TSC 2021-03-18

TSC 2021-03-18

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly update

  • Honolulul
    • RC0 status - Projects: 91% Completion; Requirements: 100%
    • RC0 blocking issue resolved, but OOM patch backlog will take more time to process, therefore, RC0 is NoGo for today.
    • Recommendation:  merge RC0 with RC1 on March 25.  Dates for RC1==>sign off would remain the same.
    • Hard coded certificate in AAI expired yesterday
    • #AGREED The TSC approves aligning RC0 with RC1 on March 25th
  • Istanbul
    • Requesting approval of kickoff date of April 1 only.
    • Decision on remaining milestones will be deferred.
    • #AGREED the TSC approves setting the Kickoff date of April 1 for the Istanbul release, keeping all other release milestones still TBD


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
  • Email delivery from tools
    • issue an AWS issue that is blocking email due to bouncing email from folks subscribed to Gerrit, Jira and Confluence that now have invalid email addresses.
  •  Gerrit slowness reported by Krzysztof Opasiak 
    • Jessica Gonzalezwill check - notes that no local scripts are being maintained by LFIT - only global JJB - mostly maven and merge jobs using local scripts.
  • LFX Insights Discussion  (Sachin @15:00 utc)
    • How can we represent active contribution on the landing dashboard
    • How to measure the impact of contributions - probably a longer term philosophical discussion for the most part.
    • Demo of prototype community wide metrics dashboard under dev for FINOS that addresses the 1st bullet and somewhat the 2nd.
    • discussion of how commit versus change set calculations are derived
    • #AGREED The TSC approves ONAP being an early adopter of the "community [wide] metrics" Insights dashboard.
  • Kenny Paulwork with other LFN and LFEdge communities on the proposal to make Merged  change sets the default value on dashboards displaying Gerrit data.  

PTL Updates


on  the TSC approved that they will initiate the PTL election for Portal.

Unfortunately there are no active Committers on the project - all other Committers other than the PTL have also left

Is there any contributor that we could promote? <LF Insights Data>

Or is there any interest for this component - the community might be using CDS and/or UUI?

cl664y@att.com notes that it is a single company project.

Andreas Geißler notes DT is not using Portal 

Eric Debeau some things still using it.

Olivier Phenix Bell Canada is not using Portal

  • Final Call for "Portal"  notification to be sent as ane email this week - decision to be made on 3/25

PTL Updates


  • Thanks Adrian O’Sullivan for his great contribution, serving as ExtAPI PTL
  • Thanks Ikram Ikramullah  for his great contribution, serving as VID PTL

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Ctrl-Loop, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

SECCOM proposals:

Project in maintenance must be able to provide security fix under release – according to CII Badging reference 60 days to fix. If project is not participating in the release and not able to provide fix, it shall be called „unmaintained”.

Secure Programming Practices

Task Force Update
CNF, Maintenance, ONAP Enterprise

#1 Project State: Maintenance” Task Force => "Project State: Unmaintained” Task Force

Deck: ONAP_Project_Maintenance.pdf

#AGREED the TSC approves the process and workflow as described in Project State: Unmaintained with the provision that "Maintenance" be changed to "Unmaintained" globally.

#2 ONAP for Enterprise Business – Wednesdays at 7am PST (bi-weekly not conflicting with LFN TAC). Presentation of OPS-5G Use cases by DARPA on March 31st, 2021

  • How ONAP could improve/build Network Service Visualization/Customer Facing Service (CFS)?
  • Currently Network Slicing activities are trying to work on this area 
  • TAC Whitepaper is in progress
    • Additional information about CSMF
    • What are CSMF functionalities supported by ONAP today?
    • Will ONAP support any CFS capability?

#3 Cloud Native/CNF – Thursdays before the TSC meeting

TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • TSC 2.0 move out- needs to be done in email
  • Formal alignment between ONAP/ORAN SC about SMO - move to next week

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Clock Changes:

  • March 14th, 2021 (US)
  • March 28th, 2021 (Europe)
  • No change in India, China

LFN Webinar Series

Next LFN Developer  Event - the week of June 7th, 2021

Orange Digital Research Exhibition - March 23rd and 24th

#CloudRAN Factory shows a fully containerized E2E mobile network orchestrated by #ONAP and particularly implements the 7.3 RAN #split for an efficient #fronthaul

Zoom Chat Log 

06:53:17 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #topic rollcall
06:55:44 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
06:58:53 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:59:47 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #info Bin Yang,Wind River
06:59:52 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:01:23 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:01:29 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:01:36 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:01:50 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info Catherine Lefevre
07:02:19 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:02:40 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:04:02 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Olivier Phenix, Bell Canada
07:12:28 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED The TSC approves aligning RC0 with RC1 on March 25th
07:19:20 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC approves setting the Kickoff date of April 1 for the Istanbul release, keeping all other release milestones still TBD
07:20:31 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:20:39 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : Sorry for late
07:20:46 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:23:43 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : no issue Dong - happy you could join us today - i understand it is late at your place.
07:26:37 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : Thanks Catherine :)
07:43:40 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #VOTE Does the TSC approve the process and workflow as described in Project State: Maintenance with the provision that "Maintenance" be changed to "Unmaintained" globally? +1, 0, -1
07:43:48 From Catherine Lefevre to Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message) : +1
07:44:04 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:06 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:07 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:10 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:11 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:11 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:11 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:16 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:18 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #vote +1
07:44:23 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #vote +1
07:45:03 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #endvote
07:45:06 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/8Tj7
07:47:05 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC approves the process and workflow as described in Project State: Maintenance with the provision that "Maintenance" be changed to "Unmaintained" globally
07:50:28 From Chaker Al-Hakim to Everyone : Ok
08:00:31 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Enterprise mailing list: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-enterprise
08:01:51 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Updated Slack Channel Link invite for all: https://join.slack.com/t/onapproject/shared_invite/zt-o80w8sds-EhW9oEcaUN9B8gtk2XApNg
08:02:07 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : (expires in 30 days)
08:03:01 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Committer rep to the governing board nominations https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/7593
08:05:30 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Mentorship: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/7632
08:06:14 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : I need to drop for a personal issue, apologies. Will join back asap
08:24:05 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : Smmothed trend line would be more useful IMO
08:31:40 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : team - sorry i need to drop. TSC Members - do not forget to check Kenny’s e-mail about TSC Composition - thank you
08:33:26 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED The TSC approves ONAP being an early adopter of the community metrics Insights dashboard.

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.

07:03:03 I think like six the button anyways. There we go.
07:03:08 Auto transcription has been turned on.
07:03:13 And let's get the ball rolling.
07:03:19 Please stay muted.
07:03:20 Unless you're speaking if you're coming in on the phone you can use start six, you send me a private chat message, it will become part of the public record when I cut and paste the chat into the minutes.
07:03:34 As a reminder, the transcription services that we attach to the minutes are not authoritative they are often translated incorrectly,
07:03:45 leave out key information and are prone to error so the recording and the minutes are authoritative the transcript is not
07:04:00 made them by mentioning projects and across policy. You can find this link from the elephant project websites, its policies important for multiple companies but, including potential industry competitors are taking part in these meetings.
07:04:12 Please review, you have any questions, contact your company's legal counsel folks that are members of the lF may also contact, Andrew after growth.
07:04:24 Growth LLP which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation
07:04:32 up that share and share the agenda Olivier thank you I see you came in.
07:04:46 I'll talk a little bit about Honolulu
07:04:51 stuff on religion infrastructure.
07:04:55 I know that there was an issue recently that came up.
07:04:59 Regarding email from Garrett will touch on that. And then, an hour from now Sachin Gupta from the product team will be joining to talk about LSX insights.
07:05:16 This is an interactive discussion this isn't a presentation.
07:05:21 But based upon the request we have from the TASC several weeks ago to come and talk about some of these things.
07:05:41 Y'all updates
07:05:39 subcommittee, spend some time talking about the project maintenance state.
07:05:47 And we're going to be talking a little bit about TASC to Dotto.
07:05:53 And then our basic housekeeping anything else anyone would like to add.
07:06:04 Okay, with that, I will quickly update button save it, and stop sharing and turn it over to David McBride.
07:06:32 Sorry I was on mute. Thanks Kenny.
07:06:36 Excuse me.
07:06:42 Sorry, I had to clear my throat.
07:06:45 So, as the gic is aware.
07:06:53 We reorganize the meeting.
07:06:54 And so the idea is to have either a silent or brief release status update, and I've been sending out.
07:07:08 release updates on Wednesdays.
07:07:11 In lieu of a presentation during the TASC.
07:07:16 There are some exceptions to that one is for milestone dates, the other is for important decisions related to release status. And so we have the latter of those today so I'm going to give a brief update and ask the TASC to make a couple of decisions related
07:07:37 to release status.
07:07:41 So Honolulu.
07:07:42 So the good news.
07:07:46 I had an exchange on slack yesterday with Christophe, and he alerted me to the fact that the majority of the issues related to the blocking issue that we had for RC zero last week have been resolved.
07:08:08 The problem at this point is that there is a
07:08:15 large backlog of patches that need to be processed and so that's going to take some time to work through.
07:08:24 And so Christophe advised putting our CEO RC zero off one more week.
07:08:34 And you can read more details about that in my weekly update, which I sent out yesterday and there's also linked in the agenda, there.
07:08:43 And so, myself and Kenny and Catherine discuss this. And what we came up with was that we would suggest merging RC zero with RC one. Next week on March 25
07:09:03 That.
07:09:05 So that does two things so that gives some more room for RC zero to complete. And it also preserves our current sign off date on. On April, 8.
07:09:20 So that's, that's the first decision.
07:09:35 I'm asking.
07:09:27 And let me just pull up the
07:09:34 schedule so you can see what I'm talking about. So RC zero.
07:09:40 We had moved to today's date.
07:09:44 We still need one more week so the idea is what we would shift this forward one week, it would line up with RC one effectively merging with RC one on 25th RC to and sign off would stay in place.
07:10:03 And so I'd like to ask for the DSC his approval for that plan but first let me know. Are there any questions or that I can answer regarding that plan or Christoph Do you have anything to add to that.
07:10:24 Um, well.
07:10:28 So as I expect situation. Is it a really dynamic.
07:10:30 So, unfortunately I must say that even for the issue that we've been fighting with for quite some time was resolved. And you issue appeared yesterday.
07:10:40 So, one of very few hard coded certificates that we still have in our components, namely a I have expired, yesterday. So, since yesterday evening, we are having old gay things failing.
07:10:58 So we are trying to resolve that. But due to some home limitations, it's not that simple, but we are trying to resolve it.
07:11:09 Nevertheless, we are still kind of blocked with the reviews, but the target that we are proposing for FC zero for next week, we still believe that that's the right deadline for that.
07:11:22 Right. Thank you.
07:11:26 Any other questions, comments, does anyone object to this plan of matching up RC zero with RC one.
07:11:44 Okay.
07:11:49 Agreed. All right.
07:11:51 Thank you, Kenny.
07:12:01 And sorry if if this presentation seems a little bit abrupt but a trying to respect the
07:12:17 wishes to, you know have a very brief.
07:12:17 If any discussion on release status.
07:12:20 And as I mentioned, the weekly update is linked here in the agenda so if you haven't had a chance to look at that.
07:12:29 You can look into that for more detail, and as Chris mentioned there's been a few updates since I sent this yesterday.
07:12:41 All right, moving on to assemble.
07:12:47 So, we had put together a schedule.
07:12:52 Last week for as a proposal for the PTS and the TASC to consider. And in this meeting last week there two or three folks voice some concern about the, particularly the, the end stage of the release, which takes us into mid summer.
07:13:21 And so, we had we had a discussion about this.
07:13:26 We, we need to we need to move forward but we understand there's some concern about the latter half of the. release time period. And so what we're asking for today is simply to approve the kickoff date of April 1, because this guides the time when requirements,
07:13:55 need to be proposed.
07:14:00 So, So we're asking the TASC simply to approve this kickoff date of April 1, and we will defer discussion and any updates and so on to the subsequent milestones, to a later date.
07:14:24 Any questions about that plan.
07:14:29 So again, where you're only.
07:14:34 You're so yep go ahead and very nice, we just stopped approach the first on after we will.
07:14:43 When do we redefine the full planning to what is your.
07:14:51 That's to be determined.
07:14:55 I imagine that would.
07:14:56 Yep. Go ahead.
07:14:58 Sorry, there's a delay, I would say, when David said it will be. It had to be determined because, in fact, it's depending on the sign of of the owner really.
07:15:17 So, if we shift the eight week, we cannot move forward. But, but that we need to be aligned as soon as we have a better feeling able to own an early sign of.
07:15:22 But what was key was to be sure that for the kickoff. Usually we, we takes two three weeks to have all the information about the requirement. So we want to be sure that we don't waste more time in up in a clean up in me, because we have missing information
07:15:44 for the that the ppl and the others needs to consume to prepare and to later. So, again, I'm Edwin, to, to, to do sign of these will need to be computed.
07:16:00 But the idea is really to keep a clean first, because that's when we will start to analyze what information, are they know for the equivalent.
07:16:18 No money we have only a lot of them have already decided valuable than a couple of them have decided already to shift to Istanbul, but we never know right so maybe there are still one requirement would like to shift to Istanbul.
07:16:34 We don't know yet at this stage. So for the requirement we're already planning in another room.
07:16:40 Of course they and they cannot be completed in is in honor. These will be approved to these will be approved to be submitted. After the M zero. It's only for the new requirement or the requirement that we know already today that cannot be implemented
07:16:58 in only, we want to start to have at least a taste of what they can be to review the container, to be sure that it's at the level that BTL and their team can consume it later.
07:17:23 I know I spoke a lot so I hope I'm not confuse anybody.
07:17:24 Is it okay if you understand me.
07:17:32 I was on mute. Yeah.
07:17:33 Okay.
07:17:34 Yeah, but I'm not the only one I mean it is my vision but I'm
07:17:41 sure I'm sure. So, anybody from the TC have a question. So, to recap, two lines, we keep the M zero at a point first to understand what will be a potential backlog for the next release.
07:17:55 If there is no new requirement, which is not completed and, and we don't know today. It will be approved to be added after the M zero.
07:18:06 The other milestone, everyone to sign off of Istanbul will be readjusted, and he discussed probably our own xe to owner, based on where we are. because if the owner sign off shift.
07:18:20 We need to provide more time to the project team leader home to brief a little bit between the two release, and also to assess the new content.
07:18:32 Any question final question from the QC.
07:18:44 All right. Does anyone object to this plan.
07:18:57 Okay, I'm going to drop them into the chat, that the TLC approves setting the kickoff date of April 1 for the SM will release beeping all other release milestones.
07:19:13 Still TBD
07:19:17 right once, going twice.
07:19:24 Alright, and that's that's everything for me unless there are any other remaining questions or comments related to release.
07:19:36 If not, back to you, Kenny.
07:19:42 Okay, I'm shifting them to rail inch.
07:19:51 Think I think you were able to get in.
07:19:55 Um, did you want to share what's going on right now with the the email from the calls that I guess I can.
07:20:06 I've got some complaints that the image is not working, and that has happened now a couple of times this past week.
07:20:13 I talked a bit with the IT department here on this little bit out of our hands we are working on a workaround. So eventually will work fine, but it's more on AWS side and the resource seems to be that there has been a lot of contributors that signed up
07:20:31 for various things like wiki or conference or character, whatever.
07:20:37 And then left the community, stop working at the email is still there.
07:20:45 And that means they're dead emails.
07:20:48 There's a lot of bouncing and PWS recognize there is too many of these bouncing, they will start taking actions that affects a lot more people unfortunately.
07:21:16 But the is it in here is working on trying to come up with offer more permanent solution that will take place within a week or so, and more intimate immediate solution with time to work more with AWS and clean up to Q, you will work for a while until
07:21:23 maybe we'll happening.
07:21:31 So, the impact of this is that emails being sent from Confluence JIRA and Garrett
07:21:42 is currently being blocked by AWS because they have perceived this as a problem do there's a high number of pounds.
07:21:54 Coming from elsewhere. As
07:21:59 soon as we are talking about, Gary.
07:22:05 I'd like to ask you even know anything about Gary performance issues that doesn't mean Kevin yesterday, and it could be today in the morning.
07:22:15 So yesterday in around evening Polish time.
07:22:20 Gary just really, really, really slow. And after that it stopped working for a while, and today I observed.
07:22:30 Same slow down on.
07:22:34 Are you aware of that the issue is anyone working on that, or it was some kind of transit issue, or what's your opinion.
07:22:44 And they had to mute you do the background noise so you'll need to unmute.
07:22:49 Sorry.
07:22:51 I'm not too much aware of that.
07:22:56 I can check with Vanessa, and Erica.
07:23:05 They got any anything from opportunity but I didn't install anything balancing from my side.
07:23:13 So, yesterday, I believe it was, like, 2020, hours ago, something like that, that there was a huge slow down, we were even unable to review stuff because he to wait like two minutes to just open the page.
07:23:34 And after that Garrett stuff was stopped working completely.
07:23:40 By any chance, I did it because after you know half of the hour, he came back and start working, but today in the morning guy observe similar slow down.
07:23:50 In that case, he probably was addressed by the person that was some support but let me check with them if that's the case.
07:23:56 Okay, cool. Thank you.
07:24:05 I think, just one more point on that, like, when I was going through the PSAT I saw that many of the scripts they were using Garrett for cloning the CA management, like if we replace that.
07:24:19 Garrett you are good You are all right we have a good start on after dark so, like, even every Jenkins job which runs to see is it will be cloning that.
07:24:36 So maybe if we could replace all the shell scripts with Garrett, which clones from get it to get that might be that might bring down some of the load right.
07:24:42 So Jenkins is configured to clone from from the mirror. A.
07:24:47 The.
07:24:49 is the scripts that you're mentioning, our local scripts then I need to check on those, but anything that that comes from global JB and everything is configuring Jenkins directly to use a mirror rather than then Gareth.
07:25:05 So, you will need to check on the log of the or of a particular job running and you will see there that it's a cloning from not directly from Garrett.
07:25:16 Yes, yes, Jessica. That's right, like I was mentioning about the local scripts like one of the local scripts in CS it was using the carrot, so it was the main script which was running so that yeah those will need to be changed in that case but.
07:25:31 Ls relish has not.
07:25:35 It has not maintain the, the local scripts anymore we're not maintaining those local scripts anymore because we move everybody from to global GDP so anything that is local is left to the community to to maintain but I can help if you guys needed.
07:26:16 So
07:26:19 I know that that's been a problem sometimes in the past with
07:26:26 with local scripts going to get rather than the, the mirrors.
07:26:32 Do we have any idea how widespread that usage still is.
07:26:38 You mean the usage of local jobs in Jenkins, rather than go over to Jerry.
07:26:45 Yeah.
07:26:47 Yes.
07:26:48 There are plenty of locals groups of steel.
07:26:53 I, from what I can recall.
07:26:55 Most of them are related to Maven verified Maven merge, which we having global to JB and I have been encouraging people to switch to those scenes the local scripts were not responsible of maintaining those but global ggV it's being watched by my entire
07:27:15 team.
07:27:16 So those, those are more reliable.
07:27:19 We have the CSI at which we don't have supporting in global ggV for those so those will have to remain local.
07:27:31 But, and.
07:27:35 and I think from what I can recall those are the ones we used to use their release once they release once, and the stage ones from local but we switch.
07:27:48 Everybody to use the global January one so those ones are free will. Most of the, if not all the teams are using global ggV now for those actions, but my main concern is anything that is Maven or Docker verify or may even merge, verify and merge jobs
07:28:09 are mostly still use a lot of the local scripts rather than global January.
07:28:24 If we talk about the issues I will make us three part one, think maturing problem is ready, pending because I was assigned for some JIRA tickets.
07:28:35 They haven't received any notification about this.
07:28:39 So, I remember there was something similar in the past so I'm sure I'm not sure if this is a problem that you know about.
07:28:49 You're not receiving emails that it might be related to the issue that bank was describing earlier.
07:28:56 Most likely
07:29:01 in yeah this happened in the past sometime.
07:29:08 Last year, I forgot a marvelous burly was September or somewhere in there.
07:29:13 It happened before. Yes.
07:29:16 So, the data team is working on that right now.
07:29:22 This, the same problem that they're debugging right now or just nailed them mail delivery from.
07:29:30 I think it's a cost of mail delivery also,
07:29:40 we know we've got one big problem at least so
07:30:00 been a couple layers to that and
07:29:50 anything else related to religion as I said, coming up here in about a half hour we'll have such and join to talk about analytics.
07:30:08 Okay, then moving on.
07:30:17 I'm
07:30:17 needed need to talk a little bit about the portal project.
07:30:21 March forth the TSA approved to initiate a PTO election for portal.
07:30:30 Because the current portal ppl is on extended family leave, and will not be available.
07:30:43 However, there are no active committees on this project.
07:30:47 They have all left. So, the PTO was the only one
07:30:54 we could look at the TSP could consider promoting.
07:31:03 Some of the contributors to be a competitor if those contributors would be agreeable we can look at the data and insights to figure that out.
07:31:17 I guess the bigger question is that Katherine and I have around this is, is.
07:31:28 What's the community's interest in usage of Portal.
07:31:33 Is this something that people have already started moving to CDs or you UI for, it just what are the community thoughts here.
07:32:00 So, Just, just to recap we Fq hardly somehow pre content.
07:32:09 We have the use case UI which is developed and dedicated to some particular use case.
07:32:18 To simplify a little bit
07:32:23 how we set up in Boston parameters for this use case.
07:32:29 We had booked on was a kind of umbrella for not all the owner component but a big part of running one single interface.
07:32:41 To access to the SEC UI to access to the
07:32:50 have a hole in my mind but to access to all the components to configuring them, and then CDs, as a font and bath, as one.
07:33:01 Or do we need to unify, there is a limit on back end system but CDs are also a UI path and I don't think CVS has been integrated to that as far as I know.
07:33:13 So, we have an opportunity to simplify the architecture
07:33:19 or not, right, if there are some committee members.
07:33:24 Why interesting by authored by it's important to raise your hand.
07:33:30 But looking at the statistic. We have only one company was contributing to this component.
07:33:38 The API is also because most of the time people may be, like, to build their own UI. And therefore, using the API function from the design component they can be their own UI based on their needs.
07:33:55 So that's that's an open question right.
07:34:00 But due to the lack of interest and the fact that the PDF is still long family emergency.
07:34:08 If there is, it's a final call to the community because we were already talking to this issue before.
07:34:16 If nobody really needs an interest by the end of this month, then I suggest that maybe we move this component and maintenance or a mundane state.
07:34:36 So concern.
07:34:40 So white from DT have no concern.
07:34:43 I can only say oh yeah we are also for example developing at the moment some own kind of integrate or portal in that way we are not using the portal from the community.
07:34:58 We are, let's say, but it's not it's too early at the moment we are starting at yet, but we are also thinking to let's say upstream the work maybe when we are.
07:35:09 Let's say have a certain state, but I cannot promise anything at the moment, at least for the next moment it is too early or for next month because we are quite heavily developing and so on.
07:35:24 But let's say I would also suggest to put it into maintenance state. And I don't know if others have more interested in the existing.
07:35:42 I think yes.
07:35:39 I think we need to access some some some component today we need to we need if we want to seem to us as DC and other companies also know, if we don't matter need which may be a yes.
07:35:56 Think about maybe a light.
07:35:58 Light solution to be able to, to use these values components with us maybe your solution, Andreas can be great, maybe not. I struggled with an expertise on for Istanbul we may keep it as the bottle as a madness solution.
07:36:16 Yes, yes, yes, so we don't stop everything I mean, we, I would say we continue to build on top of time, we can steal the container. We should take vacation.
07:36:29 But I would say.
07:36:32 There was only one company to to maintain it to enhance it and lack of.
07:36:41 What can I say lack of interest I think that the past it's also a way for us to will reduce the footprint of own up as a platform, but also have an opportunity to use it.
07:36:54 component by component.
07:36:57 But anybody else, and thank you again and also for your feedback.
07:37:06 Otherwise, yes, yes, maybe just maybe just to support to support Andrea.
07:37:24 Bell we're we're pretty much in the same position where we had, we already had some, some portals internally so we decided to integrate or two to make that functionality available through our own portals instead of instead of using the one that that is
07:37:30 with phone app. So, no, no objection from us, either to, to put the project in in maintenance stage and as we, we wouldn't be using it ourselves, either.
07:37:49 Think central central idea, I think most of the time people like to bring their own UI.
07:37:54 When own up was kickoff it was
07:37:59 an opportunity to to facilitate and not understand immediately the API, but after four years. That's the past to move forward so anybody else, if we have all the feedback today I'm happy that we stay fit.
07:38:15 Follow up via an email so the rest of the community is informed.
07:38:20 And then he will move like the other component that you've already notified to the project maintenance of a maintain that's probably one of the top vehicles to the to the name of the Mandan states.
07:38:34 And we will implement the steps steps associated to this new state.
07:38:39 Any other feedback because if we can have, again, all the conclusion today. That's great. Otherwise we can probably leave one week for further reflection, or covering Can I please ask for another week because I want to circle back with all my colleagues
07:38:56 and make sure.
07:38:58 Okay, so, so should we say we send an email to the community this week. And we conclude next Thursday, would it be fair.
07:39:12 Yeah, sounds good.
07:39:13 Okay.
07:39:15 Can you can.
07:39:20 Thank you.
07:39:26 Okay.
07:39:30 Thanks, everybody, I'm mixed up some ppl up updates for external API and did.
07:39:40 Adrian has
07:39:54 stepping down as the XTZ external API PTLF from Stephanie stepping down as VIP details so don't thank you so much for your support there. And I believe elections for both with the competitors are already in your way.
07:40:11 So looking at the clock we've got 20 minutes.
07:40:15 Catherine we got discussion on secure programming practices from set column of the discussion about the project maintenance state.
07:40:30 Enterprise DSC to Dotto where would you like to go next.
07:40:45 Okay, I guess we'll just keep following it. How will I see that you are ready to go.
07:40:50 Just Sorry, I was on mute so just quickly. I think we can go fast because today, it was the day where we were supposed to vote on the proposition of project managers.
07:41:04 So let's link this to the request of sitcom because the world of maintenance, probably means different things and I think the request is maybe to not use maintenance, as a word and maybe and maintain it.
07:41:23 Exactly, exactly. This is the, the people's feedback we would like to share with you guys.
07:41:31 Exactly, exactly. This is the, the TB feedback we would like to share with you guys. We believe that the second, we get the discussion and we believe that unmaintained word is expressing much better the states of the projects that is not supporting the
07:41:43 particular release.
07:41:45 And that's why we are proposing to change the naming nomenklatura reflected accordingly.
07:41:54 So, all the material can be updated, according to this proposition but before, is there any concern that the state which was defined maintenance will just be he name into a mundane, but the meaning he mean the same as when as the steps, because we need
07:42:18 it was planned that we vote today. We will just change the name.
07:42:24 So, so the proposal would be here that that this is just more or less a global substitution of unmaintained for maintenance.
07:42:39 Like
07:42:39 everything else remaining exactly as is.
07:42:47 So we would do elite plus old.
07:42:50 Yeah.
07:42:53 So the way I structured the vote to to improve the process and work was described on that page with the provision that maintenance be changed to maintain global.
07:43:08 Is that correct description of what we need to vote on.
07:43:14 Yes.
07:43:17 Okay, before I plunk it in as a, as a pope.
07:43:29 Any questions.
07:43:29 Okay.
07:43:54 So they can eat.
07:44:06 when you are doing the voting process.
07:44:08 There is one more point from the second so.
07:44:12 There is one more point from the SEC com So, following the request from Shakira few weeks ago, a Tony was leading the creation of the secure programming practices with the support from the second team.
07:44:26 And we have already some wiki that we would like to, to propagate and ensure that everyone is aware of. And obviously provide some comments.
07:44:38 And we had the exchanges with shocker already and I think he already confirmed that this will be part of the, of the agenda for the next architecture subcommittee.
07:44:50 I hope this this set of information would be would be useful for the, for the community on, you know, improving the security of the goals and security of us
07:45:09 got the link in there and the wiki has been approved.
07:45:16 So Mark set as an agreed to
07:45:26 give one shots question, because we would like to propose to move to best practices. I mean, maybe speaking ci bedding and upgrading packages into the global requirements.
07:45:44 So
07:45:44 what should be the process, as, as those ones are well known by the community but we would like to ensure that everyone has a chance to to speak and provide feedback comments.
07:46:00 Is there any deadlines, we should comply with that needs to be in by RC.
07:46:11 That's the one.
07:46:13 Nope. So TASC is going to vote on that at em one.
07:46:27 Not one m one m yes I'm sorry That's what I meant. um, I misspoke absolutely I am one not RC one, sorry.
07:46:33 artsy one would be a bit late.
07:46:36 Yeah.
07:46:39 So you just need to present that to TASC before and one.
07:46:46 Yeah, okay.
07:46:49 So we booked some slots in income to see sessions. Thank you.
07:47:00 a shock I was talking before but I don't think you heard me. Sorry I did not you are muted Probably, yeah, sorry.
07:47:03 So thanks for for putting the best practices together.
07:47:11 What I did is I added it to the architecture portal page.
07:47:18 So, I don't know who's doing the driving right now but if you could give me the presenting rights for second Kenny, I will show you
07:47:37 host disable participant screen share. Oh, you've got the I need to find your other one manual. Yeah, just Sure.
07:47:45 Look for the old to the own app. Oh, that's, that's yes on Apple to.
07:47:54 Thank you.
07:47:57 Okay, thank you. Kenny.
07:48:07 So, Just give me one second, I'll take it.
07:48:33 Oh, if you go to this page subcommittees, and you look at the security.
07:48:42 And look at the security,
07:48:48 pull on it, and this is the best practices are under here on the one that you shared with me.
07:48:57 Yesterday is already linked so for those of you that want to venture into using the, the navigator just, you could go through security, look for the are the owner subcommittees and security and you look for two documents the one that you provided me with
07:49:29 here and the document that you just provided me yesterday. Okay. Thank you very much. Okay. Okay, thank you.
07:49:26 Okay.
07:49:27 Thanks Kenny.
07:49:30 Okay. Just a quick note on the distinction.
07:49:39 There is a PSC approved best practice. And there are you know what would be considered to be, you know, just hygiene and things like that best practice.
07:49:52 So when we use the term best practice, I think that we need to be very clear, whether we're talking a community best practice or a TASC best practice because one is a recommendation at the other is a requirement.
07:50:16 So the items I mentioned before, which, which are the bedding can upgrading packages of the PC requirements inside
07:50:31 your your your statement.
07:50:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. In, and then, you know, other things that you would like to is as Chris mentioned.
07:50:42 Just put forward to the,
07:50:47 to the TLC as something that you would like to see made as a best practice we get promoted to a global requirement.
07:50:59 Yeah, yeah, so sure you guys have done that.
07:51:06 Okay, um, anything else on that topic.
07:51:13 So we've got
07:51:16 10 minutes here before the folks from the project team are supposed to join.
07:51:22 Catherine, what would you like to do.
07:51:27 So what I would like to do we not have enough time to discuss about a TLC to that Oh, but we really need to discuss the have been so many emails addressed to the TC so I want to take this opportunity to invite the TLC to review to provide their feedback,
07:51:47 because we move forward so far.
07:51:50 Maybe you have missed it, but it's really important that you check again your mailbox and leave you the different suggestion, so we can move forward.
07:52:03 And if we don't have enough progress there will be a special call dedicated to that. Okay.
07:52:11 Then I want to inform don't have community.
07:52:27 asked receive a lot of feedback positive feedback from companies. Ganga so party vendors, whatever. I will the fact that it would be important to informal alignment between own up, and open sec concerning the service management of Twitter, why because
07:52:43 the service manager management orchestrator.
07:52:47 If you look, even the latest release Sherry consume a couple of own app component.
07:52:55 So I want, I want to be. I want to see there is any feedback from the team here because thanks to the Linux Foundation, we will start to discuss.
07:53:05 If there is an opportunity. We also to have a formal alignment between own up and honest See, I know Swami as prepare her presentation. I'm not sure we will have the time to present.
07:53:19 We have only a few minutes left. So, Swami would like to postpone the presentation to another week or, in order to support the fact that there are a lot of opportunity between no nominal NSC for the assemble Would you like to take the time left.
07:53:37 Is it enough, I don't want to hurt you, because it's an important key message. It also demonstrate that we are moving to this end to one SDN solution which was discussed during the executive forum.
07:53:53 Last week, a willingness to consolidate more and more to deliver one elephant umbrella together into a US. What has been the rope for medical community to support another one.
07:54:06 So, Swami. Do you think we have enough time or it will be too harsh thing.
07:54:12 Yeah, I think it will be too rough estimate I think we will require probably at least some 1520 minutes.
07:54:18 So we had together, sat down and put together the slides, and also from our point of view, What we saw some of the practical steps that we could take the high level intent is fine, but how do we operationalize it right so we had put down some thoughts,
07:54:44 and definitely we would like to hear some feedback and comments about taking it forward.
07:54:50 Okay, so I don't want to her shoe. I think it's an important presentation.
07:54:56 Next week we have the review sec one sec one.
07:55:00 We might be able to address it.
07:55:03 So I suggest that we scheduled for next week. So would you mind Swami to go to the agenda of next week, and to add the slot for me.
07:55:13 Okay, sure.
07:55:30 And request.
07:55:30 Yes request for Swami, I think, at least for me, I would like to get a clear idea of what needs to change because I know people in the community are working on things like interfaces a one on one that are aligned with the over NFC so I would like to get
07:55:39 a clarification of what needs to change or what is the proposal to change in the mode of operation between the two communities because it's like there is vacuum there is some work related to the community that's been going on for a while, so I'd like
07:55:53 to understand, if there is a proposal to change anything or just keep things as our as they are.
07:56:01 Yeah, sure. Yeah. And as you rightly pointed out definitely there is some work on going. But when we talk about.
07:56:08 I mean the subject of a CMO right i mean we believe that the level of alignment should be greater, and maybe it is to the benefit of both communities, if they work more closely together funny I mean that's the thought process for sure maybe we can also
07:56:24 share slides offline for you to have a review and given feedback as well before the, the to the mean the practice session.
07:56:34 Sure, I'd be happy to do that.
07:56:42 I think that would be ideal if you could offer that to the PRC PSE.
07:56:42 guys are doing to try and get this align between the communities here.
07:57:08 So I
07:57:08 just wanted to say thanks for the opportunities and nothing would have happened without them so
07:57:16 it's also important to greatly presume that if we're motivated so kudos to both of you and we look forward to discover what you have prepared will reinforce the message and the willingness to align the two community together.
07:57:33 And let's hope it will be successful. So I think we have three minutes I'm just looking quickly.
07:57:39 We had a great discussion during the own up on the pines, call yesterday I want to reiterate the fact that March 31, this is when the death by community is represented by the US Navy totally will present additional details about the use case, specially
07:58:05 use case with owner Neverland has great discussion with a couple of folks, and we had some question, and I think I would put you again Swami on those this book.
07:58:16 To help us offline to look at that.
07:58:19 So, I will ask, Fred and Timo to correct me if I didn't capture correctly the question of the lady.
07:58:27 We have question like, Whoa not could improve and build a network service visualization and customer facing services.
07:58:38 We had also where we provide feedback that q&a the network slicing was potentially addressing these area.
07:59:05 We face to the media bold attack white paper, which is in progress.
07:58:55 And she provided already some feedback because she could not find enough information about CSMS.
07:59:02 So, if we have a place where it is well documented, it will be nice.
07:59:11 And what it is already currently supported by the CNS module and will own up support any CF CFS so customer facing services capability in the future.
07:59:24 So, if you can take this question offline, the network slicing team, I would appreciate. And feel free to to reply back directly to the owner.
07:59:42 On the Five Star Sports, or you can reply to the TSP this top. We really communicate back. This ladies is called a bionic gal she's working for orange, and she also invited us.
07:59:53 There is a major event on March, 23 and 24, organized by
08:00:16 that what I believe Owen she's one of the key actors and the intent is to demonstrate Claude hand factory in a full containerized end to end mobile it of course created by own up and using seven, the three for an efficient from all.
08:00:18 So Eric I don't know if you want to add anything.
08:00:22 But the talk is today was really the energizing and challenging as what.
08:00:28 Yeah, so the sudden events, internal event with you know Roger organize the.
08:00:35 Every year, demonstrate or project research project.
08:00:40 And so this shows is organized as a virtual event, and as a result we invited the next debt sex donor externally external people to advance where we will demonstrate some project based on some video on some questions that you can ask under yes or, obviously
08:01:07 sorry guys very involved swinger activities around the end to end.
08:01:14 Service Deployment on also working with, with project. So that's why she she's interested in this area
08:01:24 on please yes come. I'm not sure it's.
08:01:27 I see you can still register for next week that ensure interested please contact me or Veronica.
08:01:37 Thank you, Eric. And then, I think we have, if we can have a next minute, I just want to hate the hate the call for committee of representative, it's not only to the present it own up, but also to work with the community to express the best practices
08:01:58 that we have not defined cause the different community to express the challenge that is somehow common from the default community.
08:02:09 So the last school of submission is on the 24th of March. And then we have received I think it was yesterday Casey, send a note concerning internship.
08:02:25 We have a tight schedule for the submission.
08:02:29 There is an expectation that the submission regarding the mentorship, at least makeup opposition.
08:02:36 So the candidate will have an opportunity to to participate to have project. The deadline is on the 15th of April.
08:02:49 So I think we also share the link of the future of weeks, next webinar organized by the Linux Foundation, and we got the date for the next event, which will be still we have to add on June seven.
08:03:06 So I think I cover mainly all the topic, but really team please look at the TC discussion because we need to pull this up all the TC composition.
08:03:19 Thank you.
08:03:21 Can you Did I miss anything important.
08:03:24 I think that's it. The
08:03:27 important most important thing in terms of deadlines, is the participation.
08:03:35 If folks would like to get somebody in as an intern on these are hard dates.
08:03:44 We have no.
08:03:48 We have no say so on these dates.
08:03:52 So, it's if something comes in late, or, or something like that.
08:03:58 We've been able to accommodate it in the in the past.
08:04:02 This year, those are those are hard geological features that cannot be moved so I will drop the link into the chat window. If you are interested in having an intern for during the summer.
08:04:20 And I see that.
08:04:23 Sasha, has joined us Thank you sir.
08:04:28 I know that this is more of a discussion and presentation I'm going to give you a co host rights because I would assume that you're probably going to end up needing to pop into insights and.
08:04:49 Yeah.
08:04:49 Thank you. Thank you, Kenny, for inviting me. And it's.
08:04:54 It feels good to be to be a part of the PAC meeting and giving us this time to discuss about insights.
08:05:03 So yeah, like the other, like, okay, so I already see active contribution. Yeah. So to start with, like, I would want to like get on with like the the usage of insights, by the community like what are the what are the areas where are the gaps that we
08:05:23 are seeing, so that you know we can take down those and then we can fulfill them trying to prove to them but with new features that we cannot so yeah so so to frame it up, we were talking about elections in active community members and things.
08:05:45 And that's how this all started.
08:05:57 Okay, so, so if we if we look at the leaderboard.
08:05:55 And folks from the PSC in the community if I'm heading in the wrong direction here.
08:06:03 Just just hopped in.
08:06:05 If you look at the community leaderboard and I guess I could go do that.
08:06:14 Wrong window, hang on let me go back to my edit.
08:06:30 So we've got the community leaderboard route, one of the, one of the conversations was, how do we represent what can we represent what we end up getting in the leaderboard.
08:06:51 Basically, our dashboard.
08:06:56 Now the dashboard. So, that was, that was one of the questions.
08:07:05 Another one.
08:07:07 And in this is, this is an interesting one.
08:07:13 That would need a lot of discussion around, but how do we actually measure what the impact of a contribution is, which is a little bit intangible.
08:07:26 I don't know what we might be able to do there.
08:07:31 But probably just a direct question that that could be answered probably very simply, would be to share what the difference of how the commit vs change that calculations are derived because that was another thing that came out of one of the conversations,
08:07:53 cut it but OK, so I'll go ahead and stop sharing.
08:07:58 Yeah, sure. Well thank you for those questions like, Let me, let me take up the questions like, you know, find themselves because I think so. Are you able to see my screen, which the community leaderboard.
08:08:16 Yes. Okay, so yeah i mean that's a good suggestion, I would say, like so.
08:08:21 Initially when we do this, this community leader board that was out of like something similar to what Peter Jay had right so we we were like we were doing in the similar lights, but he and I really agree with the suggestion that you know instead of showing
08:08:37 a tabular form. Can we have something which can be more of like, you know, a dashboard, like a complete dashboard for the community, like that is not just a commits overview, but you know, something that is driving, driving the community activities, right,
08:08:54 and that can have like all the prs, the, the mailing list like email conversations slack messages, all the basically all the data that we're collecting, can we put that in the dashboard.
08:09:06 Right. Is that is that something that I'm putting it right, Kenny.
08:09:12 I think that's an excellent summary that's, yeah. That's my understanding of yes so say show from a couple weeks ago, kind of cut it. So, that is, there is a.
08:09:20 So, this is our test platform. So there is a pilot that we are running for, like, another community right FiOS. That's also a part of LA. So, this something like this that we have working, that might give you a good idea of what are we talking about right.
08:09:39 Do you think that this, the, like so. So this is what a, it's a, it's a histogram, and you, and you bump the resolution of the screen up a little bit, please.
08:09:54 Maybe this
08:09:57 that's better for me anyway.
08:09:58 Thank you.
08:10:00 Maybe, yeah, let me know if others have a problem in in actually viewing this screen, I can maybe separate this tab out. But yeah, the idea here is like, you know, this is a pilot that we are just right now rolling for free knows, which is which.
08:10:18 What it does is basically aggregates like a lot of details across different data sources like you have a competitors you have PR creators but, like, people who are merging PR or activities that are that are happening right meeting meeting attendees or
08:10:45 centers slack messages. So is this is this is this like a representation of what we are looking for.
08:10:47 Like we can work on different. We can different different visualizations, we have the data. So, is that something that we are going in the lines of what what the community is expecting.
08:11:02 Such and
08:11:04 such as one thing which was missing from the biggest thing was we really had commits in the dashboard. The session which was which came up was we had commits.
08:11:14 And we also had the get merge request actually Okay, so we we didn't had, we didn't have the actual thing that is the final part I mean, the real estate values which are being considered for Congo for the code contribution.
08:11:29 So, if you see good fools were actually there. If you can go to the dashboard here, you'll see a pull request was changes for there, but not the actual in the final change which is actually construct that is actually like value to see whether the code
08:11:41 has been entrepreneur not right, or the commit or not, change it will pull request.
08:11:45 So if you can actually add that dashboard also about the final change that. That is the committed chain said, then essentially right maybe that will actually add value to this.
08:11:55 So in this in this leader in this table or in the actual dashboard here in the dashboard, we do have, you see, if you were to dashboard the second table which we have it first is the commits, and secondly is pull request.
08:12:10 So pull requests for changes doesn't give much of a thing about what is happening around right so maybe we required.
08:12:18 the committed, change it to actually have the final value as to what is happening. You can also add to dashboard maybe that'll actually will add more value.
08:12:23 Okay.
08:12:25 Apart from our watching our show here.
08:12:27 So you're saying, yeah. Also, if I may add to that, I kind of believe that putting pull request and change sets into the same category is a little bit misleading, because if one project is using GitHub for their development and they are having.
08:12:54 Pull Requests then it's comparable to change sets that we have, Gary. Because I think tanks that see you know you may create hundreds of those, and nothing gets gets matched up
08:13:02 with Actually, we can wait and actually have two final committed chances actually that metal put more money.
08:13:08 Yep. Yeah, so, so I. So this is, this is the like the idea where we are, where I think I think the confusion is like so. So basically when, when we are saying that the change request management, like the pull request management that's actually the change
08:13:26 request management. Like, If the project does not have GitHub as a data source. Right, which is the case with owner, so that.
08:13:36 So the idea behind showing this data PR here is like for all only for the projects that have greater PR so if I go to any other project under say elephant.
08:13:45 That does not have get it as a team set, but let's say there is one hour so we will remove probably Fido like bite also has, but let me go with them, look at each project right
08:14:00 right so let's see this thing can you see that, you know, this drug this project again has both wrong examples.
08:14:12 So many projects.
08:14:13 Yeah. So, look at this project so like this project has a be like a GitHub PR as enabled, because it does not have changed it so you can not even, like, a select anything, it just because the, the amount of data source we support as as as a platform that
08:14:41 varies from project to project is why we are like we are showing all the data sources that we support. Now, um, but I'm getting the point here, but what you're trying to say is like you know because.
08:15:00 Get up here does not even apply to this project. So why do we even show that right. So, like that's something that we can consider like we can make it like always collapsed.
08:14:50 When when we are, when we're loading this project.
08:15:00 But this is where the, the, the meat lies right so you're saying that the get it changed sets that we are showing here, those are not like adding much value.
08:15:12 because these are just the changes that have been created.
08:15:16 So, let's get onto that like so you want to do, only the words change sets. Is that is that what is yes why because that's what is calculated, we actually take that into consideration that's right also right especially naturally, that's also like to take
08:15:33 that in consideration. Only thing is a dashboard doesn't reflect it. So what we actually take into into concentration is right but the dashboard doesn't reflect it so it may not get the right communication to the people who see the dashboard.
08:15:41 That's the whole point when when when when you click.
08:15:46 When you click the merge, as that and just did it, it filters based upon that. Yeah, immediately.
08:15:56 Yeah, so, so let's let's take this example so right now I'm seeing like 2600 intentions and for the last 90 days, and they've been so much submitters across repositories and, like, a few more details right so now from here, from this visualization that
08:16:13 you see tainted by status. If I were to just look at new changes that have been just newly opened so that have not been merged. So here, when I look at this dashboard, you know I can actually see what is the request looking like so it saying that, you
08:16:30 know, the status value is not merged or abandoned. So, if that is the status for that change set, then those will be populated over here. Now I could do the same thing, I can just remove this filter, and I can say, you know now.
08:16:48 Just show me the merge changes. So now, out of all the change sets that we have in the dashboard filters, everything with just the merge change set. So now, can we make it, can you make to the default value because that's what assuming calculated.
08:17:03 The whole point is we can do all those things as a part of filtering I understand, but when we land on this, we will may not be aware about having these filters involved so what we actually show as a de facto team are defaulting can be that right.
08:17:15 Absolutely. So that, yeah.
08:17:20 But hang on, right.
08:17:23 One of the things that we need to remember is that this does is essentially software as a service.
08:17:29 If we make that the default, it's actually correct me if I'm wrong, then that would have to be the default across the entire life Foundation, cutting across the all across all the projects that have get it as a team will get it as a data source, which
08:17:46 primarily is more networking leverage projects.
08:17:51 Okay, so if we're. If we're currently limited by that then we might be able to easily negotiate with the folks over an edge that that would be the default value so let me take that as an action item that's, that's not necessarily an insights.
08:18:11 Something that the Insights Team should be trying to negotiate let me take that to the folks in edge and see what we can do there.
08:18:21 But that that's the that's the request from the NF community is that merge change sets on the dashboard be the default.
08:18:30 Right. Great. So, these are the merchants know there was another question around the comments right. So, um, yeah so the way the implementation like the, the way we have instrumented these two different data sources right so why I'm saying is different
08:18:48 data sources is one.
08:18:51 When, when we are when we are fetching or when we are pulling data for comics, right. So every, every chain set has, you know associated coverage with it they can be lot of coverage pertain set and they can be a lot of passing.
08:19:04 So the commit data that we get is purely from get commands. So what we do is like we clone the repositories that we are monitoring. And then we run like get log get history get trapped on those on those repositories, and then we collect some data out
08:19:22 of them. So, whatever the changes have been committed. So that's why we have like a separate good as a data source and get it as a data source, when we are looking at getting Jane said data.
08:19:35 We are just purely using the get SSH commands for getting the change and data.
08:19:42 So, like, Are there any like further questions on how the data between. So this is just your comment so if we are doing, like if, if there are 10 commits happening for a change or, you know, on a Pat said that all those unique commits come in picture,
08:20:06 like for you before you before.
08:20:12 muted.
08:20:15 So, yeah, if I may just show you like so when you, when you're looking at, like cardinality on caches. That means that this dashboard like the complete data here that you see, that is that is removing the duplicate commit hash is maybe the.
08:20:32 has been some activity on the comment but it's it's the same for the same company cash, so we are we are making sure that we are duplicating all the competitors and the comments that you see here are the most recent comments that have been pushed.
08:20:47 So, any, any questions on that.
08:20:52 Like what one thing that I've been asked more is like we are showing that average time to commit.
08:20:59 Sure, you know, by then, you know, that is, there is no way to compare what is the what is the baseline so there is a max and Ben so the one, like, the next thing that we are going to change here and this let's have any small changes.
08:21:12 Also instead of just putting like one average value. Put a maximum and so that you can, you know, easily see that, like, You know what can be the outliers in this case.
08:21:25 But does that make sense like am I am I am I going in the right direction in terms of trying to explain or trying to get some feedback in.
08:21:45 All right.
08:21:54 So,
08:21:51 community leader but one question that I have for the community, right, today So, so far the active contributors here so I see that you know we have put it like a stag craft, but many of, like, like the community that I'm talking to they they more interested
08:22:07 in not knowing the exact numbers but you know how the trend is going like probably like a smooth line curves are things like when the active contributors and active members who are involved.
08:22:19 So, is that something that you think that would be more beneficial.
08:22:23 It just for my sake like I'm trying to get some feedback about the usage of such dashboards
08:22:35 and and active contributors here, we are looking at the commits so yeah come into it.
08:22:44 Yeah, so so so that's different than just for the purposes of understanding.
08:22:52 So that's different than, then what we would consider an active community member, as defined in the, in our technical document.
08:23:05 That's just active contributors who
08:23:21 basically, in terms of making commits, but would a trend line here be more beneficial than just the reporting the raw numbers as as displayed here. Okay, what would you guys like to see.
08:23:25 Okay.
08:23:29 Yeah, maybe that we can we can collect that feedback.
08:23:33 Because I think we'll give some time for folks to go over these dashboards and, you know, actually make use of like various capabilities here and then like get some feedback later of the usage.
08:23:48 Well, or we can move it around.
08:23:53 If you've got members of other communities that saying they would prefer to see a trend line. Got it.
08:24:00 So, members of the community.
08:24:05 When you have an issue if those were represented as a trend line, versus a versus how its displayed I see Karen's said it's a smooth trend line would be more useful.
08:24:20 As I mentioned as a software as a service so if it gets paint, one place, it would need to be changed for us so any objections to doing, making it a trend line.
08:24:36 I think on the chat I get one vote
08:24:40 no.
08:24:41 Okay, I would say, then there are no objections from the community from the community if you want to be friendly. Yeah. Perfect, thank you.
08:24:49 And, yeah, and we're going to make it as a trend line and also try to add like you know when you say active contributors like there are members and there are, that are indeed two individuals so probably will, will make will make some more context out
08:25:02 of it.
08:25:03 Rather than this this. So, yeah, I myself like 10 lines. Okay. Now, coming back to the community leader board.
08:25:12 So, I see there was a question earlier about the community leaderboard being, you know, being like revamped into like some kind of a dashboard right.
08:25:28 Yeah, um, how could this be presented as as a dashboard.
08:25:34 Or, I wouldn't think of it in, in, in the, in the context that we have it here, which is it as designed.
08:25:45 And for the folks on the call here.
08:25:51 This community leaderboard.
08:26:03 Okay, was a direct outcome and it exists because LFN wanted it. Yeah.
08:26:04 because no one else had anything like this.
08:26:05 It is, it is highly beneficial but other communities they've been really appreciative of it. So, in the form of a just a table as presented that we can go in and export.
08:26:17 We still need that that doesn't go away.
08:26:21 I think the question here.
08:26:25 If I can frame it up. If I am a individual contributor.
08:26:33 And I want to see as a dashboard.
08:26:37 Only how my money contributions are represented in a single dashboard.
08:26:46 What might that look like cutting
08:26:52 that shoe does that does that get to kind of the heart of that particular request.
08:27:03 So you can have as many cars. Can you repeat the question is so sorry.
08:27:08 Would the, what a dashboard that allowed an individual contributor community member to see all of their contribution summarized in a dashboard that basically translate to the discussion about earning what's here into a dashboard because I'm not sure how
08:27:30 you would necessarily represent the leaderboard.
08:27:35 I'm with so many different,
08:27:51 so many different values as a meaningful dashboard. But as a community member, I can see okay please show me is only the history of all my contribution in a dad for fashion.
08:27:58 Yeah, I mean, that is fine but we we already have a dashboard My only point was you already have a dashboard which actually has some values being shown we can just correct it, or tweak it, or the way the action items show to Kenny was appropriate for
08:28:11 me for what I was looking for. And everyone was related to the chain set.
08:28:18 Right, that was fine, this is, this is, okay.
08:28:22 Yep, yep.
08:28:26 So, um, yeah. But, but what I would, but what I got from the discussion right Kenny is like, we definitely like need some kind of a better visualization to portray like the communities, or like the communities contribution together like this this is,
08:28:43 this is, this is good dashboard for election purposes and, as you said, right, not just elephant community but since this whatever is rolled out is rolled out for all the platforms, right.
08:28:57 So recently, like you know, many of us standalone projects, the start of the year they've been using these dashboards to, you know, hold elections and stuff so this has been very useful.
08:29:10 So we are not going to touch anything like this like this this is going to stay. But yeah, I hate to say it loud and clear.
08:29:13 But what I think what I'm getting the point is, like, you know, we should have like some visualizations that that show the community's contribution in, in, you know, in a sense of how the communities, how the community is contributing towards the code
08:29:29 towards documentation towards you know how's that how's that engagement looking like. So, let's call it like an engagement. So like let me work on that lifetime, as I showed you like there are, there is something that we are like running pilot for for
08:29:44 another community like that.
08:29:47 As you can see on this dashboard right unit can you commit contributors over time, like you have committed you have PR mergers and you know you have document creators.
08:29:58 You have email sender slack message so what it is doing is actually getting data from every, every other data source and putting it on a date histogram, so that you get an idea of how the how the community like how the project is like the activity is
08:30:12 going on over time. So now these are the projects, basically, probably we could do the same thing with the winner. Right.
08:30:23 When you came back to this night, I start looking at it.
08:30:27 Yeah, I like this perfectly. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, we could we could do, like, this is, I would say this has been, like, this is something that we're working but we can actually improve on.
08:30:40 Right. If I get like enough so Kenny How about like we work, collaborate on this like, in terms of like how the visualization should be how the dashboard should be like in terms of gathering the requirements and let's put it up on on on the, on every
08:30:56 every, every project like you know, maybe our own app becomes our, our, you know, early adopters, for, for this dashboard and we can roll it out for every project, like a community's view of the contribution.
08:31:12 Any objections to that.
08:31:20 Okay, I'm gonna I'm, I'm actually going to mark that as a pound agree that we are going to be early adopters of of the new the new community. Community Engagement dashboard.
08:31:41 Yep.
08:31:44 Okay, um, and we are one minute over. Okay, um,
08:31:53 yeah. But, yeah, I'm going to stop sharing shame No, but yeah. Any, any kind of feedback, like you know, Kenny has been receiving.
08:32:05 you know, giving us all the feedback David Kenny and all the elephant team, but yeah from the TSP like if there is a direct feedback, you know, please please reach out to us like, you know, always here to get new feedback and improve the product for the
08:32:18 users.
08:32:22 Thanks so much for coming, um, unless anyone has any anything else. I'm going to go ahead and end the call it seems like punching the boundary into the, into the channel.
08:32:39 Okay, thanks everybody for watching, thanks for coming. Thank you. Good. Appreciate. Thanks, bye.