TSC 2021-12-02

TSC 2021-12-02

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status



  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

PTL Updates

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Unmaintained project handling

Discussion to be deferred until  

Vote on SECCOM best practice and global requirements proposals

Jakarta release - non-functional requirements proposed lis

#AGREED M1 for Jakarta will be moved to with remaining milestones to remain as-is

#AGREED the TSC approves the promotion of  REQ-441 - Getting issue details... STATUS from Best Practice to A Global Requirement (tracked as Req-1070 for Jakarta) and 

REQ-1072 - Getting issue details... STATUS and  REQ-1073 - Getting issue details... STATUS to be established as Best Practices beginning with Jakarta

  • Kenny Paul update decision log and jiras.  

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Update regarding Multi-SDO Autonomous Network collaboration Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) 


Previous presentation on this subject, Liaison statement from TM Forum

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Enterprise Task Force

  • The 2nd dedicated SABRE/ONAP meeting was held Dec 1
    • Recording is attached to agenda for ETF meeting for Dec 8
  • Martial will describe the current status and we will discuss next steps at the Dec 8 meeting

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

<Available Slot>

Zoom Chat Log 

05:59:22 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
05:59:35 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
05:59:41 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    #info Amy Zwarico, AT&T - Catherine Lefevre proxy
06:00:04 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:00:55 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:01:12 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan  to  Everyone:
    #info N.K. Shankar, STL
06:01:24 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
06:01:24 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:01:26 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:01:53 From  Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile)  to  Everyone:
    # info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
06:02:22 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
06:04:15 From  Magnus Buhrgard (representing ONAP)  to  Everyone:
    #info, Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
06:06:13 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:06:25 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:06:25 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @timo thanks
06:06:27 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    (apologies for being late)
06:06:58 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @eric thanks
06:16:24 From  Lukasz RAJEWSKI (Orange)  to  Everyone:
06:18:14 From  Bob Heinemann   to  Everyone:
    Proposed SECCOM Best Practices, REQ-1072 and REQ-1073
06:19:12 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    yes, thanks bob
06:31:35 From  Bob Heinemann   to  Everyone:
    Thanks for your comments Bruno
06:34:23 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    You’re welcome Bob
06:36:56 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote does the TSC approve the promotion of REQ-441 from Best Practice to A Global Requirement (tracked as Req-1070 for Jakarta) and Req-1072 and Req-1073 to be established as Best Practices beginning with Jakarta? +1, 0, -1
06:37:03 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:05 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:06 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:11 From  Magnus Buhrgard (representing ONAP)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:11 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:12 From  Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:14 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:15 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:16 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:22 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1 for Alla Goldner
06:37:22 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:28 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
06:37:59 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
06:38:39 From  Bob Heinemann   to  Everyone:
    Thank you
06:48:54 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
06:53:04 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan  to  Everyone:
07:00:35 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:04:22 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

06:03:29 Okay, both recording and transcription have been turned on.
06:03:36 If I could get a volunteer to please help with gatekeeper duties I'd appreciate it.
06:03:44 I can do that this Fred.
06:03:46 Thank you, Fred.
06:03:54 Just design what quick you somebody else pop in and out your name away from me.
06:04:04 We go.
06:04:07 Please keep yourself muted, send me a private chat message it'll become part of public record because I do cut and paste those into the meeting minutes.
06:04:19 And we will start our meeting off by mentioning our, our.
06:04:25 Excuse me.
06:04:29 Me
06:04:32 by MIT.
06:04:33 Sorry,
06:04:36 glad that I started the recording for that by mentioning our company's policy notice.
06:04:45 You can find this link from the lF and all of the project websites. This is important where we've got multiple companies participating in these meetings that maybe industry competitors.
06:04:56 please review it if you have any questions contact companies local council members of the.
06:05:04 lf may also contact Andrew up to grow with the firm gives more up to Grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the lF Magnus thank you I see you logged in.
06:05:15 And I'm just going to go ahead and turn it over to
06:05:21 David.
06:05:26 I realize I haven't been sharing LA.
06:05:30 No.
06:05:30 All right, Kenny, I hope you survive.
06:05:35 All right.
06:05:45 Okay. So, As most of you should know.
06:05:53 Today is the, is milestone one for the Jakarta release. So let's just refresh our memories about the schedule.
06:06:07 So here we are at one second.
06:06:13 Where we approve global requirements for the release next milestone milestone to specification freeze is in late January, so this will be our last milestone for the calendar year.
06:06:35 All right, let's take a look at where we are with regard to the least management tasks.
06:06:44 So you can see that we've closed. 49.
06:06:51 The total of 59 tasks.
06:06:56 We still have 10 tasks remaining open.
06:07:06 I have particular concern about Seelye and the NF SDK.
06:07:16 I sent a couple of emails to Congress, but haven't gotten a response.
06:07:27 And it would just be like before, look at my greatest history teacher here.
06:07:32 Okay, so she Thank you, I appreciate that.
06:07:37 So those, those two are a concern.
06:07:41 The other projects are in various states of wrapping up their, their issues.
06:07:54 With regard to the requirements.
06:08:02 We're looking pretty good. The, the one outstanding one is the NFL cm support I believe this is Joseph.
06:08:15 And
06:08:16 this is another situation where I've,
06:08:20 I've sent out a couple of emails, without any response.
06:08:26 Is anyone familiar with this requirement or know what statuses or
06:08:37 anyone working with Joseph on this.
06:08:43 David, I think this requirement was moved to Jakarta.
06:08:49 Yes.
06:08:53 It may have been Yeah, I'm not, I'm not sure.
06:08:59 Because marked as fixed version Jakarta.
06:09:02 Yeah, it was well yeah it was just created five days ago. So, relatively new.
06:09:11 Allah has the requirements subcommittee reviewed this.
06:09:18 And this is in the car she can't see it. Okay, this is spec requirements so no need for requirements subcommittee.
06:09:27 Okay. All right.
06:09:29 Ok.
06:09:32 So anyway, we're, we're at lyst bath. We're at risk of losing this requirement for the Jakarta release.
06:09:41 Anyway, so if anyone
06:09:47 has any connection to Joseph, and can reach out to them and find out what's going on asked him to contact me I appreciate it.
06:10:03 All right.
06:10:09 I also wanted to check on a couple of issues. These
06:10:16 have been pushed from release to release I think these were both open by Morgan.
06:10:28 As best practices.
06:10:41 See,
06:10:39 and this one.
06:10:43 Okay.
06:10:45 So, I have a note here that TLC approved this as a best practice for the Jakarta release.
06:10:54 And I can't remember the circumstances, at the time.
06:11:01 Earlier this year, as to why we did it for the Jakarta release instead of for a standard bowl.
06:11:11 Anyway, but when we do, you can vote for something to be set is a global requirement or best practice at any time in advance of em one
06:11:25 for any particular release right but this this was 27, may this would have been prior to the start of the assemble release I'm not quite sure why this wouldn't have been approved as a best practice for assemble, instead of delaying it to to Carter.
06:11:47 You see what I mean.
06:11:49 27 may
06:11:53 go back and look at the minutes.
06:11:56 So anyway,
06:12:02 since we are at RM one milestone, which is where we determine global requirements and best practices for the release.
06:12:13 I think we need to sort this out.
06:12:17 And we have a similar issue with 396.
06:12:30 So do we are is the TSP agreed that we will recognize these as best practices for
06:12:40 for the Jakarta release.
06:12:44 Are we good with that.
06:12:46 Yeah, and we've got in the meeting minutes for the May 27 TLC meeting, it says that 396 and 399 as best practices for Jakarta.
06:13:02 Okay.
06:13:02 All right, um, there was a discussion about them being an assemble and the decision was that that would be made for Jakarta.
06:13:15 Okay.
06:13:17 All right, I just want to make sure because these have implications for our projects for new code, obviously.
06:13:29 And so I just want to make sure that we're prepared to impose that requirement.
06:13:39 Okay.
06:13:41 All right, thanks for bringing that up Kenny.
06:13:45 Okay, so, uh, so the question then is, what do we want to do for em one.
06:13:56 We're.
06:13:57 As I mentioned earlier, we're still about 20%, shy, on our,
06:14:08 Our project release management tasks.
06:14:13 And so,
06:14:35 my question because if we got bird the least of the submitted functional requirements for the requirements of community versus the least which we have impact view but the component.
06:14:34 Then there was a big difference.
06:14:40 In which way in which way the thing that in the impact job or the component very, very few of the requirements. While for the requirements.
06:14:51 Least submitted to the requirements of committee for the Jakarta, we have more,
06:14:57 I believe.
06:14:59 Okay.
06:15:04 So you're saying that this this list is different than the list, the list. This list looks a little bit empty, I would say, yeah,
06:15:16 so that it could be due to
06:15:21 due to labeling either the, the requirement isn't being late label the pro pro appropriately. In terms of the requirement type
06:15:35 or the fixed version has not been applied.
06:15:46 David did this morning.
06:15:49 I was going through and I was taking a look at the, the, the list of approved best practices and global requirements.
06:15:59 And there's something.
06:16:01 I can't quite figure out because only a portion of what is approved,
06:16:10 showing up. The first thing I found was like for for for 41, which is up for promotion today from best practice to global requirement was in there, and it, it hadn't been tagged but after tagging it it's still not showing up so I'm not sure
06:16:33 what, what if we've got a JIRA issue if we got a sinking issue or, or, or what's going on.
06:16:41 David please look at the link I have put into the chat.
06:16:45 Okay.
06:17:03 So Kenny you touched on something that I was going to ask about and that was the status of the new requirements that set com had proposed.
06:17:14 And I believe it's for 41 was proposed to be promoted to a global requirement. And then there were a couple that were for best practice. And I think that we also had requested a global requirement to use the standard images.
06:17:34 So I was wondering on the status on those.
06:17:37 Yeah, those we need to vote on today.
06:17:39 Okay, cool.
06:17:46 Yep.
06:17:48 Part of the problem in evaluating this is that I don't think that the.
06:17:54 The JIRA associated JIRA is listed, which would be helpful.
06:18:05 But I guess what you're saying is that, let's see we have 12345678 1010 requirements. And these all track to
06:18:25 to use cases, or how did these track into into JIRA.
06:18:33 What type of requirement.
06:18:42 Or is it a mixture.
06:18:48 What What was the question again.
06:18:51 Well,
06:18:55 so there's. We're saying there's a discrepancy from from my vantage point I were in terms of the, the JIRA issues that are associated with these requirements.
06:19:08 Right, so it's it's difficult for me to look at this and you know map this into JIRA and understand what what's happening without having the JIRA references.
06:19:33 Does that make sense.
06:19:36 Perhaps perhaps we should get a feedback from Allah, whether the requirements of committee process has been completed or not, right, because I'm not sure.
06:19:43 Yeah. Allah.
06:19:48 Yes.
06:19:50 Yes. You mean for Jakarta released.
06:19:54 Yeah.
06:19:55 Yes No It hasn't been completed here at the at least have one more meeting upcoming Monday.
06:20:03 Review review outstanding requirements which we're actually ready for the last meeting, but we didn't have enough time to review those.
06:20:17 Okay, So, so that may explain why part of it, why, why there's a mismatch there just because the that process hasn't been completed.
06:20:25 And we haven't we haven't asked projects yet to fill in this page.
06:20:33 So, so it could just be that this page is lagging.
06:20:38 You know what, what is in JIRA just because the requirements subcommittee review process hasn't completed.
06:20:55 Okay. So,
06:21:00 yeah, I'm ready to go today yeah that's that's what I'm thinking is that
06:21:09 what my suggestion is that we differ. Am one one week to
06:21:21 December night, and keep the remaining milestones the same.
06:21:28 So milestone one would move out to December night.
06:21:32 The remaining milestones, empty through signed off would stay the same.
06:21:42 Does that make sense. Any, any objections plan
06:21:55 myself off mute, I will mark that as a pound degree.
06:22:05 I do, I do want us to go ahead and
06:22:13 after you get through, I do, i do want us to proceed with the
06:22:20 best practice and global requirement vote though.
06:22:24 Yeah, that's fine Kenny, that's, that's it for me, for release status unless there are any questions.
06:22:39 All right, thank you.
06:22:58 is.
06:23:02 Okay, so hopefully people are seeing that.
06:23:48 So we've got a few things here they've been discussed
06:23:56 previously.
06:23:57 The first we've got wreck for 41 currently a best practice.
06:24:03 This is up for promotion to a global requirement for Jakarta, being tracked as wreck.
06:24:13 1070.
06:24:16 And then we have to propose best practices.
06:24:21 One is the security log, and let me click that and we'll go take a peek at that guy.
06:24:36 standard logging.
06:24:59 Any questions about this guy.
06:25:28 glimpsed going through this I'm not going to read it folks can read it themselves.
06:25:37 And this is material that should have been shared with the community previously so I do not believe this to be new.
06:25:58 Yeah, in fact that's that's one of the tasks.
06:26:04 For me, one for best practices, is to
06:26:09 is to share that with the community.
06:26:14 That's the first one.
06:26:18 And then the second one here is using the basic image from integration and I know this one has been talked about quite a bit.
06:26:30 Okay, hang on, hang on let me go back because I didn't open that in a new window
06:26:35 or a new tab.
06:26:39 This is using it in a nutshell using the image provided by the integration team, and not just using some random image because the integration team has all of this stuff that is relatively hardened and is has all of the good chocolaty covered nuggets that
06:27:01 we want in our, our images so that also is, is something that's not new.
06:27:12 So both of those are being proposed as new best practices, best practices would apply to new code.
06:27:20 Global requirements would require would would apply to all code. So before I put a vote forward Does anyone have any questions, any comments, any thoughts.
06:27:33 Well, one comment I think I don't remember, we took. We took about it for the loading I think standardization would be great and for maybe one additional step maybe later and I know that could be interesting, or no so the termination of log in every day,
06:27:55 for sure. That's good then.
06:28:06 Having them also structure, could be interesting for indexing and searching into the logs in like that.
06:28:07 But I'm not sure this is part of the requirement.
06:28:14 When I mean by searching log the sting of death row Blendtec these two are the logs and the decent formatting is to away.
06:28:25 That's another maybe improvement or another step to reach. I don't know what you guys think about it.
06:28:36 Yeah, see, It
06:28:40 certainly I think it would need to be a bit more fleshed out to be included so maybe that's something for
06:28:50 the cone release coming up next time.
06:28:55 Because I think it's, it's, it's currently incorporated but
06:29:09 certainly would make sense to me but I will defer to the community. Hey Kenny, this is, this is Bob.
06:29:11 Yeah, Bruno.
06:29:13 I can sort of talk, talk to you about that real quick. So within in this requirement the structure isn't specified. This was just getting the content.
06:29:24 As part of the best practice structure of the data is something that we're, we're working on next. Along with the sort of the architecture in terms of how do we how do we offload that data and aggregate it into a centralized place, so that that's something
06:29:43 that we're currently actively working.
06:29:47 And I definitely appreciate any input that you may have on that and invite you to come to the SEC calm meetings, and share any, any thoughts that you may have about what are sort of good structures or things that we should be looking at.
06:30:07 Sorry. Good.
06:30:10 I think that's kind of
06:30:14 standardized fields, but we're talking.
06:30:19 The even beyond that. Right.
06:30:23 Exactly, good idea to already have this under here, and even after that he would like to grow beyond us to also to to to structure to structure the building in a way that even, we can leverage the, even the content of the login, more efficiently.
06:30:41 Yeah.
06:30:45 That's the idea and one wanted to know if there yeah there we go that's the page I'm looking for you we have the field and then yeah once it gives you some interest to even go closer.
06:31:03 That we can we can we can discuss about it and share and share ideas.
06:31:13 If we would like to go further later on. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, so this is the start and we're looking to build, build on this and subsequent releases.
06:31:21 So this was one of the ones up for proposal as a best practice the other one
06:31:31 was the image and then moving for 41, up to a
06:31:40 move moving for 41 up to a global requirement.
06:31:46 So, if there is no other input I'm going to drop that.
06:31:51 Sorry, Kenneth magnetosphere some new newcomer to the TC.
06:31:57 I was wondering, what's the rule on on use cases will sort of old use cases automatically be valid for you releases or do you have to renew them every time.
06:32:15 Interesting,
06:32:18 interesting topic of discussion there.
06:32:21 Because it's it's something that David Niven actually talking about and there have been some other conversations within the community, In terms of how we are tracking our use cases, especially in the context of unmaintained content.
06:32:45 We had a meeting on this earlier in the week.
06:32:51 And a use case I mean, it's obviously starts off with somebody as the champion for the use case.
06:33:00 But eventually, the use case and this is just me giving my kind of rambling thoughts in real time here.
06:33:13 You start off with a champion of the use case that use case, eventually becomes somewhat ubiquitous and
06:33:23 the is no longer tracked and if you look at the firewall, I mean, is there anyone that can say that they are are driving the firewall Well no, it's kind of the the own app equivalent of hello world.
06:33:40 Now the question is, is once we have a set recipe, for lack of a better word for a use case.
06:33:53 If that is leveraging content that is no longer being maintained.
06:34:01 Then what happens.
06:34:03 And we don't have a good, a good model right now for going back and revisiting that so Magnus, I will bookmark that because
06:34:17 it's something that we wanted to talk about
06:34:25 right there. So, I should have just said that immediately after we get the vote don't
06:34:34 know, it's interesting discussion because you. You can also say that there are features maybe that if one project is sort of withdrawing with growing some some functionality.
06:34:48 For some reason, then do they have to permission, do they have to seek permission from from other projects because once.
06:34:59 Once upon a time there was sort of a consensus around a certain feature.
06:35:05 And by pulling back some of that stuff then that feature is no longer valid. Even if the, the other details haven't said that they're okay with that.
06:35:17 So they're all these kind of questions as to say that will sort of connected to this.
06:35:26 Yeah, and maintain projects or, or, or requirements. Yep. So David pull a few slides together for us.
06:35:37 And we will dive into that in a minute.
06:35:41 Okay, thanks.
06:35:43 Yeah, I think, you know, we have a concept of life cycle for projects, but we don't really have an equivalent concept of a life cycle for use cases and other requirements night I think that's basically what we're talking about.
06:36:03 Okay. Anything else before I dropped the vote in and the book will be the TSA approved the promotion of rec for 41 from best back just to a global requirement for.
06:36:18 I just killed what I had typed. There we go. controls the is your friend from a best practice to a global requirement that will be tracked as rec 10704 Jakarta, and rec 1072 and 1073 to be established as best practices, beginning with Jakarta.
06:36:48 Okay, I'm going to cut and paste that into the chat window, and all I'll let me know what your vote is and I will vote for you.
06:37:05 Last one can send you a thank you.
06:37:26 think Kenny.
06:37:28 We should probably plan on spending several minutes in the ptl call on Monday reviewing, just to make sure that the PTS understand. Yeah, absolutely.
06:37:45 Okay, I'll give it another 10 seconds.
06:37:58 4321.
06:38:01 Okay.
06:38:03 That does carry thank you to Sam will update the decision log on that one.
06:38:10 and drop a note, into those
06:38:16 into those that they've been approved. David I'll stop sharing now and turn it over to you.
06:38:27 Thank you very much guys.
06:38:37 All right.
06:38:45 Okay, so there was a, an action that came up last week in the PDL meeting I believe to put together a meeting a dedicated meeting to talk about
06:39:07 dependencies on on maintain components.
06:39:11 And so I sent out an invitation to this.
06:39:23 So, David.
06:39:25 Yeah, David, Thomas is Al today so we were wondering if we could go through the deck next week.
06:39:33 I don't know if you saw things on the, the email thread but.
06:39:38 Eric, a great agrees that we really do need to have Thomas here to go through this.
06:39:44 On the main components.
06:39:47 So we want to put this entire top pick off until next week, I think.
06:39:55 Yeah, I think that's what I should do Eric, you're on the call, would you agree just let's push this to next week.
06:40:05 Yes, yes.
06:40:07 Yeah seems a bit of that, that Thomas should be there so because.
06:40:13 Okay. Kenny.
06:40:18 is that are you that agreeable.
06:40:23 Yeah, say, Well, fine with me.
06:40:28 Okay, we'll just wait till next week.
06:40:54 Typing right here.
06:41:18 Okay, So, Magnus will be discussing that next week.
06:41:26 Great.
06:41:34 Um.
06:41:30 Anything else related to
06:41:36 the release or
06:41:43 subcommittee if not Magnus I will hand it over to you.
06:41:48 Would you like to share Would you like me just to know you can you can share prepared a few slides.
06:41:55 So if you remember, I brought up this subject before, couple of weeks ago.
06:42:04 And its ability autonomous network initiative, multi sto initiative from tm forum.
06:42:13 And this is the slight edge showed last time. And now seeing industry wide multi st initiative, and the. Yeah, multiple standards developing. Now go back, developing organizations announced, working together for an aligned vision of autonomous network
06:42:34 with better collaboration between industry stakeholders.
06:42:38 So there's been a couple of meetings, and the initial proposal was to create, to create joint documents, and now we can go to the second slide.
06:42:50 And the recipients of this liaison was 3d PPCCSA at CGC May I Tripoli it FITU and GMM and team for a more sort of established standardization, organizations, but also also the Linux Foundation own up as an open source community.
06:43:17 And we can go to the next one.
06:43:19 So, there is some feedback from this lady some recipients and I don't have to, to read all the details here you can look at it if you interesting, and it responds to the idea of, of having joint documents for 3g pp says that current situation is that
06:43:44 three people have responded in the indicating indicating they are unable to sign up to the Participation Agreement, as they believe it is in conflict with their IPO rules,
06:44:02 some more information FJM.
06:44:05 They are time limited and don't believe that they can work with this owner. I've talked to have communicated with Kenny around it we prefer to try to work through current bilateral agreement between Linux Foundation and team forum.
06:44:25 And it says that they see it as not impossible. At that it would be possible to get an IPR agreement.
06:44:35 So, we had another meeting you can go to next slide, thanks. In summary of that as we agree that creating jointly author or third and multi are still documents seems in feasible based on the feedback received so far.
06:44:52 So the proposal proposal is that we will move to a single series of open meetings.
06:45:00 After the next final form of multi sto meeting.
06:45:06 And then there is a new, there is an open meeting scheduled was rescheduled to the 16th of December, where I Tripoli will present some multi layer. Hey, and network stability multi layer and Federation and standard this doubles matrix for a certification
06:45:26 of AI models for Thomas networks.
06:45:32 and there is an invitation.
06:45:35 Open Meeting of course so anyone can can join.
06:45:40 And then some some changes to this but in practice, there will be this proposal is to move to open discussion meetings at six weeks intervals in 2022, we can go to the next slide.
06:45:55 And here's just a information about this open meetings and, and the dates that are proposed for, for having this open meetings where you can meet other sort of organizations and talk about what you're doing and try to influence them.
06:46:16 And this last slide here.
06:46:19 My proposal is that don't have should take the opportunity to present that one of these workshop locations.
06:46:28 So that was saved information about the of this is coming. And, and also suggestion that we should.
06:46:39 At one point, January March or April.
06:46:46 Present. The.
06:46:46 Something about don't up to the other SEOs.
06:46:49 And I obviously I would be willing to talk about that but there's also, even better if, if, if, several people from a mon up can can talk and and be part of that, that workshop, or open meeting.
06:47:08 So that was my.
06:47:11 What I wanted to show you
06:47:15 any spontaneous comments or.
06:47:20 Yeah, Magnus.
06:47:22 Thanks for thanks for sharing. First of all, could you maybe say a few words about the scope of this autonomous network initiative because now autonomous network is almost like artificial intelligence can encompass everything and what exactly is the scope
06:47:39 here. So that's the beauty.
06:47:50 Actually I have to refer back to the presentation I made last time, there was a more comprehensive
06:47:53 am my description of what they what they wanted. I also have that on my technical community coordination page,
06:48:04 where a lot of thing.
06:48:07 I'll grab that and drop the LinkedIn.
06:48:09 Yeah. Thanks. Hey you perfectly right Randy it's sort of Walden nothing. That's the beauty.
06:48:17 Yeah, so maybe after reading this document, we can all get an idea of what might be relevant from the work.
06:48:41 I see this as we can also have a sort of a our own interpretation of this and just see it as a possibility for for own up to the state our case and say what we have.
06:48:52 And then they're also i there there are, I have some discussions with people who wants to build a proof of concept using own up.
06:49:03 And in the in the other SEOs. And so it's, it's, I would see it as a new possibility to, to, to inform about our work and and what we can offer as an Open Source Initiative.
06:49:30 I have a comment, can you hear me.
06:49:32 Yes.
06:49:33 Yeah, yeah I guess it was double muted. So, thanks Magnus, I just wanted to just comment. Then, on this autonomous networks.
06:49:44 We got an email from another such similar group, or at least there is overlap, this was it up as the focus group on autonomous networks.
06:49:57 So they sent an email saying, you know, they noticed, working on apps and they use cases and Sanja scalar slicing his case. And so, invite came in, it seemed very relevant So, and that circulated the TSP and couple of people and so I I basically said
06:50:17 okay, we'll came in and made a presentation in.
06:50:24 I think the fifth which will meeting.
06:50:25 It was basically on our material, whatever we had we said this is what we did in this one use case this is the open.
06:50:32 This is open source approach this are the objectives of the paradigm, this is what we do, if you want to collaborate, to come to the, it's an open meeting.
06:50:41 Come to the, it's an open meeting. So that was I think well received.
06:50:45 They had questions about you know what's, what's on App doing open source and especially how it. This was all between own app and orange, so we focused on that.
06:50:57 In that context I said in this autonomous networks we can talk about a song for mobile networks because that's what the hand just making a point that it had the same name.
06:51:11 But I'm not familiar with the TM forum version.
06:51:15 Look it up.
06:51:18 So the team forum work is quite substantial. they have worked with this for for some time.
06:51:26 So, so it's it's a serious sort of attempt for them to, I guess, can get their specifications into a central point in the community.
06:51:42 And do you do you see any, are you familiar with the acuity focus group on autonomous networks to see what is the similar to what correlation and assumptions.
06:51:57 In the story didn't really get that.
06:52:00 So, I mean, there's the TM forum. And yes, The one that I was brought bringing up is happened to the ITUT focus group on autonomous network so I know that it's two different organizations, I don't fully know exactly how they relate to each other.
06:52:17 I haven't understood it.
06:52:19 But do they have some cooperation or, or probably overlap but if they're coordinating in some way. I don't have any information on that.
06:52:31 I would guess that it's sort of individual sort of uncorrelated.
06:52:39 Yeah.
06:52:43 initiatives.
06:52:45 Okay. Well, I'll put in the chat Kenny I'll put a link, and there are there are some connections. It's not pulling up folks who are aware of this and that has been presentation so it's, but maybe in the working level there are some connections.
06:53:02 Let me just put it in the chat and who will want can look it up. But at this, in this context, I think, in the inter organization and promoting our work and visibility, I think.
06:53:32 So thank you for that. Um,
06:53:39 if I.
06:53:42 Where's the right one.
06:53:46 This is it, somebody is looking at this
06:53:52 one we've got the event coming up our developers forum coming up.
06:54:00 second week of January.
06:54:06 Would it be appropriate for the, maybe the use that time to try and draft what the content might be for presentation at either the January or the or the march session.
06:54:27 Yes, I can post a topic like that.
06:54:32 That's a good idea.
06:54:34 And we can have a discussion on what we want to try to convey.
06:54:47 Okay.
06:54:45 excellent.
06:54:46 Thank you for your work in this area.
06:54:52 Really appreciate that.
06:54:56 Okay. Anything else related to this.
06:55:06 Okay.
06:55:07 Enterprise Task Force.
06:55:12 Michelle Are you on the line.
06:55:17 Yeah, I don't think mine. Oh yes. okay.
06:55:23 Yeah.
06:55:27 Okay sir you have co host privileges I will stop sharing.
06:55:32 If there's something you want to share.
06:55:39 It was just mentioned the three other guru.
06:55:46 The plane. Yesterday, and destroyer we don't make sense to Nori and make some of the posts that don't present to the enterprise tax Task Force.
06:56:08 information from other another youtuber to progress but that's what just to mention that.
06:56:20 Thank you, sir.
06:56:26 be looking for that then
06:56:25 there's any I just quickly just imagine if anyone is interested in that meeting, I attached the recording to the agenda for the enterprise SAS first meeting next week and as Marshall mentioned if you're interested in this topic.
06:56:43 Be sure to attend the enterprise Salesforce meeting. On December, 8 where Marshall will be giving a readout.
06:56:53 There, especially people from network slicing earlier so as you can see
06:57:03 guys will most likely be interested because at some point if you touch the component.
06:57:21 Transitioning then.
06:57:25 So, the discussion of the life cycle edits has been
06:57:35 kind of on hold here for a few weeks.
06:57:47 And it doesn't look like there's been much
06:57:56 activity.
06:58:03 You folks want to go through this at this time.
06:58:10 The certainly does tie back into the conversations about unmaintained components and things of that nature.
06:58:27 So what would the TLC like to do here today.
06:58:43 Thanks that most of these have been my comments, basically.
06:58:57 So PSC members. What would you like to do.
06:59:11 Okay, we will move on then.
06:59:14 Any are you sharing.
06:59:17 Oh, well yeah that might help a little bit it No problem.
06:59:28 Okay.
06:59:35 There.
06:59:34 Um,
06:59:35 so, we had talked about the project lifecycle reviews and that was kind of on hold, pending.
06:59:48 Getting the release out the door and things like that.
06:59:54 So, what this is the existing content of the community document that I've kind of gone through an annotated to
07:00:10 some point we've got comments here on the bottom from Amy and from Tomas, and that's what I was saying that that really ties to the presentation that will be making next week.
07:00:28 Let me drop the link into the chat window if folks like to go take a look at this review it, incorporate your thoughts again if you want to do an inline edit.
07:00:47 You just
07:00:50 as you're looking at it, highlight something the little balloon will pop up, and you can click that to
07:01:03 add an inline comment which will highlighted in yellow.
07:01:12 So now that people can actually see what I'm talking about.
07:01:18 The folks want to go through and start trying to review this today.
07:01:26 or.
07:01:27 What would you like to do.
07:01:46 Okay. So, go ahead.
07:01:54 Mike, my suggestion would just be that when we come, maybe put both things together like today the discussion we had, where you had with with Thomas and so on and this life cycle because it's I think it's really close together and maybe have a complete
07:02:10 session for that, but this just a proposal to do it next time.
07:02:33 Good.
07:02:39 Okay then moving on, we have a deadline of two Morrow for topics for our January.
07:02:54 Devin testing forum. Randy Timo Would you like to speak on that.
07:03:02 Yeah, as of yesterday there were only think somewhat like nine proposals, so it's quite below the average so I'm guessing, people are still planning to propose so please do it before the deadline.
07:03:18 I think that would make our life easier. Yeah. During the demo, maybe
07:03:25 it should be possible maybe to extend a little bit the line because I think
07:03:31 there's a price tag on it.
07:03:34 Just wanted to say quickly that during the European day. Today, we probably have doubled the number.
07:03:42 So we are, I think it was shy from 20, but it's better.
07:03:48 So it's getting better, so maybe we have some more coming up. Still tomorrow.
07:03:55 I think, I think we're going to try to encourage people to come, come within the deadline because it becomes a bit hectic then, if, if things start.
07:04:16 Continue to drop in while we put them into the, into the calendar or into the shadow. Yeah, but Eric it might help to need more time to just put a placeholder just put the session name and
07:04:27 if you can, if you can provide us with an indication of which, which which topic, it might be and how long you might want, then that helps.
07:04:38 Yeah.
07:04:44 So at least from my reading, it looks like we, we will end up having a healthy developer forum at least counting the number of entries.
07:04:58 I think there's still room for.
07:05:01 For additional ones, if people have something in their mind.
07:05:07 Not trying to put anybody on the spot but I noticed Parvo is on the call and I think we had a discussion in the Security Forum about adding a session about Esteban.
07:05:21 And again, as, as of yesterday you haven't seen this proposal. So, are you planning to submit Do you need help with that.
07:05:35 Or maybe it can take it offline.
07:05:44 really blows you reading kind of the same time but I had this feeling that I saw something about the
07:05:55 earlier today.
07:05:57 So maybe there is
07:06:06 no, there is nothing.
07:06:08 So,
07:06:12 they're a
07:06:21 gun.
07:06:22 I'm looking at very quickly from our minutes from SATCOM to say but to make sure we're what we're doing because we talked about it on Tuesday.
07:06:42 Okay.
07:06:48 Um. Anything else on our upcoming event.
07:07:05 Well there is a session on I think it's in the plenary section.
07:06:56 So, thanks, bye.
07:07:10 That's correct.
07:07:23 Oh, yeah right there.
07:07:29 And and I was looking, I was literally looking for the word s bomb.
07:07:36 When I glanced at it.
07:07:41 Say brought that up a second ago so yeah it's right there.
07:07:49 Okay,
07:07:53 We'll have an oni sometime in q1 or q2.
07:07:59 We are planning our face to face event
07:08:04 in Porto Portugal, the week of June 13 work is underway securing the facility and all of that stuff that the events team needs to do months and months and months in advance.
07:08:19 So thanks for your input on that.
07:08:24 Anything else anyone wants to chat about today.