TSC 2021-04-08

TSC 2021-04-08

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Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status


Honolulu RC0 approved by the TSC

Feedback about CPS waiver regarding documentation of requested waiver (HTTP vs HTTPS)  #AGREED approved by the TSC

RC1 Status

-  Honolulu Milestone Status

Requirements - 93%

  • Network Slicing (REQ-699/698) - how can we move forward?

Projects - 90% 

-MSB no new container since Frankfurt container. No impact identified for the use case, feature and spec. Original Scope: MSB Honolulu Release Planning

Confirmed by the MSB PTL.

Next steps for SO, CPS, VNFRQTS, SDNC/CCSDK? Waiver?

 - Honolulu Release Integration Testing Status 

Recommendations to finalize the release no later than April 22th:

  • Release RC2/Sign-Off tasks
  • Kenny Paul  kick-off offline TSC vote about RC1 remaining tasks to be completed by RC2/Sign-off date = April 22nd


Guilin Maintenance


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
    • IT-21710 - Only Docker snapshot is possible
    • IT-21812 - Intermittent issue under monitoring
    • IT-21854 - Nexus - can we setup a reverse proxy?
      • LF IT to investigate the reverse proxy request
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

PTL Updates

Doc Project Review, Portal

Doc -

  • Kenny to reschedule this topic to another week?

Portal - Feedback from Committers

PTL Updates


Congratulations Illia Halych, our new Integration Committer 

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Kenny Paul

Committer Representative to the LFN Governing Board

Amy Zwarico (big grin)

TCC / ONAP Liaison Update


Formal alignment between ONAP/ORAN SC about SMO 

No update - meeting was canceled on April 1st, 2021

Next meeting scheduled on April 15th, 2021

Task Force Updates
CNF, ONAP Enterprise, Wiki 2.0

Wiki 2.0 - New Task Force led by Timo PeralaRanny Haiby

Goal: Redefine the structure of the ONAP wiki, to identify the relevant pages, to create onboarding for newbies, etc.


On April 22nd, task force will collect any ONAP SDC requirement/capability to support commercial CNFs.

ONAP Enterprise - Next meeting scheduled on April 14th.

Next call about 5G Super Blueprint on April 20th, 2021

TSC Activities and Deadlines

TSC 2.0

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

2021 Internships - Call for project proposals and mentors 

LFN Webinar Series

2021 LFN Developer & Testing Forum June

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:46 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
07:00:46 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:01:08 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:01:32 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:01:42 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:01:51 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:01:51 From Mike Elliott to Everyone : #info proxy Mike Elliott, Amdocs
07:02:22 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:02:32 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:02:32 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
07:02:41 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:04:07 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info, Catherine Lefevre
07:04:07 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:05:47 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message) : You may be speaking while muted
07:06:27 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
07:08:51 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Please skip the release status
07:10:16 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:10:19 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : Sorry for being late
07:16:46 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : nothing is shared
07:18:35 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : thanks Kenny ;-)
07:24:33 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : I apologize, I have to step out for an urgent call for 15 minutes. BRB
07:30:02 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : what's IT Nbr?
07:30:35 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : it is IT-21710
07:31:26 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : congrats!!
07:31:34 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Congratulations Amy
07:31:45 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : Congratulations Amy
07:54:25 From Toine SIEBELINK (EST) to Everyone : connection issues, apologies
07:55:38 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : we will need to conclude in 5 mins to discuss release status
08:14:09 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone : On OOM side, we are waiting for 4 patches to be merged:
08:14:23 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone : 3 on SO, one on DMaaP MR
08:14:51 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/q/hashtag:%22honolulucandidate%22+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)
08:17:32 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : cps exception request https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/i0f7
08:20:27 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #agreed CPS exception is approved by the TSC
08:23:58 From Toine SIEBELINK (EST) to Everyone : CPS Release not is heer: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-cps/en/latest/release-notes.html
08:24:07 From Toine SIEBELINK (EST) to Everyone : it just needs to be updated with latest bug fixes
08:28:42 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : @Kenny - please kick-off offline TSC vote about RC1 remaining tasks to be completd by RC2/Sign-off date = April 22nd
08:29:07 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Sorry David to take it over but wanted to bring key items to TSC in a very fast way to finish on time :-)
08:30:32 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : tnaks Morgan for the update
08:30:45 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : lets deep dive integration blocker on April 12th !!
08:30:51 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : keep going team !!
08:35:05 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : I need to drop
08:35:21 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : So does David.

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These are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:06:05 And yes, I was muted thank you for that whole time I'm.
07:06:14 Okay, I will.
07:06:17 Rather than repeating the anti trust policy I will just say everybody should be familiar with it at this point.
07:06:26 And I will dump it into the chat window.
07:06:30 There you go. Um, do it I have a volunteer today for
07:06:38 gatekeeper services.
07:06:44 Yes.
07:06:45 Can is a shocker, you could make me a gatekeeper. Okay, thank you, very welcome.
07:06:53 Okay notes
07:06:56 here.
07:07:02 That will talk about Honolulu, and stumble.
07:07:11 Talk about range should have some
07:07:19 feedback.
07:07:21 Today, regarding doc project and status there, and
07:07:29 with the
07:07:32 related to the documentation sow in that regard.
07:07:40 I will do a quick double check and see if there were any responses from portal books but I did not see any earlier.
07:07:50 Folks, but I did not see any earlier. Find out from Casey who won the election.
07:07:55 Talk about some overran new wiki task force the rolling up.
07:08:03 The athlete Vito, and then need to get internship proposals signed off by the TASC shocker and I submitted one.
07:08:15 And I don't know if there were any other so we'll look at that anything else that needs to be added.
07:08:25 Okay.
07:08:39 Stop then and turn it over to David.
07:08:35 Thanks Kenny.
07:08:42 Alright, so just as a reminder, last week.
07:08:51 The.
07:08:51 Or maybe it was early this week I can't remember, when the election closed.
07:08:55 Sorry, not the election the boat.
07:08:59 The TSA approved RC zero.
07:09:02 The email vote.
07:09:05 So that one is in the books
07:09:11 can be anything more we need to say about the RC zero boat.
07:09:18 Okay.
07:09:18 All right, so our Caesar was approved by email boat.
07:09:22 Moving on to RC one.
07:09:27 The, the, the projects and requirement owners have been active, trying to meet the Darcy one requirements. So let's take a look at the top and just popped into the chat window saying, if the, If the release status.
07:09:52 guess on audio she doesn't have audio.
07:09:56 Okay, do you want to do, then go on to the next side and then come back release later. What do you want to do.
07:10:10 Yeah, I guess we can
07:10:14 go to do we have just on.
07:10:27 I think that first issue is with the bank. I think he's been working
07:10:26 on
07:10:30 the night, yes he is
07:10:35 kind of middle of the night, earlier.
07:10:41 This one is very tricky. It's some repository some images that's keep on disappearing every once in a while.
07:10:50 A few days ago I disable our cleanup script temporarily I haven't really heard if that made any difference or not
07:11:03 have also taken the logs and send them off to solitary, and they've gotten back to me stating that nothing really is evident in the locks that we send them so
07:11:16 I think this one was filed by Morgan.
07:11:19 Correct.
07:11:22 Yep.
07:11:34 It's not a new problem, it appears in the past and it's not systematic so it's very, very strange.
07:11:42 Since the cleanup mechanism has been disabled.
07:11:45 I did not upsell any, any issue since about one week.
07:11:50 And when we got to issue what was very strange it depends on on the subset of locale not all of them, we could expect that it would be the same for all the documents would be part of them.
07:12:02 And I think this morning, somebody from, you know, I think they're good also some strange issues when they saw in the shrinking slug that the Tokyo published, but the last latest Docker correspond to February last year or so and that's the one from this
07:12:30 that still strange things around the web chain forest for the shape after one week we found out the problem. And when we have a problem there, walk around is to force a builder better when it happens when you took us during the night, and we have a three
07:12:38 or four chain. Then, of course, we have no.
07:12:42 We have no results because we don't answer. Okay.
07:12:45 But since when we get I didn't observe it again. and here I'm totally blind from integration perspective it's somewhere between the Nexus, and the Jenkins stuff or so it sits behind the stage for me.
07:12:59 But I tell you I don't know, whatever, but we observe it. Yeah, time to time on it.
07:13:07 Yeah, it's puzzling because it's possible to force for producing it, which can just observe it.
07:13:16 I disable the cleanup script on the sixth of April.
07:13:21 So it's been a few days so I guess we just let it be. Until for a week or so and see how it goes.
07:13:28 Okay, so I said this info one week or even two days before the six. I didn't upsell the prom again but it happened so I will have a look and effect, I see that again I will, I will come back to you.
07:13:43 Brilliant. Thank you.
07:14:01 EZCRY it was supposed to have migrated yesterday I didn't hear anything.
07:14:13 So I don't know whether it actually did.
07:14:13 And if I get a pin back from the team then I guess I will let you guys know, it didn't I will find you know when when the next target is what's supposed to happen yesterday.
07:14:28 Normally, when the next target is what happened yesterday. Does migration mean version one you I will not be usable. After the migration, after the shoot me
07:14:41 because I just use the version one UI this morning.
07:14:46 cuz I just used the version one UI this morning. Oh, interesting. Okay.
07:14:50 Try version to version one still work. An hour ago.
07:14:55 Oh, they said it was transitioned.
07:15:00 Well that's good for information because they said yet it won't move.
07:15:06 So, let me get some clarification on that.
07:15:11 In
07:15:14 the message transition he's the one that you even notice it. Absolutely.
07:15:21 She said it was in the afternoon. So that would have been very late in Europe.
07:15:31 Well, Randy, Randy is about 10 miles for me so it's sort of Europe.
07:15:43 We have a very European whether these days so maybe very European European niche.
07:15:54 Okay, so I will all find some clarification.
07:16:02 My, my understanding was that the old one should have been turned off maybe they're just running them in parallel and they made the new one available so I'll get clarification on that let you guys know, um,
07:16:18 there was supposed to be a discussion on
07:16:29 with brands I don't see Brandon online.
07:16:34 I'm not sure that that he's even available right now so we might need to push that piece of it out till next week.
07:16:46 us online.
07:16:49 Know Andreas Do you have any
07:16:53 line of sight into the recent discussions around the contract.
07:16:58 No, I have not followed it so I know that he has so Brandon has replied, because I had some remarks read a regarding the missing issues.
07:17:14 And he wanted just to let say of forward that I think yeah that was the last the last information I had but uh no no further comments as I see so I'll pass along for consideration that that was everything which I got last week.
07:17:35 Yeah, first of.
07:17:38 But no, no further. That's a information so I sent him a mail, of what in our respect would be missing still for the, the firewall to close books tutorial, and that was what I what I sent him I think that you were you were on cc I think last one was from
07:18:01 from Brandon but no no further
07:18:06 information.
07:18:06 Okay, um,
07:18:10 yeah, I think that we're on the same page there.
07:18:13 Okay, thank you will get that rescheduled Catherine I see you're dropping that in the notes. Thank you so much.
07:18:21 I guess I could share my page.
07:18:25 That might be a polite thing to do.
07:18:29 So portal, last week.
07:18:34 There was a decision that if
07:18:42 we could not find folks that wanted to step up to be competitors for the portal project that we would transition it to be an unmaintained project. I sent mail to.
07:19:04 Let's see here 12345678 to about eight different contributors to the portal project.
07:19:18 All, which would be
07:19:24 reasonable to be promoted from contributor to consider status. I'm not a single one responded.
07:19:32 So, I would say, we move forward then with what was decided last week and portal becomes and unmaintained project.
07:19:58 Doing etc vote on that agreement or anything that was, that was agreed to last week.
07:20:12 Okay, cool. So if it's just happening non don't need to look for it.
07:20:18 Believe me, I'm more than fine with that decision.
07:20:23 Yep.
07:20:27 thing.
07:20:33 Okie doke. So there's that.
07:20:58 Moving on, we have a new computer and integration area, which hopefully I'm pronouncing that correctly.
07:20:52 So congratulations.
07:20:54 Kenny, before we move forward. I see that you ended. The lf it topic.
07:21:02 So that there is one more ticket that I rise to recently that I would like to talk about to make DSC aware of it.
07:21:10 So the ticket number is 21854.
07:21:17 And it's actually related to Nexus.
07:21:20 So the reason why I created this ticket is that from time to time we are being we I mean all em team is being asked by different companies that are trying to join on that are deployed for the first time.
07:21:36 Why we are serving our containers on that kind of non standard ports. I mean for 10,001 10,000 to 10,003. And if we couldn't move that to something that is not blocked by default by most of the corporate firewalls.
07:22:00 So, it finally take me to the point to create a ticket for that.
07:22:07 Because it seems that setting up, if we can, we could set up a repository group and serve everything on there a single domain.
07:22:18 Or, if not, we could at least set up three reverse proxies, that would simply mop standard board 4432 those known star and our next sports.
07:22:32 Say, I wanted to get feedback from people if anyone is aware. What was the reason of setting up next is in this way.
07:22:40 And what do you think about migrating from non standard ports to reverse proxies that would allow people to access Docker images without any issues from behind, corporate firewall.
07:23:04 I believe a bank Do you have this conversation with me yesterday. Right.
07:23:10 Yeah. if, can you scroll down a bit.
07:23:16 I put down some in there. There's a Nexus using 4443 by itself, and then we can't use that one more. So we have three, which we can use think that that's clear and that's perfectly fine for us.
07:23:31 The question is if we could set up a reverse proxy to simply monitor that so have a domain like run Docker release, Doc. Next is the owner of the anything and serve content on standard port, and then just internally, use that proxy to map it to whatever
07:23:51 report Nexus needs to have I
07:23:56 don't know the answer on that phone at this point.
07:24:01 So there was actually a comment from Sylvia, that we could set up a group Docker, and even if setting up a group Docker, so if setting up a group Docker is possible, then we could go with a single reverse proxy.
07:24:17 If it is not possible we would need three reverse proxies, but still the setup should be pretty straightforward as they would be all the same, just the force would be different, right.
07:24:32 So, having three domains and three reverse proxies, at most, may save a lot of time for people who are creating and renewing their firewall and exceptions and it could make things easier for new people who are joining the community as they would not need
07:24:50 to figure out how to get that kind of exception in their companies
07:24:59 to bit from that. Yeah, we've got, your name is is is basically a barrier to contribution for new members.
07:25:11 So even not to contribution even to using because when they try to deploy your own app you need to have access from your lab to those non standard ports right and most companies.
07:25:23 Simply block access from labs to anything HTTP or HTTPS.
07:25:34 And I gave that we can have only one for guys a group, the capital so I see that 10 one is one that you use the by everybody as it to the ones are most prestigious version of the Sega so I guess that it's less than that.
07:25:55 Then, then the one which is attend Jojo one, I don't even know where ways, but you'd be ranked in Georgia.
07:26:22 With that techies tend to Joanna I guess is the one we would like to have with any address, but you know for for for
07:26:15 any HTTPS.
07:26:19 I can, of course, better anything except.
07:26:24 Yep. Last one from my side. Exactly.
07:26:40 You have also to NFL tickets on my side, dealing with.
07:26:57 So two categories of the cost testing doctors and so the testing locales article that I'm rebuilding every day. And that I'm tagging with the name of the release and so it's not like the components that are used to tag with food timestamp and then we
07:27:02 can promote this snapshot with a full time stamped into a release that something really I need to reboot every day because in this doctor I collect lots of upstream dependencies for all the tests.
07:27:15 So that's why I want to test for given versions are, and I'm using that script today on I can build a Docker, but due to the fact that I'm using the version as a tag, I'm not able to promote them on to release them, because they expect this timestamp
07:27:35 tag Russians. So, I'm blocked at the moment because I can use the script in order to be daily look I want but they can be on the snapshot on I have no possibility to release them with a self service mechanism.
07:27:53 So I think we need to find a way to do that because it's not very unusual to to reveal things every day for snapshot with the same name, same time, but I didn't see any, any options are.
07:28:10 And I cannot, I don't have the rights to manually promote a snapshot into a release because we need to use all sorts of scripts that are provided by lF.
07:28:19 So, we need to figure out how to manage that. Because, first of all, not I'm unable to officially release fall to test.
07:28:30 It's only snapshot and we can see that if they disappear somewhat sometimes so we don't have a discussion, as we are normally discussion we cannot synchronize with locale either, which could be an alternative or so to to provide that.
07:28:45 Okay. So, I think we have still open question. Two tickets are open I'm discussing with Benton with other people from NF but probably we need to dig a little bit.
07:28:58 It can be possible to manage that.
07:29:01 Are you getting blocked because the self released least fails because the version that you're wanting to release with is not a semantic version right you're failing because it says it expected.
07:29:15 And that's not the one I give because I'm using a neutral script formula, but it's based on to brunch on that on the time.
07:29:22 So, it's a little bit, and you can you go admins reviewer to the change.
07:29:29 Yeah, I can take a look there if it is a semantic version issue that is a big, a little bit of a bigger problem because the TASC approve that only semantic versions can be released.
07:29:44 So, if that is the issue then it's going to be a little bit of a bigger discussion, but, tag me, tag me in the change that your have your release file and I can take a look.
07:29:56 Okay, it's done.
07:30:09 The reference photo minutes it's 21 710.
07:30:20 Thank you so much.
07:30:25 I noticed, Catherine had a question about NPR.
07:30:29 What is that
07:30:34 she's asking what the ID number was cold and number. Yeah. Okay. All right.
07:30:52 I misunderstood that it was an acronym. Sorry I misunderstood.
07:30:52 So,
07:30:56 moving on, I have asked everybody for a drumroll here.
07:31:05 Your best from all.
07:31:12 Because
07:31:15 I would like to announce Amy's work Oh, you are the new committee representative to the governing board
07:31:26 graduations, congratulations.
07:31:31 Thank you. Congrats.
07:31:37 He was sending out the mail just as I pinged him.
07:31:51 So I will get you
07:31:54 all set up a time with you to go over your onboarding for that. And we'll do that all offline as part of my governing board.
07:32:10 Congratulations there.
07:32:13 Okay.
07:32:18 Ran Catholic.
07:32:25 Yes, so can you hear me No. Yes we can.
07:32:30 Okay so congratulation to Amy, and then I don't have any data to share with you because the meeting last week was confirmed or next alignment discussion with do one is CTC is give your own 15.
07:32:48 Ron is CTC is give you them 15. After the TC call to again next week I will not be able to tell you. But I think the first meeting one will express last week.
07:33:05 And we might be able to have a joint agreements, in the sense that the next step might be that they're all requirement and architecture subcommittee should sit down with the fantasy.
07:33:17 I think the call them requirement team or she picked your team but we need to finalize the process. Next week, and move to come next week.
07:33:34 And then I believe I need to continue.
07:33:39 So, we all realize that some time of wiki is full of useful information but it's not always easy for newbies or for people who wants to start to learn about own app to understand what are the latest information out of the wiki older they are using the,
07:34:03 the release notes.
07:34:04 So, Ty and honey have accepted to to believe, to, to lead a new task goals that I call Ricky to the OBD can say the name of their convenience.
07:34:20 And the idea would be to first of all, probably to collect your feedback, how we can make it better. But I would suggest also to meet new companies who are trying to be on boarded to, to understand how they are toggling to navigate into the own up wiki.
07:34:41 So, I don't know the more money you want to add anything because it's new.
07:34:46 And it's not only team on Canada we all the shoe. I want to use the opportunity of this call to make a call for volunteers. Maybe the documentation team could also be part of that with the documentation had to demo in honey.
07:35:05 And I also suggest we will send an email to the owner community on the TC and on Denise goes to have additional volunteer because it's not a one day job.
07:35:20 The mo honey anything else you would like to say
07:35:24 nothing really special specific here I think what you said. Just emphasizing the need for as many voices as possible because I think people have different, different take on big different use cases, but they want to, but they needed for.
07:35:45 So we need to need to get a good handle on that, and that that will lead only to the improvements, running.
07:35:55 Yeah, I would just add that you don't get to complain if you don't participate so either you accept whatever changes are made or you join the effort. And make sure you like, what, where things are going.
07:36:16 And thank you
07:36:19 do want me to set up a new mailing list for that task force.
07:36:26 Yeah, I think similarly to the other schools that we think it would be nice to have a dedicated meaningless. Then, and wiki page.
07:36:36 So it will facilitate facilitate the dialogue. But again, I let's see mo and honey to decide who they want to run it.
07:36:45 But I think it would be helpful. Yes.
07:36:51 As I think I've also discussed this with Thomas, a colleague so from. And I think that we will definitely join you the task force as well
07:37:05 as we had any way worked on this in previous releases, to get rid of old content. When merge current or move content to read the docs, we, I think have also kind of ideas for that.
07:37:26 So mainly muster no mailing list.
07:37:38 Was that a question.
07:37:40 That was a question.
07:37:41 The answer is yes.
07:37:48 Thank you.
07:38:03 Okay, happy to do so.
07:38:06 The Enterprise.
07:38:11 Oh sorry, I got to do the Gospels update.
07:38:13 The next I just wanted to remind people that the next one I bumped up price will be on at 14. The last one was really energizing, we have the US Navy, giving us a little bit more insight about the OBS by ZLFN project project project program.
07:38:35 We are behind the scene, it's the Pharisees took a blueprint, which will be somehow implemented. I think you booked unity at the same time, to invite your soul to look at the sizes you can blueprint.
07:38:51 The next goal is on April 20.
07:38:55 And if you want to follow up this IT support blueprint, which will be somehow coupon lead the execution plan of the vision is not yet fallen in the stone.
07:39:07 You have information about the meaningless.
07:39:09 The calendar or the slack channels, and the minutes from the previous meeting as well.
07:39:15 On this page, and find any lucky latest update.
07:39:20 Regarding the own app.
07:39:25 Growth not discussed. We would like to invite third party vendors or carriers, anybody who are dealing with commercial cnn to join us on the 22nd of April, because it's asked for food like to collect, if there is any particular requirement that we need
07:39:43 to announce in the sec project to support this commercial, CNN, we don't ask if the secret sauce, of the CNS, we just need to be sure that one. If the carrier or other other companies wants to onboard this unit that you're selling.
07:40:06 We can do it, who own up and they flow, maybe you have any particular requirement.
07:40:20 Please join us on the 22nd. And I think the opportunity to ask of as the Cpl. As the project team to be part of the discussion as well, because we have some people would like also to provide some initial feedback about the recent project.
07:40:34 Otherwise, so take these dates of birth of your agenda. So that's all, gathering the gospel.
07:40:43 Update. and we can move to the PSC Google. Oh, so Kimmy actually Catherine, if I may.
07:41:03 I'd like to hop, internships, because we know that we've got a deadline on delivering those tomorrow,
07:41:01 if that's okay with you.
07:41:24 So we've got a couple in here we've got one that's been approved already there.
07:41:36 We've got two new ones. One is the policy enhancements. And the other one is the own app, architecture, navigator.
07:41:48 Are there any here that are for own app that that are vital own app.
07:42:01 Okay, we'll hop into the policy enhancements.
07:42:12 Let's see here. this is
07:42:16 Jim and Pam and Amy would one of you like to walk through this.
07:42:24 I think um, I don't know if I saw Jim. Jim on the call. But yes i period. Okay, Jim, do you want to run, walk through this one.
07:42:33 I'll let you walk through it I can talk about the Zach small piece if you want.
07:42:39 Perfect.
07:42:41 We, we bundled a couple of things together in this one.
07:42:45 The primary on this is to actually do some improved some enhancements to the policies alcohol PDP specifically around adding flexible time and constraints and also a bunch of code refactoring, so it is this is a coding, and a Java coding internship, however
07:43:04 we put a few of other, other things in it as well. One of them is just the maintenance of the apparent palm file that's, that's a quick task but something that will be helpful for them to do.
07:43:20 Also, we want to get some Python security improvements in all of this. Throughout this so being able to go through some of the findings in both Nexus IQ and so on our cloud.
07:43:34 And then finally, to help out with some of the images you know we have, we don't have base images that are part of integration for, for everything that we need so we do find that we get these one off based based one off images.
07:43:48 And that's, that's not a, a negative term, it's, but it would be nice if we can get somebody to help to create some additional base images for things like Alpine.
07:43:59 That will remove things like having both Java and having multiple images of Python or Java in there which we know that in the Java and Python upgrades we've run into problems with that.
07:44:13 So, it's kind of these four areas, they're unrelated but we think that some of them are small tasks and the largest task would be desirable PDP enhancements.
07:44:39 There's the learning objectives of Dutch display their the expected outcomes which is the most important piece.
07:44:49 That's, that's nice that we continue to announce all by hand, because upon its comment, say more of us by the project team to ensure that the security really happy Dallas, so what the thing is, it's good, it's a good optimization of interns.
07:45:15 Combining critical topics and having additional Hence, it does not help.
07:45:20 So any any feedback from the GC, and we are limited corporate proposition, Kenny to 40 million we don't need ya know we've got there appears to be three and we are we are applying there.
07:45:36 Okay, look for any questions.
07:45:46 I think we need to review all of them and we think it's a good proposition to the so I was asking if the TC has any additional questions before we we agree or disagree or whatever.
07:45:52 proposers, do we need to vote on that Katrina, which is a process.
07:46:06 We need to provide your feedback.
07:46:10 If possible today because of that line is really tomorrow So, do it now if you don't mind.
07:46:23 Yeah, so that's
07:46:27 should have gotten that copy
07:46:33 that down instead.
07:46:38 And I will work on the formatting so I'm having just reviewed that.
07:46:44 Is there an agreement from the to see that this is an approved internship.
07:46:52 I'm going to market as such, unless there are any objections to doing so.
07:47:03 And thank you again for the people who are submitting your internship because as I said, it's maybe some investment, but it's also an opportunity to, to have additional people to factor area where we not always trying to tackle So thank you again to me
07:47:26 Berman dream and also to Cisco for provide last week, another proposition which is already approved.
07:47:35 What's next, what's next is the owner architecture navigator.
07:47:41 I can either drive through this, or, but probably better chakra does.
07:47:49 I'm sure I could do that.
07:47:52 So, just to bring everybody up to speed as to where we are, we.
07:48:00 There seems to be a high degree of interest from the Linux Foundation so basically make the, the architecture navigator, as part of the open source Linux Foundation open source community so we are in the process of basically moving the navigator, to the
07:48:30 Linux Foundation, infrastructure, if you will, at this point in time. Yes, Thank you.
07:48:32 So, at this point in time.
07:48:36 We have released to that one to that one is fairly stable in the dresses, many of the features that we added to the, if you could go back one page, please.
07:48:52 And you could see at the top it says on the ark navigator to that one stable.
07:48:59 So, the thought here, or the approach is to get an intern, to help with the process of migrate and the code of my, my own Cloud account and onto the Linux Foundation account,
07:49:22 and also the plan would be to provide a new domain name of oil that is Linux Foundation domain name.
07:49:31 The code is already in GitHub.
07:49:35 So we would have to basically migrate the code that is in my own GitHub account on to the Linux Foundation account.
07:49:46 So this proposal is to find an intern, that is familiar with PHP JSON HTML, CSS, and some knowledge with Apache to web server to basically help with the basically migration process from my private that count and onto the Linux Foundation account.
07:50:07 There's a second piece of this, which is, this needs to be maintained going forward and we need a community to do it.
07:50:18 So besides just the fundamental migration of the application into a production space.
07:50:27 This needs to be launched as a new own app project.
07:50:34 In order to make sure that it can be maintained that we've got the repo setup and everything that goes along with that. So, the.
07:50:45 We think that this would be a great opportunity for somebody that is also looking to develop some project management skills. Above and beyond just the basic technical nuts and bolts of doing the migration, the migration itself.
07:51:05 We expect to be fairly lightweight task, the, you know, launching a new a new project is a different is an administrative task that we thought might be might be appealing and would be appropriate for, for this particular case.
07:51:31 Can you say I'm sorry but the other concerns with this proposal to the first one. As you may know, we, we lack of some hear from some projects.
07:51:41 So I'm not sure that's a good idea to create a new project within an app. The first part.
07:51:48 The second part we, we always discuss about this new ghetto, whereas is conclude feature I must admit that we said at a level that we should work under the documentation project to improve the communication as a teaser.
07:52:04 Instead of having yet another solution for the documentation.
07:52:08 We still have some difficulties to manage official recommendations a wiki, or some attire. So, if we add another one. I'm not sure we are going towards the right direction.
07:52:22 I agree with it. So I think we have discussed this as well and your documentation project and I think instead of investing it on or doing these kind of, let's say, navigation options inside of another one, another project or another website which it should
07:52:43 have been more investigated in how to, let's say, implement the navigation options within the with the docs which is possible because Eric was or is already working on that.
07:52:57 And I think it would make more sense to do that as a joint one inside of the documentation project.
07:53:10 Is there
07:53:13 any perceived value
07:53:19 in
07:53:23 this type of a navigation.
07:53:27 Because they're from a marketing perspective.
07:53:31 There is.
07:53:34 But, Kenny, the question is not about the value, the idea itself is valuable. And the reason following that kind of navigation because certain guys i right arising here that instead of having a separate project with a separate BTL and deploying that on
07:53:54 separate Cloud account or any, any other. lf account.
07:54:01 We should make it an integral part of all of documentation right we already have a documentation project with fair amount of pages, etc. So, instead of trying to put that somewhere next to that documentation, try to make it an integral part.
07:54:26 Sorry. So let me give you my perspective, right. So, and I really don't care either way.
07:54:33 I'm not advocating one way or the other.
07:54:35 from my perspective.
07:54:38 This is very useful for me. So, I'm going to maintain maintain it because if I need to find something on the wiki, whether it is on at overran LSA, and so on so forth I have a launching pad that I could use to to do that so I did it for initially for
07:54:59 my own benefits but I think I believe that is very very useful for, it would be useful for a lot of people. What this navigator is is a lot more than just a glorified bookmarking system to the existing documentation.
07:55:23 Right.
07:55:24 So it does that.
07:55:27 It also tracks all the,
07:55:32 all the details and it is a dashboard for all the architecture subcommittee reviews.
07:55:42 It basically links all the reviews to all the proper JIRA tickets. It links also the dirt is through the proper documentation.
07:55:52 So to me it's not only just pointing to the documentation is whether it is on wiki or read the docs and basically this is very useful because it gives you one common view of all the documentation, sort of, you don't have to go to read the Docs or the
07:56:10 wiki to find out all the information that you need, but it is a good dashboard, to allow people that are not familiar with the own app to actually explore not only limitations, but the the daily or weekly work that is going on.
07:56:27 It's a great work that's going on at all levels are either C or D PDL level.
07:56:35 So it's not one dimensional.
07:56:38 It's a multi dimensional and then if you, if you look at it, and you take if you take it one step further, you could expand it not only to own app, but also to the rest of the lF and
07:56:56 communities.
07:56:59 So can if you, if you could bring up the, the portal one more time.
07:57:04 And why I'm doing this I think maybe the concern is, if this tool is adopted by elephant and Olson by elephant maybe it might be moved the concern I don't know.
07:57:20 We could, it could be something to be assessed by the new task force and the dog had to say I was playing with it this week, or maybe it was last Friday.
07:57:32 Just to give quickly, some information about newbies, because again, the wiki was was too much. And the release note was the starting point of when right.
07:57:44 What we should have already hit on an information, we always said that the release note is too So, but if we can complement with what has been built here.
07:57:55 Why not, but I think what would be important is that these tools, the old standby elephant.
07:58:01 And then it could be useful order proposal and just own up over just for your personal needs.
07:58:07 Would it help with this driver position.
07:58:12 All do we continue to promote the DVDs known as the first employee.
07:58:18 But the speaker wants to deep dive some component or even.
07:58:28 I think you did something with the spicy soup dumpling.
07:58:28 It could be an easy way that we don't offer a year because of the wiki being extremely.
07:58:40 Yeah, So, yeah.
07:58:44 But yeah, what I don't understand you. Well, we have to keep ZZFCCZT I agree that Ricky's quite a user for now, that's for sure.
07:59:04 But we have a documentation, if you look to OpenStack for example of Cuba natives.
07:59:00 They have a very good documentation so you go to the differentiation side.
07:59:06 So why this cannot be in the result of an upper shaker that's where I didn't understand the way reason to that, that should be that could be.
07:59:21 Well, I think, I think we're, we're probably misunderstanding the purpose of what's being presented over here.
07:59:33 This is not
07:59:38 a platform that supplements, what's in the read the docs, or in the wiki.
07:59:47 This is a platform that helps you navigate through all the documentation, either in the read the docs, or in the wiki.
07:59:59 So for example, if you go to one component that component, and I'm not going to name components but component A could have their documentation and the Redux component be could have their documentation and the wiki.
08:00:19 So how does not that's not not a patient should be and should be on the dock so that your, your doctor should be with it.
08:00:46 It's a different. It's different. Right. Go ahead. I wasn't what I like and it's only a best another opinion right. What I like from from this if we can do it in, in doc in and I've done it wonderfully to have one feature, and you click on a component,
08:01:03 you have the associated components, that's what I enjoy when I look at this and also the size you can play. If we can put that in the owner.
08:01:13 Doc oh now, that will be fantastic because it's when we can do that with emotion.
08:01:28 So I think we should work together but we yes placebo, work together.
08:01:28 Okay so so so so cutting to the chase.
08:01:34 For the internship.
08:01:38 We, we, we can debate the merits of the tool. Exactly. Later, but in the context of the internship I'm hearing a very distinct know.
08:01:56 So the best one could not help to make the bridge.
08:02:01 If it can be implemented. We use the concept and we change the internship proposition to perform what the tool is offered in the doc would it be acceptable.
08:02:16 Again, I'm not pushing.
08:02:19 I just think it's a shame to lose one potentially so if the resource can do what Eric is thinking we could do in we're going to use the concept of Schechter and integrate to own up the doc, it could be an adding value.
08:02:58 Absolutely. So if somebody can pull that together, that we could throw about.
08:02:50 That's absolutely appropriate.
08:02:53 Would you mind to be work the Purple's of the industry proposition. And then I put here on the call willingness community environment check have to work together.
08:03:08 And the, the time for the internship will be to see how we can complete this concept, which I find very good for newbies into the own up and create the first prototype for we stumble so we don't do apologize on the latest, so we don't jeopardize do not
08:03:32 really have a nice note.
08:03:34 Would it be okay.
08:03:35 And that's my proposition if you all agree. Maybe we can use the person to to do this transition we never had a chance to do.
08:03:45 If the TC do not agree then it will remain a no.
08:03:51 Bradley Smith me That sounds like a step to the right direction.
08:04:01 Okay, so who is going to work on.
08:04:03 We work.
08:04:09 Awesome.
08:04:10 Check Are you okay to readjust the composition.
08:04:14 I couldn't adjust the proposal, but it seems to me that Eric can see, I have a.
08:04:23 I mean, they, they understand the media docs obviously lot better than I do. So, they seem to have some ideas as to how we can combine the two and, you know, I'm willing to work with them to just come up, or towards with the proposal for something that
08:04:38 is relevant and agreeable with them to them.
08:04:48 Okay. Either way it doesn't really matter. I mean, To me, whatever we want to do is fine.
08:04:54 Maybe we can put more than one coach, so at least it's becoming a team exercise where we combine your view your way to display the architecture. And then we combined with some developer mindset like designing to make it up and that would be a great coaching
08:05:14 and greater materialisation afterwards, some looking already for want to see the visits.
08:05:26 Everybody agreeing you're invested a concern, some a little bit cautious we have.
08:05:33 I know it's important because we have a deadline, but I was pushing back to Haiti stated at the end and I just realized we will need 25 minutes left.
08:05:41 And I think we need to do a little bit about that before closing the goal.
08:05:46 Do you want to take offline but we have only one day so what did he asked he wants to do. Every agreement that we reshape the proposition.
08:05:58 And we have sector exceeded the coop is proposition.
08:06:03 Can we would in real time and say that this framework has to be work within under the guidelines of the documentation subcommittee.
08:06:13 And that would be the highest level enough to, to, to agree to it now and then just, we don't want to lose the resource right i mean that's the critical piece.
08:06:25 Yeah, it's not exactly what I was only.
08:06:29 So I'm okay. I'm okay with it.
08:06:31 Yeah, I've only got one more video. Okay.
08:06:38 Are we found as you can.
08:06:37 Yes. Don't come in there. So, come on. Yeah,
08:06:53 he's listening, but his
08:06:48 book CPL was a media mission. Yeah, it wasn't important to collaboration ship.
08:06:55 And if we can complete that its own up the doc I think we eat all the bullets, okay.
08:07:01 I'm okay with it.
08:07:07 I can do some rich.
08:07:09 Yeah.
08:07:10 Okay. I don't think we will have an opportunity to talk about KFC to the toe, I will invite the TC to look at it. Some of us have already provided some comments you can change the proposition, you can add comments at the bottom of the wiki.
08:07:27 Let's dedicate it more time on the 15 under 16 we need to do two things, we will have the Tosca Kampala, finding Bussi present it to the GSB follow up by the GC to that Oh, and then we will have the Hindi status.
08:07:42 Moving now to the odd status.
08:07:46 When we give you everything with with baby then I will give the floor to David. They have been quite significant progress over the last two three days.
08:07:57 We are about 93% requirement complete.
08:08:02 And for the next 90%. Nevertheless, I hope Swami is on the bridge, otherwise we urgently. Follow up with Swami, or anybody working on the network slicing because the status, I don't know if the status reflects the tea, and it means this to meet you at
08:08:31 What, because all you're discussing with the marketing team is really to finalize the heads before the end of this month. I think it's doable. Right, considering the the major progress with the project team UN and the testing completion that we have already
08:08:49 on the plate. But the major concern is about the network slicing and I am a little bit concerned if it seems like the IDP because this is a masterpiece.
08:09:04 For own up on the Friday engaged.
08:09:12 Faithful on the front of clients engagement with the US Navy and phone.
08:09:17 So, I don't say we should finish everything about network slicing but we need to have at least a stability to fish you Are you aware of the challenges because you broke the business of a big problem there I'll do one thing I'll get back to you by tomorrow
08:09:34 morning my time.
08:09:36 That will be the evening time of yours, so give me some time I love to talk to Swami about this I'm sure there's there's a lot of progress which we have done on fixed pricing.
08:09:44 So I've been deceived as according
08:09:48 to me because I wanted to see,
08:09:52 because that's really my concern personally when I look at mo everything. No.
08:10:10 We will update the JIRA,
08:10:08 not just you I mean the status of the JIRA will be update formation and I'm sorry WT from speeding up, I just want to be sure that the tip of the key points.
08:10:23 want to highlight to the TC for the project. And thanks to Morgan to highlight that clearly to us because it was definitely It was not totally clear up to now.
08:10:31 So discussing with MSBPDL.
08:10:36 We're looking at what the MSP release planning was proposed women beating was just hoping to improve and you can look under his older the link on the agenda, it's somebody can share the agenda is even.
08:10:52 Great.
08:10:52 So the scope of MSP was focusing on this creepy improvement by Don migration and so the theme did not feel ahead enough. And I would say communication issue whatever we we understand now that the NFB team
08:11:11 suggests that we, we don't take anything from them from the CDs, and we will sue the owner lyric testing, based on the front foot container.
08:11:22 So, the image be we love the fact of the honorable ladies we are inviting them to continue the good word now doing on the SPP and bug fixing as possibly stumbled so that's one thing I wanted to bring to the attention to the TASC because it's a project,
08:11:41 who did what they could, but they could not make completely what they wanted. There is no impact on any use case teacher spec, which was planned. So, we keep going with the form for container.
08:11:57 Now, I had a couple of projects that I don't say they're not doing progress, that's not to.
08:12:15 But I'm not sure if there's anything we can do for this project to close the SE one, and I remember people were out 90% completion of project based on what we've understood from the feedback of the CDN.
08:12:17 It was a snapshot from this morning maybe in the meanwhile, the team, move forward.
08:12:23 But I know I saw CPS vs requirement, and again CCC SZK were progressing with om on the latest one exchange two things books, whatever.
08:12:49 Do we have an issue for this project, or just a question that they need more time, but it would be nice to have a quick tip borings about this project, just to tell us in one of two words, We are on track.
08:12:54 In July is not updated. We are not on track and we have a blocker.
08:12:57 So, thank you.
08:13:03 Yes sir I lead the ship no problem here too. So, yeah, on the associate we are good. Only thing is one great. These pending from IBM side I'm already working with someone about it.
08:13:13 So, it was because of a mismatch on the patch on the base patch of it we had a show which was fun.
08:13:20 We should be good to go with it by tomorrow, so I think with that we should be resources already updated, I have a big release notes I've also taken care of items on the on the wiki on the JIRA sorry.
08:13:32 And this carrot is only thing which is pending even that is not blocking right now I would say, because we still have a backup patch for that too.
08:13:41 This is just to make it better for another look. Otherwise we'll make it all the maintenance also so there's a blocker asset from, from associate.
08:13:47 We're just waiting for one great to know Him to be done and with that we should be good to go.
08:13:54 Okay. Any question for issue based on the feedback so no showstopper.
08:14:01 Just a question that you need one more day to finalize, what do we have to do any question for official before we move to CBS, let me clarify that further.
08:14:12 Derek is already pushed onto om, we are just waiting for it we must because they we, we had issue with that on.
08:14:22 That is what is not because of the same code change it's because of the hierarchy. So we're just waiting for the correct to pass on om and then be pointed to emotional and social events already knowing about it.
08:14:29 It is not a new, new image of something which is already planned.
08:14:32 So, only to make sure the game doesn't crash we were taking step by step. So it's not even, even issue from that settles just want to clarify it further.
08:14:41 Okay, and we have looky looky Silva providing some information while speaking for the people who do not know lick lick remind me to help you to us, to, to tell you who is the next week.
08:14:53 Okay, thank you, Sylvia, to give us information at the same time.
08:15:00 CPF theme I don't know if it is a misunderstanding about to ask, I think it could be.
08:15:06 Is there anything we can do to help you have with one on the call.
08:15:13 There's a.
08:15:16 There was the
08:15:34 thing that was
08:15:28 the exceptional work.
08:15:34 The exception was discussed last week.
08:15:39 There was no proposal, which one has provided now so let me just pull it up.
08:15:50 Yeah, this was for the HTTP s requirement that Phil van brought up while he was reviewing our om patches.
08:16:00 So I've now added a request to get a waiver for that.
08:16:06 Okay. So does it mean we need to have a TASC vote on this week,
08:16:15 Just read to refresh my mind. Is it the weaver requested Can you see that it is the winner of that that that to be approved by.
08:16:27 I believe it's on it for a second, I guess. Looks good.
08:16:33 Okay.
08:16:34 Can we say concrete wasn't that at least we can provide feedback on that or do a second need additional feedback,
08:16:47 think if you can just give us a quick two sentence. Why you could weigh in, it is the HTTP.
08:16:54 We should probably be able to decide that here.
08:16:56 So, Amy, in, in short words.
08:17:00 So guys are adding a new service, and they are not exposing note, or they are exposing only using Ingress, and you'd like to use certain shell Iser to provide the certificate to that Ingress controller.
08:17:18 Unfortunately we didn't manage to get all the templates and war and all this stuff.
08:17:26 So for now we are proposing to stay with HTTP for that service and then mitigation plan is to other short the when we start the stumble.
08:17:41 We are already working on that. It's just, you know, not enough time to provide implementation for CPS guys.
08:17:52 I'm fine with that because you've got a, you've got a path forward and it's just really a question of the amount of time that you had for this release so I think people might still be on the call, but that would be my opinion that we're fine with this
08:18:05 this panel if you're there. What are your thoughts,
08:18:20 where you are on mute.
08:18:30 Maybe.
08:18:33 Amy, if you can just bring by will offline it films to be back to the tip of the nose is to be Lucas could be accepted. Can you just find formalize these are proven with by well and then we should be good for CBS right on these items.
08:18:51 And do you need.
08:18:52 Do you need anything formal back from Pavel and I, or can we just do
08:18:58 it.
08:19:09 Well they remember that previously that kind of exceptions were approved by the SEC so second. Yeah, we're recommending, we recognize, it's it's it's a TASC decision.
08:19:14 Okay.
08:19:28 Okay, so we don't recommendation from sitcom one understand the possible for wild and Lucas based on what I was reading on the river is any question that that is he wants to ask to set them up to one before giving their opinion they they they approve
08:19:34 it or not.
08:19:39 Okay, So no question from the CC.
08:19:43 Anybody wants to disagree.
08:19:48 123 approve.
08:20:03 Alright, so I continue to go fast.
08:19:59 You are welcome to and I have to audition I will work for you.
08:20:04 Can you check the CPS 297, and the CPS to 95.
08:20:12 Just to be sure that you, because, again, you and your product team for for first or three you are doing fantastically. I'm just confirming that sometime we use terminology that the old pts no season while and you're still discovering, so let us know
08:20:30 if the ask of 295 and 297 it's clear. Otherwise, come back towards, and we will help you. If there is any concern about the request.
08:20:58 Now No, I just on the preliminary release notes, and I've answered your question in, Joe.
08:20:52 We've created that we're still working on our not late delivery. We have some issues with that at the moment because of the call it the Docker IO bandwidth, so we need to change repositories so it was last minute issues there, but my understanding is
08:21:07 that once delivery gets updated I just need to update the release note with the bug fixes that are in the latest in today's delivery. Is that correct.
08:21:18 I think yes for one of them. Morgan said that he could not see. Yet, the, the CPS in the last one. So if you can check that within any given issue about oh he's nude.
08:21:35 Feel free to ping Tomas or Andrea. And I was also giving you an example about the expectation. Okay.
08:21:42 Okay.
08:21:45 Good. The next one, you know, you don't know all this then I don't know. I don't want to. I don't see clipper on the, on the call. I will give an action to Scott blank for.
08:21:58 I really would like to be sure.
08:22:10 Understand that paper is working behind the scene on the remaining DNS requirements items, but Scott, if I can assign the task to you and come back towards by to mobile with an update, I would appreciate the number.
08:22:18 If you take on V nx you will see Indian milestones and I continue with a ZNKCCSVK. I believe it's Mark And walk, walk, walk, nicely between the om team, and I'm the project lead.
08:22:37 Just wanted to be sure that there is nothing else no broker, no thing that the community can do to help you know.
08:23:01 I just have to push that one for the sec I mentioned that's mainly just to resolve that license issue and the Policy Manager to fix a bug, the other one is really just the licensing issues so they're both small.
08:23:09 Okay, thanks for the feedback so my conclusion.
08:23:12 And again, it's only me personally, I want similarly to what I asked to the TC when we talk about so I didn't do for the other project but please KFC.
08:23:24 If you see any concern, raise your question now to the ppl, there is only one which is not on the call, and we got can come back to us tomorrow and it does not seem that we have any broker, which is a very good news because it was not clear.
08:23:40 When we did the review with David 90% completion for SG one based on what we know, which is not too bad. So it means that we could be no good shape to finish those ed is this month.
08:23:54 Is there anything you would like to know PSC member. I bought a CD.
08:24:00 Before I give the floor to the integration team to tell us what's going on on their side as well as the om team but I think um team was already posting, where they are.
08:24:12 So PSD Members, any questions, any concerns,
08:24:21 I'm not a member but as a member of the committee, I would be happy to know what is the path to move forward the release, I knew what are the expected release dates or the dates for income milestones.
08:24:36 Yeah, I know we wouldn't bring that crystals. But first of all, I would based on what we know today on to be sure that for any TC Jesse members.
08:24:45 They have no concern. They can see progressing well there are no blockers, to just run.
08:25:10 Yeah, just resist one a big the blockers are coming, not just because of the code but because of their normal. I mean, me and seven habits yep so the carrot actually had done, so he gets club actually gave some issue in between so if such issue is not
08:25:00 seen unforeseen issue which is not in our hands is not scheme.
08:25:09 Then I think will be good to go. Otherwise there's a risk comes to saying that they could be risk because of the environment, which is what we have to consider also
08:25:19 on om digestible.
08:25:22 Okay. And that's what we need you to keep us informed, because if we need to bring additional expertise or if it seems too much. The planning, we need to take the hustings decision.
08:25:33 Okay, yeah, I want to make sure that we are on the same page so I just wanted to bring it up. But here, there's nothing to do with expertise, Catherine I mean you're starting to get cold it's more of the two with the lab and enrollment law, and mission
08:25:44 submissions they behave differently at different times so we have to just keep that one stone unturned actually that's what we just have to keep our fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong at that point.
08:25:53 But surely will keep you updated.
08:25:56 Yeah, let me give one more, we are moving to intensive care to finish the video of this month.
08:26:03 So okay, good. Find out cool tissue members no questions.
08:26:12 Alright, wanted to have a taste of the integration team.
08:26:18 But I know for some of us.
08:26:20 We need to leave in four minutes so the question about the planning somehow it's very simple.
08:26:28 I think offline, we probably need to ask a leader of to the TSP to continue the SE one task. The remaining su one task at the same time that we kick off the FCC to task as well.
08:26:43 objective is really to finish as it is. I liked it here on the 22nd of April.
08:26:50 And if we have the weaver approval that we will kick off or offline because we don't have the time today to merge FC one remaining item, with the SEC to sorry No.
08:27:16 And we will I will leave you next week to see where we are offline.
08:27:06 The target is to finalize it will be seeing by April 22, if we need one week more to finalize it is no, it's fine. But from a testing perspective, we should fit to the 22nd of a cradle.
08:27:24 And we will kick off an offline.
08:27:27 Weaver.
08:27:29 To complete the sky.
08:27:34 for line we will see to.
08:27:38 But please tell us immediately if the actual stopper for either flow to the integration team because they didn't have a chance to give us an update.
08:27:51 And for the Cooper will need to leave the call, please to do so. But I just wanted to finalize the call with the integration team is stumble and madness, it will be for another the
08:28:04 more damage anything you would like to add more what I can say so just we created the do know to daddy ci CD so we have now daily Honolulu on we have a week you know to do so we didn't install it yet but we will have two new ci chain.
08:28:22 The first attempt on the on the Lulu show on the some issues related to GSNC but seems to have been corrected if you look at the master today.
08:28:46 The results are pretty promises a accepting a small regression already identified on five key Bell pm use case. Everything was green so we didn't have any SDN CL anymore.
08:28:38 So we'll check your macros okay we can introduce a new basic them macros as a test is ready. So from an SEO perspective.
08:29:00 No two branches there, so we expect to have some stability and to two backwater correction from us incentive, be sure to observe that ever seen we get stable, one will be stabilized and the last test will be integrated.
08:29:07 We plan to use a weekly to start the stability testing.
08:29:10 We start early some residency testing last week we discussed with our integration team. Last Wednesday.
08:29:19 It will be a very, It's not an easy task. I mean, we we can see that.
08:29:37 We start with a very simple thing so so we start off a walk on moda, and depending and it could be any test we don't have the same behavior on the different lab so what I said I encourage every, people on every contributor dealing with residency testing
08:29:40 to track things under an epic, dealing with residency.
08:29:45 I'm not sure we'll be able to fix everything because that's relatively new, and I know that in the past.
08:29:54 People say that communities will do the job for us but we can set them free at least that's the case that it will be, if we can make progress here I think it will be a good progress, because I just to conclude, no Lulu brunch is available, don't forget
08:30:09 to backboard back, if any, we will stop working on that will reinstall the staging or so I don't know why I was in touch with it was done I don't know why everything disappeared from the staging on Asia, because it was reinstall last week but they were
08:30:25 seeing was clean up I don't know what. So I start the installation so people could have a staging master on staging continue working on this.
08:30:39 And that's it for one
08:30:49 quick question Morgan.
08:30:51 Any remaining issues on gray Lynn, can we proceed with tagging
08:31:00 fine to cross check I think it was okay, but I will send you a flying yeah I saw the mail and I saw the green light from from Sidra, so will I will check both the daily grill in because we got also this chain running.
08:31:17 I think it's okay but I would cross check. Just to mention that. So I already mentioned it but as you can imagine, today we have a daily grill in our daily master where the master.
08:31:27 We have a weekly master will daily anomaly where the master and all this labs are run, you know, DC, and I discussed a little bit with ppl, it will be impossible to spot more scenario, we are even a little bit.
08:31:42 We shouldn't have. We don't have resources to support all the scenarios.
08:31:46 But today we're trying to do our best to do that so yeah just have a look at the delegating from yesterday on it's fine. It was 100% check, and it was 85 for the smoke, use case because of basic club but basic templates in producing under Lulu so we can
08:32:01 ignore it.
08:32:03 It would be nice to do so now from a testing perspective. The last delegating was table.
08:32:09 And if I look at the previous one, I think it's okay it's acceptable.
08:32:14 Yeah, it's fine. So I think it's okay for me.
08:32:21 Okay, I just want to mention that the whaling release branch is being actively used by the ops five g project I just got a note from one of their engineers who was referring to one of the cert issues that we've been wrestling with the last few months,
08:32:39 and was happy to find out when he pulled the update that the third issue was resolved so so that that branch is is very important for the ops five g project and I would say for own app.
08:32:56 This year,
08:33:03 so please correct me if I'm wrong, David, but as far as I remember that DSC decision, this branch is not going to be supported after we release Honolulu, though.
08:33:21 Unless that there was some decision that I'm not aware of that really needs going to have some longer maintenance period and other releases.
08:33:32 I don't recall such thing but.
08:33:35 Right.
08:33:38 I, I hope you see that we're basically negating the work of doing a maintenance release, if it's immediately unsupported as soon as we release, Honolulu.
08:33:55 Since we're completing them about the same time. Yeah, I mean, the problem is is that it's been an ongoing struggle since Amsterdam. Yeah.
08:34:03 Yeah, well I will, I'll talk to the ops five g project I'm not sure if they're planning to move to Honolulu right away or if they're continuing to work with Wayland but I'll check into that.
08:34:16 After I see that we, we may have to make a difference between a royal maintenance release.
08:34:24 So, what we tried to do for for forgiveness for the touch to get into it.
08:34:47 And some see that would be a bit more lies so if words are found decency has to be done to regenerate to such a snow to take the most of the time we can do that is.
08:34:45 So, once you're ready to like that we can edit them, but I see that we have to remember that on.
08:34:59 the capacity and the resources for dating and for verifying that the latest version of walking, our lead.
08:35:16 So, unless own app, improves and that by more by more with our resources for the dit that you can continue to do, very few small changes and green, but that won't be a real super cynical, as we go to the super fun for today.
08:35:31 And so,
08:35:31 yeah, you know, as I said, we plan to switch off our daily Julian, because we are not in capacity to support all the daily and weekly. We are currently dealing with.
08:35:44 We are forgetting.
08:35:46 Modern Fallout so you know that it's very heavy. And we don't have the hardware in order to support all these chains.
08:35:54 I understand that if we consider that getting these are, I would say, major release, it makes sense to continue having daily run in order to ensure that it's working fine.
08:36:06 But for that we need additional hardware and today we don't have unfortunately, and will not be able to complete a Shabbat.
08:36:16 So many changes in parallel.