TSC 2021-02-11

TSC 2021-02-11

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By



Release Status

Honolulu Release (M3 Feature Freeze - Feb 25th, 2021)

  • Honolulu Milestone Status
    • Any feedback concerning M3 Jira task (PTL & Req Owner)?
    • Explain what it is expected during M2/M3 transition (but not tracked as a task) i.e. assess/update your risks
  • Exception to be submitted no later than March 4th, 2021 to SECCOM? 
  • Review CII badging form for OOM project  
  • Checkpoint on the remaining Architecture Review

Guilin Maintenance



  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
  • # of repos and Jenkins jobs 
    • 21 new repos created in the last 5 months
    • Just want folks to be mindful that the addition of Jenkins jobs increases the costs due to more CPU cycles
    • Please let RelEng know if there are jobs or repos that needs to be deprecated.
    • Renaming repos isn't as easy as it used to be due to Gerrit changes 

Wind River Lab summary integrated to Release Planning Morgan Richomme

  • Evolution of lab discussed at PTL meeting
  • 30-40 live updates since 2017
  • Need a full reinstall needed
  • Main layer moving from Openstack to Kubernetes
  • Will run old lab and new lab in parallel until everything is validated as being OK.
  • New version of lab provides better for CI/CD and edge connectivity capabilities
  • Work will start in March
  • PTLs should look for an email from Morgan Richomme


PTL Updates

EMCO - will be discussed next week.

DMaaP (Super Committer request)

  • Existing committers have been reallocated and are no longer on the project
  • Requesting Super Committer privs to the PTL 
  • Request is to to be time bound to the Honolulu release to be reevaluated for Istambul
  • #AGREED TSC approves Super Committer rights during the Honolulu release to DMaaP PTL Fiachra Corcoran.

How to run Integration Tests in ONAP Morgan's tutorial (smile)

Congratulations Igor Dysko ,  our new AAI Committer !


Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Ctrl-Loop, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Congratulations to Chaker Al-Hakim for being reconfirmed as the Architecture Subcommittee Chair.


LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Event recap

  • 46 different ONAP sessions
  • 422 reg, 256 listed ONAP as primary interest.  508 actual attendees, 114 companies, 6 ICs, 12 universities. 
  • PLEASE take the LFN Event Survey if you attended - closes on the 17th
  • Chaker Al-Hakim suggest that session transitions is better - maybe end 5 mins earlier.
  • The method of content management was much better. 
  • Morgan Richomme agree with transition suggestion. Instructions were clear.
  • Ranny Haiby looking into an alternative outlet for sharing non-interactive presentations such as YouTube or Twitch.
  • djhunt Looking at this at the TAC level as well in a advocacy context
  • cl664y@att.com would be good to use something like this to generate interest i.e. Re-use ONAP Release Demos, "Did You Know" OOM Marketing Campaign concept, etc.
  • Deep Dive Code sessions via Twitch between two releases
  • Please share any additional thoughts


TSC Activities and Deadlines

TSC priorities on 2/18

TSC Composition on 2/18

LFX Insights discussions on 3/4

Guilin Awards:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V7P6FCR


Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

No PTL call on 2/15

Slack instance You can sign up here: https://join.slack.com/t/onapproject/shared_invite/zt-kp4nfzwn-2OJpjnZMz5X5yhQnX0zgwQ (link expires  then a new one will be generated)

Action Items

Zoom Chat Log 

05:57:59 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
05:58:04 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
05:58:07 From Alla Goldner : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
05:58:23 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
05:59:22 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:00:55 From Ping Song-A2 : #info, Ning So, Reliance Jio
06:01:44 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
06:02:16 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
06:02:46 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
06:02:53 From Morgan Richomme : #info proxy E.Debeau, M.Richomme,Orange
06:02:56 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
06:03:17 From Catherine Lefevre : #info Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
06:04:29 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : #info Seshu, huawei
06:08:56 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : Happy Year of the Ox :-D
06:09:13 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #topic Release Management - Honolulu
06:09:56 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : @Catherine and @Kenny, I need to leave on top of the hour (in 50minutes). It would be great if you could prioritize EMCO item. I need around 15minutes.
06:10:29 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : @srini understood
06:36:20 From Catherine Lefevre : @Krishna - I will send you a contact point to work with you on Guilin maintenance MUSIC certificate
06:37:28 From Catherine Lefevre : e-mail sent
06:38:33 From Krishna Moorthy (Wipro) : okay. Thanks
06:41:27 From Chaker Al-Hakim (Futurewei) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/ONAPARC+2021+Meetings
06:44:09 From Catherine Lefevre : Thank you Chaker
06:53:48 From Catherine Lefevre : #Do the TSC approve to grant Super Committer rights during the Honolulu release to DMaaP PTL? +1, 0, -1?
06:54:26 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : +1
06:54:57 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : #vote +1
06:54:58 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #vote +1
06:55:04 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #vote +1
06:55:05 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) : #vote +1
06:55:12 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) : #vote +1
06:55:13 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) : #vote +1
06:55:13 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) : #vote +1
06:55:14 From Morgan Richomme : #vote +1
06:55:14 From Alla Goldner : #vote +1
06:55:19 From Ping Song-A2 : #vote +1
06:55:22 From Catherine Lefevre : # vote +1 - thank you
06:55:25 From Jason Hunt : #vote +1
06:56:15 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #endvote
06:57:48 From Morgan Richomme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABvuJfyGDmw
06:59:06 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : #AGREED TSC approves Super Committer rights during the Honolulu release to DMaaP PTL Fiachra Corcoran.
06:59:10 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) : I’m sorry I’ll have to drop a bit early today
07:04:46 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : Need to drop for my 7:00AM PT meeting.
07:15:34 From Brandon Wick : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DevTestFeb21
07:17:11 From Catherine Lefevre : Thanks Timo, Ranny, Kenny for all the events support
07:17:40 From Catherine Lefevre : and thanks to all of you to present and to participate to these events
07:17:50 From Catherine Lefevre : to => who
07:22:23 From Catherine Lefevre : I have found the OOM Marketing Campain - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16264441
07:22:37 From Catherine Lefevre : "Did You Know"
07:27:22 From Jason Hunt : apologies have to drop a couple mins early
07:29:37 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V7P6FCR
07:30:14 From Alla Goldner : have to drop
07:30:33 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : https://join.slack.com/t/onapproject/shared_invite/zt-kp4nfzwn-2OJpjnZMz5X5yhQnX0zgwQ

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information.
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

06:04:18 Okay auto transcription has been enabled.
06:04:25 And I'm going to start recording.
06:04:32 Okay recording started session. Thank you
06:04:39 need someone to act as a gatekeeper least,
06:04:45 but he hasn't done it before. Hopefully
06:04:57 I can do it.
06:05:00 Thanks once again Timo.
06:05:09 Okay I seem to have lost my window here. There we go.
06:05:18 So got the recording going.
06:05:20 Please keep yourself muted, unless you need to speak if you're on using a phone line you can use star six to unmute.
06:05:27 If you send me a private chat messages.
06:05:30 They will be cut and pasted into the zoom record for the meeting.
06:05:37 And we will start as always, by mentioning the anti trust policy. You can find this link from the elephant, all of the project websites.
06:05:47 This policy is important, or multiple companies, including potential industry competitors are participating in these meetings. Please review it, if you've got any questions contact your company's legal counsel, members of the lF may also contact Andrew
06:06:00 of the grove at the firm up the grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation,
06:06:12 stop sharing that, and start sharing
06:06:18 this
06:06:22 agenda today.
06:06:24 We'll talk about release status. Talk a little bit about relevance.
06:06:43 A quick mention of the map, super committed to request an EMC to will touch on that.
06:06:52 We'll touch on that. Congratulations checkers then reconfirmed.
06:07:01 We'll talk about the event recap.
06:06:59 Deadlines activities and housekeeping anything else anyone needs to add.
06:07:08 Happy Chinese New Year.
06:07:12 Happy New Year of the arcs yes Lunar New Year is here.
06:07:27 celebrating their holidays so happy new year.
06:07:33 Okay, I guess without then I will stop and turn it over to David.
06:07:41 Thanks Kenny.
06:07:50 Yeah, that's a great point that you mentioned the New Year holiday so folks that are working on the release.
06:08:00 If you are celebrating the New Year, or you have colleagues that are celebrating the new year.
06:08:08 Make sure that you touch base with them, you know, prior to the end of this week, because they will be unavailable for approximately a week.
06:08:26 All right, So, hopefully everyone is aware that we have RM three feature freeze milestone coming up on February, 25, so let's just take a quick look at schedule to remind everyone where we're at.
06:08:44 So you can see em three feature freeze at February 25 followed a couple of weeks later by our RC zero milestone. On March 11.
06:09:07 I'm taking a quick look at the milestone status
06:09:16 for projects. You can see that we still have quite a ways to go.
06:09:21 We're, maybe about 20% that are in progress or closed.
06:09:32 So so quite a bit of work to do there.
06:09:35 For requirement owners.
06:09:39 We're about 25% that are in progress or done.
06:09:47 I also I wanted to follow up with requirement owners, see whether, and the PTS if they're on the call, if there any questions.
06:10:03 These milestone tasks have been updated.
06:10:06 You know, since we moved to the new release process.
06:10:11 And so if there are any questions about any of those tasks, now would be a good time to ask.
06:10:25 Okay.
06:10:31 Christoph Are you on the call
06:10:39 Christophe must be on holiday or something I haven't heard from him for about a week or so.
06:10:47 Yeah, he's out this week.
06:10:49 Okay.
06:10:50 Yeah. So, Yes, David. It's not a not a question but more more of a comment. This is odd, so I've been a requirements owner for one of those requirements and I just wanted to say, Good job to everyone who got involved in the new release cadence because
06:11:06 those tasks that are being created for each of each of their requirements I feel they're really helping understanding the work that needs to be done for each of the milestones, so.
06:11:18 Personally I'd like to say, this is really helping and it's it's making our jobs easier so thank you.
06:11:24 Well that's great to hear. Thanks for that feedback.
06:11:29 You know, a lot of the credit goes to Christophe and also Shakur, who, you know, originated the new release plan and I've been working or the new release process.
06:11:44 I've been working closely with Christoph to work out the details on all the tasks and so on.
06:11:53 And so we'll have to congratulate him once he's, he's back. So, anyway, thank you for that feedback.
06:12:01 Any other questions or. Yeah.
06:12:06 Sorry with someone when you say something.
06:12:25 Are there any other questions or comments regarding the milestone tasks for either the requirement owners or the details.
06:12:26 I did actually want to make one comment to take a look at.
06:12:33 I sent an email out about this, but I feel like maybe there's still some confusion about this. There are a couple of items in here that are time sensitive and one in particular is the,
06:12:56 the license scan.
06:12:59 So, I've had a few people that have close this one.
06:13:05 And the night I went ahead and reopen dead. So what we really like you to do is to wait until a day or two before the milestone to close this case, another
06:13:18 scan it's released.
06:13:21 Similarly, for the, the merge requests.
06:13:29 You try and time that so that that's that's laid, you know closer to the milestone.
06:13:36 Just to make sure that we we pick up any, any requests that that for merge requests and happen during the period between him to an M three.
06:13:48 Let's see if there's any other here.
06:13:55 It's coach goals whether
06:13:54 things think those are the only ones that I had comments about let's see if there are any related to the requirement owners.
06:14:15 Yeah, I think, I think maybe those were the only ones.
06:14:18 All right.
06:14:23 There, there are a couple of items that we're expecting projects.
06:14:34 To do that aren't explicitly called out and tasks. One is updating your risks for the release, so I think everyone remembers that we have a
06:14:51 page that we track risks on for each release let's take a quick look at that.
06:15:03 And we talked about this and Khrushchev's feeling was that this is something that should be done just as as a course of habit, rather than explicitly called out as as a task.
06:15:21 And so
06:15:25 here we go on a little little risks. So
06:15:30 project owners pts. You should be updating this page on a regular basis, even though it's not explicitly called out as task
06:15:49 I also wanted to mention, and I want to get some confirmation. I guess we we talked about this during the ptl meeting on Monday.
06:16:01 Possible confirm this, but I just wanted to confirm my recollection about this so so we are asking x exceptions to be submitted no later than March, 4, is that correct bubble, or Amy.
06:16:25 We have anyone from sitcom on the call.
06:16:37 Okay.
06:16:36 I think that was the date.
06:16:41 One before the SC zero.
06:16:43 That was a suggestion that all the exception, have been submitted one week before the st zero to come can review and make a recommendation to the TSP but indeed.
06:16:56 It would be nice if we got confirmation from second.
06:17:00 Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Pavel was on the call on Monday and he did confirm this.
06:17:10 That's what I recall.
06:17:15 Alright and then Catherine. I think you had to decide about ci badging for Om.
06:17:25 Yes, that's the preview action item that we had from previous TLC meeting.
06:17:30 And I know, Tony was the plan to work with silver.
06:17:43 Tony or silver
06:17:49 seemed to be a lot of people today.
06:17:55 Okay.
06:17:57 Well, we can follow up with this again on Monday, Catherine, or I actually I can wait on I'll take an action to reach out to Tony and Ceylon follow up on this.
06:18:25 Thank you.
06:18:19 And then we have an item here, just shocker Are you on the call, can you give us an update on where we stand with the architectural reviews, we still have that as an exception item, or milestone 2am.
06:18:41 So, give me a minute or so let me log on.
06:18:44 From my laptop so I could share with you where we are.
06:18:47 Okay, well, I'll just go ahead and talk about Wayland maintenance, and then we can come back to that. Okay.
06:18:53 Thank you.
06:18:55 So, a shocker is logging on he's going to share us share with us status of the architectural review.
06:19:06 In the meantime, let's talk about goil and maintenance.
06:19:13 We've been maintaining this page.
06:19:17 The tracks.
06:19:21 The participation in the maintenance release.
06:19:25 And I think there's been quite a bit of progress that's been made here, and know that.
06:19:37 Morgan mentioned that we're seeing
06:19:38 the testing break because of certification exploration issues. Is that right, Morgan.
06:19:53 Morgan on the call.
06:19:56 Yes.
06:20:13 Yeah, if I recall correctly on Monday, you mentioned that a testing is breaking for the Galen branch due to certification expiration issues.
06:20:14 15 minutes. Yeah, some part of the thing just OFL checks are broken you to the dependency to music and music certificate expired. And for release we also blog because they are for a project for which certificate is about to expire so CDs UI.
06:20:36 And I saw that there's a patch in the gate at the moment so it's about to be solved some music, and there were four we mentioned last Monday.
06:20:47 We can have an MSP.
06:20:48 So I think we didn't see the debt expect I and I. For the other ones, we don't have any patching the gates on till we don't have dispatching gate for getting we cannot.
06:21:02 We will have an issue with certificates within the few days assuming that we have already an issue with music because it expired since.
06:21:13 More than one week.
06:21:13 Okay.
06:21:16 Elsa notice.
06:21:19 Somebody added some notes.
06:21:23 I think that was silver on regarding certificate issues.
06:21:31 And I noticed that at least a couple of these projects like AI and CC SDK.
06:21:38 They put an approximate date of completion, that has passed, but they have some outstanding or some outstanding issues. So it would be helpful if those projects, if you're on the call if you could go back into this table and update this approximate date
06:22:00 of completion
06:22:11 are Morgan Have you been able to see improvement, I mean setting aside the certificate issues, because I know when we had the way land release that the the tests were still.
06:22:36 You were you're seeing significant number of failures and it seemed like we still have an issue is stability.
06:22:38 Do you have enough visibility, that you can say that that has changed is that improved at all.
06:22:48 Well I think if you look at the certification page of the daily good in you will see that we have made significant progress when you see that suffocate green box and the remaining days are 364 days, it means that's that's sophisticated fully generated
06:23:10 installation, using the set manager so that's pretty clear.
06:23:13 So I think it improved significantly. But we still have some some some project for which we need to have some manual update.
06:23:29 So it's still not fully perfect, but yeah, some progress had been mentioned from for, but it's not finished, some some some space for improvement. Ideally, all the subjects should follow this way, and I think most of the project is that if you look at
06:23:43 MBIOF Dr. Today's DC fine as the MCs fine.
06:23:47 So, and I have nieces, specially be needs to be updated but Patty, Patty Turner, so it's better, but for sure we'd like to have more more fully green status.
06:24:04 Right, I'm ready to work for the project because they need to change the ways that generic desertification so I know that the project is helping a lot, but cannot do everything for for the project to, they need to work together.
06:24:18 And for some project at under, I would say
06:24:23 some predict are not covered by end to end test.
06:24:27 duration certificate which is also not a good thing, because certificates are security agreement so if you want to protect yourself by say okay we'll use the certificates at last until the end of the world.
06:24:53 It's not also good solution so it really is a good solution is to follow what has been done by most of the project by Columbus's DC but, so we have lots of good example.
06:25:02 But it should, it should be done by old product.
06:25:06 Okay.
06:25:08 Thanks Morgan.
06:25:10 Do we have a workaround for this issue that you mentioned, Morgan.
06:25:17 The of dependent dependency on music.
06:25:22 At the moment, we're, we're lacking a ptl for music
06:25:30 as a way to to suffocate and to do that the moment there's nobody to do it.
06:25:38 Or maybe.
06:25:40 Christopher know to do that because I remember I did already some, some similar things in a previous release so when better, it's clear that there is a dependency So, something has to be done with music so it can be.
06:26:08 It just walk around and we mess up his stuff he can, if he can generate a new one and just replace the certificates and replace the doctor but, yeah, as well as maybe some solution for that as I already did similar things, but they don't have come back
06:26:15 to this we have to discover everything later.
06:26:19 Okay.
06:26:21 All right, I'll.
06:26:24 Is anyone aware of Kristof's schedule. Will he be back next week, do you think.
06:26:31 Yeah, you shouldn't be as far as I know he's just out this week.
06:26:34 Okay. All right. Well, I'll take an action to reach out to Christoph, and ask him if he has
06:26:47 a solution for resolving this issue with music, otherwise I think that the TASC is going to need to take this on.
06:26:59 If Christoph is unable to help us out here, because I'm not sure how we're going to resolve this
06:27:08 dependency here.
06:27:11 That's a of using music is the optimization framework and position for marketers were several use cases for music is it just a database. It's not just the database, additional feature.
06:27:25 But behind the two Casanova, we have a common customer but it was sad. I don't know why to 12 dedicate projects to do similar things that what was in common, plus additional feature, we can see that.
06:27:37 Yeah, it's dangerous, too.
06:27:40 Because we have side effects we have a project that depends on another project for which we don't have any rituals anymore.
06:27:46 If it has been done in the common resources. Then, we may expect that to come on resources will be still supported because I part of the of the release.
06:27:55 So, if we don't have the common resources we don't have any release yeah it's it's a bit different, but a. Yeah, we need to take care of property to consider when for the next project for so as a best practice for the future, when there is a new project
06:28:11 asking for a database or project a dependency with a project, dealing with dependency, we should be clear that the common resources must be privilege, and we should not create a religion as a project if it's possible because we may have this kind of issue.
06:28:32 And I imagine that this will be a problem for the Honolulu release as well.
06:28:39 So me.
06:28:55 Yeah, sorry I was just gonna say i think i think this is a, an issue for the TLC to take on long term to come up with a resolution to music.
06:28:56 So what I think that we have to do is to remove the dependency of music from our.
06:29:04 Because now with the technology that we have offered by communities to scale up.
06:29:11 Maybe music is no more a quorum. So, let's overnight them as possible the PDL call on the 22nd.
06:29:20 So we can discuss with the OSPF.
06:29:24 If you believe he could remove it, or if he needs additional support. But I think that would be the wise way because nobody's using music today. Nobody share an interest about music.
06:29:36 So let's remove the dependency completely out of.
06:29:45 Hi Catherine Krishna here
06:30:04 the dependency completely.
06:30:07 Think for the time being, I think.
06:30:24 The from in the master branch the certificate has been replaced like for the music so from the hits release perspective one be an issue like regarding the maintenance branch I think I was having a chat with the Sylvan is today.
06:30:25 So he was planning something similar to what Morgan said like, generating a hard coded certificate and putting it in the maintenance plan that was he was planning for the maintenance release so so whatever I did in the master branch.
06:30:40 We could not cherry pick into the maintenance pads, so that's why he had to take a different approach on that.
06:31:01 Is it the issue.
06:30:53 So can you, can we follow up offline, where you are blocked.
06:30:57 And then we will try to find an identity.
06:31:04 for news is no problems that's right because somebody someone made a change in music, and he made the change in order to adapt to how to use the self manager.
06:31:14 So, in the master branch in the future Naruto, there is no problem. The problem is in the previous brunch. And we cannot simply Chai Peter, I believe it was possible but it's not because not the same system so we cannot cherry pick ingredients.
06:31:28 We are blocking in in green, and Indian madness, it's mainly possible using an output that what serum was about to see, but finally he should be okay, because we are able to take the same broker with recorded a data set of data, we change that and we
06:31:49 better way to manage the certificate so far. It's fine. Okay. Open direction to the fire brigade.
06:31:59 Okay okay good and I will I will also take that as an input like I will discuss with the team.
06:32:05 My team and then we'll get back to you on that.
06:32:08 Catherine on removing the dependency with the music.
06:32:12 Okay, so come back to the fire brigade, if you have an issue problem.
06:32:22 And can I just come back to the comment Oh, sorry, sorry Krishna, go ahead.
06:32:27 Yeah, no, like I didn't get you get in the last part like, Oh, I thought that you were getting my mama.
06:32:34 Come back to me.
06:32:36 Okay, I fire brigade.
06:32:42 And I just want to come back to Morgan's comment earlier about making sure that you projects.
06:32:50 Use common resources instead of always or trying to trying to spin up new, new instances and use their own siloed resources, how can we, how can we manage, how can we make sure that we follow up on this and that it's just not something that we that we
06:33:07 said on the TSP but that never gets implemented because because I think it's a very very good point and it's, we're seeing the effects of this right now.
06:33:18 Well I think that's the that's the goal of the best practice and global requirement mechanism, you know that Christophe has proposed.
06:33:33 And so, so this should be proposed as a, as a best practice. And then, when we do when we review, new project proposals. We should review them against those best practices and global requirements.
06:33:58 And so I think that would be the best way to,
06:34:03 to make sure that those that gets enforced.
06:34:09 That make sense.
06:34:11 Yeah, ultimately it's, it's the to seize responsibility to look at these proposal, new project proposal when it's brought forward and do that level of evaluation.
06:34:26 And, you know, this is,
06:34:31 this is the this is the business mixture ranges of lessons learned.
06:34:38 And, but I don't think there's a specific best practice or something that's that's needed to be documented here, as much as it is. The PFC is responsibility to exercise due diligence when looking at new project proposals.
06:34:57 So, what you're asking is, any new projects, need to integrate with this self management. I'm not sure that I've understood the request. Good. We are about to discuss about the project management.
06:35:12 On the.
06:35:14 Don't know if it is next week.
06:35:17 So I don't know if it is related to that Oh, I'm sorry I'm not understood okay Chris.
06:35:23 Well I think it started, it started off as a, as a comment about how, how we music I'm not really familiar with music but McGann maybe you can you can chime in, but I think how it was using its own Cassandra database instead of using a common one right.
06:35:40 Yes, that's right. So discussion was when a project is created and when he needs an external resources.
06:35:50 So So database and whatever.
06:35:54 For the moment, each project, create its own.
06:35:58 Sometimes another project so life is using music as another project, and we used to have another Cassandra already available which was common Cassandra and we felt we decided to create a new project that was spinning, spinning it knows our Cassandra so
06:36:10 somewhere in the, in the cluster. And I believe that it would make sense to use a common customer I'm not saying that I want always to use a common database and we are speaking with a micro service, architecture, so I can understand that can have Maria
06:36:26 DB small project on everybody's managing is dB. But what happens here, Kelly show that the project, ask another project to do the backend pattern, and then the project doing the backend stuff, and we don't you don't have resource.
06:36:40 And then you are blocked. And if we should avoid that. So either the project is fully responsible of his backend of his database on the server backend resources, or if he wants to use on to rely on other capabilities, he has to use existing common capabilities,
06:36:58 so not creator not full of Cassandra cluster because we already have one on integrates of change yes to do inside the project was in charge of all the different common database.
06:37:20 Okay.
06:37:23 So, I will add an item to the February 22 PCL meeting and we can discuss this further, I'm sorry, someone was mentioning that they would look into removing the dependency, who was that.
06:37:48 I think it was, Krishna Krishna Krishna.
06:37:54 And it right, we're not dealing so I just send a contact point fish now, to help them to exit from the situation.
06:38:03 Okay. Yeah, because I'd like to follow up with Krishna at a later date on and get good feedback on what he's found.
06:38:16 Yeah, sure feel better.
06:38:18 Okay. Thank you.
06:38:20 All right.
06:38:23 We've spent a little more time on that than I was expecting. But that's okay I think it's an important topic.
06:38:31 Any other questions about Wayland maintenance.
06:38:38 I just a question so when I look at the dates as a approximately date.
06:38:43 So we don't expect the maintenance release before the end of February as I see right as all has the final date expected date at 28, February, so I think beforehand, we will not have the maintenance release outright, because I'm talking about, especially
06:39:04 because of the documentation we when we create release notes, we would need to know then of course at some point the date as, you know, okay, we are, I read it the same way.
06:39:16 Yes.
06:39:17 Okay. And actually that's a good point is Eric on the call.
06:39:24 I think not I think he Morgan is his deputy. Okay, I was just curious whether because one of the goals for the maintenance release was to improve the documentation for use cases and I haven't gotten any feedback about whether that's actually happening,
06:39:46 have you, are you aware that I know that we have discussed this and I have also to check this from the latest changes or updates.
06:39:58 I'm not sure at the moments I think we have to dig through the catching.
06:40:04 All right. Yeah, that's something. Follow up I because I know Eric, had done, I'm sure it was Eric did analysis.
06:40:12 When we got towards the end of the Wayland release, and so it'd be interesting to update that and see how much improvement, we've had since then.
06:40:23 Yep.
06:40:24 Alright.
06:40:26 So I mentioned earlier, shutter was logging on so that he could give us an update on the status of architectural review and Chicago Are you ready. I am.
06:40:40 Yes. Okay.
06:40:42 Can I have.
06:40:44 Yeah, we're starting to get a little short on time so I think maybe five five minutes 20 minutes is enough. Thank you. All right.
06:40:54 Okay, so I I just dropped a link in the chat room.
06:41:01 Hopefully you could all see it.
06:41:12 Okay.
06:41:13 The link points to this wiki page and
06:41:26 I'm not seeing the Link Checker. Let me try again. I did not sorry about that. I see, I see. Okay, thank you.
06:41:31 So this link points to this wiki page and this wiki page, I use. As I mentioned in the past to track all the subcommittee meetings, including all the reviews that we have been doing for the past six weeks or so.
06:41:45 So, less one less review we had was a couple days ago.
06:41:55 We finished five reviews.
06:42:00 And what's coming up on the 16th of this month is the last two reviews crystal friend Viagra have.
06:42:10 I've spoken to both of them and they're ready to present sec in the map, and once we do that next week, we would have concluded, or completed all the reviews for the Honolulu release.
06:42:27 So scrolling down a little bit further, sorry.
06:42:31 Go back.
06:42:33 If I go back to
06:42:37 the architecture reviews and everything that I'm showing over here is basically available to you from the link that I dropped in the chat room.
06:42:46 So if I go to the component reviews. This gives you a list that comprehensive list of all the reviews that we've done to date.
06:42:56 the dates the comments the status.
06:43:00 The tracking JIRA tickets that are associated with each and every review, and I believe all the charity is tickets for the reviews that have been approved have been closed.
06:43:19 And I'm hoping like by next week by next Wednesday.
06:43:22 The stable would be fully completed and all the reviews would be done.
06:43:28 So, that's my quick overview, unless anybody has any questions I could turn it over. back to you, David.
06:43:38 Okay, thanks Shukor. Okay.
06:43:45 All right.
06:43:47 Just to recap the david that was the only exception left from the previous milestone, which was or sweat proof so there is nothing left.
06:43:58 The elderly meaning items which is really good.
06:44:01 Yeah, that's correct.
06:44:03 And so those are all the items I had for release status. Any questions or comments about status of Honolulu or quail and maintenance,
06:44:21 just, I just had a look at the respective changes we would have expected for the release notes the additions, but we have not received any update requests or change requests for the documentation repository.
06:44:40 I think I've discussed this with Allah I think I was asking me where to put the.
06:44:46 These additions, but we haven't received any, any updates on that release notes. That's just a comment from.
06:44:55 Yeah.
06:44:56 Yeah. So, yeah, Sandra so I basically you know updated to the group members have requests, and requirements for me to call right should be located by email and also during the course on.
06:45:10 I'm sorry those subjects have not been implemented but i can i can again, you know, remind them and call.
06:45:21 Yeah, particularly since it that that was in addition to the certificates that was one of our primary goals for the maintenance release was to close this gap with the documentation.
06:45:35 So, if you can drive that message, all that would be helpful.
06:45:42 All right. Kenny I think that's it for me.
06:45:55 So next up.
06:45:57 There's nothing else on the release management front.
06:46:06 I want to shift gears here a little bit because I was training dropped a note in.
06:46:14 In the slack about EMC oh so Catherine with your permission, I'd like to just go ahead and touch on that real quick.
06:46:24 Yeah.
06:46:25 Thank you.
06:46:26 Okay. Um, so this is really just an update rather than a launching point for discussion.
06:46:50 that effort. Folks on staff, obviously need a clear understanding ourselves first.
06:46:56 And we have a meeting scheduled tomorrow, too.
06:47:03 For that, and I would just ask everyone to respect that for now. And that we say that any, any updates on em co to next week.
06:47:22 Okay. Thanks everyone.
06:47:30 Keeping along the lines then of the PCL updates.
06:47:36 There's a have a thing here, super committed request for the map.
06:47:50 Yes.
06:47:52 So, um, I believe that you see so the last email exchange.
06:47:58 I think the last feedback was for me.
06:48:01 So just to highlight the situation and Johanna in Chicago, free to add any comments if I missed anything. So there's been some transition late last year, I will do the map project
06:48:22 Shaka was elected. But unfortunately, light the light of ppl. The committee have been for the committee's which was working on the map, have been relocated to other internet activities.
06:48:40 Therefore they are not the only somehow undercoat not available anymore.
06:48:46 To support, do not community.
06:48:49 So discussing with caca and also can.
06:48:56 We have tried to establish a mitigating plan where we are bringing some Lima, experts in order to see both and review any code that will be submitted by the demon project team which is currently composed of chakra, was trying to maintain the commitment
06:49:17 for the only real.
06:49:22 Um, I'm also trying to on either basis, one of the former commuter helping as well.
06:49:31 And I have not yet been successful, but I'm still working on it.
06:49:35 And the whole of the full body solution with a time books request, we would like to ask that you see, to see if we could apply this supercomputers guns to Chicago.
06:49:54 So, after the the people arguing the code. It will have the authorization to do the merge, which means that the code that has been reviewed by others will be passed over the code.
06:50:13 The code base.
06:50:13 So, the supercomputers was a concept that we were using in the past, in the context of om integration.
06:50:21 And I'm sure forget the self project in order to speed up between the code fees, and the signup abilities to speed up some emergency patches, a specific to the project.
06:50:38 I don't know if we have had the link, so people can become familiar about the supercomputer all, but here we would like just to recap, we would like to have the privilege of to the VPN, to be able to do a search committee.
06:50:55 In case of a summit code, and this code is called you by others because the other have the expertise of the map, but they are not committed overnight by do not community.
06:51:08 Okay. Jessica, would you like to add anything to what I've just said, maybe I was not totally clear.
06:51:17 I think that was a pretty good summary, Catherine.
06:51:26 Thank you for the tip of any concern because it's a next child in every measure.
06:51:34 In order to keep going on the de map project which is key because somehow it's the message of this week, between the list of own app component.
06:51:50 I really need to improve my English because when I read the translation.
06:51:56 Definitely is not really what I'm saying.
06:52:00 Half the time it's not what I say either so don't
06:52:05 worry too much.
06:52:08 I think it's fine I think for all of us, I think, I think the only way forward, I guess.
06:52:17 Yeah.
06:52:18 And what I forget to say that Isacson Kiana also thinking with your car to hump up. So gone committed as well so it's not like we never exit from the situation, but we try to manage that story as maybe somebody
06:52:43 other feedback.
06:52:46 No, I think that's a good clarification on I think there's a few improvements that I've been talking to her about internally that we'd like to make and bring to the architecture team for proposal, probably in the next release, but I think there should
06:52:57 be time limited and we should review it again in the next campus.
06:53:02 The next release kittens.
06:53:04 Yep.
06:53:05 And the translation of that was the word kid and second office campus and kittens so I wouldn't.
06:53:16 We all need more kittens The internet is made of cats.
06:53:21 So what I've heard is that the request is for Facebook to be granted super committed privileges. On that that is time bound to the Honolulu release being revisited for assemble.
06:53:46 Yes Do you see any issues.
06:53:51 Being able to do that.
06:54:07 I, as well as there's a ticket I can think of it
06:54:01 was there, maybe one question with the the way that it's phrased in the in the chat did we want to time box it as part of the vote, or Karen mentioned that we should we should probably limited in time so should we should we granted only for a given period
06:54:22 of time or should, should we say that we granted until it's not needed anymore. I was just mentioning on a new release, I saw it was the time box.
06:54:27 But I can be clear. And no, no, no, you're right you're right with me I misread, you're right yes or no.
06:54:37 And also want to thank again, Karen, and share car because they step up wine.
06:54:46 We could not maintain it. So, we need to recognize that
06:54:52 they step up to help the community.
06:54:58 So your vote is appreciated.
06:55:42 Okay, I'll give it two more
06:55:51 seconds.
06:55:53 Thanks song are you here as a proxy for someone.
06:56:11 that is now going to go ahead and end the hope
06:56:18 that is a green.
06:56:27 So I guess all what would be required would be for is or figure out to
06:56:39 open, open a ticket on this and just reference the minutes.
06:56:45 I'll get the get the agreement put into the minutes, I'll drop on the mail guy with a conclusion. Thanks very much, everybody.
06:56:55 Thank you.
06:57:18 Um. The other thing that I wanted to mention, with regards to ptl updates, and I'll do this.
06:57:18 Is that yesterday were gone did a tutorial on how to run integration tests.
06:57:29 So, we'll drop that link into its it's in the minutes.
06:57:35 And after I put in the agreement in the minutes I will drop the link to Morgan's tutorial, which is out on YouTube so Morgan thank you very much for that.
06:58:01 That's, we had four ppl updates,
06:58:04 any link in the chat.
06:58:07 Thank you.
06:58:11 Anything else on that.
06:58:15 And if not we'll get to read Lynch.
06:58:32 In tickets.
06:58:35 Deaths I know that you had wanted to mention the repo and Jenkins jobs,
06:58:45 regarding what I messaged her yesterday. Yes. Yeah. Um, so I just wanted to bring to the attention to the videos I know that right now, new, new report creation doesn't require the approval but just.
06:59:00 I want to do, to just remind that every repo that is created, adds additional jobs that adds to the final cost for every job run. And in the last five months.
06:59:16 I detected about 21 new report created so I just want to do to make sure
06:59:25 people are a little bit mindful of of creating new reports just.
06:59:32 And just so that we don't spike the costs up one day and also if people can go through their represent detect any new applications, or any represent need to be close to, please let me know and that will be good to do some cleanup.
06:59:56 But yeah on regards to ticket some students support this week.
07:00:01 I don't have any ticket blocker.
07:00:03 All of the tickets are moving in, feel free to send them my way.
07:00:10 Thank you so much, just to get really great only find me through creation of free booze records so it's really a great improvement for the community because it was a bit painful.
07:00:16 And it was long noses I think the procedure is good. If you don't type any type, as I did last weekend when a mixer, I ETF on Ieft, but otherwise known as the process is very, very nice.
07:00:35 So thanks, thanks good Jessica, I think there are still some place for improvement but that's typically the kind of things. That's pretty good. Good achievement and improvement in order to help the PCL to fulfill their everyday work on the admin work
07:00:50 for all the self release, I think they are good. And as far as I know, so maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong.
07:00:58 One of those risk was maybe that people, overall, create resources, as it's done by ppl just for the money I think it's relatively under control, and at least in integration what I see that we stopped having lots of small repository.
07:01:14 But I think it's better for the maintenance to have small refrigerator with people that are fully focused on their code that a big one when we are all contribution.
07:01:24 It's easier to deprecate them when people are no more active so it's easier to isolate things that are no more maintain, rather than having a big big report as you used to have, but definitely thanks a lot for for all your great work on your support for
07:01:38 that I think it's very, very good.
07:01:42 Thank you so much for the feedback.
07:01:44 Yeah, I agree with you i mean having the smaller reports are definitely better manageable and just.
07:01:52 I wanted to make sure there's a cleaner done when it's needed, and if you guys the deck any jobs that are no longer needed for a particular project, please let me know and I'll take care of the broken into two, just to try to keep the costs down.
07:02:15 And also just a reminder. I know that the I have had a few questions about renaming repos.
07:02:24 We used to be able to have a plug in that was making that possible. However, when we move to Gary 3.2, that plugin was no longer working as expected so unfortunately at this point, we don't have the ability of renaming repos, and also, it makes it very
07:02:43 difficult now that all the configuration that is linked behind Jenkins Nexus and all that configuration that is taking care of during ripple creation needs needs somebody to actually go and manually change that whenever there's a repo rename so it makes
07:02:59 it a little bit difficult to create a repo rename so that was a senior before, Gary 3.2, but now he has become a little bit more difficult.
07:03:13 And Valerian repose.
07:03:14 We do not believe repose for for safety purposes.
07:03:20 If I know that I had a question yesterday with Morgan whether we can delete a repo, that was created with the wrong name.
07:03:30 In this case, in some cases where the request created by accident, and is no longer needed and wish to be removed. We don't promote it but we can definitely hide it.
07:03:42 However, for repos that already had some coordinate, we set them to read only, we cannot hide those.
07:03:50 But in this case in this repo was new and he had no code, we can definitely hide it for you and you can create the new repo with the correct name.
07:04:02 But yeah, if you have any questions please let me know. I'll be happy to answer them.
07:04:14 Yeah. If you have any questions please let me know. I'll be happy to answer them.
07:04:16 Okay, and then else for lunch.
07:04:22 Okay, um, I was wondering if somebody wanted to some summarize the Wind River lab discussion from the PTO meeting.
07:04:38 So try if you want. So, last Monday we discussed with Stephen from Wind River, as evolution of the lab has, you know, we made some performance studies in Frankfurt and we decided that it was needed to make a full of grade, because the winner of our lab
07:04:57 has been used since the beginning of rap, and we, when we the team's upgraded to lab, more than 30 of 40 times, live so now all the solution bit old, and moreover, the winner chicken yum that is used to for the creation of the infrastructure as evolver
07:05:20 so Stephen suggested to do for installation.
07:05:24 There's a main differences as a previously said tandem solution so the Wind River infrastructure solution was based on OpenStack, and it was deploying and OpenStack on on top of this OpenStack we were deploying VM on which we're installing communities.
07:05:41 And in the new versions, that's not the same, say deploy a big just our communities cluster, on, on top of this cluster, we can deploy in an OpenStack on which we can deploy it shows exhibit, but the main infrastructures of first infrastructure layer
07:05:58 is a community so things are changing.
07:06:02 So that's why it's in, but but we need when we install. We need to say how much resources we want to put in the OpenStack on top of the communities not as much we want for communities so that's what I sent an email to the is a PDF of the project that
07:06:20 are still using when we were lab. According to the statistic I got from provision. And I asked them if they want to keep the essence of they have today, or they want to evolve to something more cloud native because a new version of them is by nature or
07:06:40 macula Nativity. So, really, providing this be prevented this cluster. So I send an email to get their feedback.
07:06:44 Stephen plan to install circle notes or the new node from the first of March. So we have two labs labs legacy when we go out on a new lab, and we'll test if everything's fine on the new lab on progressive he will mean be great to old one, into new one
07:07:00 is everything is fine.
07:07:02 So it means that in short term, no change to the old lab is still up and running, will not stop it.
07:07:08 But, if everything is fine and we can move to the new one if we better because the OpenStack reaction is very old so now a little bit.
07:07:20 So I wait for the feedback of the ppl, and I will come back to Stephen to indicate as a sharing of how we split the resource between to be an artist, on OpenStack notes.
07:07:34 And if by if also if people
07:07:54 were no more used to us when we also see something would like to get some for for next Felicia can also of course contact me. We need just to do an exercise to dimension, infrastructure, and then we'll start that.
07:07:56 And last but not least, Steven mentioned that the nutrition is really adapted to to edge and undeniable to do sort of Federation with small labs but connected together so that could be also a good option for some use cases to have a test lab that is also
07:08:16 providing this kind of feature.
07:08:18 So that's something that could be interesting for the moment we plan to keep on the one but it's possible also to split. If, for example the county the casino, if we stop it, we could re install it.
07:08:32 But, so, Stephen says that he will start on the first of March, so we have until end of February, two, and it will not be the final data February because it will be first radio QC based on this infrastructure and we'll see how to play with it.
07:09:00 And if it's okay we'll make great progress.
07:09:07 did you mention your email thread, Morgan.
07:09:16 Yes I send the mail. Just two hours ago, was an action point from last Monday's mail and I'm waiting for the feedback of the PDF so I have just three questions, just made for the PTO.
07:09:28 What I was curious, is some project were using lots of resources so lots of several which big server.
07:09:36 And as far as I can see, some were still using them, but I'm not sure that some project were still using them so I do the first Tina in Frankfurt when I deleted lots of resources that were not used anymore.
07:09:53 But here I suspect that there are still some projects that are using more than 30 Sarah artists declared are using but looking at looking at stats, they haven't looked to the Sarah for quite a long time so probably, I need to read to get the feedback
07:10:16 the ppl on that. I'm fully into new, we will be able to run new ci CD champ.
07:10:21 So that will be probably ci CD chain as we know today.
07:10:25 We have several a CI CD system so for all the local build old verification jobs while using Jenkins press the pixels backend provided by bagel fit for me to MJCD are using github.com proof ATL, as you are orange capabilities.
07:10:49 That's for the daily weekly gating solutions. So we may expect that if new resources, we could have more diversity in ci CD. And one thing I would like to do but it will really depend on the success of this upgrade its to offer to the use case, pursue
07:11:08 their own ci CD so in Korean we had four use cases official use cases. So that would have their own chain automated will not be dependent on sharing staging labs that maybe you don't trust to use if you are upgrading a component, while the user needs
07:11:27 sold, etc. So if we could do that it would be a it was a sort of requirement I suggested Gina was not able to do it because I don't know, I didn't have enough resources but if we get new resources.
07:11:39 We could imagine to a dedicate see ICD 10 for use cases.
07:11:54 Right, thank you so much.
07:11:57 Questions.
07:12:09 Okay, I'm looking at this looks like a note just got added for eager dice go, who's new Commissioner for AI, congratulations.
07:12:25 Shakur moving along Shakur has been reconfirmed by the TASC as the architecture subcommittee chair shocker thank you for all of your excellent work and you know look forward to your continued excellent work in this regard, so congratulations there.
07:12:43 Okay, thank you.
07:12:52 quick event recap.
07:13:01 Hey, I think the event went very well soon as I get done here with my little monologue I'll open it up for questions or comments, with 40 422 folks registered, have a total of 508 attend to ease.
07:13:14 You may ask How is that possible.
07:13:17 That is possible because registration is not a forced item for these free events.
07:13:23 But this is why we asked everybody to please register because it. It helped us for planning and things in the future, a great deal so
07:13:34 there you have it.
07:13:36 After D duping.
07:13:42 What we had from the registration numbers because we can't get this from, from zoom but from the registration numbers.
07:13:49 We had 114 different companies.
07:13:54 Six individual contributors and 12 universities participating. So, that was, that was pretty, pretty good the one number that Catherine asked me to take a look at which I did not have a chance to was out of the registrations how many folks had indicated
07:14:16 they were were attending primarily for own app.
07:14:21 I will get that and then plug it into the minutes.
07:14:26 As soon as I get the data.
07:14:29 We do have a survey.
07:14:31 If you attended the event, please, please, please, please fill out the survey.
07:14:38 I will get the link here and drop it into the chat window as well.
07:14:43 Oh,
07:14:46 that is an ugly, ugly, I don't even know what that is.
07:14:54 that link somehow is.
07:14:58 Let's hear is bad.
07:15:04 No, I will.
07:15:07 That's my bad I was shifting from one to another one.
07:15:14 That's why you ever was strange character in it. Sorry for that, it should work it's just an additional security protection so we would be better to have the, The official one.
07:15:28 Sorry, I will get that any, I can drop that into the chat.
07:15:32 Yeah, thank you.
07:15:38 Perfect.
07:15:41 Nothing wrong, not something that is just the, the way home sometimes when I had the link, it takes my company security.
07:15:54 If you click on it. Nothing bad will happen.
07:15:59 Yeah, it was better to change it,
07:16:03 which I've just done.
07:16:06 Anyways, survey equals on 17th.
07:16:09 I can't stress the importance of the survey or members of the staff.
07:16:16 In order to.
07:16:18 We really depend on that input for our future events to make them better for everyone.
07:16:24 There's something we're doing that we should continue doing that's important to know and if there's something that we're doing that could be done better.
07:16:34 That is also important to know but the one thing to understand for these virtual events is.
07:16:40 We can't do anything about the food that you may be getting served during these virtual events. So, I'm sorry about that.
07:16:49 You can't even complain.
07:16:55 now.
07:16:55 Anyways, um, any questions or comments or thoughts on the last week's event.
07:17:02 Yeah Hi this is Ronnie, Just a quick comment.
07:17:07 As you know, we had 46 different sessions in the last event from the own upside, which is great. And please keep them coming for the next event. However, I'm sure you're all agree that it's becoming challenging to for all of us to attend the sessions
07:17:23 that we're interested in. So, moving forward, we are trying to find an alternative platform for people in addition to the virtual event for things that are less interactive so something like a YouTube channel or tweet or something like that, that will
07:17:42 be used for sessions for sharing information that does not require an open discussion. So that way we can dedicate the time in the next event for more interactive sessions are more open discussions.
07:17:56 So we are that the lF stuff and I'm involved in that is working on establishing this new platform. But if anyone has any ideas about or tapes for creating this YouTube channel.
07:18:14 I know other communities are using similar things so please feel free to reach out to me. Also if you think it's the stupidest thing you've ever heard of and you want to change my mind or vice versa, please feel free to reach out to me, I'm open to learning
07:18:32 and hearing from what our communities are doing so we can improve this new platform.
07:18:40 Thank you
07:18:47 Can you.
07:18:52 Go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. No, no. Please go.
07:18:55 I was just going to reinforce what Randy said I mean even at the task level you know I think we're going to look at doing this across elephant projects and use, you know, a YouTube channel as a way to increase sort of our developer advocacy so these are
07:19:07 sort of marketing videos, these are you know technical videos that we think will be engaging to the larger community that don't require that sort of interactive conversation, but allow us to keep a steady cadence of content going you know between our
07:19:25 events. So I really encourage people to generate content for and I think in the future tsp meeting maybe we talked about how we would administer the channel and who could have rights to publish and things like that.
07:19:41 Things definitely an idea.
07:19:55 But I also agree because they are, they have been a lot of material provide a sample used by the community.
07:19:53 And, you know, we have the demo context as part of the treaties.
07:19:59 So, in the balance I was discussing.
07:20:04 To use the concept that the om team was doing which is
07:20:09 noisy so my in my mind but I was also suggesting that the CDs favorite campaign to promote what they are doing because the CDs, become extremely useful when you move to production but was not really the level of marketing to be promoted and the um team
07:20:26 had this type of what is called. Does anyone remember this it every week they were sending
07:20:38 a notice to bring interest.
07:20:48 And I was thinking maybe we could use the same concept, and just add one video per week. Right, so we can, or every two weeks. Right something 90s. Does anybody remember how it was cool with the Om.
07:20:59 It was you know about all they had the slogan to promote the om work.
07:21:13 Come back.
07:21:13 Welcome back. I think a YouTube channel is a good idea.
07:21:16 It's just that would have to be monitored.
07:21:22 Yeah, of course. and this is why I mentioned that we're working with Casey and other ZVLF staff to set it up appropriately assigned the correct rides to administrators or some sober touch just setting up a YouTube and then letting anybody publish so that's
07:21:42 why it's taking a little bit of time but hopefully when it's launched it will have all the mechanisms to make it efficient and focused. Yeah, I think definitely a good idea, running I agree, if I may.
07:21:55 It's a, It's a comment and I'm nitpicking right now.
07:22:00 Comment appreciate procedural comment.
07:22:02 I think what we need to do for the next meeting is to make sure that the transition from one section to another session becomes a little bit smoother on one proposal would be to each session has two and five minutes earlier.
07:22:24 So if you have a 30 minute session you end at 25 minutes, so that you allow people to transition to the different session, especially that we're sharing bridges.
07:22:36 And so that the sessions don't overlap and people get a little bit confused in terms of whether they are still on the previous session or they're moving over to new session.
07:22:47 I think that's a proposal, but I think we need to somehow someway address the transition between sessions that do share the same bridge.
07:23:03 Yeah, that's excellent input.
07:23:06 Thanks shocker. One of the interesting things that we found was on the most part.
07:23:16 The way we managed
07:23:20 folks doing folks accessing the
07:23:25 host privileges work well, where they didn't work well and and the recordings launching automatically work well, where it didn't work well, was when the previous post did not end the call.
07:23:47 Yeah, yeah. And in those situations, what would happen is, is the next meeting would start and the recording wouldn't kick off.
07:23:58 And oftentimes the person couldn't grab the host privileges because somebody else was the host.
07:24:05 Those were a couple of gotchas that the staff had to deal with on a number of occasions.
07:24:13 But that's
07:24:17 just kind of a data point.
07:24:20 And I guess speaks to some of the challenges that Shakur was just mentioning. Yeah, yeah.
07:24:28 And again, I'm nitpicking right.
07:24:32 However, though, I believe the template that you've created the elephant created to document the presentations you know by the by either the host or sponsor was a great idea where you could go in there, you update that it's the same format or, you know,
07:24:50 common format across all the presentations.
07:24:54 It was the at least from my perspective was very very useful to go in there update it include the, all the material associated with the presentation, and then you will move on to the next one, it was common across all the topics.
07:25:09 Good. Thank you.
07:25:12 That was one that we had a lot of internal debate on, so I'm glad that that seems to have been a positive outcome.
07:25:22 That was very nice touch. Thank you.
07:25:26 Frank Phillips Kenny I think also instructions were very clear I mean positive for the speaker.
07:25:31 And there's a major sent on the way ul pull the community, I think is a guidance for a very clear on was relatively easy as you mentioned. Now the difficulty with sometimes is transition, because some session was stopped a bit, and some, some people speaking
07:25:48 it was sometimes out to to finish because you had questions. So the transition.
07:25:54 Yeah, we need to plan five or 10 minutes just to be sure that people have a hard stop and we can adjust.
07:26:01 So it can be improved. But otherwise I think globally is organization so Ronnie further on chemo for the planning, and Kenny for the Super.
07:26:10 I mean, it was really nice. It's not easy to to do your relevant I think everybody's really looking forward to to be able to do real events better.
07:26:20 We start getting bought by a virtual event all the time, and I think this one was was was nice because it was most, it was easy to follow it was simple to to to to take the lead or physicians on to move back to another so I think you're ready.
07:26:44 Very nice. Absolutely.
07:26:46 plus one.
07:26:48 Yep. Please one to the other items that I had in mind was.
07:26:56 Honey, you said 46 is challenging. So do you think we should also
07:27:03 make an attempt, because I know the document the can team, tried to do it twice brokenness, but make an attempt to organize a development, hackathon, in the sense that we could have the project team between two really presenting a little bit more, what
07:27:24 some of the project did at these events, I'm thinking about the policy books in order.
07:27:35 They were trying to give a little bit more insight from the architecture of to the development code.
07:27:41 And I was wondering if to offload the event. Should we maybe try to kind of get on between the.
07:27:50 We have a small break.
07:27:54 Because it's always up to the PDL, and they seem to do all the work. but between the two break to have this hackathon where they give a little bit more insight about what they're called.
07:28:05 Yeah, so I heard a similar suggestion coming from a person from another community where they use Twitch, for running kind of live sessions where the project leaders are the experts are doing something and then people can interact through Twitch.
07:28:25 So that's one technical option to do that but yeah certainly there's a need for different formats, other than a zoom session, or a pre recorded video.
07:28:39 So maybe something semi interactive like twitch can fill the gap in between.
07:28:55 We could add Tick Tock and get Kenny to lip sync for us.
07:29:05 Right Kenny will have a Milli Vanilli.
07:29:13 Okay, um,
07:29:19 there's nothing else we only have a minute or so left.
07:29:31 And there's a lot of content here that we didn't get to
07:29:31 remind folks of the
07:29:39 violin community awards
07:29:44 drop a link to the chat.
07:29:47 We will be discussing to the composition.
07:29:52 Next week,
07:29:55 and also discussing the TLC priorities next week.
07:30:03 I'm going to try and get the elephant insights presentation that was requested a couple weeks ago, try and get that scheduled in March.
07:30:16 There's no ptl call on Monday due to holiday here in the US, the slack instance, I will drop the link also into the chat window.
07:30:27 This particular link expires.
07:30:33 On Saturday, I believe, and I will generate a new one, and share that with the community.
07:30:39 It looks like these links have a lifespan of about two weeks and then they expire so I'll need to keep generating. That said, any member of the community can also always invite somebody else, by just going in and clicking on of the pop and using the
07:31:02 using the invite somebody to the channel and send it to them. So that's that.
07:31:12 Anything else,