TSC 2021-03-04

TSC 2021-03-04

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By


Silence Update

Release Status 


Istanbul: Roadmap will be presented to the PTL on 3/8 and then to TSC on 3/11



  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
  • LFX Review reschedule on 3/18


PTL Updates

Doc, Portal

  • Doc:  Contract Update
  • Portal - any Community interest?
  • #AGREED the TSC approves a TSC initiated PTL election for Portal 


TCC / ONAP Liaison Update


Approved Liaison Statement from ETSI ISG NFV to ONAP and CNCF


Task Force Update
CNF, Maintenance, ONAP Enterprise

#1 Maintenance Task Force wiki: “Project State: Maintenance” proposal. 

Deck: ONAP_Project_Maintenance.pdf

Final TSC vote on 3/18

#2 CNF Task Force:

  • Schedule re-adjusted after clock changes - before any TSC meeting starting the week of March 15th
  • OVP/ONAP CNF Badging discussions scheduled next week on 3/9

#2 ONAP Enterprise - TSC Task Force: ONAP for Enterprise Business


TSC Activities and Deadlines



Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Clock Changes:

  • March 14th, 2021 (US)
  • March 28th, 2021 (Europe)
  • No change in India, China

Zoom Chat Log 

05:51:09 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic roll call
05:58:53 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
05:58:56 From Alla Goldner : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:00:01 From bin.yang@windriver.com : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:00:02 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : #info Seshu huawei
06:00:17 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
06:00:17 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
06:00:49 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:01:25 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:01:32 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
06:01:40 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:02:12 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:02:22 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
06:05:07 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Privately) : Can we have a recording of the anti trust policy to play every meeting ;)
06:08:18 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei)(Privately) : :-)
06:08:36 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) : #info Catherine Lefevre
06:09:19 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) : Congrats team for M3 milestone !
06:10:02 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic Documentation Contract
06:11:28 From Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson) : #info Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson) substituting for Ciaran Johnston
06:11:39 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : @magnus thanks
06:14:26 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar (AT&T) : For DCAE-MOD, there is documentation here - https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-dcaegen2/en/latest/sections/design-components/DCAE-MOD/DCAE-MOD-User-Guide.html But any further improvement/suggestions are welcomed.
06:35:41 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic portal project
06:36:02 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : PTL no longer available to work on the project
06:36:09 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #AGREED the TSC approves a TSC initiated PTL election for Portal 
06:36:43 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic ETSI liaison statement
06:38:07 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic project maintenance
06:50:22 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : Vote on the project maintenance state will take place at the TSC meeting on the 18th
06:51:20 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic CNF Taskforce
06:53:41 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-cnf-taskforce
07:14:46 From Eric Debeau : Can you share the wiki link in the chat ?
07:16:37 From Chaker Al-Hakim : https://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/uncategorized/darpa-and-the-linux-foundation-create-open-software-initiative-to-accelerate-us-rd-innovation-5g-end-to-end-stack/
07:18:06 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : Open Programmable Secure
07:19:40 From Brandon Wick : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Honolulu+Release+Key+Updates
07:25:31 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) : Congrats Dan, Jim & Morgan !!!!
07:26:25 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) : Congrats Pawel, Krzysztof, Marcin, Bartosz, Ajay and Jim !!!
07:26:39 From Alla Goldner : Congratulations!!!
07:27:33 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) : Congrats Demo Doers !!!
07:29:27 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Congratulations to all the winners!!
07:30:39 From Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson) : @Kenny, when will you publish the winners?
07:31:45 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : Need to leave, sorry
07:32:20 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-networking-and-edge-exec-forum

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

06:04:40 And a few things on the agenda.
06:04:44 We did originally have an L effects review scheduled for today.
06:04:48 I got for confirmation that switching from the product team could attend, and then forgot to invite him to the meeting in a timely fashion. So, I will need to reschedule that that's my dropping the ball
06:05:05 will get an update on the documentation contract, and the discussion on the portal project well we want to do their.
06:05:25 Look at a liaison statement.
06:05:22 and then couple things on task force. The NF.
06:05:36 The, the project state Task Force, and then enterprise. Then talk about an alignment between on app or NFC, and then hop into TLC to Dotto will cover the awards and some other housekeeping here.
06:05:53 Anything that
06:05:58 anything that anyone else wants to
06:06:03 add.
06:06:05 Okay anyone else wants to add to the agenda.
06:06:08 Yeah, okay one open item was regarding the change of the dashboard right about elephant insights dashboard.
06:06:20 That's that one.
06:06:22 That was reading had any in the current dashboard of elephant sites we don't have the
06:06:29 comments i mean i'm talking about the comics actually we only have commits and we do have only like it was but not the final, what you call that.
06:06:41 So, just as a concert, it was a small mistake.
06:06:44 So I was talking about the dashboard levels before beats is just some correction right so you said you will get back to us, based on the availability of the resource for that.
06:06:52 That was an open item from the past efficiencies.
06:06:55 Yes, and that's exactly what I've got highlighted here on the screen, that's the one where I said I confirmed he could attend and then forgot to actually send them the invite.
06:07:04 Okay. Okay.
06:07:07 Great thing it's something we can let us get you on the 18, because the 11 I guess we will dedicate to the zoo.
06:07:31 DSC on the 18th. Oh, hey.
06:07:37 Kenny I just wanted to mention, I sent out an email about this yesterday but just remind everyone with the, the change in the DSC meeting organization.
06:07:52 I will be sending out a weekly update on release status, I sent out the first one yesterday. And so, I won't be spending time talking about release status in the TASC unless there's a specific question or if we are at a milestone date.
06:08:15 But if any questions come up.
06:08:18 regarding release status I'm happy to addresses.
06:08:29 So if you got any questions, You can follow this link here
06:08:38 is.
06:08:45 Okay, um, I guess, then, Catherine with your permission I guess the, we could.
06:08:55 I will stop sharing and we could move to discussion of the dots contract, we have the right folks on the call.
06:09:20 Hi, can you this is freedom. Should I present our is Brandon going to present.
06:09:28 Not sure.
06:09:29 Hey, Sarah, thanks so stuck on mute there. No, I'm happy to let you present thank you for pulling the slides together.
06:09:39 For today, just a little bit of setup. We engaged with earning networks on a project.
06:09:46 Last year, looking at our, our documentation, and how we could improve it.
06:10:13 You know, prioritize where prioritization was around our installation and upgrade procedures, looking to do some deep dive tutorials on STC and DCA and look at the backup upgraded and restore procedure documentation.
06:10:14 So, the team over there has been working on this for a while through last year and into this year. And now we're at a point where we're calling this project done, and three realms developed presentation here to present back to the group about what has
06:10:32 been done. So, as we begin, can you just clarify how much time do we have for this item.
06:10:41 If we can keep it to around 10 minutes that would be good.
06:10:45 Okay, sounds good.
06:10:47 With that, I will turn it over to Europe.
06:11:04 Can you see the screen.
06:11:06 Yes, sir.
06:11:09 Yeah, so I'm trying to make it make it brief. So they just a summary. So we executed the prioritize their deliverables based on so W.
06:11:19 And we summarized all the completed milestones for the grueling release.
06:11:25 So all the requests have been launched, whatever changes that have been registered, and we keep track of all of them in a, in a wiki page, which is open for, for all the community members.
06:11:38 There are two items that we could not complete fall for various reasons you know come, mostly environment related issues on our side.
06:11:49 So we are continuing on them.
06:11:51 So we hope to complete them by, by this month.
06:11:55 On the next slide has done details on what what is not completed.
06:12:06 recap of what what we interest.
06:12:09 So I'm not going to run through each each line item, but these will essentially be divided into two milestones. So the first milestone we looked at the operations and admin guide.
06:12:21 And some of the basic activities of the username will design and in runtime.
06:12:25 So these are all the sections that we've reviewed and we've actually tested them in the sense of not, not as a QA but just to make sure that all the steps are covered.
06:12:39 And in the second milestone we've looked at some of the, you know, more advanced operations.
06:12:52 Deploy configure he you know some of these operations backup restore logging and analytics. So all of them have been verified and the gorgeous so many changes have been submitted.
06:13:00 The two items that are not covered are at the bottom.
06:13:04 The, the control of deployment.
06:13:08 We ran into some issues and that's the reason we could not complete that. So that's in progress, right now.
06:13:16 So we are we are trying to wrap it up by by this month.
06:13:20 The second one is a DCA mod.
06:13:28 That was another item that was in our list of things, but we could not. We could not complete that two minutes because it's new for us and we are not familiar with it.
06:13:36 So we are we are looking at it right now. So these are the two items that that we wanted to complete.
06:13:45 So even though the current release is done.
06:13:48 So we are, we continue with that these items, the with the master, so they can they can stream it into the master branch of their documentation.
06:14:00 There was some feedback from the documentation team when it was presented.
06:14:06 A couple of weeks ago.
06:14:16 You know those already merged. So, so we will incorporate that in the, in the upcoming tutorial, that is a tutorial that week.
06:14:25 So we try to make it more, more elaborate.
06:14:28 So we do have all the step by step instructions in that area.
06:14:32 But maybe some more description is, I believe, is what what was asked.
06:14:39 So that was the, That was the kind of a short summary somebody have more details in the subsequent slides, which I don't think we have the time, but I would just point to the, the wiki link, which is up to date now with all the, all the updates, all the
06:15:02 margin on the JIRA tickets that are being tracked to all of them on pretty much stayed in the beginning can it's up to date as of. As of today,
06:15:11 so that's that's pretty much a quick update.
06:15:18 So with that I'll turn it over for any any questions or any comments.
06:15:28 on student where is this material.
06:15:31 Whichever which material. This This one is top condition not, I mean, link for this, the people to be showing right now and also the link for this I just prepared for to present to this group.
06:15:45 Random, but haven't sent to this group yet. So, thanks.
06:15:50 Yeah, yeah. So a PDF of the presentation just uploaded to the DSC minutes.
06:16:01 Thank you have no foothold information. So this, this one I see
06:16:12 the document that are available.
06:16:14 The and because it has been a little bit too fast for me.
06:16:19 Are they already passed of the Hades know that we are preparing for the good in minutes. Because one of our objectives with the golden moments, was to add additional documentation, or is it the plan to have what you described here aspect of the owner
06:16:37 who led
06:16:40 the parts which have been done for the tutorials for the firewall and closed loop, there are already part of the Gulen maintenance release. And we added in the documentation release note.
06:16:57 This comment Yeah.
06:16:59 Okay, so that's good. And would you mind to be wine.
06:17:04 One or two slide before. I've also a question.
06:17:11 Can you go back. Stop, stop, stop.
06:17:15 So, I have a question. No.
06:17:18 The one you were just there.
06:17:22 No, the one with 123.
06:17:26 The next one.
06:17:27 Yep.
06:17:29 So, I have a question, which is an open question.
06:17:37 So I think Google only the team is targeting to discuss the database backup and restore solution as part of Istanbul.
06:17:58 It will be a topics again discuss on Monday, to see how we can play the task force to address database backup and restore. So I believe what you have defined based on what you have written is the database.
06:18:06 It also includes solution. So, it includes silly database. So, does it mean that we don't need any task force to address the database backup and restore for the solution.
06:18:18 I'm just trying to ensure we are not duplicated work. If it is already documented, then I am not sure what what we were thinking to do with the project team, as part of Istanbul.
06:18:31 Do they need to validate your documentation, or you are already testing test and proven.
06:18:39 What you've described on the item one.
06:18:42 Yeah, so that I don't want whatever is, is, is mentioned has been verified to we've actually done that to our to the test.
06:18:52 So I'm not sure of the scope of what the task for that you're talking about. I I'd be happy to look at that and see, you know, if whatever we did is sufficient, there's anything else that they could help it.
06:19:07 But what's what's currently documented has been validated on the Boolean release.
06:19:14 Okay.
06:19:16 So, I would like to follow up with the integration team because they were planning to address this.
06:19:22 And then I'm sorry I'm not knowledgeable about filling who is an open soul so is it a color commission coded.
06:19:33 Really hope.
06:19:36 Maybe I can I see ya some memories are open source one. Yeah.
06:19:43 Okay. Okay, good. So, I would like to invite, maybe an action for the BTR calls, I don't want to put your proposal, or your presentation and action for the PDL call it, to see what has been defined here is sufficient.
06:20:14 I don't think that was a requirement for all the modules, what he's proposing. Yeah.
06:20:18 On your subset of what we need for backup and restore.
06:20:26 Okay, but can we therefore,
06:20:31 maybe, assess what it is missing.
06:20:37 And either continue to build it with the legal or whatever, I think, I think it's good if somebody already stuff too.
06:20:59 So that's my point. So if it is not everything. It's also fine but let's not duplicate efforts, I guess. So, let's have an action for the BTR calls maybe they can, and see what it is behind.
06:21:05 Right.
06:21:10 Okay.
06:21:11 Can you also go to the next slide. I had also question, I think.
06:21:20 Yeah, this one.
06:21:29 So here is the break so
06:21:35 maybe I would get my question online. I was just interested by design, because the login component is somehow in under maintenance.
06:21:45 So I think it would be interesting to understand what the new position to analyze the log again I would suggest to have a presentation to the PDF, because we were moving to have the locks sent to a studio.
06:22:06 But if you upgrade an identity solution like you described on the item pre. I think it would be nice to present it to the, to the PTO call as well.
06:22:18 Maybe not everything for next week but I think it's important to bring our on this. So we don't duplicate a fourth.
06:22:26 Okay. And then if you move to the next year.
06:22:43 So that's it so that's that's an action item for three Ron, who present at the that piece of it number three on the PTO meeting item one, I think we've repeated renewed need to look what has been done and continue maybe to work with second is the solution
06:22:51 is not applicable for all the components today, and it could be a target for onerous. I didn't think I think is interesting to share the new implementation to manage login, describing the document.
06:23:05 And then on the next slide. The question, the item six items seven story.
06:23:13 It's also something that the team wanted to accomplish.
06:23:20 So, because we want to demonstrate a resiliency.
06:23:24 So I think it could be, it could be interesting to the gold.
06:23:30 I hope the solution can be applicable on older cloud, not only am I right, that's my question is just another close to what we documented here is on AWS.
06:23:47 Okay. And again, I think it would be interested to 137.
06:23:53 I would suggest this on any of follow up with the project team, to see if we can build on the top, if they're still area.
06:24:03 That is not have been documented, but it pushes for walked on the non functional requirements. Thank you so much, he can for your presentation.
06:24:16 Just a couple of questions.
06:24:20 Well, why did we cherry pick into Glenn wouldn't mean this is a significant change in the documentation when we want to introduce this with a major release like Honolulu.
06:24:35 Julian is because if you remember, one of the action item from the grueling majorities was, if we can increase any documentation fees as possible amendments, let's, let's do it.
06:24:49 Of course, whatever we do, for, for Glenn should be saved. Okay, and be applicable for all, I think, again, maybe I speak all the documentation team but this is associated with documented, use cases from Greenland, that we were talking about before.
06:25:10 Early some of the
06:25:14 best practice or
06:25:17 own happiness that that's all good, any documentation improvement is always good.
06:25:24 happiness that that's all good, any documentation improvement is always good. Yeah. And then the other thing I was wondering about is branded will I mean this is in my mind is significant improvement in the documentation and will any of this get included
06:25:38 with promotion for Honolulu I mean, even though it's coming out with the gala and maintenance release.
06:25:46 Yeah, I think about, we can think about ways in which to to message that as a point within the release update.
06:25:53 Ok.
06:25:55 And then, finally, I will just be called out in the, in the release notes.
06:26:02 Other release notes associated with these changes.
06:26:05 dB changes have been in the documentation release notes. We have made a sentence that we have additional tutorial sections under the user guides prepared and these are then included there.
06:26:20 Okay.
06:26:21 All right. Great, thank you.
06:26:26 I have a stupid question but before we document that as I found a little feature.
06:26:33 Do we have any plans to test that actually on Hulu.
06:26:39 It's a good idea.
06:26:42 It's a man, more I think it has to be and this is always the case. I think we will have to do them, because this this instruction at least for the. Let's say this is simple firewall use cases I mean that's something for a starter.
06:26:56 Let's say to make to change, check it. It should be Dr right it should be part of some kind of testing that's that's correct. The same is with other instructions we have in the, in the end to end user guide.
06:27:13 We are trying to do the hit from the documentation team as far as we can. But it's right it should be always a tested, and maybe then, for example,
06:27:27 let's say, the the screenshots have to be updated accordingly if we have any changes in for example user interfaces and these kind of things.
06:27:39 Another question if I may ask to my understanding from the om perspective is that the, there is no actual code behind that. Right, it's only like a documented procedure you how to do that manually better, that there is nothing automated, or let's say
06:28:01 that there is nothing automated, or let's say contributed to the om that would help with that right.
06:28:05 Yeah, you're right.
06:28:08 Correct.
06:28:13 I think this is the old let's say manual action for on demand. So, so,
06:28:24 so the simple integrated design, and it's an instance creation steps ala carte mode and so on. So, which are just, let's see, which have been long time in the, in the wiki stated there and now we have moved it on I was moving them to the as an example
06:28:48 into to any tutorial section in the detox.
06:28:53 Okay, got it. So, I think I will remove my request item one in seven if it is the documentation of the manual
06:29:03 backup and restore and fade over.
06:29:08 I think the dog is always someone was to for manual to
06:29:13 automation so sorry.
06:29:15 Thank you for the clarification. The only request then will be to present item three, which is the looking, I believe.
06:29:26 And then we move to automation as we were hoping to do a spot of Istanbul.
06:29:34 Yeah. Okay, thank you for the clarification.
06:29:43 Question questions I will stop.
06:30:02 Yeah, sure. Did you have a question.
06:29:59 Yes.
06:29:59 Are you actually there was a quote here got one question is your ultimate validation of destroyed, I mean this is very different. I totally understand but the validation of the scene for example the basic virtual firewalls and all that.
06:30:08 So, how did we validate it.
06:30:11 So we created a setup of grilling when we started with this ruling, sometime last year, right. So on one of the unit servers we created a grueling setup.
06:30:22 And we essentially went through the document and step by step and validated. Okay.
06:30:28 Thanks. Thanks. Okay, so that setup is actually public setup is a mini is it available for anyone else to actually have a look at this recommendation.
06:30:35 I mean, my question is will it work as a sandbox for someone else who is new to own up and want to try it out.
06:30:42 It can right now, whatever we used is is gone and we don't. So we have another setup which we're using it master degree, but it can be set up with that so we have this sure because I was thinking maybe it'll be good, it'll be good starting point for someone
06:30:57 who wants to fight sandbox like if you can actually help with that too. That'd be great.
06:31:03 If you can actually help with that too. That'd be great. Thank you.
06:31:06 Yeah. In fact, yeah some of the labs that we do can see me on the unit single server we set up though.
06:31:16 Okay. Yeah, we'd be happy to share that the community.
06:31:20 Thanks Graham that is surely help us much better.
06:31:31 Thanks forever.
06:31:28 Okay, let me stop sharing.
06:31:49 x
06:31:48 inviting you on March, eight, if you're available to share a little bit more about item three, which is about the login. And thanks a lot for sharing what you have done so far.
06:32:00 Sure.
06:32:00 There is no question, I think we can move to the next topic, and I will drive that one.
06:32:08 As you know, the poster was not part of the Union release. We are still committed to helping supporting this component.
06:32:19 The detail on soft unity, have some family emergency is not the absence of a week six know typically when he will be back.
06:32:38 So that's why we are in a strange situation and before, kicking off the Oh no, he means, I would like to ask the community, if they still see any interest in Brooklyn.
06:32:54 We have also uui, we have also the CBS, the content of the CBS is playing an impact on the whole for the operation and aspects of the platform.
06:33:03 So, I would pull up the kickoff.
06:33:07 Again of new ppl election in absence of VPN because we don't know when he will be back to see one of the committee, wants to step back.
06:33:19 If none of the commenter wants to step back as as poor the poor CDN.
06:33:25 According to the community will behave, I just wanted to share with you the situation since BTL is out of work in several weeks.
06:33:38 Due to a family emergency. You have to be back to is another country,
06:33:50 any concern, any
06:33:55 feedback.
06:34:10 on the honest be as then the next action item will be that I will kick off the ppl election. Is it is it okay.
06:34:19 So I'm going to capture that as an agreement that DSC is in favor of initiating up of a PSC initiated PTO election.
06:34:42 Thank you.
06:34:44 I will continue to update you about the agenda.
06:34:48 I go to notification from the Etsy organization. So, I invite on Etsy champion said, I don't see beyond.
06:34:58 But anybody with working with the Etsy organization and I know there are some time interest from Magnus as well. I just, I just post on the agenda, the email that I've received.
06:35:14 I cannot really comment, we can maybe just open it. Maybe I should do that.
06:35:20 I will maybe share my screen because anyway the next presentation is still with me.
06:35:27 So I guess I can share my screen.
06:35:31 And I will open
06:35:34 the statement.
06:35:42 I was hoping I can open the statement. So that's the communication we got it has been communicated not only to the community but with any open source community, interacting with it see wanted to share that no real action, I believe, is just the template
06:36:01 that they were suggesting. So if you have any concerns. Let us know. But I feel I really are on Etsy champion.
06:36:12 If there are some things to do on our side.
06:36:17 I got to spread out. No, I had that discussion internally with Etsy.
06:36:22 There's nothing specifically they're asking us to do other than if we need
06:36:28 some new capability to enter to leverage this template to register that capability and and the capabilities are of.
06:36:40 Specifically, like hardware capability so Sri ov or GPU, various capabilities like that that might be required.
06:36:49 But no specific ask.
06:36:56 So Fred Will you acknowledge that we that we got this isn't statement.
06:37:03 Yes.
06:37:04 Okay, good. I actually asked me how to go about this but I recommend it to you and Bill.
06:37:14 Yep.
06:37:31 And I've already sent back a notification I cannot forget the name of the person to say it receive and I will communicate with you and
06:37:29 that was one item I wanted to share with the team. And then the next topic.
06:37:36 We never had a chance to, to conclude on that so I hope we can conclude the following presentation to present a summary of what has been discussed with the project manager project statement and therefore, I'm just trying to send it.
06:37:56 I'm just trying to send it. The slide Can you see the slides. At present, yes. Presentation Mode.
06:38:02 Excellent.
06:38:04 So, It is a summary of what the men and stuff for have been discuss this presentation has already been made to the PDF as a final check to be sure we didn't miss anything.
06:38:18 And today on VR for the fourth and presenting you the desert.
06:38:26 So first of all, always in any.
06:38:44 But the men then there was no maintenance so an intermediate state between active projects. And the fact that we are archiving the project.
06:38:56 Nevertheless, a couple of projects they've already been declared themselves are dominance, meaning they can still be consumed by the community, but they are not necessarily fast, have no vision.
06:39:11 Really, it could be a project itself, like it has been the case of music login or it could be a project. The EEFSR fast of ANSI, it's considered as a soup project or do we had the unassociated bit yet.
06:39:28 So as I said it's normal part of the show me please, but some past, you still need in order to learn your own up instance, which is not necessarily the whole platform, we see more and more use case consuming.
06:39:55 Some facet of the platform, demonstrating a little bit the modality. So you don't need to deploy everything to us on up.
06:39:55 And therefore, because it's a bit difficult people are still trying to avoid the certificate when it's the right time or speak the ability, if they have the time.
06:40:07 So it's really, we are moving now, at this default. So, we are not necessarily subject to all the non functional compliance that we are defining because it's based on the willingness and we hope that some committee of resisting available until the project
06:40:25 is FKYD at your keyboard is that
06:40:32 some reason I take the example of a if it could be still part of the om deployments.
06:40:39 In order to unblock, and to to unblocked, and I'm sure that the, the component used by the community, still work right I take the example of as, which is currently under maintenance.
06:40:54 But you still needed some help. If you want to have some authentication, authorization mechanism.
06:41:00 So that's when you know, in the next slide.
06:41:05 What we have been discussing with the force. We recognize, of course, that a project in incubation mature hardcore can move to maintenance, but later on.
06:41:18 If we believe there is a need, and there is some community members wants to resurrect a project. We have also assess how we can resurrect for men to incubation or to mature, but we will never consider we go from Mendel's to go directly.
06:41:38 And of course, finally, If there is really really really no interest from the community. We have also the stage for maintenance to ask.
06:41:49 So, little bit definition when we decide that a project. Declare incubation mature move two minutes from always because we, we don't have any idea we do is the VPN, which has been the case many times, either there is nobody stepping up after the PTS don't.
06:42:12 And they are still unfortunately some dependency. So that's mostly the reason because they are dependency to this project. There are not get any identity.
06:42:24 So we need to keep these projects, not alive from a media perspective, but still part of the stuff folio. That's what we were trying to define.
06:42:34 I will not go through and I will invite you to review the different step, but the to call on here is a present. Okay.
06:42:43 When we want to declare her project from incubation mature Co. Moving to maintenance. We haven't done defined in this case, 14 steps. right. I will not going details again, I invite you to have a circle and look after the call.
06:42:59 And what I suggest ideas, one week of reflection maybe two because we have the studio on the 11th. And on the 18, if there is no feedback. I will just click with the final vote to the TASC, and it will be operating model to move either from incubation
06:43:18 metric of two minutes of to the other steps maintenance to archive, or maintenance, again, has affected to integration mature.
06:43:27 What I want to be sure that you understand it's the differences.
06:43:32 Why we consider a project is under maintenance and go to the next slide, which is the move from maintenance to incubation so there are community who still believe there is a gap that has not been completed by uniting.
06:43:50 members will feel they can take the responsibility to raise your like the project. During the men and the fourth. There's been a lot of discussion, but nobody step up yet about as again, because there is no idea that these today.
06:44:09 Today, we were hoping that some functionality will be covered by measure I steal.
06:44:15 They've been to see. But we, we could not declare today The reason that telematics solution. So a lot of these Christian happened during the fourth. Maybe we should redirect as, but for doing that again it's based on the willingness of the open source
06:44:32 community. We need to have somebody will agree to step up as PDF and will engage with the weekly goal and so on and so on, and be passed over to Haiti.
06:44:44 So that's an example of how we can move amendments to incubation. And as you can guess it's really the opposite step. That's what I was showing in the previous in the previous slide, maybe there are less.
06:44:59 It seemed enough steps, anyway.
06:45:00 Okay. And then the next step is for men to ask guys if what we believe is not typical anymore for on up.
06:45:11 There is no no dependency to any component, they have potentially enough, an identity as part of the architecture have to compensate biggest gap. Or maybe this module was addressing something that nobody cares, right it's a way to rationalize your portfolio
06:45:31 as well, and we move to the archives. Again, specific steps have been in 25 by the task force to address how we completely.
06:45:41 We completely understood sit down, the project itself on 112 projects, moving for maintenance to walk.
06:45:51 Okay, and at this stage, because we have an open source community. We move everything to read only access. We will never delete any repository, that's the point I want to make we will never delete any in a positive way.
06:46:05 If one day of repositories created the finite state of disciples he will be read only access.
06:46:16 Just a quick summary of what has been already declared on the amendments, I was already mentioning a couple of projects and see project like Asr, as well as bomba was part of login.
06:46:30 But I also want to highlight that the BTL when they are discussing with the project team based on the use case of requirement that they are getting.
06:46:45 They also from time to their rationalization. The list here is just an example of ppl with been informing the community.
06:46:51 Using the principle that they send an email to the TLC and although this police to say hey, I don't think there is any activity since a while for the directory, there is no more interest.
06:47:05 So, I will move this directory to read only in order to know the full list, because the own app.
06:47:15 Is it has been born four years ago so you can get a lot of optimization of the code rationalization of the code, have been performed. If you want to know the complete list, you can play this book, this comment in those cases will be pop up as a JSON file.
06:47:33 file. So that's the conclusion of all the work performed by the, the project management, force, I'm making a post because I know it's a lot of information share
06:47:46 in a short video, but I think it's not totally new because a lot of you have been participating at one time or another moment to discuss goals but I just wanted to formalize.
06:48:00 What has been discussed and concluded.
06:48:16 So if there is not immediate feedback, I suggest that we take the action that the committee committee, look, finite time to this proposition. And then I'm already would like to have an appointment on the 18.
06:48:35 So we vote.
06:48:37 And we finalize the implementation of probably finding this deck. For this project, is that okay.
06:48:46 That's great. I have just one question.
06:48:49 So you mentioned that all the, let's say maintenance job is voluntary basically for all projects that are in maintenance state.
06:49:00 So, how does it look for from the om perspective I mean, are we still going to deploy that project by default, or.
06:49:12 I know that we keep it telling charts right. But do we disable dock in our default overrides or we keep it enabled.
06:49:32 Is it burning which one, because we said the project will still pass the VM deployment.
06:49:30 And I pointed the books we might be fixed one block the Cuban 80s, the ID, we keep them. If it doesn't impact of the on DVD.
06:49:41 That was really the assessment. And I think if we look at the step we said verify what impact the change as on om and CDT and communicate so it's we maintain it is important for the ladies.
06:50:00 But somehow, they are somehow that nobody use it, it's better to have a lightweight inside that your deployment.
06:50:10 Okay, thank you for the clarification.
06:50:13 You are welcome.
06:50:19 Okay, so we're going to have you on the 18th for this finance feedback, feel free to add any feedback to the, to the wiki page.
06:50:31 The slides, only represent a summary of the wiki page I can also post the slide that goes
06:50:39 back to you.
06:50:43 Okay, um, I guess, then over to Randy to talk about a CF Task Force
06:50:54 update, and clock changes.
06:51:00 Yeah, so for the clock except for the clock changes.
06:51:06 There was a request mostly from the modeling subcommittee.
06:51:11 We, the current meeting time conflicting with their meeting and they really wanted to participate. So, and also the US and wrestle daylight saving time change coming.
06:51:22 So we kind of agreed already to move the scene of Task Force meeting to Thursday's right before the DC meeting, don't ask me about the exact times I'm not very good at times on translation, but whatever.
06:51:44 the time is for one hour before the meeting.
06:51:47 That would be the new time, starting on the week of March 15.
06:51:59 That's all about.
06:52:11 I think I had for the TLC I didn't know Katherine's issue, Fred. Is there anything else you want to share with the TC here I just want to him mind that the next week, which will be there for next Thursday.
06:52:18 We will dedicate, except give the agenda change, we will dedicated the session to discuss about the link. The cost collaboration between all up and OBD for the budget, so it's going both sides.
06:52:33 So I just want to remind you to be sure that's going to get us will be there because it's somehow.
06:52:49 The OVP will maybe need own up for the certification, but it's also up to us to define what do we need what will be the requirements from Leona Committee for the CNS budget, the focus is really on the CNS budgeting.
06:52:59 Somehow, so just wanted to explain what would be the topics of next week, which is in a low budget
06:53:11 changer
06:53:14 for for next week.
06:53:16 One thing people are interested in the scene of Task Force, there is a mailing list, so I don't have admin rights I don't know who's joined the mailing list but please if are already participating, make sure you're subscribed to the mailing list and if
06:53:30 you're just interested.
06:53:32 You're welcome to join the mailing list on groups IO, and I've just dropped a link to the mailing list in the chat window.
06:53:49 Thanks. Good.
06:53:59 Okay, um, the next was
06:54:03 update on the enterprise Task Force.
06:54:09 The was there was a vote that went out for the meeting day in time.
06:54:19 And
06:54:20 the meaning day and time that everybody's voted for does not appear to be working for everyone
06:54:30 to the point where we had one attendee.
06:54:34 Besides, Catherine David and myself on the meeting so
06:54:42 that person was from the US Navy.
06:54:49 And since the. One of the things about the enterprise dashboard says we need to get enterprise people on it.
06:54:56 That meeting is going to be readjusted to 7am Pacific on Wednesdays.
06:55:07 On the 15th,
06:55:12 they will.
06:55:16 The money will be making a presentation on their use cases this is their sharing what they perceive the use cases to be this isn't in the context of their family submitting requirements.
06:55:29 This is wishing to share what the own app community what
06:55:36 how they perceive the use cases.
06:55:40 So, if members of the TLC and set competent in that meeting that would be ideal.
06:55:52 Again, that's what I have to think was extremely energizing it's a wonderful project combining 5g network slicing and only show where the actually no blueprint that even more.
06:56:12 And honestly, if we want to change own that message from network automation platform to own a black box to the forefront of price.
06:56:23 We are extremely lucky because the US Navy.
06:56:28 Have a great project that they want to materialize the open source community.
06:56:32 And that's why I really would like accepted your holiday or subcommittee joining the school because they were really present their use case and if we could select one of them.
06:56:47 As part of it some board and a company of energized as I am to to build the first stage of this, it will be wonderful so we just give you all the room on the 15th at 7am PST, because I think it would be a great meeting with the US Navy with representing
06:57:12 the open programmable secure secure 5g poll calm for the
06:57:38 time, this is Allah.
06:57:32 Can Can we ask them to come for the requirements of committee and presented there. Well, we didn't want to duplicate too much vehicle so I so instead of the present to you the present to the architecture because it's brand new.
06:57:42 They are still in the process of onboarding, I would say just join us on the 16, if it's possible. And then when you have the I'll ever use case, you can deep dive with the requirements of committee.
06:57:55 It's really a high level introduction and see how we can organize ourselves so yes, we can help them to, to meet the requirements subcommittee, and also architecture.
06:58:07 But first I think we need to have an introduction about what we plan to do.
06:58:14 Also, ultimately, it would need to go through the requirements subcommittee. Yeah, yeah, they would follow the process that they're defined right they will go is not because it's a special program and we kick off on up on top prize.
06:58:27 We, we talked to them we explain how, what's the process to the, to the past already so so they will definitely talk about the next level of detail as to all of you.
06:58:44 Thanks Catherine.
06:58:45 I just wanted to mention that I will be serving as the program manager for the ops five g project. So if anyone has any questions about it, or would like me to make introductions.
06:59:00 I'm happy to do that.
06:59:03 But I agree with what Catherine and Kenny said I think it's maybe a little bit premature to present to the, to the requirements subcommittee.
06:59:17 So, I encourage as many people as possible to attend the task force meeting.
06:59:24 Then we can kind of see where we're at and then consider whether it would be appropriate to present to the subcommittee.
06:59:34 It's still early days for this project, they're still kind of finding their footing and they're very new to open source and to the Linux Foundation. So it's very early days.
06:59:51 For this project, and also Kenny and I have been discussing setting up a session and onboarding session for this team.
07:00:04 I think the TASC is familiar with Kenny's onboarding own app onboarding process, where he takes new members or new participants in the community through the the organization and the processes that own app uses so we're going to try and figure that out
07:00:27 to better familiarize them with them.
07:00:33 And the recording of the discussion of yesterday is available as well as the minute.
07:00:39 On top of that, because they have been some premises to this to this great collaboration.
07:00:48 We were asking to the company, who was helping to set up the scene to make a presentation to the TASC so therefore visibility about where we are. Regarding this project from an implementation perspective and Kenny did we say next week or the 18th, I believe
07:01:09 we may be planned for the eating a presentation to the TASC of all the setup, or is it too early.
07:01:18 Actually, that was, you're talking about, Mark.
07:01:22 Yeah.
07:01:23 Yeah, I talked to a bar yesterday, and we tentatively set up the 11th, but that way, I was forgetting about the,
07:01:35 the RC zero milestone, but his, his presentation will be fairly brief because they've just gotten started so.
07:01:46 And I don't know that we're going to need the whole meeting to talk about RC zero so if we could carve out about 10 maybe 15 minutes. I think that should be sufficient.
07:01:57 Let's do that so at least you have the status of what has been accomplished. And then when you for the people who want to join the dots on the 16th, they can connect the dots with how we introduce own up, especially the network slicing as part of this
07:02:15 project. So you can connect the dots with implementation initial implementation right because they want to come.
07:02:25 And then the discussion with the 2d and other people on the side, yet let's keep 11, if it is only 10 minutes.
07:02:34 That would be great. Thank you.
07:02:49 Ok, the next thing that we have.
07:02:53 Kenny before the next thing just so just noticing that the new meeting time for the enterprise conflicts with the elephant tak we bi weekly bi weekly bi weekly on the off weeks.
07:03:06 Okay.
07:03:18 And then, sorry for asking too many questions. This PLC is what's the context of it is the, the ops five G or is it something else or
07:03:35 maybe it's a, maybe I don't use all right it's a test bed that we try good success, bed that we try to set up
07:03:48 to demonstrate network slicing.
07:03:52 So that would be the peak of the different things to do with the best to be in progress to be set up to focus on network slicing.
07:04:04 Yeah, it's even more basic than that because they're, they're just trying to familiarize themselves with things like, you know, just own app deployment.
07:04:14 And, you know, operating own app. So, Amar has been working with them to set up a test bed for that purpose so he's going to talk a little bit about the work that he's done with them so far.
07:04:32 I'm sorry, them, maybe I lost you but who are working with Mr is working. This is a US government project. It's through a US research organization called DARPA.
07:04:54 The Defense Advanced Research Program, something.
07:04:59 And then, the United States Navy is acting as a technical agent. on behalf of DARPA. And so, when I say them. I'm referring to US Navy civilian personnel who were operating on behalf of DARPA.
07:05:21 Okay.
07:05:22 So David, will they be using the owner of IG slicing thing or they will be coming up with a new way to actually have the finest slicing done any That's why, that's why.
07:05:43 Mara will join us so you can put all those questions to him.
07:05:43 And also, definitely encourage you to attend the,
07:05:48 The task force meeting on on Wednesdays.
07:05:55 Thanks to. So the first. So David, So just just want to make sure so this is a US government sponsored open source effort.
07:06:12 That's correct. Okay.
07:06:15 So anybody in everybody can listen to it, and participate in it.
07:06:20 Yes. Okay.
07:06:23 And in I heard I just want to make sure sorry I, I was paying attention but I heard a couple of dates I heard the 18th and I heard the 15th.
07:06:32 Yeah, there's a few things we've talked about so there's the. There's the enterprise task force that, you know, Catherine started up. I think few months ago.
07:06:46 And so the way this came about is that I, the Task Force had a, a session at the our virtual events for a few weeks ago, and I had an opportunity to sit in on it.
07:07:06 And while I was listening to the discussion and the objectives of the task force. It occurred to me, you know that this would be a great way for the ops five g project to to engage with with own app, because they've been they've been learning about own
07:07:27 app. They're taking classes through the lF training classes, a Mars been helping to educate them.
07:07:40 You know I've done some presentations on own app processes and so on.
07:07:47 And they've had some email exchanges with two or three people within the own app community.
07:07:55 But I thought, you know, they really need a venue to engage directly with with own app, as they're starting up and and so this task force seemed like an ideal venue for that.
07:08:11 And so I presented that to Neil Hoff who's the senior civilian guy within the ops five Jeep project and, and he agreed. And so, We have one of their
07:08:31 senior network, people and names Trudy who attended the meeting yesterday and we had had a great discussion.
07:08:41 But as Catherine mentioned the attendance was kind of low and so I think this is a great opportunity for own app and so we'd like to see more people attend.
07:08:56 If possible, so that that's one one thing that we were talking about so that's happening on the 15th the next meeting.
07:09:04 Then the other thing that we're talking about is that during the meeting yesterday when Trudy was talking about the work that Amar is doing to help them stand up a test bed.
07:09:20 Catherine was interested in that and thought that the TLC would be interested in that as well and asked me to reach out to Mr and see if he would be willing to give a presentation on the work that he's been doing with them and I did that, and Mr agreed
07:09:38 to give a short presentation on the 11th. So that's the other thing that we were talking about. Okay, thank you.
07:09:45 That was a long way to answer your question, but no, that's no, it makes perfect sense and the, the one follow up question that they have is, I'm assuming the engagement with own app is totally different than the standalone apps five g project.
07:10:06 Right.
07:10:06 They would have either one in the same.
07:10:08 Okay so, so would there be, would there be a dedicated ops five g
07:10:17 community, or would they be part of your own app community.
07:10:22 Well, that is, We're kind of sorting that out right now okay.
07:10:27 They we weave.
07:10:30 The way that they've joined the lf they are in a position to have their own community run their own projects in their own project space and so on.
07:10:42 But so far.
07:10:44 A lot of what they've done or or you know where they're the direction of their interest is in use cases with projects like own app.
07:10:57 And so, you know, we're kind of seeing it, you know, waiting to see how it evolves over time.
07:11:07 You know it could be that eventually once they become more familiar with the projects on which they depend, then they may initiate their own project with their own community and so on.
07:11:24 Or it could be that they exist, more as a,
07:11:30 a, like an end user or a use case.
07:11:37 Participant for communities like own app but that that's still to be determined.
07:11:44 One of the things that they're, they're looking at is his own app, very seriously. Another aspect that they're looking at is the magma project which was originally, which has recently brought into the Linux Foundation.
07:12:01 So if I saw it, Facebook project. Exactly.
07:12:05 So, right now, there's, it's, it's not determined whether they will have their own community or not. But, specific to the two concerns that there may be in the geopolitical sense, this is open source.
07:12:25 Everyone's welcome.
07:12:26 Okay, great.
07:12:28 I promise one last question, I would have probably attended the meeting yesterday had a known about it, where would it. Where can I find more about the logistics for the meeting,
07:12:43 just added here, the wiki page.
07:12:49 So it is a weekly meeting invite itself hasn't been updated yet.
07:12:55 We need to update so maybe I'm.
07:12:58 Yes,
07:13:01 master question.
07:13:04 We understood what we present. not as bad. So, what is this better.
07:13:13 So, I, I put some notice today. So apparently the test bed is located in forget the name of the location
07:13:26 from me
07:13:31 know, it's so funny, but you require VPN connection.
07:13:35 It's open.
07:13:37 It's it's basically a training, at least for the time being, it's kind of a training platform for the government people to get used to.
07:13:50 deploying own app and working with them.
07:13:57 Yeah, thanks for sharing all the information I'm a bit confused about the relation to enterprise, like why is the upside g work done under the auspices of the enterprise task force me because I thought that if we consider the defense of department.
07:14:20 Up to now, we have tried to conduct Walmart, they are early in the process.
07:14:25 And I was considering with the IoT aspect, right, the network slicing, which is but somehow the need of enterprise business.
07:14:36 I was trying to use this segue to have an opportunity to bring
07:14:43 you US Navy.
07:14:45 Beyond the facts of what has been discussed about own up so I was trying to create a forum where we can focus and understand a little bit better their use case and what what it is published actually.
07:14:58 So, We didn't receive a positive feedback for more and more to share their use cases, I wanted to kick off this task force right we have this request from the book and we use on up for something as that automation, based on money I'm convinced.
07:15:14 Right.
07:15:14 And since when I look at the project. It's also connected home.
07:15:20 It's obviously I'm completely fan of this project I so that the enterprise. And when we speak about IoT somehow we don't have price in my mind.
07:15:31 It was a good segue. Now if I need to rename the task force to address this, I will do. Because honestly, it's, it's just a great opportunity for us to be part of this adventure.
07:15:44 That's how I see it. But, if somebody else thinks I'm completely wrong. They can also say no.
07:15:56 In the most simplistic of terms ranting.
07:15:59 The feeling from the left side is that the use cases that are being presented here are more aligned with enterprise, than they are with telco.
07:16:11 So, that's
07:16:14 okay maybe things change but when I looked at the upside G. Last year, I thought it applies also to public wireless networks. But anyway, my point is maybe and I'm sensing the shocker, maybe feel the same kind of.
07:16:50 of overlooked the enterprise thing so again maybe it's just a name change and maybe the task force needs to have a broader naming and that would be okay.
07:16:46 And, again, don't get me wrong I think we need to be involved and if it sounds very interesting just putting it under the enterprise Task Force is a bit confusing or was a bit confusing to me that's all.
07:16:59 God, I just put a link in the chat room. So somewhere, somehow I've been keeping an eye on this effort. right that's why I said I'm very interested in it.
07:17:08 And I saw the announcement that was made a few days ago, and just posted it in the chat room so everybody can take a look at it. So we're all looking at the same thing.
07:17:18 So, yes, I'm very much interested in participating and helping out so, and I do, I do agree I support you, Catherine in terms of getting engaged and trying to see how we can leverage what we are doing an own app to help out with appsflyer.
07:17:36 Sorry, with SOS P stands for.
07:17:39 So why don't you take a look at the. Look at the link, link. I just sent you the link or so. Yeah, take a look at it, please. And then this way everybody's reading off the same sheet.
07:17:50 It's actually a PS not OSESESGUOPS there's five G.
07:18:01 Thanks.
07:18:08 Thanks, David and and Kenny for, for the update and I figured out a way to add my name to distribution lists and.
07:18:20 But I will definitely be attending the, the BI weekly meetings.
07:18:28 That's great.
07:18:29 Thank you.
07:18:31 Okay, welcome.
07:18:35 So I not sure we will second the TSP to the two too much. I will try to be.
07:18:56 If I can, I want to make sure that Brandon has a chance to talk about Honolulu updates.
07:18:54 So yes, yes Do I need to stop sharing.
07:19:05 Kenny was that for me.
07:19:10 Yes. Okay, thanks. Sorry I didn't quite hear if you call my name or not.
07:19:13 Yeah, just wanted to know that we're here on March forth. And that by March, 11.
07:19:20 We have a due date for all oh not pts. And that is to put their brief, Honolulu updates into a dedicated wiki page that we set up for this purpose.
07:19:35 And we've also added this to an upcoming milestone.
07:19:40 With the same due date of March 11 as a way to get this on our collective radars and make sure that this work gets done. And as a quick reminder this work is important for us to pull together, our Honolulu messaging Doc, what's new and significant in
07:19:59 the Honolulu release. As we prepare for our marketing updates. So I just put a link in the chat again to that wiki page and appreciate pts. Taking a look at this and the next nine days and making their entries as part of that milestone,
07:20:20 is I would like to extend it not only
07:20:25 the requirement owner. The owner need to document that use case.
07:20:31 The subcommittee's also need to provide their input.
07:20:33 We don't have staff folks it committees, but I just wanted to be sure that all of you are looking and the famous own application marketing page, not only the CDN, because it will only explain one part of the story.
07:20:49 If we don't have your input.
07:20:51 Thank you.
07:20:53 Thanks for that clarification. Yes, sir.
07:20:59 And I'm holding Denise link under under vd status,
07:21:09 guess just, if I might, one question before we move.
07:21:14 Regarding the timelines for eastern border lives, when are we supposed to discuss and agree on those. I've been asked by the by the requirements of committee since we need to have a timelines.
07:21:32 Were up, up to reach date, we can actually bring requirements first.
07:21:37 So, I've been going back and forth with with Christoph and Catherine, about a schedule.
07:21:53 For example, and I think we are close to have an agreement on that. So the plan is to present that
07:22:02 to the ppl on Monday. So if you're available I encourage you to join that discussion. But in general, we are planning to align the kickoff of standard bowl with,
07:22:20 with the sign off for Honolulu, which is currently scheduled for April 1,
07:22:31 and then everyone would occur.
07:22:36 Something like I think a few weeks after that so toward probably toward the end of April.
07:22:43 Anyway, we'll we'll get into the details about that at the PCL meeting on Monday.
07:22:49 I say thank you so you know in case I'm not sure I can show and Miss I'm coming Monday, but I'm, I'm just asking know in case you get the agreement. Could you briefly presented during the next day submitting.
07:23:05 Well, yeah, of course the PTO meeting.
07:23:10 okay. But yeah, I'm, I'm happy to discuss the schedule at the next Tsu meeting.
07:23:17 Thank you.
07:23:32 Think we have only seven minutes left, I would suggest the Kenyan substantively we skip these two topics, until the 18.
07:23:45 We have an important message to share about the good in our water Yes, yes we do and give me one moment.
07:23:56 Like, stop and share, or maybe I was already not sharing anymore.
07:24:06 Okay, hang on here.
07:24:20 Okay, let's see here if I go full screen Do you guys see
07:24:29 the full screen or do you see the.
07:24:34 I believe penny that we are still seeing Catherine's screen.
07:24:39 Yeah. Oh, I need to do share Hang on, stop share my screen.
07:24:47 There we go. So hopefully you're seeing full screen here.
07:24:53 Good. Okay, I'm violent towards so
07:24:58 we're just gonna cruise through these quickly.
07:25:05 And
07:25:08 so code development. This is given to the top three contributors have emerged code, as measured between and one of the sign off dates.
07:25:17 The antimony, Jim. Jim Hahn and Morgan Richmond, will be the recipient of that award congratulations
07:25:32 for automation and test coverage, the TLC looked at, at, what was originally planned there and decided to reassess that in basically split it up this way.
07:25:46 The first is looking at integration team members that are basically helping to support integration.
07:25:58 We've got, pal. We are from Samsung Christoph Kosminsky from Nokia and Martin for business for bizkey from Nokia so congratulations.
07:26:10 And then, recognizing some of the folks that have the most improved CS, like the test. Got bar cars guard your whiskey, hopefully I'm not
07:26:24 mutilating these names too much My apologies if I am.
07:26:29 And then maybe I will help you.
07:26:35 Maybe translate this is the this is the topic of Christmas ski mushroom service and burritos got gf ski.
07:26:46 Much better.
07:26:50 Thank you. Thank you.
07:26:51 Yes, that was. Excellent, thank you for the, for helping out there. Really appreciate it.
07:27:02 We've got Ajay Singh in gym home for improved to psyche tests
07:27:09 The demo awards.
07:27:11 We had a number of folks that submitted their nominations and the winners of that are the control loop automation using own app
07:27:23 shared in one shared slice order processing and end to end network slicing demo.
07:27:30 So congratulations.
07:27:33 Now, are the top three awards that we have, which are s3 p citizenship and top achievement.
07:27:46 The survey was bought it.
07:27:50 We had, which is
07:27:55 quite disappointing to all of us.
07:28:00 But as one of the members of the TASC pointed out that the folks feel the award is important enough that they went to the trouble of buying it.
07:28:13 And it wasn't as.
07:28:16 Anyway, I'll just leave it there.
07:28:20 As a result, the DNC is decided to nullify the results of the community vote.
07:28:27 And the TLC will vote for the winners from the original nominee list so this will be the results we will have for this next week, and then going forward the community based awards, the communities will make the nominations for these three awards and the
07:28:44 TASC members will vote on the winners going forward.
07:28:48 So, that was
07:28:52 quite a, quite a surprise
07:28:59 to discover what it happened there. So, That's it.
07:29:07 On the community award Congratulation, who all of the.
07:29:11 All of the winners there.
07:29:14 and keep posted for the top three next week.
07:29:22 So thank you, Kenny, and again, congratulations to all the winners
07:29:30 of skinny said that was also disappointed because we are an open source community and the goal is all to work and collaborate together so hopefully we celebrate again of next renewal next week.
07:29:46 But please, this is, this is really not the right way to work together and I hope for all you think we did change, and will be better.
07:29:56 But I don't want to damage. People have been victimized today and people will be organized next week. So let's finish on a positive note, and really thank you to the winners, but also to everybody was reporting these winners and all the community was
07:30:20 constantly delivering the impossible. So thank you to all of you at the end.
07:30:25 We are winning, we are promoting the roadmap committee to all your great contribution.
07:30:31 Thanks a lot.
07:30:35 Thanks to train with lucky winner.
07:30:41 You say, I'm issuing an award.
07:30:49 What is it,
07:30:49 what would you like.
07:30:52 It will be a tangible that you can put on your desk. That's right. The gratitude and appreciation of your peers.
07:31:04 And your name and your name or your drink.
07:31:13 And I'll be I'll be updating that today.
07:31:15 Okay.
07:31:17 I want to send up the good news.
07:31:21 And the beer if we meet again, when we met right that's right yeah, you just you just natural to my word actually
07:31:32 someday maybe someday it will happen, it will happen and yes, and and and you can all look forward to trying avoid me in the hallways.
07:31:48 We'll have to see it
07:31:52 In person in person in person. Yeah. So, we are out of time. Just a quick note about the open networking and edge executive forum, which is coming up next week.
07:32:11 I will drop a note on that in the chat window quickly.
07:32:25 If you can attend, please do so.
07:32:20 This is something that we have typically done at only in es, and it is typically has been an invitation only opportunity for executives from the company's contributing to come and basically share what their thoughts are on on the state of the network
07:32:47 and in what their plans are going forward so it has been since virtual, we have opened this up, who the entire community is taking place over three days, and in three different time zones, wanting each day so to try and make this as accessible as possible
07:33:08 so I would encourage everybody to do that.
07:33:16 We have a.
07:33:20 The discussion about the vice chair of the architecture sub chakra you want to say a couple words on that.
07:33:30 Sure.
07:33:31 So, in the past few years or since you know the start of the community.
07:33:38 The, the architecture subcommittee had only the chairman position. So, this year.
07:33:50 And I discussed it at the architecture subcommittee meetings we collectively decided that we want to create the position of the Vice Chair for the architecture subcommittee to get
07:34:01 the give people opportunity to, to share in the leadership of the architecture subcommittee So, yesterday I sent out a call for nominations.
07:34:13 It started yesterday. It concludes, I believe, 5pm Eastern Time. On March, 9.
07:34:24 So, I encourage all the people that are interested in we have very fine Sarah set of people that participate in the weekly call.
07:34:36 And I would invite them to basically self nominate and hopefully we'll get a couple of candidates and then if we have more than one candidate then we'll call for a election.
07:34:48 Once the nomination period is over. So, the email, went out yesterday, look for it in your inbox.
07:34:57 And if you're interested, please send in your self nomination email.
07:35:05 Thank you.
07:35:10 Couple other quick notes.
07:35:24 We'll be sending an email out on that. This is the individual that represents the entire development community through the governing board. This is a voting seat on the governing board so keep an eye out for that if you're interested, ideal candidates
07:35:44 have both a good mix of technical well thing you need to be a committed,
07:35:54 you need you need to be a committed with a capital C.
07:36:03 And,
07:36:03 and they have besides your technical skills also have a little bit of business sense.
07:36:10 So that's coming up.
07:36:12 We've got information on internship, which is being worked in currently at the lF and information on that coming soon.
07:36:19 And a reminder o'clock changes.
07:36:21 The US does it on the 14th, North America does it on the 14th Europe does it on the 28th.
07:36:32 And, of course, in China, in India, there they are static clocks, so those do not change.
07:36:41 We are now six minutes over Is there anything anyone else wants to add a comment.
07:36:48 Kenny just to be sure that I remember correctly so that TFC is bound to UTC, and PT Elko is the one that shifts together with the US time zone.
07:36:59 That is correct, the PSC is bound to UTC, the PTO meeting is not.
07:37:05 Thank you.
07:37:07 So can you just one one more question for the call committed representative picks one committed partner, the secret organization for you. I mean, we cannot repeat the same committed again from the same community right that's the restrictions in, right.
07:37:19 Right. So own app is our police from Arizona has a chance to put themselves. I just want the only community that does not.
07:37:28 That is not qualified this year is advocate.
07:37:33 and exhibit outsiders.
07:37:49 But, extra fella would be would be qualified as an elephant project.
07:37:41 Okay. Thanks.
07:37:47 Okay, everybody.