TSC 2021-09-09

TSC 2021-09-09

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly Status

REMINDER: Istanbul M4, as well as the remaining tasks for M3, should be completed one week from today (Sept 16)

  • M3 tasks that are still open were repeated in M4 so David McBride went through and closed them
  • M4 tasks ~70% are still open
    • @Toine notes that some of the tests are stability testing related - seems to be out of order
    • David McBride adds the above to the retrospective list to potentially move the maturity task to RC milestone for Jakarta

Honolulu Maintenance

    • SO cherry picking is complete
    • SO/OOM patch done - build needs to run


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
    • Nexus IQ updating at 9pm UTC  tonight- 1 hr down time
  • GitLab OOM data has been migrated 
    • there is an "extra branch"  on github that isn't in gerrit - whitesource information
  • LFX security team responded to the SECCOM thread on docker image scans

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Vishal Sharma Shared that Spark New Zealand would be going live soon

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Kenny Paul 

TSC Elections

Lifecycle updates to Community Document to be handles via email.

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

ONAP Community Awards: Honolulu Release

  • Nominations end  
  • #AGREED extending nominations to to

  • LFN Developer and Testing Forum, Week January 17th, Virtual Event

  • ONE Summit Europe, March 8-9, Antwerp
    • Proposal: 2 Day Developer Event March 10-11
    • Hotel Radisson (same space as last time)

  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum, June TBD
    • Physical Event
    • Europe or Asia (preferred)

Zoom Chat Log

 06:59:42 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:59:53 From  Fernando (Fred) Oliveira (Verizon)  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:00:14 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:00:29 From  Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile)  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:00:39 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
07:00:42 From  Jason Hunt  to  Everyone:
    #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:01:04 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    #info Amy Zwarico, AT&T - proxy for Catherine Lefevre
07:01:15 From  Srini Addepalli (Intel)  to  Everyone:
    #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:01:18 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:01:48 From  Vishal Sharma (Spark NZ)  to  Everyone:
    #info Vishal Sharma, Spark New Zealand
07:02:28 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:02:31 From  Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:02:32 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:04:57 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:10:33 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT (sorry for being late)
07:14:16 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:18:10 From  Liam Fallon (Ericsson Softare Technology)  to  Everyone:
    Community Leaderboard link returns “ Error: Server failed to respond with the data. “ for me
07:19:01 From  Liam Fallon (Ericsson Softare Technology)  to  Everyone:
    OK, it must be something on my side. I’ll check later

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:03:41 recording and transcript has been started.
07:03:45 As always, we will start off by talking about our, why isn't this changing. There we go.
07:03:57 Talking about our basic meeting rules, and then followed by our.
07:04:05 Any trust policy.
07:04:07 So please stay, keep yourself muted. Unless you're speaking if coming in a phone you can use star six. Anything sent to me privately in chat will become part of the public record when I cut and paste it into the minutes
07:04:22 for any trust policy. You can find this link from both the project and the lF websites as policies important. We've got multiple companies including potential industry competitors from participating in these meetings.
07:04:36 Please review if you have any questions please contact your company's legal counsel, members of the Linux Foundation may also contact Andrew up the grove at the firm up the grove LLP which provides legal counsel to the lF.
07:05:10 Basically, David sent the email out to the, to the list and we'll see if anyone's got any railing stuffing bring it up. I do want to talk about elections, do want to talk about community awards.
07:05:27 That's it for what we have on the agenda today.
07:05:34 Potential topics, would be some of the changes that might be needed to the community document related to the life cycle process.
07:05:45 Or if any of the subcommittee's or cross community
07:05:52 coordinators want to want to share any information.
07:06:07 Okay.
07:06:13 David anything.
07:06:17 Release wise, other than what you have here. Yeah, I just think skinny, as you mentioned, I sent out the weekly status report yesterday.
07:06:27 So you can, if you haven't already.
07:06:31 You can read that there's a link there in the agenda.
07:06:35 And also just want to remind everyone that assemble and four is scheduled for one week from today, some details on the call please keep that in mind. And also, just as a reminder, the TASC last week, conditionally approved.
07:06:56 Am three, meaning that the remaining tasks from him three, which I think there were there were about 10 still up and need to be completed by him for in addition to them for tasks, although some of them are are duplicates.
07:07:17 So, please make sure that you're paying attention to that and then I'll just note that I was a little bit disappointed when I looked yesterday, and it appeared that there been no progress on the remaining em three tasks from last week so let's get all
07:07:36 of that wrapped up by one week from today.
07:07:43 And unless there are any questions, that's it for me.
07:07:53 Okay.
07:07:54 Yes, there's no questions. Moving on to really change.
07:07:59 Just banked.
07:08:01 Do you guys have anything you want to share
07:08:05 Nexus IQ is going to be updated tonight.
07:08:11 It's at 2pm Pacific and 9pm UTC, we're updating to add to catch the second dx support from version 117.
07:08:24 So that's going to be unavailable for approximately one hour.
07:08:31 I don't expect any more complications during the upgrade but, no, no.
07:08:36 But I'll let you guys know any, any news as, as the upgrade starts.
07:09:04 Okay.
07:08:59 anything, I'm
07:09:00 sorry. Anything on the,
07:09:06 On the get lab front.
07:09:13 Get lab scientists in progress I have migrated everything from GitHub to get lab for a moment and waiting for the one know am guys to have a look at it and see what they think.
07:09:43 And we recommend that we migrated or we mirror from GitHub to club so that sounded like a nice idea as we went through that.
07:09:53 There is an extra repo on GitHub that's not on Gareth but I think they can live with that.
07:10:01 They will look no further down the track.
07:10:08 An extra repo.
07:10:11 Yeah.
07:10:18 Not the repo sorry branch.
07:10:21 Oh.
07:10:38 Didn't know
07:10:42 renovate slash Configure.
07:10:46 I'm sorry, what was it, it's the Browns called renovate slash configure with to something for from by light source I think
07:11:04 that's a bit overkill for the meeting, maybe.
07:11:11 Andreas Thank you.
07:11:15 Yeah. Sorry for being late.
07:11:17 Right.
07:11:19 But you are going to be proxy today so no next week, next week after that. Okay.
07:11:31 Okay.
07:11:32 Anyone else have anything for real inch.
07:11:40 The elephant security team reply to Alex and Kristof's questions via email so if you guys have any questions on that or want to comment back on that let me know
07:11:57 if you guys need another meeting with them scheduled to let me know and I can arrange that.
07:12:08 That was in response to a inquiry from sitcom.
07:12:12 Yes. Regarding the support for Docker images scans.
07:12:22 If you want, I can also send a reminder what they replied happened I believe yesterday or the day before yesterday.
07:12:36 Okay.
07:12:38 Figure just drop the, the link into the chat with the email thread that would be.
07:12:47 No, thank you.
07:12:47 Thank you.
07:12:53 Thank you. Okay, um, if nothing else, folks that are just joining Vishal Sharma from Spark, New Zealand hopped on at the very beginning of the call.
07:13:07 Let us know that they would be going live soon so that was pretty cool information to hear.
07:13:14 What does that mean exactly Kenny,
07:13:19 that they are going to be using.
07:13:22 As I understand it, they're going to be using own app components and in production.
07:13:26 Okay, I don't, I don't know specifically what components, but at least something.
07:13:40 Yeah I know, we had some interaction with them, several months ago and I think actually I think Jason was looking into that a little bit.
07:13:50 But yeah, that's great news.
07:13:59 Okay, I'm moving on then to TLC elections.
07:14:07 Got the link there, the email that went out, I will drop the email into the chat window.
07:14:19 There's the link to the email.
07:14:22 The active community members.
07:14:26 The list is here.
07:14:31 And
07:14:35 basically, if it's red, you're not qualified if it's green you're qualified.
07:14:44 Sorry for the scrolling. I know that's annoying over the line.
07:14:51 Again, reminding the community that an active community member is defined as any more 20 more measurable contributions during the previous 12 month period.
07:15:02 This is inclusive of code merged code reviews that have been performed wiki page edits, which consists of creation modification comments or attachments or JIRA activities in the form of creation modification comment or closure.
07:15:21 The information was pulled from the leaderboard.
07:15:24 The link to the leaderboard is there if you want to do some investigation yourself.
07:15:31 If.
07:15:33 But it was pulled basically from seven to seven.
07:15:42 There were some specific records that I had to manually merge, because somebody might have been listed under contributions under two different IDs, but they're the same person so I just merged the records.
07:15:59 Anyway, so you can go down through the list.
07:16:03 Take a look at it.
07:16:08 If you are not qualified, and you believe the information is incorrect.
07:16:16 Please add a comment to the bottom of the page with what you believe is wrong. I will look into it.
07:16:23 If you believe you are qualified due to your participation in external contributions on the part of the part of own app. Please follow section 4111 in the technical community document,
07:16:44 which says
07:16:54 has the information on how you can petition for an exception that is at the full discretion of the TASC.
07:17:05 But there are the instructions to do that.
07:17:12 Now folks may have noticed that I just did a find up here, rather than just clicking on a link to go there. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get the index to work.
07:17:36 And I.
07:17:41 Yeah.
07:17:43 So there you have it, this is at least used for reference and then you can do a search down to the section you might be interested in.
07:17:52 But yeah, I can't get the index to actually work this is another artifact of having a massive, massive list their
07:18:11 nominations close on the 21st.
07:18:20 Their leader leaderboard okay Hang on.
07:18:35 Looking at lean Liam's notes,
07:18:46 the chat window so
07:18:53 that just worked for me and let me log out of that,
07:19:01 try clicking the link again.
07:19:17 Yeah, sometimes we might think, Oh, good night might be just I'm using Firefox think it's my browser or something I checked the difference not apart. Okay.
07:19:33 Anyways, well I'm having this up, it's it's probably worth noting, noting that
07:19:41 there there are columns that you won't see on the
07:19:50 that you won't see listed here because they aren't relevant in the context of that so they've been removed from this table to avoid.
07:20:05 to avoid cluttering things up but there are
07:20:12 great many things here that are listed.
07:20:18 As you can see, there are 72 pages worth of this stuff and I doubt that anyone wants to scroll through 72 pages.
07:20:27 The best thing to do would just be hit an export that'll create a, a CSV file that you can then go in, bring into your spreadsheet of choice.
07:20:43 Otherwise if you're not listed here at the top, it may you know you may click click click click click click click click click click through pages to find your name.
07:20:57 Okay for folks that are interested in
07:21:03 running. I have a candidate page setup here.
07:21:09 Nominations closed on the 21st.
07:21:13 Please fill in your information on the blue line in the candidate column please use a.
07:21:22 Your atmosphere macro and then drop a picture of your, your headshot.
07:21:28 If you desire in there.
07:21:32 But I've added.
07:21:34 Quite a few of those. If more are needed you can go through and just add the lines yourself.
07:21:42 So please do that.
07:21:46 But you, you absolutely
07:21:50 must respond to the email that I sent out here.
07:21:56 So reply all to that, so that everyone can see.
07:22:02 Now there was one thing that
07:22:07 may have been confusing to some people.
07:22:12 I put here there's no restrictions to the number of people from a company or group of companies that may run for an available see.
07:22:19 You also don't need to be a member of a company or a member of a group of companies in own app, you can be an individual contributor. And you can also run for and vote for
07:22:37 the, for one of these seats.
07:22:41 The reason that this wording is in there, that's specifically part of the community document, and that's to prevent company with a number of subsidiaries.
07:22:57 From
07:23:00 from being elected to a seat so only the, the, As I say down here.
07:23:09 Only the top rank folks from a particular company or group of companies will be elected.
07:23:15 So, if there are five folks from a company that have that have submitted a nomination. Only the person from that company, receiving the highest number of votes would be elected to the TASC
07:23:34 kind of cruise through things pretty quick there. Are there any questions.
07:23:47 I will hurry up before my vacation.
07:23:51 Probably. Probably. Probably advisable. Yeah. Yeah.
07:23:56 Okay.
07:24:04 Okay, I'm
07:24:08 moving on the community awards, the nominations were scheduled to end yesterday.
07:24:19 We didn't get a lot of input and I think probably part of that is I did not take into account the fact that at least here in the US, and
07:24:34 in, I believe in Israel, maybe some other places that Monday was a holiday.
07:24:44 So, I'm, I'm suggesting that we extend that out to the 17th which is not this Friday but next Friday.
07:24:58 Any thoughts, opinions on that.
07:25:10 Okay, I'm going to mark that as agreed.
07:25:27 And again, my apologies for not taking into consideration the holiday when I, when I did that, I'll send a note out to the community on that today.
07:25:41 Letting folks know that it's been extended.
07:25:46 Thank you for your patience.
07:25:49 Once I'm coming up.
07:25:54 Please register.
07:25:59 It's now an all virtual event. If you are planning on going to cube con.
07:26:05 It's going to remain as I believe a hybrid event.
07:26:12 Reason for the difference is that the own app community.
07:26:19 Well, the, the networking community is extremely International.
07:26:29 Whereas for for cube con.
07:26:34 We can still get a pretty strong face to face presence, even if it's only people from coming from.
07:26:44 Just California. So that's, that's the difference there.
07:26:49 The other stuff is way off in the future.
07:26:55 I know that for one summit that the
07:27:00 cloud native Task Force is going to be having a presentation there was on the meeting earlier this morning and
07:27:11 discussions about the preparations for getting that are underway.
07:27:19 That's it for today's agenda folks.
07:27:23 So, I can either say thank you and we can hang up, or if if somebody if we wanted to talk about some of the things related to the technical community document, and the life cycle updates.
07:27:44 When you do that, or we can just do that email.
07:27:47 Kenny I have just a couple more updates on release status. Boom.
07:27:54 Yeah, I just while Kenny was working through the agenda, I went back and looked at the remaining m three tasks. And I realized that they were all tasks that get repeated in, and four.
07:28:11 So obviously, if, if we're referring to him for there's no reason to have two tasks so I went through and closed all of those, those tasks so all of the tasks for am three are now closed.
07:28:26 And so, we just have them for tasks to deal with. but I will point out that looking at the milestone status.
07:28:38 770 percent of our projects have made no progress on them for tasks with one week to go.
07:28:47 And that's not great.
07:28:50 So details, if you're on the call.
07:28:54 Please take a look at your am four tasks, and, and, and please.
07:29:02 You know, make some progress on those. We have one week to go.
07:29:06 Thank you.
07:29:26 Can I just ask one question is Tom here from CPS about some of the four tasks, it's especially the project maturity tables as a table that we need to complete. A lot of these goals depend on stability test on the latest delivery solo bit surprised why
07:29:32 does that particular task has to be done before and for, as opposed to, after and for because we don't have to release yet so it seems a bit strange to me.
07:29:45 Well, we, we should be delivering our containers, by, by, and four so we should know what
07:29:56 progress we've made on maturity right.
07:30:00 Am I missing something. Now there is one of these one or two of these points on that table so I don't have it at hand today they referred to stability tests, need to be run with the latest image.
07:30:15 And if I yeah I'm actually trying to understand and I'm not quite sure and I think CPS because of a new project we have our own test that we aren't doing our own verify jobs, but I understand since recently that were not included yet in in some kind of
07:30:29 of overall test where all these tests are being run, but still seems to be a bit of a chicken and egg the wrong way around so we need to deliver first, and then these tests are being run with the latest image and then we know whether that stable okay
07:30:43 yeah I see what you're saying. Yeah.
07:30:46 Well, that could be just a result of maybe some confusion in the new process because we.
07:30:57 You'll recall that we rolled out the new promise process release process for Honolulu. And then at Honolulu we decided that we needed to have an M for milestone.
07:31:10 And so we had a, we had a meeting where we went through the old m three tasks and decided which one should be part of them for and which ones should remain the them three.
07:31:26 And that one got moved to em for, but maybe that needs to be revisited, and maybe moved out to the release candidate milestone. So I will, I keep a running list of items to review as part of the retrospective for process improvement so I'll add that to
07:31:51 my list. Okay.
07:32:00 Okay. Thanks David.
07:32:34 They capture that right David.
07:32:40 Yeah, I think so.
07:32:42 Okay,
07:32:46 one, one, I guess.
07:33:04 Just not, is that that's one option is to move it to our seats, I would just say to to consider that, or to consider what to do with the,
07:33:04 the maturity task.
07:33:13 Sorry, go ahead, someone on screen to say it was me on this. So again, I wanted to just verify with Dan and maybe this issue.
07:33:23 whether we have any progress on the maintenance release.
07:33:27 So I said, I think we're, especially wanted to provide some, some Docker images as, as all images to be then ready for the cherry picking for for 400 Ludo right.
07:33:43 Right. The cherry picking is done a Docker images are built to just release them on omo one thing, which was blocking me was actually to include both CDs and so practice packages in the same release.
07:33:54 Yeah, 183 of so in one month I have struggled with 11 believes, everything is done the only final thing for me was actually to make the batch om I got my mash tun sometime before my period, and then I'm good to go for that release.
07:34:12 Yeah, so that means I think this is the final patch I think we are waiting for the Honolulu maintenance release and then I think we can be done if it's successful deployed and tested and waiting for okay during the day the maintenance release, because
07:34:29 I also prepared. At the moment, but this will then be continued bye bye bye bye Eric then the, the composite release notes for the documentation for the hundred awakens me so that means in most likely next or next week or the week after if we are lucky,
07:34:49 we can expect maybe then the maintenance window. Okay, great.
07:34:56 It's a session this is Dan were you planning to push out a, an update dental om rolled. So any questions or should I or anyone do that, no I link to both Dan because the gating will not pass with a drop template, without a drop.
07:35:11 So, I'll actually push a change with the CDs moments five and so wanted to do with the way we did for the samples.
07:35:19 Okay, good. Yeah, sure.
07:35:22 Just want to make sure we weren't in a deadlock situation.
07:35:26 Exactly.
07:35:27 Sure.
07:35:29 And you can you can I don't think we're in the past or you can also review it, if I made some mistakes.
07:35:44 Okay. Anything else on the release
07:35:49 those releases.