TSC 2021-09-23

TSC 2021-09-23

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

China Mobile
Bell Canada

cl664y@att.com (First Hour) then Proxy (last 30 mins): Amy Zwarico  

China Telecom

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Istanbul - Weekly Status

Jakarta - Schedule proposal (Will be put to a vote next week)

Honolulu Maintenance - What do we do?

Best Practices/GR Tracking Proposal 

"TSC approves the Istanbul release as passing the M4 milestone with the condition that the

Global requirements tasks status is understood by Sept. 23" This has been discussed during the last PTL call (9/20) but it will take more time to define the tracking process. 

#AGREED: the way forward for Best Practice & Global Requirement tracking will be: 

  • Istanbul: SECCOM Recommendations about GR/Best Practices
  • Jakarta: Define tracking process being approved by TSC prior M1
  • Amy Zwarico Recommendations about GR/Best Practices for Istanbul RC  
  • David McBride Define BP/GR tracking process being approved by TSC prior to Jakarta M1 (tentative date)


Jessica Gonzalez 
  • Tickets- Open showstoppers: IT-22918 (See PTL Updates Section)
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

PTL Updates

Documentation Build issues.

Building documentation is failing (probaly due to steuptools new version 58 that does not  support use_2to3. A workaround has been found by using Sprinx 4.2.0, but the documentation generated is not based on ONAP theme using bad lfdocs-conf library: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-policy-parent/en/latest/index.html#master-index

A fix have been merged in releng https://gerrit.linuxfoundation.org/infra/c/releng/docs-conf/+/68877 and a new lfdocs-conf 0.7.5 has been pushed during the TSC.

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

ONAP Enterprise Task Force - Sept 29th: 

CNF Task Force Presentation to the ONAP TSC:

  • Oct 7th: ASD Readout and ETSI CNF Package Evolution
  • Nov 4th: Jakarta Reqs (Implementation of ASD/ETSI CNF Packaging)
  • Nov 18th: Jakarta Reqs (Continuity of CNF O)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

  • ONESummit - October 11 - 12 is now an all-virtual event (KubeCon still face-to-face due to strong NAR registrations)

  • TSC Call will be canceled on Nov 25th (Thanksgiving)
  • LFN Developer and Testing Forum, Week January 17th, Virtual Event
  • ONE Summit Europe, March 8-9, Antwerp
    • Proposal: 2 Day Developer Event March 10-11
    • Hotel Radisson (same space as last time)
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum, June TBD
    • Physical Event
    • Europe or Asia (preferred)

Zoom Chat Log 

07:00:18 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:21 From  Borislav Glozman  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Borislav Glozman, Amdocs
07:01:18 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:01:28 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Martin Vezeau, Bell Canada
07:01:41 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:02:16 From  Amy Zwarico (AT&T)  to  Everyone:
    #info Amy Zwarico, AT&T - proxy for Catherine for part of meeting
07:02:33 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:02:37 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #infoCatherine Lefevre, AT&T
07:03:25 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:03:35 From  Jason Hunt  to  Everyone:
    #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:03:49 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:04:18 From  Michal JAGIELLO (T-Mobile PL)  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Michal Jagiello DT
07:08:34 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
07:09:03 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @Michal & Seshu - thanks
07:23:43 From  Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:23:50 From  Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    Apologies for being late!
07:26:05 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @Ciaran - thanks
08:02:45 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    @AMy  is now  ATaT TSC reprensative

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:04:24 Okay, I have
07:04:29 was pops up right on top of what I'm trying to do.
07:04:36 I started the recording.
07:04:35 Please keep yourself muted.
07:04:37 If you're on the phone you can use star six to unmute yourself, send me a private chat message it will become part of the public record.
07:04:45 Because I do cut and paste, all of that stuff directly into the meeting minutes.
07:04:54 Start off with our anti trust policy folks should be quite familiar with this over the years.
07:05:00 And the little spiel.
07:05:02 This is important. You can find this in linked from the elephant all the project websites where we have multiple companies participating in these meetings, including some that could be potential competitors.
07:05:16 This policy needs to be understood.
07:05:31 Please review. If you have any questions, please contact your company's legal counsel and members of the lF may also contact Andrew up to growth from gears from our appt Grove LLP which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
07:05:43 And what do we have on deck for today
07:06:06 live up to that.
07:05:56 Go to the agenda. Just a note and added additional items, but go through and I will let you know I give a taste of what the Center for that for is able to share of the TC.
07:06:13 Okay, let's go something we did discuss I think we have also the documentation team wants to have some discussion with us as well.
07:06:23 That was added.
07:06:42 Today, and finally, would like to do for guys a little bit the order, because I have a time constraint today and Amy would be a proxy from an at&t perspective, starting in less than one hour.
07:06:40 But I would like to really to do realize the agenda to have an opportunity to ensure that the CFC member of is seen and sorry for the last minutes released.
07:06:51 The own up to the 22 budget proposal, as well as the elephant board of the. So if we can start with that that would be fantastic. So we're going to jeopardize the agenda again.
07:07:18 Again, that's not my agenda, it belongs to the TASC so that's no problem here.
07:07:15 Um.
07:07:15 Do you want me, just to hand over.
07:07:19 Sharing to you can give me prison, if you can give me presentation.
07:07:25 If you can give me prison, if you can give me presentation.
07:07:33 Paula.
07:07:31 White. And then,
07:07:33 This was top of the screen. Yes.
07:07:41 was there
07:07:41 Our little doing slideshow because if I need to capture some, some input from the team I will do it offline.
07:07:49 So, we have been requested to submit of 2020 wish list for the owner budget.
07:07:58 We only need to highlight what we need more in comparison to last year, or previous year. Right.
07:08:06 So, I follow the structure of the documents. Nevertheless, if you believe that we are missing some things. We can always had it.
07:08:17 There are two, two parts there is one which is really related to the project, and then the second slide is more about the event.
07:08:26 And all the past as well on the program, so
07:08:49 to move to good luck. If it is something that we plan to do next year. Better to highlight it.
07:08:57 And also we know we are consuming.
07:09:05 Some seemingly see can is your subscription.
07:09:06 So I was thinking that the Cisco continue to have some think you're going to be just depending on of, if you want to extend it for other propose like emergency testing and put on cell performance testing or some development needs.
07:09:24 The other reason is also due to the fact that it's not totally clear what the plan is with wisdom, and we might have an interruption of services. Why we are progressing on on on the next city.
07:09:40 That's why I was trying to seek you some budget to overcome that. Now I have a question Do I need or so Twilight The, the complimentary sequel that we need on top of receiver, or is it already included in the 2021 Bridget can do I spell it's, it's, it's,
07:10:04 ya know, we, we, we should talk specifically mentioned it here. it is understood and and folks know what's coming.
07:10:12 But just in terms of laying it out as this will be going for.
07:10:19 Ultimately towards the the the board the Finance Committee maybe tomorrow.
07:10:23 But, but just highlighting that as a, as a need.
07:10:33 Internally, we know what's coming but just just for the sake of continuity.
07:10:38 Continuity for the continuity.
07:10:46 Because I don't want to say, Oh, you didn't spell it out and when it's obvious yucky.
07:10:52 The same thing with them, but this one I really wanted to make it abuse, I know the there, there is a move in the direction to provide support in Nehemiah region but this one I really wanted to spell it out because that's, yeah so en quest, and I think
07:11:11 it will happen this year but we never do.
07:11:14 Again, I wanted to highlight it as one
07:11:22 I think we have two years we've been using similar bucket.
07:11:27 So I don't know if the team feel we need to do something special for the month of support arm we see some value. This year, especially with with, and maybe Tomas can can comment about that, about the fact that we use some talented people to help to make
07:11:48 the check off to the subcontinent to be part of the fit.
07:11:55 So I don't know if we can get if we can have two extra mentees if it helps if the documentation team integration team things, because they don't stay long enough, it doesn't have any value again with the whole these requests but I saw that we have maybe
07:12:17 pure see where that we might want to do with the task force. So I just wanted to have a book yet, it's better to ask, and maybe he had just arrived during the year.
07:12:25 That's not asking anything and then the block later.
07:12:30 All right, and then just just just as a data point on that.
07:12:35 There are.
07:12:38 It's not clear to me whether they do a.
07:12:42 a.
07:12:45 They make this available twice a year or whether they do it on a quarterly basis, but I did find out that that there isn't there, we can do more than just a summer session.
07:13:03 But there.
07:13:04 There are specific dates and things that align it so we can't just kind of do an ad hoc, but we can't have more than just a summer session.
07:13:15 Okay.
07:13:19 Thank you for the clarification.
07:13:21 And then the final items I know David is doing what he can.
07:13:30 But having a
07:13:36 just a question of what fit support when you say 24 hour seven days a week.
07:13:39 It's them seem really, when you want to reach, because it will require a lot of people to achieve that.
07:13:46 I think we were already request and what's called burning us from last year. And it wasn't really that, so I can see us to five different week but I know some people sometimes push some code the weekend.
07:14:01 So, I don't know, but my point was really we need to continue to cover this region, and we can only do. I don't know if because we have people from Australia to California.
07:14:17 You know, it's really 24, we are really following the sun here.
07:14:24 I'm trying to aid you.
07:14:28 Yeah, I think that Eric actually had a good point and it didn't occur to me.
07:14:35 Okay.
07:14:36 We ultimately end up with 24 by five.
07:14:44 Even with follow the sun,
07:14:48 just depending on on on what region you're in the key piece here is filling in the missing puzzle.
07:14:59 The missing puzzle piece that is EMBA.
07:15:09 So I don't know how we can use this number but I don't know to formally, you know, whenever gap right so maybe I put five days. It's the working days and.
07:15:24 But again, the team in China is starting when it's the Sunday for us so the Sunday for us. So, anyway, I hope the message will be well understood.
07:15:36 And I'm sure when he when ring when when China starts on when China starts on Sunday, it's already Sunday in Australia.
07:15:50 So, I'm sorry, when when China starts on.
07:15:56 On Monday, when it's Sunday still any MBA and and North America. It is Monday in Australia.
07:16:04 Yes, I was trying to set up everyone.
07:16:18 Yeah. We need bank, you've had most of
07:16:13 the weekend early.
07:16:16 Anyway, I think you get the forums and and i think i hope it would be worth translated. And then finally, I know David is doing a fantastic job. But, but I want more support because it's even if we put the release cadence.
07:16:31 I want to emphasize this need. still to the people who are building the budget so any question, advise, concerning the first slide, we have a civil slide guess when stole my car from the documentation project.
07:16:50 So I really appreciate, to have some more mentorship on the floor for documentation. But this is a short time activity as you already said so.
07:17:04 And I also had several discussions was was Kenny, to think about a more professional support on documentation. If it comes to structure content tooling and maybe not only for the, the owner project from, you know, foundation point of view, but maybe for
07:17:27 a, maybe a broader support because we always say okay, documentation is so important and.
07:17:36 But, in fact, there are a lot of white spots for documentation outdated not in place, and so having here, a really professional support from from the Linux Foundation, maybe for for more than the owner project or maybe only for the own production would
07:17:59 be.
07:18:02 I think would be really, really beneficial to have someone who give guidance and develops a best tooling and process, and in place, that also can help other open source project projects and the Linux Foundation, I would really appreciate appreciate here.
07:18:25 This is this kind of activity and we can spend a little bit budget on it would be great.
07:18:33 In Catherine, I think that we should put this rather than adding it as a line item on the Markham adding it as, as, under other.
07:18:45 Here, here.
07:18:47 Right, and and just hiring technical documentation writers would be, I think that's the right place to put it.
07:19:19 And I wouldn't say it's addition, I wouldn't call it additional.
07:19:29 Oh,
07:19:33 Yeah, I, I would go that route.
07:19:38 Additional makes it look like we are augmenting staff we already have which we don't
07:19:47 know that's good. Okay.
07:19:51 And, and, and that would mark that as new
07:20:00 just just where it says no under notes just put new and big capital letters.
07:20:14 Yep.
07:20:18 We might have you here.
07:20:29 Okay.
07:20:31 Then I need to rectify what they did here because what's the what's the same thing you can read.
07:20:41 Anybody can read and I just corrected to what they did.
07:20:52 Okay.
07:20:53 So just quickly.
07:20:56 I don't want that to be considered of the typical VC over last year because with the Corbett we didn't ever tend to have face to face meetings, so that's really the point where I was just thinking when you see me now because that's what we have in 2029
07:21:10 for the, even in pre Show.
07:21:17 I'm painting a nice nice contain. Look for furniture what have been done in this domain so we'll just keep going.
07:21:23 So send me just before, I think we were well supported this year to promote the owner you add.
07:21:31 Keep going.
07:21:36 As when
07:21:36 they began marketing, and then fold the list I was not sure what it is, is it to play in Berlin much program or it would be it would be badge program would be part of that.
07:21:51 The other thing would be if there were.
07:21:56 If there was a desire for Linda Linux Foundation, networking, wide.
07:22:05 Some some manner of recognition. So that would yeah that would come, specifically, out of, out of the, the, the, mark on peace not necessarily on that.
07:22:17 Okay.
07:22:19 Factory Muslim that's ok. Ok.
07:22:24 So, anything is the same thing, which is missing.
07:22:36 So labs will be coming on a which section here rocketry lab which
07:22:44 we have here.
07:22:47 OK, OK,
07:22:51 OK, So, what I suggest we do. it was good to collect your feedback offline.
07:22:57 We will submit the budget by Friday.
07:23:02 So, in the meanwhile if you have additional comments Can you send a note of I'm speaking to this up.
07:23:08 Can you send a note on this policy.
07:23:13 And I recorded, listen to things.
07:23:18 We were adding a lot of things.
07:23:22 That's already the first, I don't go thank you for all your feedback.
07:23:28 And now I'm opening the board.
07:23:32 I received some feedback that I started to integrate already.
07:23:40 Maybe I didn't read all the email where is the documents.
07:23:43 Here we go. Same thing moves like show, so at least I can get your offline your, your feedback.
07:23:51 So we'll cover this thing. I didn't want to be only strategic. I think it's important to provide some technique and update.
07:24:01 So I can you need to read the template for my mind.
07:24:08 Here we go, it's maybe a little bit more.
07:24:11 This is the list of major accomplishment. I didn't really speak about duties because I was educated, my with some key metrics. If you believe I need to spell it out because it was an objective to deliver all release, I can make it.
07:24:43 aspects will be passed of domestic flights.
07:24:34 Otherwise what did we accomplish with all the on our community. I think that, from a tsp perspective we have define and implement, we have mono moving with the election.
07:24:45 And we come back later to the agenda with the candidate, and the next step. What we define implement the new CSC completion.
07:24:54 The objective was also to implement the new release cadence to summon up project, which is not really still needed and go through this unmaintained project common her commendation which was delivered by the task force.
07:25:10 This is the objective. So, they are probably think that we didn't do so I will, I just want to set you to be objective, and then the next slide, we'll highlight what we did what we didn't do.
07:25:22 So, the objective was also to define some how the CNN global market and implemented for the basketball.
07:25:35 We want to go to to let others own up to demonstrate it not only supporting not network automation or hunger transition but also tackling a new domain on the market that was originally early this year, and most of these objective was already presented
07:25:54 in February and then review in June. So, should not be a big surprise.
07:26:00 One of his victory for us we spend a lot of time to promote the release, but I think we were setting up an objective to promote what we are done with remaining books done and, and also the collaboration with other the end the reward, we want, we have
07:26:21 some concern ovation any moment of the year that we integration team.
07:26:28 After the after Morgan folders that's potentially, he will be there, and no we have.
07:26:36 Michelle.
07:26:38 We took over the table. So, but it was something and objectives that we were fixing to secure the engagement, which is, you have to use we continue to increase the cost collaboration ship, but also turn this collaboration into implementation so I only
07:27:00 put the 11th, the one where we are still connected. I didn't put the MCs. Maybe I should
07:27:07 we can maybe I will put CNC f here, and then open source community already under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation open its open source community look under the umbrella overlap, like ohana see to grow up, and the list.
07:27:22 This is the can be longer. Like, I just tried to I like the the main one. And then finally, have something that a couple of you was really interesting, because a couple of Kona component is part of the demo.
07:27:43 So I think we did some progress with the technical team, but we are still cuddling anyway, with the talk on the seat. And then I hope to attract new contributors so that's the objective.
07:27:54 It's already a long list. If you think there was an objective that I've been missing is the right time to race and I see
07:28:07 something
07:28:10 coming I know you already mentioned this final blueprint but I was thinking enterprise should we actually mention it separately or how to take.
07:28:33 Well, I took it for granted me because we, and you see on the next slide I combine the two. I took it separately for two reasons. One, it was a request, please lead.
07:28:34 2020 by the governance board and, and I wanted to show to the to demonstrate to them, we consider their feedback, and we did something about that, that's the main reason why I have a highlight.
07:28:49 And secondly, We act on it we created a sports and we already moving on. So that's the reason why I do see as a separate objective than this one.
07:29:13 Within the rest of the deck I combine it with you what you say, and we act on it, right, because they don't.
07:29:11 It's probably the only time, since I'm representing new to the board that they asked me to do something.
07:29:18 So maybe they asked me something and I've already forgotten. All right, so let's move. And again, we don't think to submit this deck before Friday. I just only present.
07:29:34 The deadline for this deck, actually, because the the governing board meeting got moved can be October 6.
07:29:42 Oh, great. We got so much.
07:29:47 Yeah. Yeah, so I, I appreciate all of the work here. It would the deadline was originally Friday.
07:29:54 And for this for the other deck for the other deck, it is still.
07:30:00 Tomorrow is getting presented this one, the board meeting got moved it was originally scheduled Sunday proceeding. The one summit, because one summit went Vertical, Vertical, went virtual.
07:30:15 The governing board meeting, got moved. So, there is a little bit more time on this on this particular deck than we had originally so.
07:30:29 Okay.
07:30:31 That's if, if, if I didn't communicate that I thought I had, if I didn't my sincere apologies to everyone.
07:30:40 Okay. Oh, well since I have already started to present I will continue so the team as well trying to share this so.
07:30:48 So I will go a little bit faster. Now, what I decided to use this list and then as you can guess I'd have to say what effectively we did with some comments so quickly for the full size and we put into the, into the chat for the composition, we know we
07:31:06 have still a life cycle item to fix but the question the focus was originally on the CSC completion so for me it's done.
07:31:14 We implement the new release cadence and only me some more.
07:31:19 The. So if somebody is normal the prototype but we make it, and we still the largest single cent.
07:31:31 The somebody normal the prototype but we make it, and we still be adjusting the next item, I didn't feel that we, we did it. So I did, I put it because I think we have a lot of discussion we're still refining the recommendation, but we didn't implement
07:31:42 all the steps. So that's something you will see popping up as part of 2022 objective. And I was highlighting what was not so much done. But I know sector was really I just see the architecture and so on.
07:31:58 So, some work had been done but they are still somewhere so it's partially completed when you see this symbol.
07:32:03 Now, I put everything together issue, which is all the, the whole map so the definition of the whole map for me.
07:32:12 It's clearly done, and still today we were finalizing the CNS code massive implementation and that's the topic that will pop up as part of the 2022 that we need also to do a secure integration activity, thanks to Michelle, we are so good things and then
07:32:31 they have been some work with a women's engagement, I think, I think a lot of you are engaged, is to I didn't put. So, so I'm just thinking about Fred, and beyond with it see I'm thinking about Magnus with PGP creepy I'm thinking about all of you, contributing.
07:32:52 So for me, it's something which is set up because as part of the TSP as part of the members.
07:33:00 We step up and we are more active as one position.
07:33:07 Sorry we have to we have to start CNC F.
07:33:11 Where did I put that on the group born, I like when you see consistency.
07:33:19 All right, and then this one, I think technically the technical team of one FC agree. So technically it's a, it's a pool that they need to some component of own up.
07:33:30 But really, and you receive this as a request to the board because even if it does not exceed, so I hope the boat will as better.
07:33:39 The stock, which is the equivalent of the case. Yes, thank you, t mo to tell me that they call them, different leaders.
07:33:47 I'm not I cannot say we are there. So, if the boss cannot solve that for us then I don't know what to do. So I will, it will invite them that we will put as a request to them.
07:33:58 And finally, over to a quick new computers all do I think we have a great donor community you know the gap that we still need to undo.
07:34:09 We had the great session with leading the stackable these budding proposal. Maybe we implement that we will attract new team members. We don't know. But that's something, it will show up again on the 2022 days.
07:34:25 No question. Everybody's feeling good about the accomplishment.
07:34:32 Again, your feedback. You told me know so matrix, as I said that was not really putting the weenies as part of the objective of the KFC, scissors, is this something we need to highlight or not, I don't know, but I wanted to clear the island, not only
07:34:50 the media really, because when we do amendments release is consuming the month for, though he still does that full of the media. So for my perspective, there are three major release.
07:35:05 We deliver things, the 30.
07:35:11 We deliver the, do we deliver the assembler, and why did I country. I was putting grueling as well because the grueling was creating.
07:35:26 Did I did I say something right.
07:35:32 Ladies, after the 30 so we are good in Honolulu and if somebody, even if someone is still in progress.
07:35:39 This is an accomplishment, doing these videos, and we have 200 employees.
07:35:43 Because even if it is not yet finished we still in progress so I wanted to highlight the fact that we did five really.
07:35:54 During this period, even if two of them still need to be completed.
07:35:58 The other beta are coming from the lF inside tools for the same bandwidth and I consider 22 until midnight.
07:36:09 No money originally was expected to October 1, we might want to readjust the data, when we aren't getting close to the six. Okay. What does the data from 30 of the number, until last night midnight, like, what the girl design is only twist.
07:36:27 Okay.
07:36:29 If you think there's another meeting that we need to lighten rope. One other thing. One other thing may want to put on the slide I don't know if it's considered a metric or not.
07:36:41 But we did add CPS as a new project.
07:36:48 Yes, that's something we need to put some way.
07:36:52 I mean, in the context of what's presented. I think this would be the right place to put it.
07:37:01 But then you need to do. I like the total of object to know I would just say, Yeah, I would just say added a new one and
07:37:14 that's a good statement.
07:37:19 So I put the notes. Okay.
07:37:24 Then, depending if you're the good memory or not, you could get the contain of the next slide.
07:37:32 So, what is possible 22 objectives and again I'm glad that we have more time because people will tell me you forget a couple of things.
07:37:41 So what's what's most complete this year will show up on the project objective of next year. So that's the two first items, and I say excellently, because I know we are doing our best and again that's something to keep in mind it will pop up again on
07:38:10 six. We actually managed to work for the neighborhood map, but we can only accelerate if we have more people and if we have more people you we need at least to find a way to attack people. So these two are part of what was planned for this year, and the
07:38:14 completed. And what is this one which is a brand new.
07:38:19 I do I put you in front of it, to show it's not the continuity.
07:38:23 The next to what we didn't do. And the last one, I was a little bit bold, because I know what the demon is bringing to the community is really striking based on the presentation made by Karen and jack Carla last time.
07:38:42 This is confirmation that something, honestly, I've been a few few of these people had been chasing the day with the gap there to remove preschool the plan.
07:38:53 And we are both to make it, and it will be backed of Shelley I guess on the next release of it has been a huge gap of review in our community. I was feeling we should do.
07:39:04 Now I could have put policy previously of project objective, but, you know, my porn was their confirmation that we are driving and the map technically DC is probably the one most likely most, this may be an incentive for probably we need to CMS, to as
07:39:22 well.
07:39:23 And then we have a use case which is really looking for work with IBM, so I don't know if Dan was able to join us, but the next level of AI ml will be a based on the foundation that is doing.
07:39:37 And then, you know, find the use case we need to keep going. So maybe I need to say, walk, walk, networkers license.
07:39:50 Right, right. So, and of course we have also, we could assume anything that was at least the things which was the fighting me anything.
07:40:02 I know we have already spent 40 minutes on it, so I will try to speed up again, if you think differently, please please please share your feedback we have a little bit more time.
07:40:13 And the final slide witness please is somehow colo.
07:40:20 I change, I didn't like to find that we say what is not working well. I always see it's not that we are not working while it's something we still need to improve.
07:40:29 So just for you, Kenny I change and again the level because I don't like to say what is not working with working while I i us probably notice that I sign up for you see feed people donating my company why because I really enjoy working with all of you
07:40:54 it's, it's, it's really conflicted.
07:40:54 We are really driving the industry come together and honestly, it's a peaceful open source community.
07:41:04 It's really a place where we can sometimes hear a giant nine ourselves.
07:41:11 So that's why I put no human conflict.
07:41:16 We are all human so it can happen sometimes with so many different opinions so that I wanted to leave the feeling that it's a healthy community, they are not through the big war.
07:41:28 And then what it is really important is, I have a lot of respect and honestly, what has been accomplished by the integration team is just amazing maybe I'm repeating myself but we owe them we would not have the level of quality of the within the ad supported
07:41:49 is supposed to start with the sitcom, I have to say, the sitcom also give us a lot of a lot of maybe I should also say sitcom.
07:42:07 And when we, these are the team who needs to book by the way so maybe I should add the om and and sick go because there are the one who will help us to progress on the production.
07:42:16 They need to be called Old or not.
07:42:20 But I wanted to call them out here, because we ever get us you know.
07:42:26 And then this is this is something that I really good at I think we have all these people who are trying to understand what's going on in the studio with Indiegogo open source communities whatsoever.
07:42:39 We are not working in silos, we are not working, you know, over to where we try to be equitable Qatif and look outside the box a wound up which is also important.
07:42:52 Quickly when I need to put that because I have a lot of challenge and pressure from the outside world telling me you need to go faster with you on that committee but, again, we are these on winning this, but among to cloak and the promotion which remain
07:43:08 But again, we are based on winning this, but among to colo, and the promotion which remain something in Boston, and then what I would like to get to go from the, from the
07:43:17 government amongst the board I need to call it.
07:43:28 This is something extremely important. I've already expressed a lot of my concern about that.
07:43:34 This is also very important if we want to monetize own up in different domain.
07:43:40 And this one.
07:43:44 Also, so I stopped here, because I've been speaking a lot sorry for that.
07:43:49 I hope we click click opening it click on completion is to click the other thing we are doing is not Facebook, share, and you can send us feedback offline.
07:44:03 Thank you for your I function back to you.
07:44:08 Thanks girlfriend that was, that was great.
07:44:15 I have a
07:44:18 guys really don't know what a, what a high level of appreciation I have for the TLC, and the work you guys the work all of you do so thank you so much.
07:44:32 It will not happen without your support Canyon David.
07:44:35 Thank you to to continuously to support the community as well.
07:44:40 Thank you.
07:44:44 Okay.
07:44:47 David, I think it's
07:44:50 over to you regarding
07:44:55 regarding the release.
07:44:58 And then the next big thing that we that we need to talk about is the that I know needs to be on the agenda today is the documentation and build issues.
07:45:11 Okay, thanks Kenny, I will try to be brief, so that we have sufficient time for that discussion.
07:45:21 So I sent out the weekly status report yesterday. It's linked here in the agenda so if you haven't had a chance to look at that, please review that I also
07:45:36 wanted to review the Jakarta schedule with you.
07:45:46 Chris stop brought this up.
07:45:50 A few weeks ago, and sort of pinged me reminding me that we needed to get this going. And so I put it together and had a chance to review it with Kenny, and Catherine and made a few adjustments.
07:46:07 And so, Here is what we have.
07:46:11 And this is also linked in the agenda.
07:46:15 Excuse me.
07:46:17 So, this schedule has with kickoff.
07:46:26 On October, 14,
07:46:30 followed by RM when milestone in early December, you know, scheduling milestones in December is always problematic but I thought that this was early enough that it wouldn't interfere with people's holiday plans.
07:46:56 If you don't think that's accurate, you know, let me know.
07:47:00 You know if this was another week out or something I probably wouldn't have done it but i i feel like December 2 is still early enough to avoid holiday schedules.
07:47:14 Then we pick back up again after the holidays in late January with RM two milestones.
07:47:24 And then ultimately sign off in early May.
07:47:31 And I, I documented.
07:47:37 Some of the major international holidays, as well as planned events, and did my best to schedule around those, those activities.
07:47:55 Any questions, comments, but David one thing, and I really feel horrible about not catching this and we talked before.
07:48:11 We are highly likely to have a
07:48:16 one of our day to day dev forums aligned to one summit in Europe as well so there's there's probably two more days there that need to go on the,
07:48:31 on the schedule for that and and I'm sorry I didn't think of it before. And can you give me those dates, Kenny, they haven't been set but we know that it's going to be either, right before right after.
07:48:47 Right after one summit.
07:48:52 Yeah, most likely it's going to be the the two days following it.
07:48:58 Okay, So, March 10 and 11th.
07:49:04 Yeah, that's, that's probably the safest bet the beta the dates have not been set yet.
07:49:10 Okay, well, based on this I don't think that that would be a problem, because those states or bracketed. I am 3am 4am Flores and until the 17th.
07:49:24 So, if this event went through the 11th, that would still be six days later.
07:49:33 But thanks for.
07:49:36 Thanks for pointing that out.
07:49:39 Any other questions or comments.
07:49:44 And I think, you know, the way we can look at this too is that,
07:49:49 you know, we can approve the schedule.
07:49:52 You know, based on the first few milestones.
07:49:59 And once we have more visibility.
07:50:02 Once we get out to him three and four, we can make adjustments as necessary.
07:50:09 Any other questions, concerns about the schedule.
07:50:14 David this was just one comment I mean looking at this date, the time frame between em to and empty which is actually the development window. It looks pretty sharp compared to the previous releases we had.
07:50:28 And, again, at this point, we don't know all the features which will be committed but that's something to take into account I mean, yeah, that could be a risk key yeah that's true.
07:50:39 Originally actually had him to, I think, a week or two earlier. And when when I discussed it with Kenny and Catherine there was some concern about Paul earlier in January with, it would be too abrupt of a milestone for people coming back from holidays
07:50:59 so, so, so we push this milestone add a little bit which typed up the time here, I think is what happened.
07:51:13 That's going because I know their
07:51:18 thing I'm just sick some country are celebrating the sixth of January.
07:51:23 Then in the US, you have the mechanical indies and another one so then we have the Chinese odd so we try to be more side.
07:51:41 Now, If the community thinks we should
07:51:42 they do the time that's fine too. Right, that we were cautious, that it's the second year hundred copies the life is not sit back, and a lot of people had an opportunity to take some time or not.
07:51:58 and I believe Christmas, we are all things with this back to normal but we don't know.
07:52:04 So, again, open for suggestion, if the team feels.
07:52:08 We should lead us, we can, but we need to consider all the countries, going back to work.
07:52:21 Now, for, to your point, Bj for the current release.
07:52:30 Assemble.
07:52:32 We had quite a bit more time between two and three, but a lot of that was driven by the fact that that was over the summer.
07:52:40 And so we were, we spread that out quite a bit to avoid having, you know, milestones during people's summer holidays, so that explains why, You know, this was quite a bit longer.
07:52:58 Yeah, I get that i think i think he's having a second will be restricted on what we will be able to come at for this release, depending on the time frame in the new talents and tools, actually the fox now, the increase or the commitment from the PDL and
07:53:15 Now, the increase or the commitment from the PDL and. m three is the code delivery and that's not too much time in between those so yeah that that's the only constraint for us so we can we can assess as we move along as you said I mean we can start with
07:53:30 the initial milestones and.
07:53:31 No, I mean, at this point, again, I don't know, I don't know, a sense of what are the new global requirements or features coming in right so right to assess that and then decide if that makes sense or not, given the time frame.
07:53:43 Okay.
07:53:44 Yeah, as Catherine mentioned that the alternative here is we could pull this into milestone in a week say to the 20th. That would give another week for em three, but then of course, that would be a shorter amount of time after winter holidays for people
07:54:06 to,
07:54:08 you know, complete their task and so on for them to.
07:54:12 So that would be the trade off.
07:54:16 Okay, so.
07:54:19 So then the question is, does TASC feel ready to vote on the schedule or would you like to have some time to consider it have a vote later or what do people think
07:54:40 we can consider so we can time, David because it's the first time we're looking at it could be something good I just returned exam instead.
07:54:49 Okay.
07:54:52 Catherine.
07:54:54 Should we plan on about a week from today then.
07:55:01 Yeah.
07:54:59 week to the team to save you and consider it. Yep. Okay. Okay.
07:55:05 All right.
07:55:07 Okay. Thanks everyone.
07:55:10 All right, and then, Catherine I know you have some specific ideas about the Honolulu and maintenance so I thought I would let you walk us through that particular topic.
07:55:28 Yes. So, um, might be sure because I need to move up in five minutes but I will be quick.
07:55:36 So the challenge is having a minimum series when we are moving to the testing phase.
07:55:45 It's a challenge because a lot of people will start to validate and self define the requirement of is come boards, they will be probably some issue that the project team will need to fix.
07:56:12 So, the question is about OFAC, are we to finalize the demand on Sundays or noon.
07:56:08 I understand that we have another topic today to discuss about the documentation belief you. Is it the final draft of the CDs, which is the documentation, or is there.
07:56:20 We know the development is completed.
07:56:23 I know the words.
07:56:30 Tonight
07:56:31 genres and explains that he's.
07:56:33 I think he's try to sing for one esteem for Windows. Imagine data on the two very dead that is ok you wanted to pass some, some test, just to verify that to grow our platform is working fine with that.
07:56:51 I think he's still waiting.
07:56:55 A new, a new QA manager to to end to end test.
07:57:02 Okay. did you look just a matter of of receiving this new manager on to lunch grumbling to interest.
07:57:17 Well I guess what I would say is with at this point without you know what's the point I mean we have.
07:57:25 We have assemble being released here in five.
07:57:33 It's not the program I mean, this can be done.
07:57:36 Whenever else.
07:57:40 But it's worth it's detracting from assemble release right.
07:57:46 So if we find this one, I'm not sure how we would be able to fix at the same time. That sound here, because everybody will try to complete it with me.
07:58:01 I hope that's a good has been has been done, just a matter of end to end test.
07:58:08 Okay so, so I honestly I'm sorry I missed that, that we were still waiting for the doctor, or the worst I'm sure that so David to this case, for having it.
07:58:19 So, we need to ask to the project to deliver made by to mobile.
07:58:26 Because if it is not delivered by tomorrow, I don't know when it will be.
07:58:33 Yeah. The other thing I point out is, I sent out an email to an included the integration team.
07:58:40 Om team documentation, trying to get information on when we pull this together. And I got zero responses to that email.
07:58:52 So, you know, what what I try to do for the community depends on information, exchanging data and if people don't provide me with feedback. It makes it makes it difficult for me to get things done.
07:59:12 David David Thomas, I think to my son so on so do today, but just have two things the program we first wanted to condition I think we, you read some answer.
07:59:23 So I still don't quite understand the what, I mean what what purpose is this maintenance release, serving this close to the assemble relief.
07:59:46 So, between maintenance release and final release. We may have way different functionality API changes and stuff like that. And we expect that maintenance releases for people who are trying to use all that for certain components of holding up and just
08:00:00 be able to receive back fixes, without any breaking functionality.
08:00:09 So I just checked.
08:00:24 Okay, my God was mobile so he will launch, you will launch a test.
08:00:17 Tonight, I think.
08:00:19 It seems that the climate has been has been a manager so.
08:00:26 Okay, so what else should just them, if we are close to the end. Again, if we missed the doctor, or we saw all the ppl we're providing their ebooks. We need to check so what about we kick off the, the test as you said today or tomorrow and then on Monday
08:00:44 we conclude on that, but we also need to provide support to tomorrow's
08:00:52 session is done for the competition every scene has been prepared by by undressed.
08:01:01 No, we just matter of observing this beginning documentation issue, but it's another topic, but for the winner madness release, or the documentation text as being prepared yet by Andreas on week, it's ready to be to be mailed we just need to change and
08:01:16 maybe the data, which would be ok ok so somehow.
08:01:21 Maybe Monday. Yeah, we may have a decision on next Monday.
08:01:26 Okay, let's let's do that so that's why we. It was broke here, because it was not totally clear what we are missing or not. I think we have an answer to the question.
08:01:39 If we can have a checkpoint on Monday. Because if we can find a nice for Monday that's great because there's been a lot of effort on this series.
08:01:49 And then we don't do apologize too much to the Jacka and if there are people wants to say no to you for longer than moving to Istanbul sorry, then have an opportunity so let's have an action item David on Monday because sounds like the situation is much
08:02:05 better than what was assessed.
08:02:08 When we have you last night so pick one on Monday and then when we talked to the TASC afterwards, okay for everybody. And then I need to go.
08:02:18 Great. Okay, thanks Catherine.
08:02:26 Okay.
08:02:28 So the last thing I wanted to review was just in terms of tracking global requirements, and best practices.
08:02:41 This came up.
08:02:46 Last week, you know, Amy pointed out that we don't have very good transparency in terms of being able to track what's happening with best practices and global requirements, which is true.
08:03:00 And it's a little bit tricky to, to figure out and there there are different approaches to it.
08:03:11 Kenny made a presentation at the ptl meeting on Monday, about,
08:03:22 you know, what I thought made a lot of sense with, which was instead of relying on tracking. Let's rely on tread on testing. So the idea is that
08:03:34 implementing or proposing a global requirement in order to get that approved would require having testing in place that could verify the status of projects relative to the requirement.
08:03:53 And I thought that made a lot of sense but in the discussion that we had on Monday we realized that, that there are some requirements that don't really lend themselves well to testing.
08:04:08 So for example, The, the package upgrades.
08:04:13 You know, you might be able to figure out, testing that would, you know, identify whether that global requirement was being met or not, but it could also be very involved so.
08:04:28 So, Kenny agreed to go back to the drawing board and rethink it a little bit.
08:04:36 Probably what will end up with my guests is some sort of a hybrid arrangement where we have testing for some global requirements but maybe we have to do tracking for others.
08:04:49 And so, Kenny and myself, and Catherine have been talking about that, but that was one of the conditions for the approval of them for last week, so I wanted to bring that to the attention that that we have put, you know, substantial amount of time into
08:05:12 figuring that out but it is still an open issue we are still trying to sort it out.
08:05:20 And so
08:05:25 what we're proposing is that for his stamp bowl. We will rely on sec com to provide us with status on their, their recommendations so this, the SEC com related global requirements.
08:05:48 And then for Jakarta, we will plan to have a tracking process in place prior to am one.
08:06:01 Amy Are you on the call.
08:06:05 Yes, I have.
08:06:07 So what, what do you think of this.
08:06:12 I think that's probably a good way forward. I think though that we do have to account for the, the package upgrades and fixing the vulnerabilities and code, because like we said on Monday.
08:06:25 That's actually more involved, and especially the package upgrades do represent a point in time.
08:06:34 That's very early in the release So building those tests would be extremely involved, it's possible but it's very involved. Right.
08:06:46 Right. So, so I think that's a good example of where we would try to implement tracking and what I think that we could do in terms of tracking is to have a JIRA tasks assigned to individual projects that need to make changes, and then come up with a label
08:07:14 that we can use and then I can create a table
08:07:22 in the wiki, that will pull in all of those labels for a particular release.
08:07:31 And then we could track the status of those that way.
08:07:35 And then other global requirements that can be tested, that's there, it's feasible to test them then you would rely on testing for those so that still needs some thought in how to pull all that, that together so.
08:07:57 And we need some time to do that and so I think planning on having this in place by Jakarta and one is reasonable.
08:08:09 Yeah, that sounds very reasonable given, because the Jakarta m one is beginning of December. Yeah, December 2. Right, okay. I think that's reasonable.
08:08:19 We just have to look at all the global requirements and see which ones have testing, you know, because the biggest thing is to make sure that all the project teams know what exactly that is expected of them.
08:08:31 Right. And that's the reason that we have been using JIRA tickets that SATCOM has been creating at the beginning of releases, so that it does so that the so that it's very targeted what has to be done.
08:08:45 Right, yeah and and i think therein lies the way that we can do tracking.
08:08:54 We just need to come up with some labels and so on.
08:08:58 And then, I think that that is feasible.
08:09:04 Kenny, any thoughts about this.
08:09:24 No, just tough to verify at this point that the two we've got agreement from the TLC and all marketers such. Okay. All right. are we okay with a pound degree here.
08:09:24 Are there any objections to this plan.
08:09:32 Okay, I'm marking it.
08:09:37 Okay.
08:09:39 Right. And that's it for me. Any.
08:09:47 Okay so well I'm typing this up.
08:09:52 Let's quickly move to the issues with the documentation builds.
08:10:04 And I guess
08:10:07 if Thomas or or or Eric would like to just kind of summarize what the issue is and then and then we can hop into the, what's going on, technically,
08:10:23 yeah at this general generally I can start so and Eloqua jump in for the details. So, yes, I think since, end of last week, we are not able to build documentation at all because there are some, some strange areas with the some libraries and packages provided
08:10:52 by the. lf it.
08:10:55 And also, Eric jumped in and did some tests on changing configuration files and, but did not succeed so now Eric created a ticket. last week to involve it and
08:11:12 maybe Eric you can those details.
08:11:16 Yeah, so, I think we've found the root cause it to be true because we when you set up tools that is used during fight on the primary to deploy the various libraries, use default DeGeneres Shana.
08:11:38 So this component as
08:11:43 as challenge on it is not a bird to use a dedicated option to deploy some specific library.
08:11:50 So as the results. Some library. Question cannot be deployed deployed on we have some, some conflicts.
08:12:02 When we want to generate a doc.
08:12:06 So, there was a way to get rise by.
08:12:10 I think Policy Project.
08:12:12 So it fit propose a rock around to to deal with that. Using.
08:12:20 Thanks for showing up to date.
08:12:24 So, as a result, it was possible to deny the documentation.
08:12:42 But without using it says a right and left docs, that cough up to date on the documentation generated is not using the right on that team on these using a default Spanx one on other results, not align with the rest of the to condition.
08:12:54 So thanks to band I think we identify the How to to upgrade to two sacks.
08:13:06 And if docs that underscore library.
08:13:10 So the patch, has been just during the GC on the new, new tech session is a very bird on now we just need to get it into the pipe the package management steps to be able to use this discussion.
08:13:28 I hope it will walk.
08:13:31 It's a tricky program and you too.
08:13:36 It's a complex by Tony by every library compatibility.
08:13:42 Hopefully I hope if we walk, let's, let's wait tonight.
08:13:48 I hope we never good news.
08:13:53 And thanks sorry can be important here, we, we also discovered this in the policy framework so ideally one of our developers figured out the.
08:14:04 The sinks, but it wasn't the whole solution so it's great that the solution put in the fix for the P. Let's see if it's also.
08:14:30 time because I was too just to share with you, I think, using slack is much more efficient than using it if it ticket system is more reactive to use the slack when we have this kind of program.
08:14:48 Well, we don't we don't have any flexibility there.
08:14:54 You know, our IT team has made it very clear that you know they function on support tickets.
08:15:04 Yeah, so I need to practice we can raise a ticket, but as soon as the ticket is raised if we need to get more information and working with them, slack would be okay as long as we later on update the ticket with the findings I presume or.
08:15:31 Yeah, no that's that that's fine I did, I don't think David had quite the context there the ticket was raised and work in progress, back and forth. Can you guys see good yes to open a ticket, no problem with that but I think after when we have complex
08:15:38 interaction. It's rebuttal to slacks to to accelerate the resolution.
08:15:43 Well, it depends. Because when one thing that happens is that if you if you put a lot of the technical detail into slack and not into the ticket. Then you have someone who needs to understand what's going on, ticket.
08:16:03 And they haven't been part of that slack conversation, they look at the ticket and it's and it's blank there, you know, there's no no data there. So I think, as much as possible I think we need to, you know, if you want to work in both parallel but I
08:16:19 think, you know, making sure that the technical discussion test results, etc, get put into the JIRA ticket is is important.
08:16:32 I'm updating the ticket with finding us we go along.
08:16:42 Yeah, so I I think in, in, in what's taking place here David exactly the right behavior is being reinforced and occurring.
08:16:53 Okay, great.
08:17:04 Okay.
08:17:09 So it sounds like that conversation is as far as it's going to go
08:17:19 on disagrees with that let me know because I'm going to move forward.
08:17:27 Sharing again. Yes.
08:17:31 um, any other rolling updates.
08:17:48 Okay, I'm on the enterprise Task Force next meeting is going to be on the 29th, but does someone want to talk about the, the work that's
08:18:04 being discussed there. Regarding the magma.
08:18:21 Okay. Guess not. We will move on to the cloud native Task Force.
08:18:41 for the one summit, and the other work being done.
08:18:46 So the text here says adult or will be official updates to the TC by members of the task force on the days noted here.
08:18:58 So please stay tuned or if you're curious. Please join us on our weekly meetings.
08:19:09 Okay.
08:19:11 Thank you. Ronnie.
08:19:17 Moving forward, talked about the budget talked about the board proposal.
08:19:23 The election, I expected to get the nomination, or the ballots all sent out last night, ran into an issue with there were more email address
08:19:40 issues that needed to be resolved and I was expecting I was expecting.
08:19:46 Just a couple and had quite a few more than that. So those are all manual resolution type of items.
08:19:55 Once I get that done, I'll be sending that out it will go out today that's not an issue, but it is
08:20:02 later than I expected.
08:20:05 Community awards deadline for that as past
08:20:10 and GST Tsu will be starting the votes
08:20:16 here soon. The
08:20:21 next thing discussion Catherine mentioned it earlier, is making sure that we get the, the project lifecycle changes that have previously basically been put into effect.
08:20:42 So that is work that will be upcoming.