TSC 2021-11-18

TSC 2021-11-18

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Congratulations to the ONAP Community for the 9th release.

Weekly ONAP Release Status - Nov 17, 2021

Istanbul Landing Page

Few remaining action items will be followed on the next PTL Call

Marketing Reminders:

  • Social Media Posts going out this AM on LinkedIn/Twitter (please cross-promote)
  • Orange ONAP Webinar Last Week (Slides | Recording | 1-Pager Available Here)
  • DT Webinar Today 8:00 AM Pacific (Register Here)
  • 2022 Events Planning
    • LFN Developer & Testing Forum (January 10-13) (Virtual) Learn Mote & Register
    • Open Networking & Edge Executive Forum (Virtual) Details TBD
    • LFN Developer & Testing Forum (Date & Venue Coming Soon) Physical Event!
    • Open Networking & Edge Summit (Fall TBD) Physical Event!
  • December TSC Call TBD (2022 Marketing Overview)


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

  • 2021 Modeling Subcommittee Year in Review 

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

  • ONAP Network Slicing - Requirement Ownership 
    • Thanks to Wipro, Swaminathan Seetharaman and  Ahila P 
    • In addition to Network Slicing concerns raised about the number of components without a PTL/owner
    • Need succession planning
    • Review the status of the PTL overhead feedback provided by Orange early in the year (last year??) - what burden has been lifted, what is still an issue
    • Discussion of load leveling of tasks - especially administrative
    • PTL Survey?
  • TSC + ArchSub + ReqSub to review project lifecycle for unmaintained projects  
  • Kenny Paul pull up PTL Burden presentation and distribute to TSC   

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise


CNF Task Force: Jakarta Requirements - Implementation of ASD/ETSI CNF Packaging

TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • Honolulu Awards Results (offline)
  • TSC Chair Vote (offline)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

05:55:59 From  SaiSeshu(Huawei)  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, Huawei
05:59:23 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
05:59:26 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
05:59:36 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
06:00:00 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
06:00:03 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:00:07 From  Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
06:00:13 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:00:26 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:01:19 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:01:32 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan  to  Everyone:
    #info N. K. Shankar, STL
06:01:44 From  Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile)  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile

06:05:39     From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:06:22     From Catherine Lefevre : #info Catherine Lefevre, ATT
06:06:52     From SaiSeshu(Huawei) : congratulations team ONAP !!!!
06:11:18     From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : https://www.onap.org/software
06:11:51     From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : today's webinar reg https://zoom.platform.linuxfoundation.org/webinar/register?project=lfn&id=ZOHGsQT%2BQEFRClO3rbWLqAJM6rORs2qwFj%2BgfjMmxwsJ4q0Gqqb7Ig%3D%3D&logo=lfn.svg&zoomID=98542052603
06:18:49     From Catherine Lefevre : @brandon - i have just sent the snapshot
06:37:14     From Catherine Lefevre : Thanks Andy
06:59:10     From Ahila P (Wipro) : Thank you Catherine/Kenny and others for considering..!!!
07:07:15     From Catherine Lefevre : Thank You to YOU - Ahila for taking it over after Swammi and to be part of the last release. Please pass our ‘BIG Thanks’ to the Network slicing contributors
07:28:48     From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : Sorry, I am multi-tasking on another meeting.
07:29:16     From LFN Webinar : Thanks for flagging the LinkedIn preview issue Catherine. It’s now fixed on the back end everywhere but the LinkedIn cache might still show the older image. If this happens to anyone else, please remove the preview and add the manually add the image from the landing page if you’d like.
07:31:05     From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) : https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2022+LFN+Developer+Event+Topics+January
07:34:26     From Bob Heinemann  : Thank you.

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

06:03:04 Okay, transcription service is on.
06:03:12 Once again if I can get somebody to assist with gate keeping out appreciate it.
06:03:18 Again it's Fred I can do that. Okay, Fred. Thank you.
06:03:30 Okay, so let's just get rolling here
06:03:37 with deep self muted unless you're speaking, if you're coming in on a phone line you can always use star six.
06:03:43 If you happen to send me a private zoom message that will become part of the public record. When it gets cut and pasted into the meeting minutes.
06:03:55 And this is our anti trust policy we always start off by mentioning it. You can find this link from the elephant all of the project websites policies important.
06:04:03 We've got multiple companies including potential industry competitors participating in meetings, such as this.
06:04:09 Please review if you have any questions you can contact your company's legal counsel, members of the elf may also contact Andrew up to Grove at the firm up the grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
06:04:26 Stop that share transfer over here.
06:04:33 Okay.
06:04:37 Okay. Good morning everybody. I would like to kick off the meeting. I saw I send an email to the committee and I realized that it was enough to vote. So I want to seize the moment, and to congratulate all of you.
06:04:54 All the community. I want to thank the project team including of ppl for the amazing leadership as always. The requirement owners have on our police manager David, who is here with us today.
06:05:08 As always, supported by our own up committees the TC members and yourself Kenny and I know bond on is also on the, on the call, because we did a great marketing lunch that we will talk in a couple of minutes.
06:05:21 So I want to thank the complete community for the ninth release. It's a wonderful fans giving gifts so thank you so much to all of you.
06:05:31 And I look forward to, to continue on the same path, it has been a really smooth release we didn't ship that much.
06:05:39 I was really, really happy about all the information that has been share so congratulations to all of you. And thank you, absolutely.
06:05:51 So now we deserve a nice early the season, starting with the stands, giving the Christmas and the New Year. Thank you, everybody.
06:06:07 Erica to thank you, um, this is,
06:06:12 this is really great.
06:06:16 And I want to thank everyone in the community for, for all the hard work. want to thank TASC
06:06:28 everyone that's done testing, everyone's done documentation, everyone that's done development for this release.
06:06:38 I love seeing when the community, pulls together and and those great things so thank you so much.
06:06:50 Should we.
06:06:52 So, David sent out the update
06:06:57 on the release status that folks can read, I assume, Catherine just like to jump right into the marketing aspect.
06:07:11 Yes, please.
06:07:13 Okay.
06:07:16 Brandon on the call. Yeah, American me. Yep. Okay.
06:07:21 You want me just to follow the link or do you want to share.
06:07:25 You can you can pull that up, since you're sharing your screen.
06:07:33 Yeah so want to echo. Everyone's.
06:07:37 Congratulations here at the significant milestone for a nap.
06:07:42 Lot of people went into helping translate all the great work that you did in the technical community into a publicly facing marketing message, and definitely appreciate all of those inputs from the PTO and committee leads update to our key updates page
06:08:06 that we took and translated that into what you're seeing on our own app software page which we're considering the the landing page if you will, for the release, and we took a different format this time around.
06:08:25 We, some of the changes that the previous versions we felt were getting a little long and text heavy, so we took this opportunity to break it up into highlights and including visuals bullets and links to more information.
06:08:43 So we have our release highlights is symbol by the numbers. And then we highlight some of the great work that the own app committees have been doing around the cloud native journey.
06:08:59 Also, security update integrations with the 5g, super blueprint project or initiative.
06:09:08 And then we have some great new own app deployment stories, going live across our properties.
06:09:18 So, when referring to publicly outwardly facing information around the release this is the page to use own app.org slash software and can if you go back to the.
06:09:36 The TASC wiki for now.
06:09:39 So now that we've got that live on our website. I've also now updated the homepage of the own app wiki. With this information and big community assist on getting our overview architecture in read the docs updated.
06:09:58 Thank you very much. To those who contributed that and for to Eric for pushing that live.
06:10:25 Yeah. Can you find more information around the release from a technical community point of view.
06:10:33 So we updated this overview page to make it current for a stumble, as well, and go to the.
06:10:44 It should default there anyways.
06:10:47 Okay.
06:10:51 And now that we've got this live, you will see social media updates coming out from us on the. lf networking, social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn would ask you to for those of you on social media to keep an eye out for those and to help cross promote
06:11:10 and share those updates across your channels and communities as well.
06:11:18 reminder that we had a great own app webinar last week with our friends from Orange. And we have a link to a dedicated page on LFN a user story page where those assets are available slides.
06:11:35 The recording. If you missed that webinar and a one page document.
06:11:41 And we're working on a longer form a case study that will be available soon.
06:11:47 We're also working closely with our friends at Deutsche Telekom.
06:12:03 Their webinars in fact, today, right after the TASC call.
06:11:58 So I would encourage folks who are interested to register and attend that webinar and I have a link to the registration page here. And then after that webinar today we'll be sending out the webinar materials to everyone that registered and will be updating
06:12:19 the Deutsche Telekom users story page on an elephant as well where those materials will be posted
06:12:29 also have a note here around 2022 events, there have been some questions in the community about our plans for 22 so I've included a few bullets here around what we know at this point.
06:12:46 We have an elephant developer and testing forum in January.
06:12:50 The 10th through the 13th, that's going to be a virtual event. And I've got a link to learn more and register for that.
06:12:58 And then looking down the calendar in the spring.
06:13:02 We're exploring and open networking and edge executive forum. The Sylvia virtual event, like we did this year, and details of that are coming soon.
06:13:16 And then in the
06:13:20 June timeframe, will have an elephant developer and testing forum that we very much hope will be a physical event, and have a chance to get together in person.
06:13:35 For the first time in a long time.
06:13:37 For for many of us we're finalizing the dates and venues for that and we should have an update, very soon.
06:13:46 And then lastly, we're planning on an open networking and edge summit, sometime in the fall, and we're planning for a physical event as well, a working group has formed to help us, I think, develop this event and in a new format.
06:14:08 We're, we're taking in a lot of community feedback and we're trying to
06:14:14 make this event as compelling as possible for both the elephant communities and for the industry at large. And when we have more details around that event will be posting them as well, but putting it on here as a as an FYI and and to save the date.
06:14:33 And then, now that we're through the assemble release cycle
06:14:40 huddling up with the own app Mac liaison Randy about our plans for own up marketing in 2022, so we'll be getting on the agenda for a feature TASC call coming up, where we can go through with you about what those plans are.
06:15:05 So thank you, Brandon I've just, I just a quick comment about the landing page because I was just playing with it.
06:15:15 While you are presenting.
06:15:16 So, there is something funny.
06:15:21 So when you post it. Right. It showed the own up, and I
06:15:31 thought you know sometimes you put things in LinkedIn, and the image that you see is the line between fondling is going here. So I just wanted to give you an It's okay.
06:15:57 Okay, thanks for asking.
06:15:47 Okay. We'll look into that.
06:15:53 Any other comments or questions on the marketing release or other marketing items.
06:16:02 Just want to say I like the new format. I like the graphics, I think if we can continue on the path to make punch line and graphic. It wasn't a whole lot of attention, because it's always nice to see pictures and logistics to, and the content is, is,
06:16:23 is great because it's focusing on the different task force, but all the activities that we are doing. We have also a special.
06:16:32 Kudos from the security so that's why I would like to invite the subcommittee, Ryan because we focus on your nap security, but the architecture whatever we could continue on that path, because we have a lot of good stuff to share, as well.
06:16:50 So anyway, thank you so much.
06:16:53 All right, thank you. Thank you all and congratulations.
06:17:01 Any questions for Brandon.
06:17:09 Okay, thanks so much a very. Thanks again and congratulations.
06:17:27 Whoo, whoo, big sigh of relief
06:17:21 for, for everyone. Do this.
06:17:24 Okay.
06:17:27 When shift on the rail and then I guess,
06:17:33 any issues any scheduled downtime coming up any migrations.
06:17:40 Anything the community needs to know.
06:17:47 Nothing plan.
06:17:49 We, we continue to keep an eye on Jenkins and the performance from the Vex notes and everything has been looking fine.
06:18:01 Okay.
06:18:07 Okay then.
06:18:11 Go ahead and shift to subcommittee updates then Andy, are you on do you want to do you want me to drive the slides or do you want to share, whichever you prefer I could do either one on a go ahead and turn it over to you then.
06:18:27 Okay.
06:18:29 You have been co hosted. Okay.
06:18:33 Let's try it again.
06:18:35 It just said, rejected that probably did it to see.
06:18:39 There we go.
06:18:42 And hopefully you can see the screen.
06:18:45 Yes, sir.
06:18:46 And I think we should all take individually some scheduled downtime, coming up this month the next month or so.
06:18:54 So I'd like to thank you thanks to who put this together, and helped us a lot with the modeling so committee has been running a lot of the resource modeling work, but both Sue and then we also have not been able or not able to attend today so I'm presenting
06:19:12 on all subcommittees behalf. So this is, this is our 2021 year in review for the modeling subcommittee. And we've had a pretty active year, but I'm not sure you know folks that don't regularly participate in the modeling subcommittee might not be aware
06:19:26 of the activities that are occurring. So I thought it'd be a good idea to kind of highlight things. So we'll talk about what we've had, you know, in 2021 as far as model proposals and approvals will highlight your modeling workshop that we had, as well
06:19:39 well as what we've done with documentation improvements and then we also had a modeling tool update.
06:19:45 And I can touch on those.
06:19:47 But the main part is, you know, I think that one's really interested in is what what have we done with respect to modeling so we've, we've had some updates to some existing models.
06:19:58 For example, of the vest seven to update, and we got that through approval this year.
06:20:03 We also had a VNF descriptor information model update to more closely aligned with the Nazis.
06:20:10 specifications really specifications and that's also approved.
06:20:13 And we have a pretty, pretty good effort.
06:20:16 Using some tooling to go through the API schema and kind of reverse engineer that into a logical information model. and that's ongoing, but we are.
06:20:28 We did have a great deal of success with respect to this, this year. And we've been able to pull together some specific modeling fragments.
06:20:40 You know, around, you know, for example around some of the virtualization capabilities that might be related to the CNN model. So those are great successes that we've had this year so far.
06:20:53 We also had a bunch of work around the container related models. So we have the CNF design time model, which is approved, we have the simplified Kubernetes resource model, which also got approved this year.
06:21:08 And there's there's continuing work. Now, on the application service descriptor model.
06:21:14 So we see you know bunch of these areas, kind of, you know, advancing, and we actually had some, you know, the proof bottles in some of these areas as well.
06:21:23 Some of the new things that are also occurring in addition tasty.
06:21:28 Continuing to reef.
06:21:30 We have the high level configuration consistency service model, which also was approved.
06:21:36 There's a new work effort around this policy model which is ongoing.
06:21:41 In addition, I think the see enough Kubernetes resource model is going to continue to refine as we go forward to so I think as we move into release.
06:21:50 Attend get believe it's released 10 already.
06:21:52 That will have some, you know, additional work items related to, to number of these topics to help refine improve improve and advanced models around the containerized technologies.
06:22:06 And we, we invite your folks working on use cases that that might have modeling requirements to, to bring them to our attention, just, you know, come to one of our modeling subcommittee meetings, it'll send an email to the modeling subcommittee list and
06:22:31 information. So if you have information that's shared cross own app components, or from from own app as a black box to the outside world either northbound southbound he's found westbound.
06:22:42 Those are the types of models that were interested in.
06:22:44 If you have information that's that's only kept inside your component.
06:22:52 It's not as important for us to have a common model around it.
06:22:52 But we definitely want to make sure we have a common model around, around all the shared information that we can.
06:23:01 So there was a with respect to the modeling workshop, we had this, we had a participation, along with Etsy and a workshop with that CFE back in April.
06:23:12 And there was a presentation on behalf of own app for this, for the Senate few workshop to talk about the work that was being done with respect to modeling
06:23:22 modeling documentation. So, we have some, some improved modeling documentation. So we created a single and I put the links on here, we created a single wiki page to capture all the proof models so you don't have to search released by release, which which
06:23:39 is what we kind of had in the past so it's it's cross all the releases you can find all the calm clean and approved models in that one wiki link and I think that's very, very helpful resource so if you're if you're thinking of that you know you might
06:23:54 be interested in using some of the shared information, check to see if it's been modeled there already, check out the model, see if it's sufficient for your needs, doesn't need to be improved if it does, you know, let us know.
06:24:06 We also had modeling documentation update for for quite land on balloons yet and stable releases.
06:24:15 We have a modeling tool, update, so we're we've actually upgraded to.
06:24:20 It's not the most recent but a more recent and fairly stable version of Paris, which is the omo modeling tool.
06:24:28 And by. When we do that, we also don't just say here here's the tool we're using we give complete instructions as to as to how to install the tool and create models using it so there's the wiki link on there for folks that are interested.
06:24:42 And I think that's all I have. Does anyone have any, any questions.
06:24:50 Thank you very much. Hopefully this was, was useful to at least give you folks, a good picture as to what we've been doing modeling and to also invite and encourage folks to participate.
06:25:02 In addition, we're going to be holding probably culture nominations sometime in the near future. just to give you a heads up on that.
06:25:09 So, Andy.
06:25:11 Can you also share. so that's a great summary i think it's it's important that we understand what has been accomplished and I'm glad you can help us on the subcommittee today, but can you also share some feature or that you plan to do as well with the
06:25:30 community. Yeah, I think I tried to cover if it's if it's not clear me.
06:25:36 Share this page again.
06:25:38 So, so we kind of combined our accomplishments and our kind of ongoing work in new areas together.
06:25:46 When I say we have an approved titles configuration consistency service model, and we did approve it. We see that as as continuing to work so that's probably going to be continued to be refined.
06:25:57 We do not have an approved topology model. So that's, that's work that we're wrong our sleeves upon right now. We've been spending quite a few cycles on on refining that topology model.
06:26:08 So I think that's, that's
06:26:12 very good and active work that that will hopefully see and release 10 becoming a proven model.
06:26:19 In addition, the application service descriptor model.
06:26:22 We do not have anything approved there yet. We will, we'll see what we can produce, if we're really stand.
06:26:30 In addition, the current ideas resource while that was approved was very simple.
06:26:34 The current ideas resource of all that was approved was very simple. But I believe that they'll probably need to be some details more details for specific current I just resources, put into that model or at least show how we can represent those resource
06:26:47 specific attributes in the model which we don't have yet it's it's very simple. So that one will probably continue as we move forward into these 10 as well.
06:26:58 So hopefully that that helps in a nice schema stuff. And oh we just maybe I need to reformulate my previous question my apologize for that. Holy just translated through the heads to the Jacka studies, how do we connect the work that the modeling committee
06:27:17 is doing with what really release. Yeah, so, so every release we have.
06:27:25 We have released requirements for modeling, and then we try to tie that into the specific use case requirements that are being done.
06:27:33 And we create a table we don't have a release 10 table yet.
06:27:36 We do have an extra added to create that So, so for released nine.
06:27:40 We had a table. It shows and break it up into categories so we break it up into it was at modeling only and it's not really being developed but we're developing the model for future API development for example, or is it a model that's actually being implemented
06:27:58 during the release etc. So we have, we have a table that identifies what the what the modeling requirement is, who's the owner of that requirement who the stakeholders are, which components are impacted by the model.
06:28:11 What use cases are involved in that model. And are there other.
06:28:16 Do your items for specific opponents that are related to that model. And additionally, create a JIRA for that modeling activity as well but then try to relate them to this specific component or use case to yours.
06:28:28 So we do this every release, we go through the same requirement of requirements, making sure that we have your people that are responsible for them and making sure that they also tie to for ones that are for implementation two components, or use cases.
06:28:44 So make sure that you know all the stakeholders involved in, in that particular model fragment are involved or identify.
06:28:53 So that's, that's what we do. So we will create a release 10 modeling requirements wiki. And then, and then tie it to the release requirements.
06:29:05 I have a comment. Hey Andy This is Shanker.
06:29:09 This is in the area of sort of overlap, or the is on between on app and Orion.
06:29:22 In the area of models. And I, I sent you some email.
06:29:24 We had this discussion in the owner formalization.
06:29:29 The call series that happens on Wednesdays.
06:29:32 And it is also related to the CPS discussions.
06:29:36 So, basically, in a nutshell, if there is a Yang model of the old MCU and deal.
06:29:45 That is known to own app, because that is this one interface.
06:29:48 But then, in the rest of the discussions when we did the use cases we found that we need a model for things beyond what is known as specified in that, or one model, data model and information model.
06:30:02 And so I think it's very relevant to own up as a whole.
06:30:05 Because from an online perspective, the XML framework is sort of maps to one app. And so if there's a model that is in data models that are used inside.
06:30:16 Essentially the own app domain which is somewhat domain.
06:30:20 Then, then
06:30:23 it's relevant to some of the things on the slide here.
06:30:26 And when we looked at this from like a song use case of slicing his case perspective.
06:30:33 And when we talk about configuration, so that bubbled up into a notion that if you have a model and own app, which is an XML, which is beyond what is there in the open, that means there is there is there is a need there to think about it and and specifically
06:30:50 have it as aligned as possible, because that will reduce any kind of development work later.
06:30:56 And so we try to articulate that and actually take that as a contribution to all and we talked about it as to where to put it. So I just put this in.
06:31:06 In the working group to discussions. The reason it's relevant is in on a history in Oregon, there is a notion of an application application is encapsulated in something called and our app.
06:31:18 And it's an odd one interface.
06:31:20 And so if the application needs to be aware of this Mr models which is the one app models, and it needs to be exposing, or at least aware or discovered or whatever to this r1 interface, then it becomes relevant.
06:31:32 That whole discussion becomes irrelevant to what are the models of anything that is inside this has some of them. Yeah.
06:31:40 All that is a black box. Yeah, yeah, yeah i agree so so we did keep our focus at least now has been kind of on the old one type thing so what kinds of topology are we discovering right.
06:31:52 If I'm not able to right because because some extent the community resources and cluster resources might be part of oh two other we really haven't had those specific discussions with Iran yet, the topology model we definitely have evolved with Orion folks
06:32:07 on the topology model, as well as CPS model.
06:32:14 The, the art will call it the art interface reference point where they are apps plugin.
06:32:20 I think we're kind of waiting for, for Iran to, to describe what they have envisioned there as far as, you know, kind of refining the information that might be exposed on our one and I'll call it the Arbus, it's kind of like to call it, because it's all
06:32:36 the services that, that, that need to be exposed in order for our apps to plug in, which which could be relevant inside of own up as well. So I think there has to be some good discussions and use cases around the VR ops.
06:32:50 And, and what they what they entail and how they expect the plugin for interoperability.
06:32:56 I don't think we're there yet, but I'm definitely open to those discussions and and invite participation into the modeling subcommittee calls with.
06:33:04 So anytime, anytime you want to bring stuff in there that that works for us, we have the calls every week now that bi weekly.
06:33:12 Every Tuesday at.
06:33:15 I think they're now at 8am. Eastern.
06:33:18 And they're on the on the calendar as well.
06:33:21 Thank you.
06:33:22 Thanks. Yeah. So, and instead of just waiting for the information between Orion and owner.
06:33:30 We thought we would just jump in and you know start sharing some information. Yeah, I think that's good and address some of these new release 10 requirements, too.
06:33:40 So this is a perfect time to bring that in and have those discussions, and then see if there's any use cases that we can leverage that are already happening sort of own up.
06:33:54 So make making sure those pieces are tied together as important.
06:33:55 Thank you. Thank you.
06:33:57 So thanks for the sandy So, Catherine quick question.
06:34:02 Have we gotten any traction from the conversation regarding overran and the talk.
06:34:12 Following the governing board meeting last night.
06:34:16 I've loved being able to own a lot yet.
06:34:20 It's, it's no more. I should come back with some update. In December, but that's that's on my plate.
06:34:28 Okay, sorry, like, Yeah, no, nothing to be sorry about. I just didn't know if we'd been able to take any action on it yet or not. And I thought it was just worth asking the question, it is worth asking the question because it's something extremely important.
06:34:46 If we can formalize No, not only at the technical level but at the leadership level. I think it will also, it will boost community, right, honestly, because it's already a fact that we are consuming someone app component to their blog the service management
06:35:04 and orchestrator. So let's just formalized openly I think so. Are we keep you posted.
06:35:12 But it does not yet been follow up as today. Okay.
06:35:18 But it has not yet been follow up as today. Okay. Um, yeah, that's good. I mean, it's, it's one of the things here that that kind of demonstrates the, the power of open source is that at the, at at at the individual level.
06:35:37 Being Iran own app, se Li, the SEM climate group is doing fabulous work.
06:35:45 Even though, politically, we haven't been able to make that connection in an official context yet so
06:35:55 I, you know, kudos to open source for keeping the ball moving forward. We just need to get it more formalized and that's been an ongoing an ongoing struggle for us.
06:36:08 Over the past year and what I was alluding to, in my question to Catherine, is that the governing board meeting.
06:36:16 The, the specific request, went to the governing board members, saying, Hey, we need assistance in getting this done.
06:36:27 Because we have not been able to make any progress on it.
06:36:31 And so there was several folks that was raised their hand and said yeah reach out to us and we can we can help assist that so good stuff there.
06:36:43 Anything else for Andy.
06:36:49 Okay, Andy. Thank you so much. All right, thank you all picker.
06:36:56 Next, on the docket for today I want to have a brief discussion about network slicing
06:37:09 and requirements ownership, as that is now as a result of some changes that have taken place, we have lost our lead in that area.
06:37:24 So, as a community, we are looking for someone.
06:37:29 In terms of the network slicing use case to, to kind of lead that in an ownership context.
06:37:46 Not saying that anyone needs to raise their hand right now, but this is a gap and is something that we will need to look at. There's a lot of different kinds of perspectives on on network slicing one, one of the things I was thinking about as is.
06:38:09 As the code matures as own app matures. Eventually we get to a place where a use case is just part and parcel of the elements of the release.
06:38:24 There may be.
06:38:27 There may be new features or something to get brought out.
06:38:29 But example if you know, if we take
06:38:34 the
06:38:39 VFW right.
06:38:41 There's no one leading that use case it's it's it's kind of, you know, the Hello World of a phone app
06:38:49 for the virtual firewall.
06:38:53 I don't think that we're there in that context with network slicing.
06:38:59 As a general topic, But that's kind of what my thought was just initially when when we had the vacancy.
06:39:17 So, um, when we see all the use case.
06:39:22 But when we look at when we look at the enterprise market and vertical when we look in particular had the 5g.
06:39:40 Super movie. It is clear that network sizing, it's a must have for all these type of things.
06:39:38 So, we might not have a candidate today. Right. But I think it was important to bring this potential gap because we're about to kick off the dance release.
06:39:53 I will follow up with the community, by making a call for action.
06:39:59 And let's hit consider that again on the December, 2, I think that's our next meeting to see. No, it's December seven to see if there is any candidates, because we might not have all the on up committee on this bridge.
06:40:16 And let's see where we are, but it was important to share that we've gone Leah, a gap.
06:40:22 And maybe people need to think about this.
06:40:26 Back on the scene, and then we will we will we will conclude off see what we can do what would be the next steps on this above, so good. So that's, that's potentially my feedback but maybe other team members would like to express themselves as well.
06:40:49 Shankar I just have a comment, and similar with the work and how the network slicing use case started over the many releases.
06:40:58 And I would just like to say, I would.
06:41:01 You should appreciate the, all the efforts from the Wipro team. I mean, Swami first started it and then he like took over and.
06:41:08 And we have those emails circulating and I also tried to circulate this to more people as to who might be interested.
06:41:15 And I think they have had changes and resources and priorities. So a lot of good work was done and it is important I agree with you, it's an important use case and.
06:41:27 And it's, it's also there in Oregon.
06:41:30 So it's another good opportunity for on Apple and also to be in sync and because this one was already helping move in that direction. So, just just a comment.
06:41:45 Thanks.
06:41:43 Now there's been great leadership on the, on the part of the part of the wheat protein.
06:41:49 And, I mean, Swamis name come up, it came up. And in terms of one of the folks that was nominated for the top which, you know, in, in, in the system will award, or the high level words, rather, one of the people that was nominated for top achievement
06:42:15 there was Swami. So, there was.
06:42:20 It made me quite happy to see that recognition of the great work that he had done.
06:42:25 Initially leading all of that effort.
06:42:30 Before it was handed off.
06:42:32 Okay, I'm moving on them
06:42:39 Make this a shocker Can I can I make a comment on on the vacant
06:42:47 positions, if you will, leadership positions as a general comments, I, I echo I second what you just said about Swami. I think he's done a great job at the at the network slicing subcommittee has been wonderful.
06:43:06 So, the work has been extremely valuable in he is very very helpful.
06:43:14 So, so that's, you know, I echo what you just said. But there is a perhaps a broader issue that we have as a community, and it's just food for thought for everyone.
06:43:27 When I look at, you know, the architecture subcommittee we track all the components that have no existing PDF files.
06:43:37 So, and the number of vacancies has been increasing.
06:43:46 It could be a natural progression of where we are as a community, but they don't have community.
06:43:54 But there is something that we probably need to dedicate some time to to address in terms of what are the components that don't have a PDL.
06:44:07 How should we move forward with these components, and perhaps we should come up with a slightly different structure in terms of how do we manage these components moving forward, especially that the number is increasing not decreasing.
06:44:27 So chakra I agree with your statement.
06:44:31 That's the reason why we already put a new state as part of the project lifecycle.
06:44:40 As unmaintained for a moment. But if there is really no attraction for component, it means that nobody really use it as well.
06:44:47 So as part of the process there.
06:44:51 Is it because really nobody in the world is using it. So, therefore, it had to be the hope at one point from the architecture, or if there is a need maybe people have used another component, or maybe another solution or.
06:45:09 a gap like it's the case of the neutral sizing so maybe we can dedicate more time, the viewing again the, the component where we have new BTL today.
06:45:22 And and the whole from conclusion.
06:45:27 Because there are these three auction, either.
06:45:29 No, none at all, nobody's really consuming it.
06:45:35 Oh, it's a key component but people have find another way to play this functionality.
06:45:43 And finally, yes we are really a gap so
06:45:47 we can take an action items for the TSA team to he assists with your serve.
06:45:57 Since you help us on the architecture team, and also the requirement team, because they should tell us what is coming from the pipeline and go this conclusion.
06:46:15 Okay.
06:46:17 Can you can you click it.
06:46:29 specific action I'm sorry I was, we were talking Catherine I was typing something on the specific action is what it's to have an action for the TCT for the GC
06:46:44 to reconsider where we are with a with a project where we have no BTL are also called unmaintained
06:47:00 supermarket with the architecture, because there are an impact.
06:47:05 And also, the requirement commitment. Well I mean we could generalize the discussion right in today's in today's environment, what we do is we wait until the ppl.
06:47:21 For some reason or another, decide to retire. And then we start looking for a replacement or somebody take over their functionalities right are the responsibilities.
06:47:36 It could be as simple as you know having a vice BTL for each and every committee so in case something should happen, then the transition transition as seamless.
06:47:50 Right, so I'm not looking forward you know my, my comment was not. Again, it's something that we you know as the platform grows, and people move on to different better things you know it's it's a normal right, but from a as simple as making sure that
06:48:07 every detail has a backup provides a provides a solution to the gap that we have currently when ppl suddenly retire, for whatever reason, and we're looking for a somebody to take over in real time instead of making that transition seamless and work on
06:48:31 it before.
06:48:33 The, the vacancy happen.
06:48:37 So by default. That's the, the whole of the computers, right, because no money, the PTO is electric out of the computers.
06:48:48 So, we should expect that the computer stepper, but we know that's not the case. I think generally speaking, we have a lot of contribution comedy on our community.
06:49:00 So people like to contribute.
06:49:06 And this is probably the major issue that we're facing.
06:49:12 Yeah, so, I do have a little bit of a perspective on this, he everything that's been set up to this point is absolutely correct.
06:49:22 We, we aren't real good at succession planning.
06:49:28 When someone leaves us to Katherine's point it should be, it should be coming from the pool of committees that are on the project.
06:49:38 I think where we find ourselves is in a transitional period where a lot of the.
06:49:50 A lot of the initial projects. As the codes matured and as things have evolved.
06:49:53 Some of those projects, not necessarily areas where our members are committing resources anymore.
06:50:05 And, you know, just, let's, let's be honest with ourselves and initially when own app launched.
06:50:12 I'll most of the folks that were put on to the project teams were all appointed on those project teams.
06:50:21 To start with, and they've been moved off to other positions. so I i think that we're transitioning into that period where we need to be sustained sustained by somewhat organic growth.
06:50:35 And we need to figure out how to make that transition I think that is kind of the meta issue at play here
06:50:47 yet gotten to your point about people not wanting to lead I think that's too harsh. I think the real issue is, people are put off by the overhead, and burden of being a PDF.
06:51:03 And there was some analysis I think done by some folks from our engineering, remember who about what could be done to alleviate some of those tasks, but I'm not sure where we stand and.
06:51:21 What's it really like now to be a ppl and whether it's less overhead.
06:51:23 I wouldn't say people don't want to lead I think doesn't.
06:51:27 I tend to disagree with that.
06:51:32 I kind of agree with the running.
06:51:34 I think people do want to do want to lead is just the, the overhead is significant. And also, they don't realize if we put a structure in place where the responsibilities at the leadership level, especially from a PR perspective is shared amongst more
06:51:52 than one person.
06:51:54 I think that would that would help not only with the succession plan but just making sure that the, the workload on the PDL gets reduced significantly so therefore, you get more people to volunteer to take on that job.
06:52:12 Wait a second opinion I think that the people we have in PDL positions, there are excellent designers, which means that they also not that keen on sort of working with the more administrative parts of the PDL role.
06:52:29 So if we could find a way to either sort of unload that burden or, or reload the burden that would be very helpful.
06:52:42 Yes, I mean, sometimes difficult to find someone to lead a project because yes he can be afraid of what are these administrative tasks.
06:52:55 So maybe you yes we, I think we had a runny right i think we did some, some analysis, maybe some times ago, find that.
06:53:06 Maybe if we can try you were to to lower this administrative task on that can help.
06:53:16 that can help. Yeah also make it clear I mean what to expect. I mean, it relates also also to Kenny's call out to someone to take over for the sizing use case I mean, I have no idea what's what's involved and how much commitment is required.
06:53:34 So, I think people just shy away from these things because they don't know what's involved if we can make it clear what exactly are the roles and responsibilities and if this and it will help if that would be a reasonable level of load, then I think we'll
06:53:48 have more candidates.
06:53:53 So I think the suggestion to go back and review the presentation that was made, I don't remember it was early in the year or if it was maybe about this time last year.
06:54:03 But I think going back and reviewing that presentation to see what issues have been addressed. And what issues are still open is, I think that's pretty good guidance, and a great place to start
06:54:21 is so the presentation was made in the context of the integration team.
06:54:29 And the whole was split in different parties, right it was
06:54:36 additional support from the release manager.
06:54:39 It was also additional support from the cycle.
06:54:43 So, it had to be extended in the context of the other project as well, right, because, again, what's going on with indignation Diem it's a particular scenario.
06:54:56 But I agree that maybe we can derive some improvement that can apply to do the video as well.
06:55:05 Yeah, the, the, I think there were a couple of presentations, the one that I'm thinking of it's like the second slide in the deck was message to the TASC trust your PT else.
06:55:17 I think was the was, was the topic slide there so we can go back and look at that, I will take that as an action.
06:55:27 And maybe we can also ask him to hollow with tubes.
06:55:34 So PT or or to give you the feedback on experience.
06:55:39 But this is the first month of the year.
06:55:47 It could be great to have either. His feedback on this initiative task on was not a big So, yeah, and we could extend to any new PT and so we can have additional feedback, could be part of his comfort so I like the ID which was wrote, which is sharing
06:56:05 the responsibility.
06:56:07 There is nothing wrong to change this picture, right.
06:56:11 So, we just need to understand who would like to do this because I think a lot of admin task have been already.
06:56:21 The move.
06:56:28 Thanks to the new release cadence. Maybe there are other stuff that we can still the move, I don't know.
06:56:29 So maybe the new people can help us to open our eyes.
06:56:37 Maybe one comment from my side Thomas here. So, we already had started at least a discussion about
06:56:46 what is what repositories are used to build the release, are they maintained and maintained, how we handle documentation, how we handle those unmaintained projects from a security point of view.
06:57:02 This was also discussed in the last PDL call and also think David on Kenny not sure.
06:57:11 noted down a action point to get to start here the is a discussion. At least and also the impacts on the release process and.
06:57:24 And this definitely relate also to the task can be noted down here about TLC and architecture subcommittees to leave us a project life cycle.
06:57:38 For a maintain projects this definitely belongs together, I think.
06:57:47 So just a quick program note, I need to drop to.
06:57:54 To start the finance committee meeting.
06:57:58 David you have full host capabilities Catherine I've co host you as well. And our good friend hosting the coast face will continue to record after I drop.
06:58:15 So thank you, Kenny.
06:58:15 The sky discussion.
06:58:17 If I don't talk to anyone have a, and you celebrate Thanksgiving Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
06:58:33 Thank you to you as well.
06:58:30 So, we might need to share again.
06:58:36 Here we go.
06:58:37 Alright.
06:58:40 Thanks Kenny.
06:58:42 So let's see where were we, we were talking.
06:58:46 We went through the modeling subcommittee.
06:58:49 Hearing Review. We talked about own app network slicing and need for a new owner for that use case.
06:59:06 A couple of action items here I guess we're down to subcommittee of the
06:59:13 SATCOM Jakarta non functional requirements.
06:59:18 Me or possible or, Bob.
06:59:21 did you want to take the sun.
06:59:23 Yep, this is a, this is, this is Bob.
06:59:26 Okay, so I want to share or do you want me to.
06:59:29 If I could share that would work. I'm ready to share. Yeah, no problem right.
06:59:36 Thank you. Let me make sure that you have permission, right.
06:59:44 All right, go ahead.
06:59:47 Thank you, David.
06:59:51 Make sure I share the right thing here.
07:00:03 All right, just give me a moment I'm trying to figure out, trying to find the app PowerPoint.
07:00:14 I'm just going to share the whole screen then.
07:00:21 Alright.
07:00:24 David Can you confirm that you can see what I'm sharing it should reach a car to second requirements. Yeah, thank you. Okay, So we'll get started here.
07:00:33 So, for those who don't know, my name is Bob Hindman. I've been working with Pavle and Amy for in security. Security subcommittee.
07:00:45 Specifically, I've been working on security.
07:00:51 Security logging requirements.
07:00:55 And so that's the sort of my contributions.
07:00:58 I'm also going to be driving the deck today for other non functional requirements that the team has been putting together.
07:01:10 So we'll sort of just hop into it.
07:01:16 Okay, so the the first first proposal that we want to sort of talk about here is promoting an existing best practice to a global requirement.
07:01:32 And this is around the own applications logging to standard out standard error.
07:01:40 This is currently a best practice.
07:01:43 Since stumble wreck for for one.
07:01:48 We'd like to move, we'd like to promote this to be a global requirement.
07:01:53 We had presented this at the PTO meeting on October 18 and the 25th, and had an open comment periods in November 5, fifth, about this.
07:02:04 And we did get some, some comments back from the community a lot. All of them are around clarification of what the requirement was.
07:02:14 And the clarification Being that this is this is requirement is not meant to be a replacement of any sort of existing logging for example if a project was logging to files.
07:02:27 This wouldn't replace the replace that this would augment that.
07:02:32 In addition, we've done some empirical testing on the release of what can have what containers are logging currently to standard out and standard error.
07:02:45 And it appears about 90% of projects are already hearing to this practice, and to enable and the impact of enabling this requirement for applications is a pretty light Lyft it's a it's a configuration file change and log back XML.
07:03:04 So, we would like to for Jakarta.
07:03:09 We'd like to propose to promote this to be a global requirement.
07:03:14 So I'll just pause there for a moment for any comments or discussion about about this before we move on to the next one.
07:03:30 Maybe just a comment about the augmentation.
07:03:37 The tradition.
07:03:38 Yes, I
07:03:41 agree that maybe some some application may need skill to help define that feel that desire to grow it, there is a way to migrate.
07:03:54 It will be also beneficial to not to have any file it should be good.
07:04:16 Each might consume a lot of resources or social.
07:04:15 Maybe this is an opportunity to also
07:04:16 coattails.
07:04:16 If we really want to define an augmented or maybe it could be a migration. I don't know what you, buddy.
07:04:27 Yeah, thank you for that for it oh yeah that's not that isn't something that we discussed as a community but it's definitely something that we can start that discussion, maybe that's something that raised the next key tail meeting.
07:04:46 But it's sort of in terms of when I was looking through the ads is logging on app today. It's sort of a.
07:04:56 It's mixed I mean, a lot of things that came over from the comp transition to the open source community, a lot, a lot of those projects are logging into files because it was their hearing to the,
07:05:13 the elf standard or it's some at 18 t logging guidelines.
07:05:20 But yeah, it's definitely something we can, that the community can look at,
07:05:27 for sure and defend maybe that there's some legacy tradition to it not to be enforced but just taking the opportunity to ask and of course that's
07:05:38 right yeah thank you bro no
07:05:43 anyone else.
07:05:46 Okay,
07:05:49 moving on and if there's any other comments were, you know, just send a note out to the SATCOM mailing list and we can we can address those.
07:05:59 Alright so moving on to the next one. The next one is also related to standardize logging logging security logging.
07:06:08 We've been calling it standardized logging fields. This is a new requirement that we would like to propose as a best practice.
07:06:18 And the gist of this is, again, looking at the eyes is in terms of logging across own app is there's there's, there's a bit of a mixed approach, and that just has to do with the history of how the project is where it started and where it has progressed,
07:06:39 and they're really there's sort of not a standardization terms of the type of fields that are part of output for logs, there is a there is an effort logging specifications effort that is now now unmaintained, which was quite on conferencing.
07:07:00 And our particular, are the subcommittee's CENTCOM subcommittees interest in this was what are what fields, what minimal set of fields. Should we log from a security perspective.
07:07:16 And in the bullet point.
07:07:19 The fifth bullet point here where we have timestamp log type name log level, etc.
07:07:24 These through analysis of looking at Attack, attack matrix for containerized environments and VNFONFDNF requirements were really, we had developed this subset of fields that are really necessary for operators that are using this and downstream when they
07:07:45 collect this data and start running analytics on it. This is the data they would need to detect adversaries operating and containerized environments and so that's the sort of the genesis of of this recommendation.
07:08:04 So we, we had proposed the set of standardized fields, again to the at the PP tail meetings October 18 and 25th, and left a you know open comment period to to the November 5.
07:08:17 And we had received.
07:08:19 We had received some feedback from details and the gist of that feedback was that there was a much.
07:08:28 There was a there's a broader list of fields that we had initially proposed. And what's missing from this list is really container metadata, and the discussion was, we're not sure how we capture that data.
07:08:43 That would need to go through a proof of concept.
07:08:46 Phase before you would go to a best practice, and we agreed with that and so we trimmed the list down, and the list that we see here is generally the pitfalls are like this is something that we can do today, a lot of projects are doing this today, because
07:09:01 these fields intersect with both the logging specification project as well as the initial 18 t login specification so there's a lot of projects are logging.
07:09:11 These types of fields today.
07:09:13 And in terms of acceptance and sort of agreement that the logging these fields are important for security analytics pts generally had agreed with that so there wasn't that problem.
07:09:28 So, we're putting this forward to the Tsu today. And we'd like to propose this as a best practice going into the Jakarta release.
07:09:38 So with that I'll pause for any comments.
07:09:51 Maybe one one comment again.
07:09:54 Yes, editing time we are proposing here.
07:10:00 Are we also configuring, also the format.
07:10:06 I think the
07:10:11 way to way of presenting the fear like the sun that would literally say to me, if the logs are pushing to like NLLK stack and also be able to help for indexing searching in the log, they even be that we are talking about social because they're all look
07:10:39 up to have them in a structured way.
07:10:42 Yeah, thank you for that. Thank you for that comment Bruno.
07:10:47 So there's sort of two parts that question or comment that I heard was sort of log structure and then also sort of, I guess, log.
07:10:58 You didn't say this word but it sounded like log aggregation because I heard elk stack to speak to that second part, that the subcommittee has been looking at how we do log aggregation.
07:11:13 We've been working with beyond in the architecture committee of what that architecture would look like.
07:11:21 That's something that's still under development.
07:11:25 And it's, it wouldn't, it's not part of this.
07:11:29 In terms of log structure itself. That's not something that we are.
07:11:35 That's part of this.
07:11:37 These requirements. This is just specifying what fields should be logged, and whatever.
07:11:48 Whatever log format, projects are logging today.
07:11:51 This is what they should were just looking at they could potentially include these fields in that. And again, this is just being proposed as a best practice.
07:12:05 Meaning that, that it would just apply to exist to new projects that are approved.
07:12:11 It's not for code that's for projects that are in place at the moment.
07:12:19 But that could be some follow on work in terms of standardizing that that log, log structure.
07:12:34 So I've also a question, because you are suggesting that this requirement. And I don't denied it's not a new often requirement will be maybe a best practice but somehow.
07:12:49 It's all or nothing right because best practice is only applicable on new project or new source code.
07:12:57 But I guess somehow it's it's a global requirement at the end because you cannot isolate it.
07:13:06 Right.
07:13:08 I'm sorry Catherine Did you have more to that comment I kind of jumped in there early.
07:13:13 No no no. Um,
07:13:16 so yeah I should have mentioned, our intention is to propose this as a goal requirement. Yeah, at some point, we're just sort of going through the, the process that's at the, at least in terms of being a best practice first.
07:13:34 And one thing I did want to mention is that there's a number of projects that are already logging the fields.
07:13:45 Already, since the intersect with what is in the logging specification and 18 t logging logging guy guidelines from 2017.
07:14:02 And I had the single question for you.
07:14:05 If you're already in on device. Some people will support the project team to implement the requirement or, because I know this, this is something that has been discussed as part of the securities to committee, it I believe it has also been presented to
07:14:23 the VPN so if you're ready.
07:14:28 People was eager to contribute.
07:14:31 Or maybe a project that would like to be a kind of feel senior.
07:14:39 Yes, we talked about, Amy.
07:14:43 Amy Can you speak to that a bit.
07:14:48 Sure. Yes, I think that we had spoken with Taiwan, and the CPS project to use that as as a project that would, would implement this.
07:15:03 For us, essentially as a PFC or as a best practice that. That was one of the projects that we were that we contacted and I think also, as long as the AJ.
07:15:15 Yeah, vj so DCA was another one. So we've reached out to two and they actually engage with us in creating these requirements.
07:15:26 So they gave us input and let the actual creation process.
07:15:35 Yeah, good, good point. Thanks for for mentioning name yeah we, we had a we we spun off a working session for this and Taiwan and vj were a part of that, helping us shape this and before we presented it out to the broader PDL community.
07:15:57 So thank you so much. Amy and book for all the information you share today.
07:16:02 Now it's a call to the community to find a volunteer to help the project team to implement it.
07:16:10 And then I guess.
07:16:14 As part of the process, David, we need to vote based on the outcome on before on December 2 as part of the customer milestone.
07:16:30 Okay, Yeah, we can we can schedule a vote for. I guess yeah the, our next meeting will be on December, 2. Yeah.
07:16:41 But as discuss, I think we, it goes up closest oldest best practice first then global, please take Walkman, you have to be understood, it's a major Nia requirement, because it's all or nothing.
07:16:55 I'll turn Could you elaborate on what you mean by being all or nothing. I mean this is.
07:17:04 This essentially is for each application, this is what they should be. These are the events they should be logging. But what I'm having trouble connecting the dots.
07:17:11 So, If you look at the definition of a best practice.
07:17:15 It was introduced pie of global requirements to impact, any new substitute, which will developed as part of the release.
07:17:27 But when we look at this particular requirement. It's not like I will add to line of code. I will take policy as an example it's an example.
07:17:39 It will not work, like work like this, right, it's either you impact all the existing lock or either you don't do anything. So that's why I said it's all or nothing.
07:17:49 So it's immediately a global requirement, because it makes no sense to change, but to create a lock or to apply what you request on the new source code that will be developed by Jocasta.
07:18:06 It's on all the code of nothing.
07:18:10 It's to give you all the Quran login of partially some login. Right. But it cannot be a best practice, because it's touch the board of code.
07:18:24 The existing code.
07:18:27 So everything is related to the definition of best practice.
07:18:32 Okay, thank you for that.
07:18:35 Yeah, I read through.
07:18:39 I read through that several times.
07:18:42 And it. My interpretation at the time was when I was reading through that is that this is something that we want to introduce into the broadly across Oh nap.
07:18:55 and that's a challenging thing to do because there's such diversity and across.
07:19:02 You know own app his own apps, a lot of different projects.
07:19:09 And this is, is a way to
07:19:13 people can agree that this is something that we should be doing. But there's an impact and the impacts is not is not the same across every project and you know that because there are some projects that are logging these fields today, so there's no impact.
07:19:33 There's some projects that aren't logging anything at all.
07:19:36 That's a much bigger impact.
07:19:38 But this is an I saw this is a mechanism to be able to get it into work planning and projects that can do it within a release cycle, they can plan for IT projects that can, they can do waivers.
07:19:54 But essentially over time.
07:19:57 We can get a certain amount of inertia going where okay now we're ready for this to be a global requirement.
07:20:05 Because we think within the next release cycle that the projects will be doing. So I, you know, I'm maybe I'm saying the same thing you are but my.
07:20:28 You do.
07:20:23 Okay, you do so so it's it will follow the same To summarize, for people with live that we have been moving upgrading the Java upgrading the fight and so it will, it will, it will follow the same flow.
07:20:32 Okay. it will take, it's a vertical release.
07:20:37 We're, depending on the willingness of the community.
07:20:42 That's why I see it, but we will need to address, everything at one.
07:20:48 Okay. Okay. Thank you so much.
07:20:51 Yes, thank you.
07:20:53 Yep. So I think everyone agrees that this is something important details agree Tsu agrees.
07:21:00 So next, how do we how do we make that next step and, and, and, so we'll do our end and find the Find a project to
07:21:13 do it.
07:21:15 And then we'll move up move from there.
07:21:19 Okay, thank you, Thank you, Catherine.
07:21:23 Any final question before we move to the next topic.
07:21:28 Yeah I going back to, for, for one, when we talked about this recently.
07:21:38 The plan was that you were going to meet with Christophe I think it was.
07:21:47 And I saw your bullet there where you said it's not a replacement it's in addition to but I was just wondering if anything came out a year.
07:21:57 You're just go into your engagement with Krista.
07:22:00 I think we might be conflating two different things so that was the meet with Christoph that was for the S bomb.
07:22:10 Oh, Right.
07:22:09 Yeah, you're right. Sorry. Yeah, I'm confusing two issues. Okay.
07:22:13 All right, and we end, and we have we've we've touched base with them and we got that we were starting that collaboration there.
07:22:21 Okay. Terrific. Thank you.
07:22:33 There is one more, one more item that we two more items that we like to just present quickly.
07:22:32 This is about using om standard images, and then continuing ci badging and Amy's going to talk through those for us.
07:22:46 Great, thanks so much Bob. So, this has actually been a topic of conversation. I think that really Morgan had been the one who introduced it in the first place which was, we really ought to have the project teams use the standard images that are created
07:23:00 by the om team.
07:23:03 It creates a more consistent release. So we are proposing this as a global requirement for the Jakarta release.
07:23:11 Like I said, it's been discussed at multiple meetings over the past year.
07:23:16 And that one of the advantages is that it automatically provides the proper Java 11 and Python three versions in that image, and it will eliminate all of the unused versions of Java eight and Python to which we still have, you know, certain number of
07:23:32 exceptions because of that.
07:23:36 Obviously, like we do with everything, there will be projects that cannot use a standard image for valid technical reasons and we will have an exemption process to so that they aren't flagged.
07:23:49 And what we've done here is just provided the, the URLs for where you get the standard images are there from get or from Nexus.
07:23:57 So, when we, this isn't on the slide but I believe it was during the H release, there actually a bunch of the believe that Morgan ran some tests and discovered that a large percentage of the own app is using the standard images now so this is really just
07:24:17 to get us to kind of do that final push to get everybody who can run on a standard image to do that and provide an exception process for those, those application or those containers that that do need to use a different image.
07:24:46 Thank you, Amy.
07:24:49 So I think we need to be back to the agenda, there's any other question about this, and then as, as we said, we will perform a rude about this.
07:25:03 To be part of the jack after release on December 2.
07:25:07 So in the meanwhile if people have questions, feel free to reach Bob.
07:25:13 Amy Burwell the security subcommittee.
07:25:15 So you have a good understanding when we will perform the vote of the one.
07:25:33 You know,
07:25:28 right, and then Tony Do you want to present the CI badging as a year on the call.
07:25:37 I can talk for a minute on that.
07:25:39 Thanks, Tony.
07:25:41 The idea is to continue our push to get
07:25:47 projects to
07:25:51 get closer to a sober are closer to a gold level badge.
07:25:57 And as part of that, there's always the push to eliminate the sonar cloud identified issues, been their security related. And there are a number that
07:26:17 we found that they're, they're still blacker level or critical level that we're going to be putting JIRA tickets in on.
07:26:28 Unfortunately the Soner cloud that IO user interface changed recently. And we're having troubles.
07:26:38 Figuring out what URLs to give to the teams to find what those walking issues are. So we're continue working on that and after we've got that figured out then we'll file the JIRA tickets.
07:26:54 That's it.
07:27:03 Thanks a lot to me. So looking at the calendar. I know we had also the possibility to present the Jacka requirement from the CNF Task Force.
07:27:15 But we have only three minutes so Fred and beyond, if you don't mind. Should we do this. On December, 2.
07:27:24 Is that OK with you.
07:27:28 Because I guess it would take more than three minutes.
07:27:32 Is it.
07:27:33 How do you want to proceed.
07:27:40 Put you on mute. Yes you are.
07:27:47 And I don't see beyond, so I suggest that we postpone this topic for December.
07:27:57 So good.
07:28:00 Okay.
07:28:04 I was hoping that we will be able to share the owner, only isn't normally older DSC have been routing and has insurance shouldn't be available but we have lost Kenny, and neither myself I know David have the wizard so
07:28:25 I believe we will announce, we will announce it offline. Right.
07:28:29 So the suspense will still stay but I will check with skinny if you can send an email about the winners.
07:28:39 Before the end of this week.
07:28:42 The second items that we have on the list is the to share vote.
07:28:47 You probably noticed that I agree to continue.
07:28:53 Another year, I, I don't think I can manage myself devote because I am the nominee.
07:29:02 So again I'm suggesting that to follow the official process right, which is expected by the Linux Foundation, I will ask, Kimmy to perform the offline road.
07:29:16 And after that, if there are people who are really interested to be a vice chair of the DNC members. We will also could kick off the.
07:29:28 We will kick off the election accordingly.
07:29:32 Um, just a reminder of the CNS task force will become cell, on November 31 in the TLC call next week. We will also be concerned you to the son's giving season in, in, in the US.
07:29:50 So the next meeting is scheduled on the semester gun and December 2 it's an important date.
07:30:08 ladies.
07:30:08 I will not go back, but we had a great webinar with, with orange next to comics, the one was digitally calm was sharing their carrier experience. So it's really appreciate it.
07:30:22 And then the elephant development and testing I don't know if chemo chemo or maybe.
07:30:30 Honey, you want to add anything we are still expecting the call for proposal by December, sir.
07:30:38 Yeah, please, please, please don't hesitate and don't procrastinate, please submit your topics as soon as possible.
07:30:49 We do need the time between December 3, and whatever will be left working days for nice here to schedule it so please do it as soon as possible. There's.
07:31:03 Let me just paste again the link to the submission page. And please use there is a kind of a macro button there to create an owner topic so please do it as soon as possible.
07:31:16 And some people have been known to be in fashionably late, but please don't do it this time we don't have a lot of time to schedule it.
07:31:24 Thank you, Ronnie and I just want to seize the opportunity to thank you again honey and Timo for your leadership, and also helping us to build this program and representing the community, and then quickly there been some changes.
07:31:41 Yes, but just quickly, quickly with an emphasis in yes please submit them we have one proposal today.
07:31:50 Oh, okay. let's keep it up. Keep them coming.
07:31:57 So would you also mind Timo maybe to trigger the community again to send a note at on a PC or something yesterday but they won't do it repeatedly
07:32:13 flood your inbox is with the reminder.
07:32:18 I did not notice it, but as you as you said, have a small issue to look at all my emails for the moment so thank you for your part to it again.
07:32:30 Again, and then I will speed up a little bit. We have the open network connections you could do from not yet finalized but it has been decided it would be fixture, and the elephant never open and testing it's in q2 in Europe, we don't know yet, I guess.
07:32:46 I don't know if David you have anything you want to add.
07:32:51 Yeah, they have they have decided on the dates.
07:32:57 And it is June.
07:33:02 It's the week of
07:33:08 the week of June 13.
07:33:13 Okay.
07:33:18 I'm not sure that the location has been pen down yet but they have decided on that week.
07:33:27 Thank you. So and I just want to close this meeting. Thank you again for all the hard work is this Thanksgiving period so I want to seize again this opportunity to thank you all of you, tour so thanks all the people who have been supporting us since many
07:33:45 years many months, and the have been redeployed for the company.