TSC 2021-07-08

TSC 2021-07-08

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By



Thank you Olivier Phenixfor all your contribution, leadership and support to the ONAP Community. We wish you great success in your future endeavors!

Release Status

Weekly update


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

PTL Updates


ONAP Integration Release Plan

PTL Updated


From last week:

  • Do we need to consider ESR as an independent project since these sub-projectss are interacting with more components than A&AI? Or do we need to assess an alternative solution to keep functionalities but handle it differently i.e. move these capabilities in Python SDK?
  • Requirements/Architecture subcommittees + AAI Project Team to discuss with the ESR sub-projects users (Henry YuAhila PGuangrong Fu , he.peng6@zte.com.cn) if we can re-architecture these functionalities as a mS or within Python SDK, removing the dependency from the AAI project.
    • ArchSub discussion on  
      • Need the problem statement from AAI to be presented
    • ReqSub on  ??
    • AAI discussion on ??
    • Joint discussion of all 3 recommended - 


  • Tool Migration to gitlab/github,etc. - [OOM] Request to move to gitlab
  • #AGREED the TSC approves that Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP TSC agrees that the OOM project (code & CI jobs) moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA is not approved by Aug 19th then the ONAP TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM project. Currently only the OOM project (all repos) is targeted to move to Giltab

Subcommittee Updates


Rebooting the ONAP Lab Subcommittee

TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • Honolulu Awards
  • Action items from June LFN event identified during the daily summaries calls - Plenary: Daily Summaries 
  • TSC 2.0 - kenny is still, still making edits (sad) (sad)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

2021 LFN Operations Survey - dates extended until  

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:54 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:00:20 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:01:00 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:01:20 From SaiSeshu (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
07:01:24 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:01:26 From Damian Nowak to Everyone : #info Damian Nowak - Proxy Timo Perala, Nokia
07:01:53 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:02:09 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:02:13 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:02:16 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:02:34 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : #info, Catherine Lefevre
07:02:41 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:03:32 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:03:33 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : can we accept my phone? thanks
07:03:46 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : thanks Kenny
07:06:30 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : https://linuxfoundation.surveymonkey.com/r/2021LFNOPS
07:12:59 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : welcome Kevin!
07:13:15 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : Welcome Kebin !
07:13:16 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : Welcome Kevin!
07:13:18 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : Kevin !
07:13:29 From Kevin Sandi to Everyone : Thank you guys :)
07:35:32 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-labs
08:09:33 From Bengt to Everyone : move or stay? or decided to move?
08:22:41 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone : https://gitlab.com/anuket
08:25:46 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone : https://github.com/FDio
08:31:56 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP agrees that the OOM project moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA not approved by Aug 19th then TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM projects. Currently only OOM project is targeted to move to Giltab
08:32:29 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP TSC agrees that the OOM project moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA not approved by Aug 19th then TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM projects. Currently only OOM project is targeted to move to Giltab
08:36:33 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP TSC agrees that the OOM project (code & CI jobs) moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA is not approved by Aug 19th then the ONAP TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM project. Currently only the OOM project (all repos) is targeted to move to Giltab.
08:36:57 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #vote Does the TSC approve that Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP TSC agrees that the OOM project (code & CI jobs) moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA is not approved by Aug 19th then the ONAP TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM project. Currently only the OOM project (all repos) is targeted to move to Giltab. ? +1, 0, -1
08:37:08 From Catherine Lefèvre to Everyone : #vote, +1
08:37:14 From Damian Nowak to Everyone : #vote, +1
08:37:21 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #vote +1
08:37:28 From SaiSeshu (Huawei) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:37:34 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #vote +1
08:37:37 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:37:37 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:37:55 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #vote +1
08:38:02 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:38:24 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #endvote
08:38:56 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC approves that Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP TSC agrees that the OOM project (code & CI jobs) moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA is not approved by Aug 19th then the ONAP TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM project. Currently only the OOM project (all repos) is targeted to move to Giltab

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:04:23 Okay recording has been started.
07:04:27 As has the live transcript.
07:04:35 Please keep yourself muted, unless you're speaking.
07:04:39 You can use star six if you're on a phone. If you send me a private text message it'll become part of the public record when I cut and paste everything into the minutes.
07:04:49 And as always, we'll start the meeting by mentioning our projects any trust policy. You can find this link from the lF and the project websites, quality is important when we've got multiple companies including potential industry competitors, participating
07:05:03 in these meetings. Please review. If you have any questions please contact your company's legal counsel, members of the lF may also contact Andrew approved firm up the grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the lf
07:05:21 we
07:05:26 stopped, hearing, and we share
07:05:30 the old agenda.
07:05:35 Okay, um, first one.
07:05:41 Talk about Olivier.
07:05:44 David's got the weekly update posted there might have a couple questions.
07:05:52 railings issues, broke out from that the discussion of tool migration as a separate topic.
07:06:02 So we'll be doing that.
07:06:10 Talk about the integration plan. A couple of to do's from last week.
07:06:14 The operation survey I'm going to drop that into the chat window.
07:06:19 Because that closes out
07:06:27 address the chat window.
07:06:33 Okay.
07:06:37 Anything else anyone wants to add. If not, I will turn it over to Catherine
07:06:44 it so I don't see Olivia on the bridge, but you might have noticed the demon sent by Olivier Few days ago about the fact that he has accepted the new opportunities and then therefore he will be leaving.
07:07:00 Ben, to continue auto adventure.
07:07:02 So I just wanted to thank him for all the contribution that he did with his team because he helped us to make one step forward in the multi tenancy domain and also.
07:07:14 He has been a great partner on the controller design studio and order.
07:07:20 And I also wanted to notify you that he will no more, attend the meeting, I feel that maybe will attend this one, but I don't see him on the call. And we will be working with Bell Canada in order to discuss, who will be the next representatives from bell.
07:07:38 We are still under the regime of the previous teacher, so meeting my dad that bell hasn't ever feed until the next election in the fall. We hope to announce soon, who will be the new benefit president that is.
07:07:54 I don't know if anybody have any question or can you want to add something.
07:08:00 No, I think that's that sums it up.
07:08:05 So, been very good member of the TLC so going to be missed.
07:08:21 Okay, next up, Mr McBride you've got the.
07:08:30 You have the link there posted.
07:08:35 Any brief update that you want to make.
07:08:38 Thanks Kenny No, no additional updates, unless the TASC has any questions.
07:08:51 Okie doke moving along.
07:08:56 Just banked.
07:09:02 Anything that you guys have.
07:09:07 So, I know that the, we're still monitoring, any new issues on Jenkins, but for now we discovered that the Garret plugin latest version was causing some problems.
07:09:18 So we downgraded to the, to the previous version of that and we are hoping to see less of the issues that we were saying with the Jenkins been slow so.
07:09:35 On the other side, we're still monitoring for any other plugins that could be potentially causing any issues.
07:09:40 That was the case in other Jenkins's where other plugins were also interfering with the performance of Jenkins so we're keeping an eye on anything that anything else that we can do.
07:09:57 But for now, they Gary plugin has been identified as one of the causes.
07:10:07 Thanks for that.
07:10:14 Any questions. Okay, I'd like to take a brief opportunity to introduce a new member of the real edge team.
07:10:21 Kevin Sandy has joined us he's on the call this is his first time. So
07:10:31 welcome, Kevin.
07:10:33 You want to do a brief introduction of yourself, we just put you on the spot right away.
07:10:40 Thank you, Danny.
07:10:41 Yeah, this is my first meeting with the team, a joined a Tuesday this week. So really excited to start work in been productive inside the same these last couple of days I just being like setting up my workstation and things like that but I am really looking
07:10:58 forward to Serbian productive, very soon. I was able to set up my doohickey, which was a little bit of a headache but now it's done.
07:11:17 A little the introduction about me, I've been working on, on, let's say on cloud DevOps roles, since last a almost a little bit more than seven years.
07:11:21 CD mosey automation. I have been working also a lot with a configuration management, using chair.
07:11:37 I really like a everything related to cloud. So, in the moment my favorite cloud provider is Amazon Web Services, but I'm really open to, to use and learn about new, new cloud providers even a on premises environment.
07:11:53 So I really started as a software developer. In my very first job. And that's where I started learning about the whole life cycle of software development.
07:12:05 I really got into it, that the back end is probably how the systems and the tools work with bigger so it can help that the whole life cycle to work as smoothly.
07:12:18 So that's where I started looking at, at Amazon Web Services at Packard to build images and and stuff like that so I really got into automation. So that's what I've been doing promos for the last seven years.
07:12:35 So that's pretty much like a summary of what I've been doing.
07:12:40 And where are you located.
07:12:41 I'm located in Costa Rica, which is a almost central time.
07:12:46 We'll have these a daylight saving thing, but we're almost a two central standard time.
07:12:57 Thank you so much.
07:12:59 Welcome, and.
07:13:02 Glad to have you on board.
07:13:05 Thank you again.
07:13:09 Okay. Anything else, Roland related.
07:13:15 Not the moment.
07:13:18 Okay.
07:13:20 Catherine you want to talk about the integration team.
07:13:25 Yes, so I wanted to give an update to the TASC regarding of challenge.
07:13:32 So, if you can just click on the link. If you don't mind.
07:13:39 But we have been doing some good progress in terms of how we would address.
07:13:45 And I'm sure that what we do from an integration perspective, will still recognize the fact that we will get a good quality gatekeeper.
07:13:58 So on the slide on the top of it. I just wanted to remind people about what the PSC was considering as minimum integration scope to support don't have to community, CDs of those really, as you know, one of the main focus will be the automation that has
07:14:18 been implemented by the integration team. Up to now, with give us know, an opportunity to understand what's going on, on a daily basis on a weekly basis.
07:14:28 And this type of gating has been deployed and monitor on the far left, slide your lap.
07:14:35 The DT lap and I understand we have a Nokia lab, and Microsoft Asia lab, so something for you, Kevin to learn about.
07:14:45 And then what we wanted also to materialize is the famous 72 stability this one to ensure that the own app is not catching up to one hour but cannot at least be stable doing 72 hours wide we are forming behind a use case.
07:15:06 To ensure again that we we stay stable for a while. And finally, another mission that we were expecting from the integration team is to continue to support the Nissan use case owner, with no an integration lead for the use case.
07:15:23 To add their automated tests to the, to the suite.
07:15:28 So more we have more we can make the platform.
07:15:31 So the victor in the middle, it's not the latest is I just want to reassure you, but I was just taking enough snapshot to express how we really need the goal which was defined and said by the TC of the minimum.
07:15:47 So first of all, I think we need to have you already said to be the default acceptance Christiania for the deniers, it means we can keep what it is set up to now, or we can decide to change.
07:16:00 So the acceptance criteria of one what the sick come with a poor folder he needs are we look a comment, as you know we we kick off the, the security check each time of people are submitting gold, and we have implemented the city of, like, validate is
07:16:22 the container is no old, ensuring that there is no issue. So there's a couple of.
07:16:29 There is a couple of tests already implemented.
07:16:32 And one of the items that I didn't succeed, do yet with my colleague because I just to remind you the new phone carriers decided to support and to help the integration team.
07:16:47 And what we need to do is really to to discuss with the security, look at all the security test and see what the effect of not photo hitting, that's one aspect from the acceptance criteria.
07:17:01 You don't get any isolated to the stability and the resiliency.
07:17:18 You might not be aware of but we have, we have. When I say we, again, great job by the integration team.
07:17:18 We're starting to implement some gals this thing.
07:17:31 So we need to define what will be the acceptance criteria within with the CSC.
07:17:36 And we not do it today but concretely, do you believe that, for example, the global success played. If we say, if we have a lizard between 85 and 95% is acceptable for the Chinese.
07:17:50 I don't think we will need any way only, but that's the type of things we need to do we need also to look at the lesson See, meaning by that is the test duration wiki share on the height bottom here.
07:18:06 We have some tests, it takes hundred minutes, again, is it acceptable or not or do we need to, to start to analyze and to do better. So that's the type of acceptance criteria that we need to review redefine and unsure that's exactly what we want to accomplish,
07:18:22 which will be become a baseline. As part of the delegating physical aspects.
07:18:32 If you remember on the previous previous, there was, there was a wiki page called release integration says booking issue.
07:18:41 This is where the integration team was really reviewing those scissors, the Aztec the smoke test prison. And now we will add the stability and the residency visit.
07:18:53 And they were in on the fight. Is it a tool to problem or fake problems. Is it really a blocker or can we find a walk on and let go until we we succeed to fix it completely, so that both have been recreated the activity for issue which are not blocking
07:19:16 for high integration block of five. High integration issue that we will ask the project team to review, we will use the ppl team to share our findings and also to ask the team.
07:19:31 And, and also use it as a segue to ensure that they are way above the concern that has been defined by the gating.
07:19:40 And when I speak I believe you are was mentioning, we have survived gaping Morgan was delicious. There is the gating.
07:19:48 And then we have the DVD and the weekly laps where we are collecting data on quizzes.
07:19:55 But we were gone 30 days, a maximum of information or internet is not to overload the project team, but will really to do a kind of what I call triage where we define what could be very annoying if you deploy it on up in production.
07:20:11 So that's the Cuban proposition, what was not totally clear, and we will discuss PDL Call it what what type of focus.
07:20:23 We need to do with the, the failure, the infrastructure is tech failure because it can be seen on one lap not seen to another lap.
07:20:34 So that's something we need to discuss it's already a topic for the BTR call on the 12.
07:20:39 Because, honestly, it's debatable. But I don't want to disturb you about that we will come back, Apple all decision about how we will address the infrastructure issue, probably know one week or two, but first we want to discuss with a PDF.
07:20:56 So to recap the dashboard will become really
07:21:02 the way it was already the case, but, you know, it's certainly the we have a lot of automation behind the scene has been implemented. We want to encourage everybody to continue to increase the sweet more that the better it is.
07:21:20 And therefore, based on the Wizard of the neutron dashboard and the Wizards of the blockers. That's how we determine if we need to go all the logo of odd.
07:21:32 Any questions so far.
07:21:39 Okay then we have a second, second slide I will go quickly.
07:21:44 So on top of this monitoring analyzing and follow up visit the project team and also some discussion that we will have with the security subcommittee.
07:21:54 The theme have already started to continue some great information.
07:21:59 It's still at the PLC level, but the idea is not only to look at it's not true, because today we have a snapshot. After we deployed all the containers that the weekly, the weekly.
07:22:13 I think only tweet weekly gating and hope Morgan can forgive me, the weekly gating where we have a snack shop where we perform all the, the sense that has been automated.
07:22:26 What the team is doing it's really to compare from one department to another deployment so we could see if it's only a glitch.
07:22:35 Maybe sometimes we have one one application was not behaving, or if it is constantly the same behavior and therefore, we we really need to set you free.
07:22:52 Look at it so having any historical data dashboard monitoring the stability the agency the security smoke this is tech, and more will continue to help us to improve the quality of software.
07:23:00 And the second item that the team is already working, as you know, McGann was dedicating any CMC to come time to document all the vision of the Docker that has been delivered by the different project team.
07:23:14 again, they are trying to automate that. So, because of to the integration team to move for what are the mobile donation.
07:23:24 In order to facilitate the tracking to facilitate us to immediately know if, indeed, we can deliver you not release. This is also very important for the release cadence because we might not need at one point, not today, but at one point we could just
07:23:44 declare this set of container, based on the reserves of the weekly, We can just consider it so really.
07:23:53 So, automation, and he mean extremely key for the integration team, we will just unsure, to support them to support the project team to make it happen.
07:24:06 Any questions so far.
07:24:14 So, Back to you, Kenny
07:24:21 dope.
07:24:30 Okay, last week we had a discussion about ASR usage.
07:24:39 We could have gone wrong was one of the users.
07:24:45 He said that
07:24:48 moms doesn't, there's no yes our dependency on homes or homes has no ESR dependencies.
07:25:00 So I guess that's out but
07:25:03 wanted to talk about the usage model here
07:25:11 in the context that it is something that is
07:25:19 used by some of the projects.
07:25:22 But we really don't have anyone, as the maintainer of it so
07:25:31 just need to discuss what we're doing here because there's a number of use cases that depend on it.
07:25:41 I know that there was no requirements subcommittee, but shocker was this discussed at the architecture, this week.
07:25:54 Excuse me. So, the this week's call was cancelled so.
07:26:00 Okay, I'm gonna have to take up the discussion next week regarding this is the ESR subsystem that was a part of AI and AI. Yeah.
07:26:23 So, so let me, let me think it through. And I will put you on the agenda for next week.
07:26:28 And then let's.
07:26:30 We'll discuss it and let's see what we come up with. I'm not sure what the I don't have any opinion at this point in time, but let's discuss, let's have a discussion at the architecture subcommittee meeting and then want to report back next week.
07:27:02 And then, Allah wins the next requirements subcommittee.
07:27:17 Allah.
07:27:25 Okay.
07:27:27 Was this the biggest at the AI meeting this week.
07:28:02 All right, to try to speak your own you
07:28:10 will be.
07:28:11 I don't speak for alibi so the email from, from her indicating that the, the requirements subcommittee meeting was cancelled this week to the holidays and, yeah, I know, I know that there was not one this week.
07:28:25 I know that for sure.
07:28:27 My question was, when is the next one scheduled. I say,
07:28:36 I have her email over here. I could look it up I think in two weeks.
07:28:43 Let me look it up just that.
07:28:46 That's okay, I'm
07:28:58 just meeting maybe two weeks I'm just wondering when the when when the discussion will be it doesn't know when will be on the calendar that's, I see. Yeah.
07:29:03 I see your email.
07:29:04 The next the next meeting is on on the 19th. She's, at least for the email that she sent out on the first
07:29:26 man for a an AI, that's a should be a weekly meeting.
07:29:33 And I think that's on Wednesdays, if I'm not mistaken, but okay.
07:29:41 I guess that's as far as we can go with that discussion.
07:29:49 But in fact, the idea was that the requirement architecture and the HP meet all together because if they're separated discussion, challenging to consolidate the decision, but I let them to organize themselves as they want.
07:30:29 Can someone like sneaking is.
07:30:33 And I am put the agenda together for next week's meeting yet, but my thinking is to ask the AI team slash as our team to lead the discussion at the next architecture subcommittee meeting so we understand what is it that we what the issue is let's define
07:30:54 what the what the issue is, so that we can intelligently have a discussion with the requirements subcommittee.
07:31:04 So, so the first is trying to understand what the what the architectural views are is all about. I think we understand it but I just need to make sure that we're up to speed on it and the second is, we need to understand the need.
07:31:18 Who are the projects and the people that are the most impacted by Asr, And let's figure out a way to move forward.
07:31:31 That seems to be the right approach I think some people reply over email. But if they can also attend your meeting that's even better. So they
07:31:59 issue with the joint joint meeting I just need to make sure that we have, we have the problem statement, defined correctly perfectly. Okay.
07:32:30 Okay.
07:32:30 Let's move on to discussion of om Silva Silvana.
07:32:40 Don't.
07:32:42 the.
07:32:51 Is there anyone else that wants to speak to that.
07:32:54 Yes, you can see my screen so sorry better.
07:33:13 put the wrong, the wrong one.
07:33:29 That readable.
07:33:46 Yes.
07:33:54 Okay, well we're waiting for Silvana I'll go ahead and bounce forward to the lab subcommittee.
07:34:01 We're trying to get this.
07:34:08 Trying to get this subcommittee rebooted sent out mail to the
07:34:14 UFC, and discuss lists, more participation.
07:34:21 One of the aspects of this we've talked about the until lab that's going to be shut down.
07:34:43 that cable label part swap support.
07:34:48 But, basic systems administration is still going to be required.
07:34:53 The system administration kind of tasks had previously fall into the integration team. Not because it was specifically their responsibility but because they were one of the biggest users.
07:35:06 As we know, the responsibilities of the integration team have grown beyond what is reasonable for integration to be able to support.
07:35:16 And this really should be a lab subcommittee function so we're trying to get this rebooted.
07:35:23 Please join the list. If you're interested, I will drop that link into the chat window.
07:35:35 Point.
07:35:38 And we'll pray and Brian get something going there, so that we can keep coordination across all of the various and sundry labs in questions on that.
07:36:06 Don't see Sylvan yet. Although I do see to own out Tues.
07:36:08 I
07:36:13 your own app to us. Okay.
07:36:15 I'm sorry.
07:36:17 That's okay.
07:36:21 because yesterday was a meeting and I told it to look out.
07:36:27 Okay. Um, so do you want to walk us through this yet so basically.
07:36:36 So we have, we are working on a project with two different CIA and one on Jenkins, and one in Asia, Europe and orange.
07:37:03 there has been a lot of issues on Jenkins and pastor three mentees, but moreover, which is quite complicated for for om is that we are not developing Java or Python application application and the reason that we are creating mostly and sharp.
07:37:22 So, we're not really seeking the tools your usual cages for all the tools, given by.
07:37:32 And, and that being that he takes a lot of time, every time we asked some senior. So, I have some exemplary like populated management on on so Gk trying to enforce a lot with Excel, as they said we always are on HKG, because we are not pushing into Tokyo
07:37:56 but in nine to put the toys Surfrider. And, and my feeling that the old walk that has been done around Genki by the need for nation it today.
07:38:09 becomes Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu INAV, so it's very hard to change this and to be very a giant so I guess he would would be interesting.
07:38:17 And, of course, by changing the clock technology so we can start to LA said we are a very low junkie for the past two months.
07:38:34 And
07:38:39 our own whiskers.
07:38:40 So every time I'm opening a ticket, I need to wait, 6pm or 7pm.
07:38:46 French time to have an answer so I'm trying to until I press this he will usually, then maybe until will be during my night so the diffusion idea on our stages.
07:39:03 We have also asked to have a proper co inventor because a lot of companies that are, that forbidden to have a design point that are not on the usual process or 443.
07:39:18 But the best has been refused for coach me then and Maria technical reason, and I think, too bad because a truly customer oriented, or crystal means a company that wants to trade between more process oriented so that that's another reason.
07:39:38 Unless reason that they have this year is that each to be the sister branch, every time you want to, to have a specific city that is very odd because everybody or you are using vn, that are used for civil stuff so you, you are very soon on incompatibilities
07:39:58 because one of your one of your steps, neither this version the next steps. Many that organization and.
07:40:07 And as you understand, get your machine very up to two in the gut.
07:40:15 And, and I would say murder on CIC family, like directions on stuff I did.
07:40:23 Every step you've done in the future in Tokyo, so that means that sure, you just have to create you have to use a Tokyo that that does exactly what you want.
07:40:32 And so it's a lot easier to to to make it as in parallel with different fashion and stuff.
07:40:40 So, our presentation from Morgan joining let the TC senior about things that we have with, with the CIA. In general, and so as you explained that the monitor using fit tooth and lesser, really, really need to adapt to and they are fine with that.
07:41:03 So a new kit is moving or as move the two together. And I know that all kids have projects using data.
07:41:12 So, I'm spending a lot of time on and just try to make. See that would be busy on this list is going
07:41:23 to make them work with Jenkins and, and to over the Jenkins will not fail during during those authors which are very known so that means that we can have a lot of issues with that.
07:41:35 So, I would like and I really asked for because I have.
07:41:53 When you I know for grow yes when you're good to move to deep level detail, I don't care one of them, tu tu tu tu om main repo. And then I get a boost.
07:41:57 And then I get a boost. Of course, as a good would be to be a mentor now until April and not develop film because I know that an educator, there was this issue so I just want to do to have access to be able to push my visa, and next year so for now and
07:42:17 Next, use of an app and for all the rights, I can, I can enter that as a, as a kid.
07:42:23 So, so I just need credit insurance and so from from it from a key and for the rest, and I'm ready to jump into to work on
07:42:35 this yeah that would be chosen to shake the pledge dimension.
07:42:42 So I would really like to move fast because we are waiting for for a long time now and I didn't see any new, new actions that have been created and somebody said to them, I'd like to have the chance to lead to move to GitHub.
07:43:00 GitHub.
07:43:14 Just the data point on on get lab, the
07:43:22 CLA. It's not supported by the CLA yet. That's why I advocate hasn't moved their, their pending and everything's ready to go, but the the CLA tool should be.
07:43:34 I guess mid August ready to support.
07:43:36 Get lab, it doesn't currently.
07:43:39 That's the only data point I'll add here.
07:43:44 Okay, thank you. Kenny and I think it's an important point also to consider because we need to respect the the CLA agreement that each company has signed off.
07:43:56 But I believe there is no restriction to implement a shift of the owner source code repository to the good luck, based on your feedback.
07:44:20 Kenny.
07:44:30 I think there is no no concern from your side. As soon as the CNA is in place for owner. We could start to build the plan to move, not only owe me, Would not it would not make sense to only move one project it's.
07:44:41 It should be all or nothing from, from home.
07:44:46 Yeah, I know.
07:44:51 Because I think as explained by my silver special because most of the project today, they are building the current using modern so all the tooling that is needed by muscles a component of our provided with success by fit and it's fine for everybody.
07:45:06 There is no pain I think the tools have been developed at purpose so it's designed, it's fitting the youth for the moment.
07:45:20 But for om the needs are different, not following the same scheme. And then, as a tooling that is currently available at fit level is not makes things very difficult for me, just because it's not adapted to what om is doing so they need to twist all the
07:45:33 time, lots of things. And it's very closely in time and time and resources so I think before thinking of a big day when we could move everything all on the thing I think just moving on today will already saved a lot of time.
07:45:48 Just as installation pad the end packaging, all the things, so we can imagine to do it gradually, and for the moment, the question was the same for integration long time ago.
07:45:59 I was much quicker, doing things on get lab, but I was able to move to to an app with Jessica because I was relatively close to what those are components were doing.
07:46:11 I don't have so many complex things compared to om, so I was able to bring back what I was doing in the club in it. Sometimes it's still a bit frustrating, we saw when we have some Nexus issue when we were losing the Meiji so we're losing time but but
07:46:26 it's not sad big compared to what series experiencing today. Just because it tooling is not designed to support em things, and compilations registry etc.
07:46:41 So, if we want to have a quick win here the idea would be to move on this path, and all the rest can can remain as it is today because there's a component will continue building the image continue pushing the image using the RFID script.
07:46:55 But, and Sarah will correct me if he does not agree but for for om, it will save precious time. And we know that there are not a lot on om, but then it would take a lot of time is a need to to to continue to really try but with Jason with our with our
07:47:12 team but it's not adapted to that and we know that it will be immediately almost immediately good on other environment.
07:47:22 I don't want to force the whole idea for an app to move to be kept, if, if, if he wants to do that it's okay, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that I would like for him to have a simpler process and, and I guess that we always try to patch.
07:47:44 Jenkins jobs and stuff like that, from, from it fit to make them a barely work for him but I think that we are arriving to vote where it's too complicated now and we should move to simply a few blocks to just.
07:48:05 And again, if everybody wants to move to declare I'm fine, but I just want to move to and to be able to create a seat, simply shaky stand for for four years of people.
07:48:20 I'm not speaking for entrepreneurs I'm just speaking for myself.
07:48:26 And please you could be the guinea pig and acclaim to the other theme, because I still feel weird but ok divisible to one project de Angelis there but OK, that's probably not the support of this of building quests of today.
07:48:39 We can discuss the vision and other day.
07:48:48 I think the only constraint that I'm hearing. It's really to have the League One aspect in place, which is related to the CLA.
07:48:58 So, I believe we could put with Olga just, just to precise. So, Catherine. When we said, it's already the case for something for example for the CI for the gating and the code is currently in GitHub, it's not.
07:49:23 And that's true that we have the story of this CLA.
07:49:17 It's not hosted in Jenkins because the CIA, that is used for the end to end deployment for the gating everything. This code is, and get up to date, not in Jenkins.
07:49:30 Okay, so there is already some part, especially the CI part that is already externalize today, because it was not possible to do it through Jenkins, because we didn't have the resources.
07:49:42 And we didn't have the rights on yes rights to to do that from the Jenkins site so we have to CIC same as at the moment. One is to build and to compile to give feedback on Garrett so that's managed by right fit and it's done this way.
07:49:59 For all the dashboard you mentioned at the beginning of the meeting is this code is out of the out of, out of gear today it's in beta. So we have already bought aspect, but.
07:50:17 Furthermore, all the components are in Garrett meal in GitHub on using Jenkins, for their usual operations.
07:50:22 It's just an additional step.
07:50:35 It's a step further because it's one of the project does not all the project, including the integration project are in Garrett on using Jenkins bed to see a path is outside but it will be the first project that will be in detail.
07:50:43 But just to mention that we have a lowly some part of the code that is used, everyday in, you know, in basic communities that is already outside.
07:50:53 And that's true that position is an issue because when of course it's managed and no controls way but it's not free Tina, because you people want to work under the endorsement of LFN space.
07:51:11 So that's why we asked several months ago. If not, several years ago, if we could have a non das one from LFN, then it would be clear for everybody. Rather than using ton of code that are under entrepreneur or other company that we're using today.
07:51:27 And just to say that I do use a you said every day so I know it very well. Very fine for me but if if the teacher to go to bed. I'm okay to go to disturb.
07:51:39 Then I can use the directions, or hobbies. Yeah.
07:51:45 So
07:51:59 it should be usable straightaway. Forget I had when I make some patches. I say the CIA.
07:52:04 The CIA back for saying he was better.
07:52:05 So, it's already there and
07:52:14 there's two considerations.
07:52:18 We need to think about the functionalities a we're gonna lose from, from what we currently have with the global JV because most of the projects are heavily relying on on the job stuff we have developing lower delivery which are Jenkins focused and we
07:52:38 have some of them and get her but is mostly Jenkins focus so we will need to plan the redevelopment of those template and, as well as, for example, for example, right now we have all the commuter promotion process fully self serve so that we will need
07:53:02 to reevaluate how to manage that, that there is a current considerations that come to my mind, of course we will have to do a deep dive on things that we will have to remind great and redevelop etc but just wanted to point this out.
07:53:33 So again, I see that we should be on Tina, without any to show from left on
07:53:35 commission should be should be SMC that is at the end of the projects as it began. Once he has a
07:53:43 vote that has been done.
07:53:48 That is a very simple ways to do that, actually some said again I know very well said, because you're using the orange.
07:53:57 So I'm going to do this inside orange, and if I can add and remove the meter.
07:54:11 Under project I own, that doesn't mean that I have the ability to do that on every project is done a project a project so I don't think we need these kind of tools.
07:54:16 Same for for healing and so and so and as long as the credits are given and you can give one tweet and share for example, your project now, be sure that you're getting.
07:54:29 Sure, I wouldn't need to investigate whether we can share those credentials because as far as I know, we have been requested the credentials are currently hosted in Jenkins settings files.
07:54:39 Those, stay within a left only and those.
07:54:45 Those set of passwords to stay within us.
07:54:49 And I'm not sure how we will work on sharing those across the break, for example, and also how the administrative administrative permissions would be adjusted so that we can allow you to do the same things that you're currently doing on your on your GitHub,
07:55:10 get lab systems so i i would assume I don't wanna, I don't want to say for sure, but I would assume that those administrative permissions will be restricted but again I mean they something that I will need to deep dive and ask my manager for example and
07:55:37 Well,
07:55:37 just just just for clarification. We're like CNC f that is 100% Community Supported right there's no interaction from, from the rail interesting.
07:55:52 Not that I am aware of.
07:55:56 That's what everyone cares, former FBI to say no. So during last time because some of the consumer rights to things are less tech meeting so the Technical Advisory Committee.
07:56:07 And you say that yes so in order to fix some visual aids I used to have that also, somehow, independent, and they succeed in Madden, managing that so probably depends on to say is as it is not to change everything but to change things that matters today
07:56:23 and that is really blocking and what they say that in those days I finally fully move to this way but the community smaller so it's easier for them, but they are fully on the committee way using GitHub, and they have an announcement from elephant.
07:56:43 So I mean, therein lies the problem it is an all or nothing.
07:56:50 Exercise, no trees and as I say today that is a challenge.
07:56:57 But why why can you write yourself enough time.
07:57:04 So, if, if the community is going to do all of the management.
07:57:10 We can't have mix and match credentials.
07:57:17 Yes, we'll just we'll go back in and see, but I can immediately see the problem with having mix and match credentials.
07:57:35 For example for om we are the only ones, and maybe I don't know if you're a vj there and VG in the future, maybe to push your stuff to try to because it's networking today.
07:57:56 Push to. Next use people so if you are creating a user, just for these people. Then there's no real, real mix and match because this user would be an array able to only push to enter and sharp shop, and that should be good.
07:58:07 I just saw a certain to see if everything is working and so
07:58:11 I I'm, I'm not opposed to the, to the idea so I I don't have any skin in this game, and I'm not opposed to whatever direction the community wants to go that's fine.
07:58:29 But, if, if, if I just understood what
07:58:37 you were saying is it would be a single user.
07:58:41 That would be given those permissions that a separate account.
07:58:49 Is that a separate account. Yes.
07:58:51 That's a, that's a walker, that's only true she's walking.
07:58:54 So next use you can create accounts with the whole based access control so that means that you can create an account at what they've done internally on your side.
07:59:07 I have a user, which name is Emma bush and he has a special.
07:59:13 And, yeah, neither right to push to a specific em goofy techniques.
07:59:19 So we could imagine, even to be to be a better to have two accounts, one is an artifact and the other one is history and one in those one and two snapshots, and each of them would have the right to to push to, to the, to the FTC feature I believe.
07:59:39 And so, it would be, in case of everything goes wrong because I didn't know that an issue is one of them you can just remove it, and it will not be removed and everything would work as before.
07:59:53 So, this is something we can also think later on if we want to move everything to declare to have a one or two dedicated user of that project. And so these users as the right to to push better, only to the people and that sort of Maven show you the moon.
08:00:11 We just feature.
08:00:13 Just a callback and you are not allowed to push to to to justice. I give the absolution technical solution. After I i understand then some projects who wants to keep the to keep to us
08:00:31 ls tools ggV tools that as a center for om we are too far from, from the usual use cases and so that means that it should be complicated to use for for us and and and not even for even for even for for for the guy that I have up to two hours to radiation
08:00:51 of progression of me to two months.
08:01:06 The feedback effects we are walking and he are no staff time for six months now and advancing slowly because of me. Sometimes you get complexity inside the LSAT because we are not on the same you know he boys and so on and so on and so on.
08:01:16 So, I guess that at this was for when we are sufficiently different and I give that we have just keeps it to to to manage your sinful without guilt a lot of hardships and we are ready to do.
08:01:35 I think it will be interesting to to entertain this idea of.
08:01:42 I'm also like bring the resume how this would look like.
08:01:47 We will probably want to think about also, one, one thing that I also want to put in in the radar is more than the actual process, the actual ca processes, the policies surrounding those ci processes for example, we have to make sure that the outdoor
08:02:09 has review from a from a computer that is not the same outdoor for getting their coding. And in case of releases I know that the helm release process has a specific user that is used to push those artifacts, but in case of other Maven and Docker releases
08:02:26 we have the process of getting the files checked in and reviewed by a computer so that they can go in, in, and getting processed by Jenkins, for example, and same for the computer promotion I mean I'm not sure how we will have to redesign this process
08:02:42 but in general I want to make sure that we're thinking about the policies surrounding those processes and what are we going to open what permissions are we going to open up with permissions are going to stay within Twitter and so I just want to bring
08:02:58 that out.
08:03:04 Yeah, this which I just want to talk to and know that right I think for PCA we are okay with the current sort of GDP jobs templates for the current set of artifacts, but we are also thinking towards having the helm charts for each component maintain and
08:03:17 data your repo but unlike om where om was just building Helm chart packages DCA repos might have a combination of both. in future, but yeah so I think that needs to figure out how we can manage through both teaching consolidate labs.
08:03:33 Once we decide, but as of now we are not blog, pretty much everything is under om report so I think the pains were still unexplained probably it's not directly impacting us right away but maybe in sometimes future we need to consider how the helm chart
08:03:48 tooling can be better managed.
08:04:00 Just what would you see as the next steps.
08:04:05 Next steps would be probably deciding on whether we're moving to get left or get have number one.
08:04:12 We could revisit the slides that I believe Morgan and seven presented a little bit longer ago. I know that there were many things in those slides that were actually fixed, and that are currently fixed right now so we will have to revisit those slides
08:04:33 and they recommended them to the current needs, after we decide the actual.
08:04:42 the actual migration decision.
08:04:48 And we need to bring in their policies that currently are in place for for Jenkins for example and comparing them on how are we going to treat those in either good level or GitHub.
08:05:04 And also revisit the amount of work that would have needed to be to be developed for any new.
08:05:15 I don't know, like for example any templates or any, any functionality that we currently have in Jenkins, that we will lose immediately as we migrate.
08:05:25 So, I think definitely as a next step would be probably deciding whether we're gonna go for GitHub, or go for a good laugh, and come back to those slides that were presented earlier,
08:05:46 we might want to meet up in a smaller team, or you don't need to be small team discussions, but it sounds like the first step is a, are we going to get lab or be.
08:05:55 are we going to get hub. Correct.
08:05:58 So
08:06:02 that's, that's I guess the question on the table.
08:06:15 Today,
08:06:15 Because that was.
08:06:17 All right.
08:06:17 Well, I would assume it would be an all or nothing because of mix and match permissions.
08:06:25 But I guess that would be something that would come out in the discussions.
08:06:30 Yeah, because we will need to get a feel for what other videos think as well.
08:06:37 Okay, so what is being proposed then to the TASC
08:06:47 yet lab or GitHub.
08:07:00 Just
08:07:05 to take care,
08:07:04 to work, to be out.
08:07:07 I think it's important to also acknowledge honor that down too much. I think it's important also to say because if we move to take on each lab, and we have the same issue for me, Because we will need to use the tools that are not fully dedicated for our
08:07:26 need.
08:07:27 I don't see the value, I'm not.
08:07:33 I'm not against Jenkins, I'm not against electives. But I think that we need to have something Mayra, at least for and that's what that's, That's what I'm asking.
08:07:47 And I'm not saying that everybody asked me to go and use it today. I'm just saying that I would like to have a section for Om.
08:07:59 And that's pretty much, if you see here, we have to go to a brilliant.
08:08:05 I feel that we will have the same discussion next year, as we had last year and.
08:08:12 So, I think that
08:08:17 that perhaps I didn't make myself clear on what I was asking,
08:08:28 do you guys want to move to yet hub or get loud, because that's going to drive the discussion with it.
08:08:37 If we can't have a project where
08:08:46 some people are using GitHub, some people are using get lab. That's not going to work for us right. So, yeah, the direction that om would go
08:09:00 would then drive.
08:09:03 Any, any additional people.
08:09:06 Any additional details or projects that wanted to follow the same model.
08:09:13 That's where they would go, they would go to get love GitHub, or get lab, but it has to be one or the other, we can't have some of the projects using one and some of these movies and both.
08:09:24 So, the decision that om is asking the PTFC to make is going to have it will drive the potential
08:09:40 of what other projects would do if they want it.
08:09:50 The question here. The main thing is that the main thing is you want the individual projects in own app, to be able to choose whether they are using.
08:10:02 lf managed resources, or whether they're using community manage resources.
08:10:08 Is that a true statement.
08:10:11 Yes.
08:10:12 Okay.
08:10:13 So, if it's going to be community managed resources.
08:10:17 All of those community managed resources need to be
08:10:23 need to be aligned.
08:10:25 And they need to be aligned either behind it hub or aligned behind get loud.
08:10:35 Which one.
08:10:37 Yeah, I, yeah. okay.
08:10:42 Jenny.
08:10:59 I have a preference for declare for several reasons. The main one is that it's an open source project access event.
08:10:59 And to keep for in condition, without being plugged in and said that, which is closed.
08:10:59 But initially agent. Yeah.
08:11:02 So really decision, and the pressures on the tissue would be very good for me so I get shown to initiate the vote is here with and I have no no real clear.
08:11:19 Is it clear what community managed resources versus Allah, manage resources means no. And that, but that's going to take you picking picking which which solution we approach is going to is, is going to be the core of figuring that out.
08:11:38 We I don't think we know your cut it's not just related to the infrastructure that's used to execute the CI jobs or to store the software, but also around the processes that are put in place around that infrastructure.
08:11:53 That sounds to me you know they don't have a consistent approach to managing the promotion mechanism for competitors and so on.
08:12:02 Which it sounds to me like when you bring those as part of that aspect into bed, or is it just around purely the infrastructure.
08:12:11 I was going to be yeah there's going to be different process and policy aspects of it as well.
08:12:19 And all of that needs to be understood.
08:12:29 Quick question when we're talking about GitHub, as an option. Are we talking about GitHub, but staining Jenkins or moving to something like GitHub actions.
08:12:37 To be clear, my gate my main issue today. Really Jenkins and the job yet to be to get rid of
08:12:45 the one piece of everybody. And, again, I didn't get on but no Jenkins because I see that he that it was a good 10 years ago but we are trying to make it work in our environment and.
08:13:05 And I guess that maybe.
08:13:03 Maybe I'm wrong but I think that the issue I'm team will be seen by user once in the next month, she's Are you guys know, making sure that the I know we are
08:13:21 using Tokyo so that means tissue and stuff like that, that we are See, and also to have the management could outside, outside of the people you go to, in my opinion, not good because you have to test.
08:13:35 When you have good with your boys to listen to this. As you you're making a match request and then you are filing your new good to be tested. And you don't have to make it.
08:13:52 Get out networking and changing so, so, so that's why I really want to get there but you don't have anything available.
08:14:06 Just bear in mind that for example, Kerala, you know the project that is used everywhere is using different tier system for two or three main reasons the software that you have so many details that it was very hard for one, One solution to very busy this
08:14:25 for this one.
08:14:35 And, and also there's a benefit of that is that the one that he is changed our way of working for them to really, to, to, he moved.
08:14:36 10 or 20% just that we are doing in case here to them that were already used in a in a in a backyard and but development team and again this is something that we have to think about being in detail.
08:14:54 blab, and you don't want to, again, those are the two use different Stacey stemming director for any Umesh request could also be again at the end of the day, if one of them decided to change drastically is our way of working.
08:15:12 So for us it could be up to, to, to make it so that could be so again.
08:15:15 Moving to the Netherlands.
08:15:22 Pick up to, to choose for some jobs, a differentiation. Then the main one.
08:15:26 So, yeah if we go for our GitHub, then we still have the second question on with CIO forum Are we going to migrate to is also.
08:15:35 But McGavin we definitely have to nail down. Which way are we going to start going.
08:15:44 Well, I'm sure that this is also using as an FAQ.
08:15:51 Yes.
08:15:52 Yes.
08:15:55 For original work that I've been done for indicate should be available for free. I'm going to get them.
08:16:01 So they are when they move they're moving everything.
08:16:14 They aren't doing a one project does one thing and one project does another when they move there's my understanding is they are moving everything to know what size of their day how many components, approximately there.
08:16:30 I don't, I don't know, off top of my head.
08:16:42 So it would make a young
08:16:46 guy.
08:16:48 Yeah, I don't I don't know how many components.
08:16:52 As I said earlier, I don't have any skin in this game.
08:16:58 But it would seem to me that if we are going to do something, it would make sense to do whatever Annika it's doing learn from what they learn.
08:17:09 They are going to get lab that we know
08:17:16 the.
08:17:18 There's.
08:17:22 So one question to the TASC is.
08:17:26 Is this something that TLC wants to pursue.
08:17:33 And the second question is, are we going to pursue get lab or are we going to pursue. Get up.
08:17:42 Now the first question needs to be answered. And then the second question needs to be answered.
08:17:53 As an experiment or as a decision that everybody's going to move or as a decision that anybody else wants to, as, as an experiment.
08:18:03 I think that
08:18:08 that implies a lot of additional work.
08:18:15 Because then we've got this kind of split brain issue.
08:18:24 I
08:18:27 don't know, I do know that the best of my knowledge, and you can just you could check with with
08:18:38 Trevor Bramwell on on this but to the best of my knowledge they are moving everything.
08:18:43 Yeah, I can check.
08:18:49 So Karen to, to answer your question, I guess we can find that out first. I don't believe they're, they're doing any kind of experiment I think they've just decided that's the direction they're going to you're asking.
08:19:10 On FDIOD already this thing. One year ago.
08:19:15 Yeah, they moved everything they did not do a mix and match either.
08:19:26 Kind of you were putting a question to the TSA as to whether we should move or not.
08:19:34 Based on what I heard. My question back to you was is it move just om as an initial experiment McKinney I think I guess you can eat sorry this is quite different from me to you is not predict size but many many sub projecting on up.
08:19:51 Why do you as far as I know is this, this complex.
08:19:57 I seem
08:20:01 to have the ski club, as proposed by sigma form on we can can see if it really
08:20:08 causes some programs. So, I don't know why you want to add or honor seeing I mean we are not is quite big project that you know so
08:20:22 I believe that we can start with our
08:20:27 feedback. Then on to analyze each piece.
08:20:31 It will be very complex to manager it's both was solutions in the crowbar are not product.
08:20:46 I guess it's probably, it was probably inducted by the side that was thinking before it goes wrong nothing.
08:20:55 Know that I understand better the challenge that you're facing.
08:20:59 I, we could using the UN, as a pinnacle bag, to see if it indeed fixing the problem.
08:21:09 The only thing from my side it which is still a challenge is the fact that if this project moves today we have a legal potential issue.
08:21:19 Due to the CLA and would like to be sure that we, we think that one first. Yeah, it's moving it.
08:21:28 If moving to get lab.
08:21:30 That is a blocker, and nothing can move.
08:21:34 You know, we can do research and planning and all of that, but nothing can actually cut over until that piece of it is addressed, so that that that is a, an outright Walker, who the actual migration.
08:21:53 But that shouldn't stop.
08:21:58 You know, discussions or or planning or anything like that from proceeding.
08:22:02 But, you know, it's just.
08:22:09 Can you guys see your your soldiers as a preventive legal issue is no get so
08:22:15 it's it's it's not solved with adequate not solved with adequate adequate cannot cut over until the until the until the same issue was addressed.
08:22:32 They are planning on it. Everything is is scheduled to move. They can't move advocate, until that's addressed.
08:22:49 We have two weeks, I know there is a get lab out there for advocate, and it's probably being updated but that's not being.
08:23:00 Yes, I know it exists.
08:23:04 I'm responding to the chat when I see this, and you get declared.
08:23:12 I not sure exactly because we have acquitted working on and you get any other kind of price also already get so I'm not sure exactly what they see that these two days that the main Walker in any case is an NDA, but I'm not sure.
08:23:34 underestimation one the CD will be sold because he is supposed to be mid August supposed to be
08:23:48 not so bad then if we can wait another two weeks then we will be liquid in order to move to get LA.
08:24:01 Would it be okay.
08:24:05 Yeah, we are, we are really know this today.
08:24:17 out of the picture here.
08:24:21 I guess I I don't know what these networks tend to declare.
08:24:33 For example, I don't, I don't know.
08:24:36 I know that I'm getting ready to declare but I didn't know four years old, but usually I tend to go to declare the condition network.
08:24:45 I'm okay with that. Again, I don't, I didn't care. But, but,
08:24:54 Kenny seems to think that you either to be a neglectful to let go to when it went to a positive poses, he's available.
08:25:09 But she's in September we see that we still don't have any pushes maybe we could change your mind and move to.
08:25:21 So we could have a checkpoint on August 5 to save the CLA is solvable not.
08:25:30 And he answers the situation on the fifth so if he on the safe, the CLA is in place.
08:25:38 So, based on what you were sharing on the call.
08:25:42 If, if the kids he's okay. We could indeed move on to get lab.
08:25:49 If under fix, we don't have the CNA we need to discuss and I imagine at least the problem that you are raising and potentially to two to put in the club, until the program of the CLA is on get lab I don't want to ask you to move left and right constantly.
08:26:10 But if indeed the club is really the best solution at the end.
08:26:15 Let's just wait until the fifth and final decision is no no program or on the ceiling. Would it be acceptable from all the parties.
08:26:32 Well, so is, is the goal here to do something, or assemble.
08:26:41 No, no it's understood it's something to help the team to improve their efficiency because they are currently an issue.
08:26:51 We the killing pipeline. That's my understanding from this call.
08:27:02 You know that there is no real date, but God The sooner the better. but if we cannot make for example, but again assemblies, end of September. So, or even after I didn't remember so I object to the system, most of the issue before.
08:27:26 And again see let's see we are asking for a long time so
08:27:35 we understand that Stephen The only problem which is concerning me the the legal aspects, or the yc could proceed. today I believe based on what to expect but I cannot overhaul the lake one aspect of the, of course, of course, of course guess is that
08:27:53 let's let them see I'm just, I'm okay to wait for a mentor. So, two more elements because you need to do to see, to, but he said by the end of the day we don't have this yet a process in place he declared, I'd like to talk to see if we can change your
08:28:18 mind. So we realized that we documents, at least in the sec. Because I'm I've heard a lot of you but let's pick up because we are we have only two minutes left so let's document, except the DNC members would like to raise or Zika, and can you have another
08:28:38 concern, but let's add these document the fact that you to the complexity of the om project.
08:28:48 We remove it to get laughed.
08:28:51 As soon as the CLA is, is a, is a post go I don't know what to say. So, if I was saying to fit you have been nice with this is really looking pleased by the 19, then we need to reconsider and find an identity.
08:29:12 So you the program you're currently facing need to be sold.
08:29:18 Maybe I said the long sentence, but to recap, it's om move to get lab.
08:29:26 As soon as Seeley is approved.
08:29:29 If CLA not available by August 19 August 12 you can see the date.
08:29:37 We need to realize the other option to support the om project.
08:29:43 Is it a good certainly, are we in agreement to what I've just tried to formalize
08:30:02 would also support.
08:30:08 This is.
08:30:14 you on I tried to have something or did you have something story.
08:30:20 No, I did not grab something
08:30:25 quickly.
08:31:07 Nearly bit.
08:31:59 If somebody wants to modify the text.
08:32:06 If I will something which is not over.
08:32:10 Let us know
08:32:17 that you own up to me
08:32:24 Let me be honest. You see, I need somebody from the DCC because I agree three by two boys now, because we tried to formalize the agreement for you for the complexity of the on project going up to see agree that the om projects, move on.
08:32:41 Don't get lab.
08:32:41 As soon as this delay is of the facility not approved by August 19 then Casey will be convened to have this other option identity to support the Codex it's full of spelling mistakes like for us to only, only one project is targeted to move to good luck.
08:33:00 It's who knows the spelling mistakes like for us to only, only one project is targeted to move to good luck. So if you don't consider my spelling mistakes that I'm sure that Kenny will correct.
08:33:08 Are we in agreement.
08:33:11 This see Kenyan Jessica.
08:33:15 Nobody has nothing so thing no concern.
08:33:23 I'm going to drop it in as a, as a vote.
08:33:27 Yeah. And you you are authorized to go with all the springs in my screen.
08:33:35 I just asked what other clarification, is it all source code and get jobs or is it just take the car jobs.
08:33:44 Okay.
08:34:05 Hey, it's both good and
08:34:05 bad cold, and
08:34:28 projects
08:34:29 that are smaller ones and for them it's okay because to keep them into us to get it.
08:34:39 Why would you do that.
08:34:43 Because, because I'm okay to move them to get them to see that attention.
08:34:51 only main repo, who is okay come
08:34:56 on it.
08:34:57 Well, thank you we have them in gives it in good luck in GitHub, that's challenging up for just one.
08:35:07 Okay, okay,
08:35:10 maybe to expand a little bit with probably senior had in mind, speaking.
08:35:16 So we have, you know, except for those two for this product which stores have charts, right, we have as well as self manager I believe that is the name, and we have a couple of other like utility products we could say right and those are indeed smaller,
08:35:29 and they do not have the same purpose as this as this main om rapper right so so so then I believe you wanna, you wanna migrate this main om productivity centers are located and not necessarily the other utility products, right.
08:35:46 That was what I am saying. No, that's it.
08:35:52 I do not see that has helped.
08:35:54 Okay. All right. Okay.
08:36:00 Because honestly, we already challenge you because we are complicated.
08:36:06 Forget about this Nevermind. Did it happen.
08:36:29 I know you are used to be in the complex mood. But let's try to help the new in commerce and some Hola, sadly is everything on the one
08:36:24 more issue.
08:36:32 Okay was there, changes that you're making Catherine.
08:36:35 There it is.
08:36:38 All my spelling mistake, but I try.
08:36:41 Okay, well I'm going to take that and just drop it in.
08:36:48 As
08:37:05 boat.
08:36:55 Going once, going twice.
08:37:00 Boat initiated.
08:37:26 I don't know if it's just me but we seem to be very slow on the vote.
08:37:41 I kind of expected Eric to be the first person to vote.
08:37:42 La I think you need to vote
08:37:51 yes you're right I did it.
08:37:55 Okay.
08:38:10 Okay.
08:38:11 That gets us over the line, I'm going to end the vote in seconds.
08:38:28 To learn about what will happen we would be very interested to learn about your experience,
08:38:35 my great
08:38:53 pleasure to, to make an equal and extend what happens.
08:38:46 Thank you.
08:38:49 Want to thank the DSP and the owner team members on the bridge because we have exceed eight minutes and you're still with us to thank you so much I wish you a good night.