we going to go by adjusting this on our job so that he can verify after, after every change he's created likely we're going to end up with a second copy of this on our job, it seems like Kevin's on the line.
07:51:41 Hi, Kevin.
07:51:43 I can pick up with you on the stoner I know that you've been looking into.
07:51:47 into how the stoner job works and what is it doing right now versus what we're wanting to accomplish. So I can, I can sync up with you later today.
07:51:59 I'm just going to briefly go to the OSS
07:52:04 location and and come back but it shouldn't be too long.
07:52:08 Okay, sounds good. Thank you.
07:52:20 Can somebody just dropped that ticket number to the chat for me, when you get a chance
07:52:30 to find Kevin endure endure Jay Z.
07:52:45 Okay.
07:52:50 So, Well that's being done.
07:52:52 Moving on.
07:52:55 Tm forum IPR request.
07:52:59 This is my screw up, plain and simple.
07:53:03 I had a conversation with Heather.
07:53:08 I thought she was taking it she thought I was taking it either that happened.
07:53:14 Neither that happened. I am addressing it with our pit carpets, working from India this week so that's where we are that had this realization yesterday so my apologies that's 100% on me.
07:53:38 Moving on.
07:53:40 The NF Task Force.
07:54:01 Going to be presentation on the seventh, the TLC presentation on the 14th and presentation
07:54:07 on the.
07:54:10 I'm sorry I'm not sharing MI.
07:54:18 Okay, there we go.
07:54:21 So, there are the things in the CNF Task Force.
07:54:27 They'll be taking place
07:54:31 for folks to be aware of, in, zoom is doing some really odd things for me today.
07:54:41 Any update from this morning's call that anyone wants to share.
07:54:48 Not so much we're on track for October 7 presentation.
07:54:59 Okay so moving on elections. I have sent out the ballots, the numbers that are being displayed here as of last night I have not looked this morning.
07:55:14 There were 40 emails that bounced.
07:55:18 I have done as much possible outreach, as I can to try and address those bounced emails.
07:55:29 Some were blocked at company firewalls, somewhere blocked at other firewalls.
07:55:38 And, you know, a fair number of them just popped up as user unknown so I've done plenty of outreach there.
07:55:48 As of yesterday at for people that voted.
07:55:52 And I had manually disabled six of the addresses, because those were from the group of bounced emails and change those ballots to go to a new address.
07:56:09 So know voted been cast.
07:56:14 And I was able to disable that and then send out the ballot to the address that the person preferred so there's where we are on that.
07:56:40 Could you please double check that you sent me the ballot, because I haven't done email with that. I do not have it in my inbox and I searched it, like, at least three times. Is it in your day and I assume you check junk.
07:56:44 Yes.
07:56:46 I checked john john I checked all the spam folders. Okay, so I'll not set up folders.
07:57:02 Okay.
07:56:56 I'm happy to do so. As I said in the mail.
07:56:59 Just for for everyone else.
07:57:03 If you didn't get a ballot, please send email to PMO at own app.org that will flag it for me to go take a look.
07:57:17 please do that, Christoph I've taken the note here and I, when we hang up the call I'll go take a look.
07:57:23 Cool. Thank you.
07:57:35 Jesse votes will be kicked off for the Honolulu awards by the THC
07:57:44 and then Catherine did you want to
07:57:49 talk a little bit about the word proposal.
07:57:58 Yes.
07:57:58 So for the elephant board. I think I've done the mission.
07:58:07 Seven. Today, we are still one action items that will be stuck with the tech team and depending on the feedback.
07:58:32 I don't know if you want me to share with no yeah let me stop sharing.
07:58:26 Make sure that you have your ability.
07:58:32 There you go.
07:58:48 bang,
07:58:48 bang, you feel as a good.
07:58:58 Philip you see the presentation.
07:59:02 So what I've been saying, from last time I've organized a little bit dot php flexing a priority order.
07:59:10 With that was just the organizing too I like that.
07:59:15 We really need some help contributing to the Friday ticket looping and highlighted the several activities which are contributing to this objective.
07:59:28 I think that's the the main item that I had this in the previous version.
07:59:35 and change as well. And there is speaker note to make the link with, with the Google items.
07:59:43 Since I he organized the previous slide, you can get a feel good I have this one.
07:59:48 In the following older, as well, what it is highlighted in blue is some old to stuff to be some awareness of what we do next, that's full of samples 22 is not completed this year.
08:00:04 No major change except the reorganize the organization and I also change the wording for my life, and before he puts position.
08:00:17 On the next slide.
08:00:17 I bought this new matrix, it was suggested to consider CPS highlighting it but I've been thinking a little bit differently.
08:00:26 I saw that highlighting the active project could somehow
08:00:38 promote the fact that originally when we kick off.
08:00:37 Civil our users ago we had 33 new projects in place.
08:00:42 And because we are constantly evaluating ourselves.
08:00:47 We had one new project for sure which is a CBS which is bringing a lot of value.
08:00:53 and then two projects have been comfortable. I meant clamp was the feature glamour has been embedded into policy as cost of this movie. And I know that you have been replaced or is going to be replaced, especially you know as by another book normally,
08:01:17 etc.
08:01:17 So that's what I call to transform projects, and six projects has been maintained. I don't think I need to name to the board but it was just Twilight call we have called form form from the inception.
08:01:33 And today, we have 23 projects. The data here I've been addicted to, to last night.
08:01:41 We need to submit the deck on the fourth. So I will probably have a check, hopefully, if we are in the good ballpark figures for the matrix.
08:01:52 On the fourth as. On the October 4 of word.
08:01:59 Concerning the next slide.
08:02:03 And again I reorganized a little bit the order. There was no major changes that they've made based on your feedback.
08:02:16 And finally, in addition to the cosmetic.
08:02:20 I was mostly, trying to watch just the common I receive, where we need to get some people on the boat festival.
08:02:32 I just want to be sure that the widget will continuously be allocated to support the data availability, within the three regions synchronize them.
08:02:53 Just the wording that I changed nothing special.
08:02:57 And I shift a little bit. The older home proposed because one of the question that I have in mind, we have been trying to get attention for Google.
08:03:07 And at one point they were committing somehow to provide some infrastructure.
08:03:14 And the reason why I put here before asking my next question is because this is the Google team, stand up. We might have an opportunity to review of infrastructure budget request.
08:03:27 If not, the fourth line or the main rally.
08:03:32 And then I was also highlighting the fact of all math because we we try to monetize as much as we can own up tackling different domain neighborhood donation that was the initial basic, we, we tackle, somehow, the open space as being passed from component
08:03:54 is part of the demo.
08:04:14 And recently we had an opportunity to defy the blueprint to tackle the enterprise and vertical markets so have been one mask, as a cigar and a cigar and go to tell us exactly what they need, would be a huge difference so we can diversify.
08:04:21 You know, the, the enterprise use case accordingly.
08:04:24 So that's why I can get older, then of course, depending on the feedback.
08:04:29 We know we still want to, to engage more funding into a message you're getting.
08:04:38 And I was also asking to Rick if he can provide a legal potentially next week, about how we consume a little bit Anastasia that we helped a lot to build the case of the one and find any like pistol space.
08:05:08 Previously, we are still really a lot to do from a security integration and all one perspective, We have an excellent theme. But if there are additional company to focus on the non functional requirements.
08:05:12 It is more than welcome. We'll, we'll go faster.
08:05:17 We will improve faster or production readiness.
08:05:20 So that's the major changes I don't know there is any additional feedback from the team
08:05:31 No.
08:05:36 Sharing back to you, Kenny.
08:05:43 Okay, I'm just a quick.
08:05:44 Yeah, let me go back to sharing here first.
08:05:49 Just a quick note to Eric
08:05:56 need a little bit more than, than figures on this.
08:06:00 We have absolutely no visibility into consumption at all until we get the bill and Azure does not bill on a consistent basis. So, we can't build trend lines we can't do anything so we're going to need have to have some model in place.
08:06:23 Going forward, for regular readouts in terms of consumption, so that we can at least plot this stuff because sometimes they won't bill us for three months.
08:06:34 And other times we'll get two bills a month so it's it's it's extremely frustrating thing on our end.
08:06:43 So hopefully that that all made sense.
08:06:47 But, given what would you expect.
08:06:56 Well, certainly.
08:07:00 The, the Azure environment is, is, is managed by is managed by orange. So
08:07:12 you guys have
08:07:16 have the visibility into what the actual use is and and how it's being used so if there's.
08:07:25 Whatever.
08:07:27 Whatever trending or, or what we can do.
08:07:33 That's,
08:07:36 that's what we don't have visibility into so I mean when when when one time we get a bill and I'm making numbers up for the sake of the conversation. one time we'll get a bill for $100.
08:07:51 And then we don't get a bill for a couple months and then we get one that's several thousand dollars.
08:08:01 That's, that's problem because it doesn't
08:08:06 figuring that into the, the overall spend and trend and everything else that the Finance Committee needs
08:08:15 that that's where we run into the issue so if we can see some some some statistics on consumption on a regular basis.
08:08:28 Basically, we as the as the users of this need to fill in the gaps where that that actors are providing to us because of their weird billing cycles.
08:08:41 Okay.
08:08:44 I believe that you got access to death row, but I will check if you someone from NF.
08:08:52 I believe that someone from Fs also access to the, to the dashboard where we can see the consumption, but I can check that.
08:09:01 If you could take the action that will be great, because I don't think the as Alexis, but if you can provide the name to Nikki about was the access grow up with this person.
08:09:14 And then next week, it would be nice to have a consumption view right if you can build a graph or can expect on the console, whatever, Twilight.
08:09:38 A little bit the trend.
08:09:32 And, and remind people about what, what's the purpose of it we know it's about the thing but just, I was picking if we don't ever kind of it.
08:09:44 People, because I know they were sharing some data about the activity.
08:09:56 But it looked like it. It's a report with tickets that iPhone so far.
08:10:14 But that's what it is really needed so what's the plan for this year, for example, on January, till September.
08:10:08 And also, if you have some projection as one.
08:10:12 Is it is it over to the skinny internet access to the Linux Foundation so they can Oh yeah, I am.
08:10:24 I don't, I don't know what we have access to or what we don't. But this isn't the resource that we manage it all the only thing that we manage is maintaining an account to charge against.
08:10:35 That's it.
08:10:37 So, this is, this is a 100% community managed resource. We just pay the bill.
08:11:14 And I, for that for the number one that you've typed there into the
08:11:21 window, this request is coming from lf it.
08:11:26 This is coming from Steve.
08:11:30 So, I don't think the number one there is a is
08:11:40 speeding.
08:11:43 Well I know I me, and there.
08:11:50 The way.
08:11:51 Yeah, that's what I'm saying is, is that first point that first point is, is.
08:12:03 No,
08:12:03 you think it is not okay okay because, because I'll fit his perspective on it the LS perspective on it is this is 100% community managed resource.
08:12:17 Okay, so you don't want to be left to relax.
08:12:23 so that you won't get an access to.
08:12:37 To compare the bill, with the consumption consumption.
08:12:38 You don't want them. Okay.
08:13:13 I don't know if I upload the audio.
08:13:14 but we you.
08:13:15 Okay.
08:13:19 Okay so yeah that's that's that's it right there.
08:13:24 Okay, so misunderstood the request.
08:13:29 But I think it's a beautiful interesting for the TLC to understand so if I'm challenge from the pictures I can defend better what we need.
08:13:41 All right, I think you're okay we do ask.
08:13:47 Yes, yes, yes.
08:13:51 Okay.
08:13:54 Just keep this topic for now, because if we have time I would like to tackle this topic with maybe the older items that you want to highlight Kenny first
08:14:08 know, basically it's the project lifecycle is the next is the next piece here.
08:14:19 Basically it's the project lifecycle is the next is the next piece here. Um, so we can just shift to the events. I'm considering that we've got one summit coming up.
08:14:29 Do we want to cancel the standing meetings on the 11th and 12th mean the ppl code, right.
08:14:50 No, the core of the community decision. Yes.
08:14:53 Does anybody have a feeling about that.
08:14:59 Because you will need to shift, if you want to add them to view on it, you might want to shift.
08:15:06 You know what,
08:15:09 let me double check. I should have done this before hand Let me double check on the start times are for that, because it may not matter. it's 6pm.
08:15:20 Central European Time, that the summit start with 9am PST.
08:15:26 Oh yeah, so we're, we were. That's after all of our normal meeting so, Yeah.
08:15:36 So, nevermind.
08:15:39 I just defaulted there thinking, start times like we normally do for our dev events.
08:15:47 And as I was talking I realized that it might not be
08:15:53 except people have to work around the clock then.
08:15:59 So that's I think the question is still valid.
08:16:03 Maybe we could invite the people who are hosting these events, we can, we can ask to their community. Next week, If they want to concern.
08:16:17 They are meeting on the 11th and 12th so each group PPS it committee, a task force by everybody we have activities during these days, should communicate to their team.
08:16:35 Next week, during the week or if they want to maintain or not.
08:16:39 And then if they want to report the status to Kenny or to delete directly the instance in the agenda. That's probably the better way to do it. To delete the instance in the agenda.
08:16:56 If you do not intend to maintain the call or communicate to your hope people will not be surprised if you don't own your meeting on this date.
08:17:09 Okay.
08:17:16 that's it.
08:17:18 Okay, so then I can. Is there anybody wants to bring any item concern or question, because I would like to have keywords of all the, the QC to do to protect life cycle.
08:17:36 No.
08:17:38 Okay, um, I have been.
08:17:43 So I don't know if people had an opportunity to review some comments that I sent.
08:17:50 So maybe I should I like, I will, I will, if you want me to share can try again.
08:18:01 The one.
08:18:07 the screen, but I need to.
08:18:10 So we are discussing this, so Kenny, I cannot remember Can you post in the chat.
08:18:17 What was the link where we we pulled the documents are the ones that we tried to find it. But like, what, what I would like to do is not to start to bring someone on the call, but I would like to understand from the TC.
08:18:36 Do they prefer to work directly on the wiki, and we sit the big one we we freeze for you all to gather the note.
08:18:44 One we we freeze the you all together the note. Or have you another proposal, to, to, to continue to work on the other parts of the feature that we are looking at it.
08:18:56 When we get the work. So is there any proposition or better way to do it.
08:19:08 Like we did the composition case the composition.
08:19:12 And maybe I will ask you to submit your common by the 14.
08:19:17 And at the same time to give you some suggestion that I was proposing as well.
08:19:25 I'm trying to find news email while I was discussed while I'm discussing with you, because I can remember in which mailing list. I submit them.
08:19:41 So those it sounds okay if we work on the, the wiki page.
08:19:46 And I'm not sure what, what's the wiki page so that's one of the big pushes, which can you can sell it.
08:19:54 Yeah, the, the, I've dropped the link into the chat.
08:20:04 Here we go.
08:20:10 And I'm adding it.
08:20:14 Yeah.
08:20:19 And I think we need to use the making of the.
08:20:24 How do we do to not do provide the vision here. Right.
08:20:32 We can look anyway, we cannot, the idea okay, I mean, I can provide the information on that.
08:20:39 Okay.
08:20:43 So, any we provide information to see you know we can provide feedback.
08:20:47 And then in the 14 is a good day to have a first preview about the change you want to implement it is too early.
08:21:04 I'm feeling alone.
08:21:09 more question for the community. Right.
08:21:23 Okay, well let's let's let's start at the 14th and,
08:21:30 if so, if we can have an action to have these when we can work.
08:21:44 And then,