TSC 2021-03-25

TSC 2021-03-25

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By



Release Status

Honolulu Release (RC0/RC1) 

  • Status (as of Mar 24 pm)
    • RC0/RC1 NO GO
      • OOM backlog is now completed
      • Project Deadline to answer to OOM query: March 29th, 2021

SO - in progress, to be reviewed on Monday 
SDNC - in progress
UUI - need to follow-up with PTL offline
Policy - OK - verified job right at 4 hrs, 

DMAAP - expired certificate mitigated

      • #AGREED the TSC will re-assess RC0/RC1 on March 29th, 2021 at the PTL meeting.
    • RC0 Req Owners - 100%
    • RC0 Projects - 94% (remaining OOM/Project review) 
    • RC1 Req Owners - 32%
    • RC1 Projects - 39%

Integration Blockers: [INT-1883] Reccurent various errors in smoke tests

Honolulu schedule

Update on master branch bug (Krzysztof Opasiak)

Honolulu Milestone Status 

Honolulu Milestone and Requirements Exception Requests

  • Action: Capture Lesson Learnt from our RC0 milestone to improve our Release Cadence for Istanbul

Discussion around release cadence -

  • Acknowledged the need for delivering content that is marketable
  • Some projects have reduced the scope to meet release time frames versus delay the release
  • New release cadence was intended to help address stabilization
  • Suggestion of just formalizing delivery of 2 major and 2 minor releases a year - more or less what we have been doing anyway

Istanbul Kick-Off (M0) - April 1st, 2021 - Istanbul Release Requirements



  • Introduction of saleem abdul
  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes


PTL Updates

Integration, Portal, VID, ExtAPI, CLI

Lab Gating 

Final Call for PORTAL before moving to "Unmaintained" State

VID PTL Election - no candidate yet

ExtAPI - PTL Election to be run

CLI -No committer except the PTL - Former user (Deleted)


Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Ctrl-Loop, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Moving best practices (Packages Upgrades and CII Badging) to Global Requirements.

Presentation proposal for the  next TSC session.


LFN Cross-Organization Updates

SPC, LFN Board

  • SPC Updates
  • LFN GB summary
    • Enterprise EUAG?


TCC / ONAP Liaison Update


ONAP / O-RAN / O-RAN-SC Collaboration


Task Force Update
CNF, ONAP Enterprise

#1 ONAP for Enterprise Business – Wednesdays at 7am PST (bi-weekly not conflicting with LFN TAC). Presentation of OPS-5G Use cases by DARPA on March 31st, 2021 at 7am PST !

#2 Cloud Native/CNF – Thursdays before the TSC meeting


TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • TSC 2.0


Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Clock Changes:

  • March 28th, 2021 (Europe)
  • No change in India, China

LFN Webinar Series

Next LFN Developer  Event - the week of June 7th, 2021

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:20 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:59:20 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:00 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : I cannot join audio for a few minutes.
07:00:10 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:55 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:01:05 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:01:07 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
07:02:09 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Olivier Phenix, Bell Canada
07:02:42 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) to Everyone : #info, catherine lefevre ATT
07:02:50 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:03:03 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:04:03 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:05:23 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:05:52 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : apologies in advance - I got caught with the time change and have a conflict at the top of the hour that I have to drop for.
07:06:02 From Borislav Glozman to Everyone : Sorry, had problems to connect.
07:06:18 From Borislav Glozman to Everyone : #Borislav Glozman - on behalf of Alla Goldner
07:06:52 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:08:01 From Borislav Glozman (Amdocs) to Everyone : #info Borislav Glozman, Amdocs - on behalf of Alla Goldner
07:11:09 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone : +1 to Krzysztof
07:31:22 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message) : I need to drop to deliver LFN Webinar.
07:32:47 From Catherine Lefèvre (ONAP) to Everyone : @swammi, after this topic, I would like to ask to present - sorry my plan was to start with your topic but I have missed this opportunity
07:34:16 From Swaminathan S to Everyone : OK, Catherine, thank you
07:35:48 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : We are not working for marketing objectives
07:50:26 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC will re-assess RC0/RC1 on March 29th, 2021 at the PTL meeting.
08:28:59 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Catherine and I have ha hard stop in a couple mins.
08:32:38 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone : Would be good I guess to have an e2e test with ORAN and ONAP on our daily deployments !
08:32:50 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone : Already proposed it but I was too busy
08:32:51 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : Great prserntatiomn, thanks!

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.

07:05:08 And looking for a volunteer to help the gate keeping.
07:05:21 I can do it.
07:05:23 Thank you, Tina.
07:05:28 And maybe we can email defy on up on a page.
07:05:36 That would be great.
07:05:43 Male, we are still on up a.
07:05:51 You can just change who you are. That would be nice.
07:05:59 Thank you.
07:06:00 Okay. Thanks, Jason.
07:06:07 Okay, I'm just going to share the agenda.
07:06:13 I'm sorry folks I'm under the weather today I got a touch of food poisoning yesterday I'm still feeling pretty crummy but will be a
07:06:25 touch on the release
07:06:31 discussion of the lab gating
07:06:38 talk here about updating the SPC.
07:06:53 And in summary of the governing board, which happened yesterday.
07:06:51 Talk about.
07:06:52 Now, Marina see
07:06:56 his business
07:06:59 internships.
07:07:04 internships. What we've got coming up.
07:07:07 Thank you, Ben. Thank you.
07:07:11 Anything else to be added.
07:07:22 Okay, stop sharing and turn it over to David Nick right then.
07:07:47 Thanks skinny.
07:07:36 Alright, so we've made quite a bit of progress since last week, but we're still lagging in some areas.
07:07:48 You can see the statistics.
07:07:51 There.
07:07:54 These might have changed I put these together about 15 hours ago and I know there was a lot of activity going on. So these have probably improved since then.
07:08:05 Nevertheless, the conclusion right now is that we are no go for RC zero and RC one in the primary cause for that appears to be ongoing delays related to the OEM
07:08:28 backlog.
07:08:29 So one of the first things I wanted to do is just get an update from Christophe or Ceylon who someone who's familiar with what's going on with Christopher you available.
07:08:48 Yep, I'm here.
07:08:52 So, I have sent an email yesterday with the exact least of comments that we have left so as if you have seen that email, then you know that we have divided all the comments that we have in the pipeline into two categories.
07:09:05 One is Honolulu candidate, which we believe are patches that can be merged before we reach RC zero. And then we have a stumble, which simply means that we do not expect those to merge those patches.
07:09:21 Before we branch out Honolulu.
07:09:24 So, out of those that were funnel candidates there is quite, quite the progress.
07:09:30 The only, let's say, issue that we are having now is that the map certificate has expired today but we already have a badge for that.
07:09:39 So we just need a successful gating on that. And let's say from om perspective we're going to at least have something that can be shipped.
07:09:49 The the issue that we have is that we have several reviews from product teams that has been created, mostly after em three, and they are not updated but by product so we are basically waiting for for their action.
07:10:10 A, obviously it's, it's up to TLC to decide what to do next. But I believe that we just cannot wait forever for for late comers, otherwise we have same situations as we used to have in previous release cabins and for example just to show you what is the
07:10:29 issue like half an hour ago we got a patch that ships at Browns new container image for one of the project which is like, four weeks after entry.
07:10:42 So, if we keep being before FC zero and we keep receiving classes like this.
07:10:51 We may never be able to to sheep come a little release.
07:10:59 All right.
07:11:00 Thanks, Chris.
07:11:03 And I take your point.
07:11:06 What I want to do is distinguish between those situations that you just described.
07:11:15 And also the, the situation that I saw when I was looking at outstanding tasks for projects for our c zero.
07:11:27 And the majority of those, in fact I think maybe all of them were all tied to the, the om backlog.
07:11:38 And so since that was tied to, you know, a bug in the master branch.
07:11:48 In that case, I don't think that we can you know fault individual projects so we need to provide some space to recover. But I take your point about the, the, that example that you provided.
07:12:05 So, you know, we have multiple projects that got the reviews.
07:12:12 In the beginning of the week, and still there was no progress on that patch. Then, now the, everyone knew that, you know, all them is under stress and that we need to hurry if you want to ship anything.
07:12:25 And the, if we do not have like an action from projecting for almost a week.
07:12:30 Then where we are going to get it right, will we wait one more week we'll wait yet another week, we can basically wait forever for that each product right now in my personal opinion right if they're not ready.
07:12:49 If they cannot create a Docker image that works and passes the gating then oh, maybe it's reasonable to to delay that to stand.
07:12:59 Right, so the the recommendation is that we delay RC zero and RC one specifically until the om backlog is resolved.
07:13:15 And so that would that would preclude you know the the late container that you were from that project that you were describing.
07:13:26 So I made sure to get way, because the backlog is almost clearer, or we can see clearly because of all the patches that were ready to be measured as you need patches that are documented, because component.
07:13:47 Equals user experience videos.
07:13:49 And so that way or we didn't merge it, but also patchy that we're introducing new components without any failure at the most.
07:14:01 And most of the component to that. And we ever seen before and so for several days no on a pole.
07:14:09 So, as a as crystal say, I guess that we can wait forever for new components.
07:14:17 So, again, it's not but that's where I literally.
07:14:42 new component coming in to all them.
07:14:42 But it's not following any of the best practices, or maybe it's not for the multiple best practices. So, trying to wait for that. I expect that we may wait yet another month, and it may still be under ready.
07:15:00 Let's just say wine a little bit. I think that the whole commendation was made based on some feedback collected on Monday where the backlog was not yet finalized.
07:15:12 Now, we heard on this call that normally do and backlog is not complete, except the view, which is not yet
07:15:25 finalized with Project who did not answer to you, doing a long period. So, how do you treat your this project, do you exceed the JIRA ticket, do you send them an email.
07:15:38 So I just wanted to be sure that the purse we don't have a communication issue.
07:15:45 So how have you informed project that you, you are waiting something for them. Is it something you put in the, the Gator is just for me to understand the process.
07:16:11 Okay, we use the method of adding your comments into Gary, right. So, apart from.
07:16:06 Very few examples like as the MC where we know that Dan is working on that patch.
07:16:13 And he just needs a little bit more more time just because the back, he is hidden deeply in one of the shirt libraries that he has, and he needs to release multiple Docker images.
07:16:25 The rest is often without any answer and without any notice from project.
07:16:35 in the menu.
07:16:39 Yep.
07:16:39 We can hear you know, sorry. Yep.
07:16:41 Okay, sorry I think I had a microphone issue.
07:16:46 Under to know God created just get, and most of these issues.
07:16:54 So for me, those can you issue that easier on the Gator Gator you but I guess standard way for me to to enjoy if I see that it's networking I just commit and gage Schubert's on the, I would say outstanding one, we have put the judge Gates has been treated
07:17:16 me, have an agenda.
07:17:37 Okay, so please look, if I, if I don't see you didn't do what you have to do is just to understand is this because the VPN deep mistake because the Getty was created by one of these contributor commuters.
07:17:43 And then he didn't consolidate or I'm just trying to be sure that the project team lead is aware of the problem. And on the other side, co David can help you to do the final call in the sense that whole weekend Leto the VPN and say hey guys.
07:18:01 Did you see that the om is waiting for you think five days or whatever. So that's how I'm trying to establish is not to challenge you on your communication skills, but it's more about how can we are sure that the BTR is aware.
07:18:18 So you said you you provide the gig but sometimes the PDL, you may be not fast on the guarantee you, I don't know.
07:18:26 So if we need to track know if we really need to track the project who does not reply because we can set a deadline, we can say, a project team did not answer your query.
07:18:38 Before the call of Monday.
07:18:41 This project will be removed from the release. As an example, right, we can find another way to do that but we cannot wait for them, another month. Okay.
07:18:52 Now, if they are project.
07:18:54 And again I'm just have this project in mind, a lot of respect for the ppl because in a few weeks, months, he has been catching up.
07:19:11 70s with his team I'm thinking about CPS if CPS know is not at the level you would like.
07:19:12 I would like to suggest the leader, because this team is really trying to catch up. Anything that any of the project new things that need for years. So I would say if you're the concern about CPF.
07:19:26 I turned to offer a weaver, that's the have to be agree with do the CSA members so.
07:19:32 So let's be more direct now. Okay.
07:19:35 What are these projects are not replying to your question, because we need to start to tie them, we need to start to to write to them nicely.
07:19:47 Just to be sure that they didn't miss anything that you are highlighting we could start the show from the main that you sent me beyond the main and my apologize, could not read a lot of things over the past days so is in the main you send.
07:20:03 I see no om status update for FC zero. And we have with the list of projects, or you mention the list of who am I. So, okay, us so as the MCVSUI policy the map, are the project that you still need feedback except that DNC, you have already notify us feedback.
07:20:27 feedback. I just want to know what the project who did not reply to you over the past five days.
07:20:33 Yeah, so, Katrina, actually, about CPS we are, let's say they are really good in communication with us and they are following all the guidelines that we are providing so they have only one punch that is that and I believe, as soon as they can provide
07:20:51 the update, we should be able to manage it, because it's relatively simple.
07:20:57 So, currently the issues that we are having our most related to the projects that we have just named that I have within the email so far as the Sq we know that they are working, but now the question is where they will be ready to provide me container
07:21:12 images for so we are waking and struggling us in every release, so that they know that they have a binder they know that the to fix it but now there's a question.
07:21:25 Where is, when it is going to be fixed and. Another question is why it's you know why it's so late and we still have doctors that have issues, right, another, another one is for the map where we have this expired certificate so we have mitigated that
07:21:49 by splitting the patch into two parts. One is the certificate Bart and under the wrong is the image bump.
07:21:58 Just because we want to merge the certificate badge as soon as possible because it breaks the gating.
07:22:10 I believe cylinder Do you recall any other outstanding issues.
07:22:16 But come your email if you don't mind if I have also VFCUY and policy.
07:22:24 Oh, have you feedback from policy I think we have the detail on the call is the only issue with policy or
07:22:46 Is there an issue with policy or have you managed to merge the policy punch already. Sorry I'm not working. This morning guy. I was ultimate safe.
07:22:45 Is this morning, but the merge timed out so it's been reemerged and we'll see in another hour, probably okay what I see it's marriage right says we have fully supported that has been merged.
07:23:01 this morning.
07:23:06 So for policy we shouldn't be over at define a couple of things to mention the verified job.
07:23:12 Couple of things to mention the verified job. It's taking right at four hours so it is crossing over that four hour mark occasionally so that's one issue. The other thing is the gating job that runs as part of the verify.
07:23:25 It's taking three hours, and if they don't fully overlap and that's like a five or six hour process.
07:23:35 Yep. That's true. That's the way it is.
07:23:39 And then the other thing I want to mention is, Honolulu is where we introduced the new cadence and I think a lot of the project teams are still struggling to get the testing done in the short and time frame.
07:23:58 And that's part of the listener gym. So, again, the reason why I like the project.
07:24:02 Please don't take it personally.
07:24:04 I know everybody's doing what they can from company I was doing this before, sometimes so we just need to understand where our bottleneck communicate back to the team because I'm, I'm pretty sure that some of them.
07:24:19 We have not yet discuss you IVF see but it's quite late for them. So we need to follow up offline and I'm sure that the UIFVFCPDNI, our way of your request.
07:24:33 Because they, they cannot attend the DSP tomo, so that will be the beta, somehow, for the. So, say issue of you are kind of timeline that you could share, are you something you need to think with your females on your call.
07:24:53 They showed me their stories because of the upstream changes which have come in the first week of March before that we were okay with the Katie and facts even also knows I'm in constant touch with Sylvain about it.
07:25:03 So the fix is on the way.
07:25:05 It says that we want to make sure that the code, the basic issue is that the code is coming but not the configuration, that's issue with the substitution years which have come in for so.
07:25:13 So we are going back to the developers put the code to make sure that we don't screw up the configuration as per the code which has already committed.
07:25:22 And this was a hard big code which has been shown to us. So, that's what we can do right now.
07:25:28 They shouldn't divide. We are the beta fix it but my feature called I should be able to do anyways I'm in constant touch with Sylvia and we are, we are, we will talk on everyday basis to see where what is happening and we're available.
07:25:42 The main question is when we will be able to provide the updated version, because for quite some time.
07:25:52 Yeah Christophe I understand that practice been hanging but even I'm not enjoying this hanging and hanging school. There's not that it's a deliberately for myself to do but I want to make sure that the change which is coming has to come in the proper
07:26:04 way right on the show which I have with us. So, if I showed before Monday I can.
07:26:09 I mean, I got from this your mindset because that's not me who's changing the code I'm expecting someone else to to populate it, which is actually the problem with me right now.
07:26:16 The genius have to come from upstream. But right now, what I do is, I'm trying to put a patch in fact I'm working 24 by seven again on this call, as everyone knows it of course when was it and even people from at&t also knows what is happening here.
07:26:30 I'll try to put a patch on this I'm trying to do that tonight and if that goes well then we can have the getting done the functional part of it. I'll handle it later.
07:26:40 Okay.
07:26:40 Okay. So,
07:26:42 question from myself as we are testing the new release cadence.
07:26:48 We know that we will release more often.
07:26:51 So, here we are still thinking, as if sec Oh was a breaking point from that it was the end of everything because we're not able to do everything for the state.
07:27:02 My assumption but maybe maybe I'm wrong is that, as we are going toward his mouth to decrease the pressure on the OEM, we are with us at their CTO with what is available.
07:27:18 and Mr establish a so we release one master. If everything is not ready then it's for the next release, which will take place.
07:27:24 A few months later so it's not as of the year it's not sweet it will be it will cure sooner. So it would lead time to finalize things I'm not trying to measure everything at the last minute.
07:27:37 And in the same place can say that could also be a way to encourage people to to what is more progressively continuously. So I will not say that it's three blocking, what could be blocking is, for example, Poland, we used to have this was at the map due
07:27:57 to the expression of the set of state because what we need to release must be available by any people. So if we have a next buyout certificate two days after there is a problem but assuming that we fix this
07:28:13 certification. The certificate, I assume that if we would branch from Master today.
07:28:20 Once the map.
07:28:23 But she smells. If we branch in general. This is coming from Esther, which is the most sweets whenever so of course it does not include everything.
07:28:33 Because we know that we are all very busy and we have lots of things to do. There are lots of upstream contract or so that are out to take into account.
07:28:42 But I think we should not, it's not too much concerned because we know that somebody is coming soon.
07:29:05 So I would say that it's not like in previous life cycle when you missed it is, then you have to wait more than six months. So maybe I'm wrong but that's not my assumption so from users my students from the way we were moving from the Masons West, not
07:29:06 so critical, we need a master that is running on that will not stop you in two days. So that's what we're going to succeed in doing, I think. And then if some project will be played because there are lots of constraint on things are changing all the time.
07:29:21 it can be upstream constraint on new feature that is not there by to be focused on so it's not a big deal but if it's not that maybe I'm wrong and that was my assumption was a new.
07:29:33 Also, California. Yep, I'm actually very well aligned with more yeah and that's the main reason why I sent an email yesterday but my personal recommendation would be to move forward, instead of trying to wait forever until we have everything ready.
07:29:54 Yes, we just need to understand because we need to make the bridge with the use case, the spec, and the feature because if what we are missing today we cannot deliver anything for no living.
07:30:13 That's another challenge as well. So we need to be sure that the minimum of use case on feature are still possible, or the way. It's like, was the phone to whoever needs some work we need.
07:30:36 If we don't deliver anything in
07:30:30 return to balance on Jesus speaker, what what they see that the today use cases that are able to make it active at the very often.
07:30:41 And so we know that this we're not walking.
07:30:45 So he senses that we asked for so the use case is to, to make justice so that means that if you have nothing at your test today.
07:30:54 Then it's kind of show filters so for us eg 02.
07:31:00 For me, it also for the use case of now to to make that decision to give it to integration. So if you're, we see that integration with the taste of it today on this deal so for me, that means that all you see is that wanted to be an either or walking.
07:31:19 And that's the type of information I don't know why. So, how many you gave back and feature, our Hawking today.
07:31:36 I have not said, look at the.
07:31:33 dashboard.
07:31:41 days ago on that so it's clear today just three use cases. I'm not fully automated. So one that are dealing with 5g network slicing and I'm dumbfounded for the automated but they stopped the detriment to automation so that's something to start in order,
07:32:02 And regarding the requirement on the spectrum. We have more and more features that are coming with automation if I look at this MTV to the CMO. So, lots of things coming from Nokia Samsung thing.
07:32:17 They define the change, and they come with with automated test on the integrated so today we don't have everything that is planned because it's still a bit early on, I think the mindset change, slowly and sometimes the use case are very hard to tomato
07:32:42 so that's that could be a reason why, but we see more and more automation around and threw that in the future. Ideally, we'd have to make this coming from the release.
07:32:49 But I think we have already son, and the one we don't add on. People don't tell that they were rocking on their own labs or actively or independently from from from the release of them may be expecting some features so I suppose that's why you want to
07:33:03 check into a feature the need is integrated or not in the batch that have been made recently.
07:33:09 So, I cannot say precisely, but I know that the start automation, it's not ready for the three main use cases today because it's incomplete. But that's also some things that we try to encourage you know though in future that when we will be at this stage
07:33:24 at CCL.
07:33:36 As we have some today. So for the small feature we have automation, but for the use case we should have the same thing, and then could relieve the devil no debate because everything will be integrated.
07:33:54 We just have to validate to see the gate and say okay.
07:33:43 Today there's still some some space for for some discuss attended for the automated so we are not fully done with that, but I yeah.
07:34:05 One thing that I don't quite understand. So, not to pick on some issue here but related to So, I mean,
07:34:15 so is core to own app functionality so if we don't take a new container from. So does that we're just using the previously released container or how does that work.
07:34:33 That's when we will not reach this point honestly because all the use case if you look at the component impact need be so so somehow.
07:34:45 As I said before,
07:34:49 if we don't have enough use case, there is no point to move to a somber right. I also want to remind people that because I think that some of you are not aware, from a marketing perspective, I think oh no no do we probably the only one who will be.
07:35:11 I liked it. If you remember, when we do to add score year. The first one is always
07:35:20 supported from a marketing perspective but you're the one is quieter.
07:35:26 We might be able to change this with the marketing team but having no thing in Honolulu, when we have the marketing focus it would be a shame so it's better to stubby line.
07:35:40 Right. I agree we studied it, I really invite all the development team to not push any code at all. We really need to stabilize. We need to reassess where we are on March 29.
07:35:53 We need to follow up with the two ppl who have not able to attend the DC call due to the time zone, they should not be penalized, but we need to be sure that they are aware that there is an expectation from the om team, figure out being what has been
07:36:11 defined by Morgan.
07:36:17 And also, Crystal Christophe on this call. So, let's conclude on on holiday, because I should have started with this topic.
07:36:27 And, unfortunately, we cannot I see the comment of a week we are not marketing for marketing objective, I agree.
07:36:36 And I do not agree. Right.
07:36:39 The fact that we can attract additional companies. The fact that we can continue to position on up
07:36:53 Zn in this place industry leader is thanks to all the marketing that we have around it. If we stop the marketing budget.
07:37:02 I'm not sure what could be up and, and I don't want to think about that today because I don't have enough strength to the. So anyway, So let's continue.
07:37:14 Technique Danny.
07:37:17 Danny.
07:37:19 Yeah but Katrina, maybe don't show my vision but also we need to. I think the best marketing for that is to have a submission working fine on this moron.
07:37:36 that can attract people to us on up, Because if we are always running on fighting to work or not running because we have some programs. On Saturday, get some remnants and glucose images and so it's not so good.
07:37:59 It's a good promotion from for for for nap so I seem to as a technical point of views of the best promotion for a nap is to have a solution walking, so I agree we need to communicate on top
07:38:14 of it but let's, Let's work on the foundation first and then communicate.
07:38:20 I don't think I've said that I didn't want to own up not working. So I want to be sure that it's clear on every mind over the last seven days.
07:38:31 I never give a go. I never invited DSC to give a go.
07:38:40 If it is not working. So the only thing I said, right, we, we have some videos.
07:38:43 We have not replied to the om, we need to give a chance to these folks to reply. If they don't reply. We can discuss their component if there is no fighting back so want to be sure, technique Allah will always over corner marketing.
07:38:58 But at one point we need to look at the whole ecosystem and saying we stopped oh no Lulu with no feature.
07:39:12 So, Danny. I don't want to commit for any GCSE a member, it makes no sense. So, we are where we are today. Right.
07:39:15 We have not yet give a go to STD STD STD one. There will be no go recommendation to the TSP until we clear the issue that we know today.
07:39:27 When we have clear all this issue.
07:39:36 We will work with this container to finalize the use case, the feature of the specs proposed by do know, and then we see where we are.
07:39:40 That's that's how I would like to suggest the the bustle, you know, capturing. You know we have quite some experience with projects, and the way how they are proceeding and how much time do they need to finish from from a certain point to the point where
07:40:01 it's manageable.
07:40:03 And for example for you I, I expect that they have at least two weeks of work with us in order to get their part, patch marriage.
07:40:13 So, trying to wait for them for next two weeks in my personal opinion, it's not a reasonable things to do. We had plenty of time to submit patches earlier that they came a little bit late, but still we included them, and gave them a chance.
07:40:33 But, taking into account the place where we are in our release and the amount of work that has to be done.
07:40:41 I believe that it's not reasonable to wait before that work is completed.
07:40:48 So, I'm only asked three days.
07:40:52 So what predicts made the difference.
07:40:55 To make the decision today.
07:41:01 Because in three days. You can have a DNC fix. You can you have already bought a CD Mark six. Right. And I don't know since so many times they were aware of your problem.
07:41:08 We need to give a chance to the people who are based in China, to have an opportunity to understand your expectation, writing the them. So, what will make the difference to you.
07:41:21 If we give an opportunity for these folks to find it by Monday.
07:41:41 It's only three days. Right. I don't sleep, some other week it's three days. Three I'm fine with that right The only thing that I'm trying to persuade here is that instead of moving it to Monday and then saying hey we'll reassess and see what do we do,
07:41:45 maybe it would be more reasonable to say, okay, we know that we have some issues will give a chance to project teams to complete but on Monday, we simply stop merging stuff.
07:42:02 Otherwise, you always reassess and we always delay. We are not moving forward, in my opinion.
07:42:09 So, pre assessment. Is that what we do, where we are, because if some guys tell you I still need one hour. So we see 30 guys you miss the deadline. I think I want to repeat, we all know not community, an open source community.
07:42:24 A lot of companies are investing a year. Right. So most people are doing their best, best default.
07:42:31 And I think we should keep this openness. So, PSS means, what is the next step, it doesn't mean we extend one week one month. Right. And we have been working together over four years.
07:42:46 I want to remind you, it's always at the stage of a project that you're struggling, right. So, we are all AP to shift the milestone before, when for me, we should not seek the advice on before it's now.
07:43:00 It's when we are at the time of standardization, that we should really focus, where we are. And we need to be patient, what I asked you, and after that I stopped my, my speech, it would be to the TASC to decide.
07:43:16 Are we all lucky that we give an opportunity for the project team to complete all what they had to do on the march 29.
07:43:25 And then we reassess the situation on Monday, which is, if one PT at least one hour. So we give it or not, or is it a scrape that story assessment on Monday.
07:43:38 But that's dope.
07:43:41 I feel like it's unfair for projects that have provided the changes way ahead, like CPS. Right.
07:43:52 They have just one patch left, I believe we can merge it soon maybe even tomorrow.
07:43:58 So, it's fine right but they they've been working with us for like two months or even more.
07:44:05 And now, if they are, if they provided all we have asked and they did that on time, and now people are coming and submitting new conscious, and that simply sheep, a brand new container for the project.
07:44:21 And we also wait for them to get it working. Then, what kind of message, are we sending for people that have been really working hard to meet all the deadlines that we have sent.
07:44:51 This is this is this is Kenny so this is where we're.
07:44:57 There is a very difficult balance in the communities for
07:45:17 different work styles, different strengths and everything else. Ideally, I mean this CPS team has been exemplary in terms of a new project that's come in that's ramped up rapidly.
07:45:26 Respond to everything by the rules, we've got.
07:45:32 It's, it's
07:45:36 the point that was raised as I muddle through what I'm trying to say is a very valid one and a big concern and when we have projects that are following what has been laid out, and absolutely working to that.
07:45:59 And then they're going to feel paralyzed by
07:46:06 when things come in at the last minute and we hold the crane.
07:46:16 It's, it's a delicate balance and I don't know what the right answer is, but I'm, I'm sensitive to what has been said
07:46:27 and understand it.
07:46:29 I know that if I show up at the train station.
07:46:38 If I show up a couple minutes late.
07:46:41 I have to wait for the next training
07:46:45 or the point is that for CBS we have decided, some, some features to not deliver, so we can use and provide everything we what's what's mandatory to be on time.
07:46:59 Right.
07:46:59 So all the teams should do the same basically if you see that you won't be capable of providing everything which is mandatory then you shouldn't try to do new stuff or provide your stuff and use try to use your time to provide what you would need to have
07:47:14 for next release right
07:47:19 yeah i mean that that's kind of the intent of the new.
07:47:42 Well these kids are otherwise you're really trying to push all the time. Even that you kind of speak late with having one plus week or something like that.
07:47:34 Yeah. The.
07:47:43 what all the comment that was made about use cases that have provided automation,
07:47:58 or basically in in good shape and those that have not or not.
07:48:05 I think is a very important consideration here.
07:48:21 Alright so,
07:48:25 how should we move forward here Do we need to take a vote or how do we want to do this.
07:48:45 Well, so
07:48:49 the current plan is to reassess on Monday. Correct.
07:48:55 Correct.
07:48:59 became TLC Members, is there any.
07:49:03 Anyone that strenuously objects to that so we will put it to about
07:49:11 one will just mark it isn't agree
07:49:18 capture it isn't agree.
07:49:41 For information as a deadline step four vs
07:49:48 semester little bit with Gary so that's why we didn't end up to the Jackie but super cheap. Good work. Good this morning. So, we will manage it for you.
07:49:59 So you can remove that.
07:50:12 I believe that for policy departure is also March so you can get Yeah.
07:50:23 Yeah.
07:50:34 I did just want to put out there that I don't think there has ever been an occasion where we have had artsy one RC zero.
07:50:44 And the
07:50:51 any of the release candidates happen as scheduled. They generally get combined.
07:50:58 And they generally get rolled into the final release date so I'm not sure what value.
07:51:10 RC one or zero or two.
07:51:15 I'll just throw that out there and, and then shut up.
07:51:36 Maybe give some comments from the perspective of the requirement owner, maybe not much about the current situation in the funnel but maybe about the future.
07:51:30 More, I understand the need of the frequency leases that we need to maybe crystallize something.
07:51:48 And we need to release frequently So, even for releases, per year, could make sense, the same time I also understand the need of building the marketing message that we need to deliver the functionality that we need to also sell a DNA sample and properly.
07:51:55 So, why not just to have like we almost have today but not completely for my eyes. This way, small releases, mainly for some small improvements maintenance improvements and maybe something more reconnecting here, and decreases, every six months when we
07:52:16 deliver the use case is heavy functionality change and so on, so on.
07:52:22 And we can build the marketing message every six months for this big releases, and in the same time every three months we can still deliver some changes, which need to be delivered to improve the quality of the product, in general.
07:52:41 My I don't know if this is much different than than what we do now but maybe when we can formalize it better.
07:52:48 You can produce some phone.
07:52:55 I just want to make a comment that the main point of having, you know, this more time based release cadence and all those milestone, was to make sure that we are constantly delivering something new.
07:53:13 And, you know, even if we deliver a little bit less, at least, people get the message that we are a trustworthy community and they start using honor in production, they may expect that every, for example for four months, they will get an update to the
07:53:33 software that they around.
07:53:36 And, but the message that we've been sending for quite a long time, and that we kind of have now is that we as as community as experts, let's say on the project are always struggling to get our release, out of the door.
07:53:54 So, if we as experts have issues to sheep, our own software, then how difficult the software has to be for the end user.
07:54:08 About this software is difficult and it is very complex, but if we will have, let's say separate like today we have the maintenance or nice, But it doesn't have in fact a separate branch.
07:54:22 So, it's may be more difficult to handle it. But if we could after let's say, a heavy release, create a separate branch for the small release and in the same time, and other one master for for for for the changes for the decrease than that said they use
07:54:41 cases and the features.
07:54:44 They can have more time to provide the changes and at the same time what they do, doesn't break the small release that will come in, let's say in the free months after, after the big one, right.
07:54:57 I have an impression that it might be more a matter of the better organization of the work and the way how we submit the code, and how, how we plan our big changes right.
07:55:10 And then maybe we can somehow do both, let's say things major that we want to achieve so to reduce frequently and also to provide substantial marketing message, every six months, but this is just a few of my sense, doesn't mean that this is the most important
07:55:27 but some things that came to my mind.
07:55:43 Of course it doesn't solve the current situation but maybe we can improve in the next week.
07:55:53 Yeah, I think if you look at our history over the last year so I mean, for example, last year at this time.
07:56:03 Not only were we working on the Frankfurt release but we're also working on maintenance releases for
07:56:13 Ll to, or let's say now I'm sorry we were working on the whaling release, and the and maintenance releases for Frank for nll. That's what it was.
07:56:27 So in a sense we are doing what you're suggesting because already.
07:56:38 David, not yeah but formalizing and I think is good because yeah I would say that the status quo.
07:56:48 That's what we're doing without saying that's what we're doing.
07:56:54 Now, the thing that we can do as well, is the first time which was is really risky asset services on some feedback on on this first.
07:57:12 is I believe we agree with it.
07:57:15 I believe we need to go through the full process.
07:57:19 We are in a learning phase, there are some project, the more serious toggling to make the shift.
07:57:27 I do, I believe it's a good shift, but maybe we need a little bit more time to have everybody on board it and also more important with scoop of odd to be adjusted in the sense that I really promote the fact that people need to think phases.
07:57:48 Because otherwise, if they still consider our use case like David before.
07:57:53 Since we played us the timeline, it might not work. So, we might have server we are proactive, a use case feature of spec.
07:58:05 But if we don't succeed to phase it, or have a scoop that can involve, these are really, we might end up again so I think good discussion.
07:58:18 I was silence on proposed because I know what to do, give you the feeling you have no words to say, I'm glad that people have expressed themselves that sociopath have an open source community to express different opinion.
07:58:37 I think for now.
07:58:40 These are what I was listening. We are all in alignment to give to everybody.
07:58:44 And then the conclusion will be, bro. On Monday, and a week I count on you.
07:59:01 When the team. Right. And the wit with follow up, definitely. After this goal with the UI team, which seems to be documenting project where we have not yet feedback.
07:59:15 I really would like to leave an opportunity to Swami, to give an update about Oakland. Just a quick note one word for Istanbul. I know probably most of the requirement owner of put on surely the same equal I'm an owner, working for East the moon for for
07:59:35 owner review. So peak Walkmans architecture team.
07:59:39 If they are new requirement owner, please ensure that they are pushing. There is this requirement candidate, which is a use case a feature of a spec by a period first.
07:59:52 We understand that we might everything might not be ready by that time, especially for the requirement owner was busy with this release, but we want to have a taste of it, at least to ensure that the new program and owner understood how they need to communicate
08:00:09 their requirements are I rely on requirements, and architectural subcommittee.
08:00:18 To help new equipment owner to finalize and submit their is stumble believe, while the rest of the community, tried to subsidize the owner.
08:00:29 Any final words before we move, and we jumped immediately to the presentation.
08:00:42 Okay, so thank you to everybody. Don't keep anything inside your heart, continue to share your concern.
08:00:49 And also suggest improvement and Swami, and you and your team, if you're already, we give you the flow.
08:01:10 Yeah, thank you. So I have like Martin and john with me so together we will present the status of the collaboration of one app that ran and B, or C with maybe give me or David Can you also give me the screen sharing rights, right yes we've got it.
08:01:17 Yeah, yeah, maybe before I start.
08:01:20 Do we have like say for example 15 minutes to go through the slides, and then maybe we have some time for questions.
08:01:29 Yes.
08:01:30 Okay.
08:01:31 Yeah, let me share my screen.
08:01:35 Yeah. Can you see my screen.
08:01:37 Yes, sir.
08:01:38 Yeah. Okay, thank you. So we just put together a Martin john and myself put together the slide deck to highlight what has been happening with own app, around and around and see, but because the topic, initially was centered around the, the SMS functionality
08:01:54 right i think we will be a little biased towards that, in terms of the level of detail that we will be sharing, but if there is a specific thing that we would we would like to look at maybe that we can probably take it offline and then come back with
08:02:09 an update.
08:02:10 So with that maybe I will just hand it over to Martin. Martin, you may want to go through the first couple of slides for everything's running. So here, as we run out of time very short.
08:02:22 So here we see the normal closed loop between specification, and software. So we get from the standard organizations of specifications produce the software and immediately give feedback on that a normal, normal way and basically the slightest just the
08:02:40 agenda for the next slide please.
08:02:45 So, if we know put here, all the pieces together.
08:02:50 So, we have on one side and the standardization here, in particular, or are they using other specifications as well.
08:03:00 Then we have the open source community which takes those specifications, especially we have here the Linux Foundation was around sc, and owner. And you see all the dependencies and who's contributing to whom and who is using what, and by, by looking to
08:03:18 this figure is come, it becomes a little bit obvious how close here on that and Orion has see already collaborating together, not in an official way in that sense.
08:03:33 but we are using code, we are bringing code back.
08:03:52 I'm the PDL here for the orange SEO am project. And it happened in the last release of orange. See, that basically all the code complete contribution happens really in owner, and we just take them to pieces, which we need, and the project from from ownership
08:03:58 and others and bring them together, deploy the solution.
08:04:04 In order to have the full functionality.
08:04:09 So, you have that stress in the dependency and and and that came here.
08:04:23 Martin, the solid lines represent actual content
08:04:33 versus the US.
08:04:35 So we can. This is a usage. So, the dotted lines are using. So, so for example am project uses the capability of communities, for example, here the non real time Rick users.
08:04:51 cc SDK capabilities.
08:04:54 cc SDK uses Open Daylight along. And that is why the om project also use using Open Daylight and basically also contributing back to Open Daylight sometimes via cc SDK sometimes directly.
08:05:12 So the dotted lines the usage.
08:05:14 The solid lines are contribution and free Thank you.
08:05:26 Let's see ecosystem in order to create Oregon capabilities and on so called SM owners so for the management plane it's a.
08:05:39 Next.
08:05:40 Thank you.
08:05:59 which we started this interaction. We, at least in the last quarter of 2020 we used to have weekly calls. And now the frequency has come down a little bit.
08:06:09 It's because now I think it's a little clear in terms of how we want to progress with respect to the origin interfaces and be functionality, but the collaboration is continuing and an active manner.
08:06:25 And we are also involving from time to time the transport folks also, because if you take the order and write it. There is also the front hall and also the microphone.
08:06:36 So, for the transport aspects. Also, we would need to have some alignment, maybe not as of today, but going forward. So we also have some joint interactions with the transport folks as well.
08:06:50 And in the, in the, in the last year, I think it was in November. We also invited the NIT if a person who was involved in the idea of standardization work related to transport slicing for addressing our use case and the overall.
08:07:04 I mean that's a path forward with respect to the transport part of the network slicing functionality, and we intend to continue this work, as we move forward to stumble and beyond, as well.
08:07:14 And with respect to the Yang models, I think that is side discussion that has been going on for quite some time. And now we have come to a stage where we should also look at starting to use the or the Orion Yang models for the, I mean, particularly for
08:07:30 the song use case, and as well. For any run, I mean you can use case i mean bear any use case has implications for the ramp right in on app. So that is something that is a work in progress, but nevertheless, it should continue.
08:07:43 I mean let's say it fully honest in the releases I had.
08:07:48 But that is with respect to the origin and the owner collaboration with respect to the origin se.
08:07:54 So we have now more the regular weekly calls on Wednesday will be on our members and we were on Sep deals, which is organized by Martin and john.
08:08:04 So, I mean, apart from the Quick quick status update sharing. We also discussed a number of common topics like which is of interest to both the owner, s Gillespie who ran a Sikh community.
08:08:16 And I would say that with respect to this synergy and the functionality.
08:08:20 We use that I would CBB have made some progress but I think it can. I mean, it should still continue maybe in a much more rigorous manner, maybe that's something that we may want to come back at the end of the presentation.
08:08:35 And another thing that is important with respect to one sec and own app is, we also use a common lab which is the directors lab in.
08:08:46 I mean sorry going live in practice University, where, for example, some of you wanna use cases are being tested there, as well as some of the ordinary use cases are also posted there.
08:08:56 I think what we now require is some more formal interactions at the requirements subcommittee and the account level from an app perspective, I think that is something that we will touch upon again, but with respect to the assembled functionality, I think,
08:09:11 to our knowledge, there hasn't been any detailed formal discussion between the two communities so that is something that we need to address. Let's say the immediate future.
08:09:24 Martin you want to continue here.
08:09:31 Martin
08:09:35 me on mute.
08:09:36 So, just to make clear as an old service management and orchestration. So that's a term which comes from from Orion.
08:09:45 And we needed to implement this and so we were looking to what, What are the best projects out and made some assessment. And at the end we decided from OEM point of view, but also other projects in Orion se using a lot of components, and from owner.
08:10:05 So, in some cases you can say it's really a one by one, between SMS and implementation of owner, we split it into basically two.
08:10:29 Um, let's say deployment option one is called MVP so that is really the very basic, which focus, 100%, only on the orang orang does not define what is inside the XML.
08:10:33 Basically it's black box for them.
08:10:35 And then we also have here the capabilities of a so called fool somehow so we split these different So, and the differences 3d going to om and enable and disable some of the functionality of
08:10:57 a phone. So that's my thing you refer to all am and SM oh can you just help us understand, which, what is a, each one of these entities. Okay, so maybe that would be complete on the next slide.
08:11:18 So, here on the top we have the smo and we use a lot of implementations from from ownership and the OEM means operation and maintenance and relates to so called a one interface, which is basically net hundreds of young plus best messages and a little
08:11:41 bit of FTP for the non real time Rick we have an A one interface and john can. He's leading that project in a onesie and can can talk about what what this component is about.
08:11:58 Here you see basically the architecture.
08:12:05 From Oban, and we have highlighted here yet. The SMS blocks and what are the capabilities which are already available which I use, which will be enhanced.
08:12:17 And you see the interfaces into the ron paul's point of some old slave owner.
08:12:25 Does it the answer the question, Randy.
08:12:29 Yeah I think so, though. I'm so OAM is like a collection of some of these yellow block from the right, yes so OEM is operation and maintenance and it comes with zo one interface and was an additional interface which was previously invented by ex con.
08:12:57 So we have to, let's say kinds of ym interfaces with transport we may get a third one.
08:13:07 And then they are the other interfaces like or two that's a cloud interface.
08:13:12 So in my thinking it's always communities but it's more complex than that.
08:13:17 And then for policy management and maybe john you can confirm in what what is a one about and
08:13:26 talk about that a little bit.
08:13:28 Yeah sure if you wish to sound check your guys a little bit low. Okay, let me adjust my microphone. Okay apologies.
08:13:39 The I wanted to face is a new interface defined by your and particularly focused on the more fine grained optimization of the run by way of such a tree families of interactions, one is an ability to send policies or intent based policies from the non
08:14:02 real time Rick function in the SM or to the run, usually via the near real time Rick function in the run.
08:14:23 The second part and is the ability to pass additional context information from the DSM all environment down to around two that might be useful for around to improve its operation.
08:14:20 And the third family of interactions is around the ability to manage and lifecycle manage ml and a functions in the, the around functions.
08:14:34 But this is all intended to be in addition to the existing or em interfaces, the traditional f caps type interfaces that you're aware of would be mostly covered by D, or one interface as Martin already are also mentioned the auto interface face which
08:14:58 was is a new interface as well which is mostly around infrastructure management in the run. And he also hinted that there may be a new interface on the way for transport management, again, separate from the, the old one interface stuff, clear things up.
08:15:12 Yeah, thanks. Thanks.
08:15:13 Thank you.
08:15:19 Maybe john you want to continue, maybe spend a couple of minutes on this slide, quickly and, yeah, sure, please bear in mind that these displayed on the next slide are intended to be kind of a brain dump of the types of requirements that we see would
08:15:34 come from an SMS function.
08:15:38 So, on the left hand side component is maybe not the right word maybe it's requirement, I suppose, but we would see that the SM or should be able to support these kinds of functions there's a one policies that I already mentioned, there's a one interface
08:15:53 termination.
08:15:55 I'm just working my way down the left hand side here, there's maybe some graphical interface to to manage the a one aspects of the run. Then we see the, the old one.
08:16:08 Termination for CMPM FM, as you're already used to, we see and probably some kind of dashboard type of function, a need for message bus within the SM or persistent database I'm not really sure what the function of that is but it's probably functionality
08:16:29 needed by the other functions. And those will probably see the need for service provision provisioning both off the run and within the SME itself.
08:16:39 The need for optimization that a need for decision type policies. And then as you look across to the OSC column here, we see that the mandatory functions are those that we already use up to the current releases in in IC, and we see that the non real time
08:16:56 Rick functions, provide that functionality for us in the IC SM or Currently, We see for a one. We also see that the some own app functions are used directly.
08:17:10 For instance, for all one functionality and for the message bus within the SMS.
08:17:17 And then, but more importantly, if we look at the the other category of functionality which we see as being prepared at some stage as the use cases and requirements become apparent.
08:17:28 We see that for each and every requirement, we tend to see an equivalence function provided by on up.
08:17:36 We also of course, in the interest of fairness provide another column here for others, which could be none on appetite functions that might provide that requirement.
08:17:47 But the, the main point we want to bring home here is that for each of the requirements that we see for an SM or we see an equivalence type functionality already available in on up.
08:17:57 And if you click on to the next slide you will see a bunch of further functions, this is only half of the list that we have so far, we see that we'd also have a need, at some stage for a data analytic function and inventory function certification logging
08:18:10 dashboarding Pm file management service designed.
08:18:15 You know optimization loop management orchestration, and of course the CM database if we're performing car management and we see that again for each of these functions we see an equivalent on up function, and in some cases, third party non on up functions
08:18:31 available in open source.
08:18:34 So, I think without having to stress the, the message any further we see very very significant overlap between the capabilities of on up and the requirements that we have for for an SM or in in IC.
08:18:54 And indeed, when the OC project started off in nature or C project started off initially it was seemed, you know almost as a given that on up, could or would provide quite a lot of the functionality.
08:19:02 Yet, we see very little in the way of formal discussion, or alignment between the on up and the icy communities around the SMS functionality.
08:19:14 So on the left hand side here we see a kind of a view of the current state of affairs, and on the right hand side we see what we think might be steps towards the type of engagement that we would like to see between on up and icy and might be useful.
08:19:29 So, the current situation of reusing on the kind of a point by point basis some components from on up, and then in producing and always see parks at the stage but we see nor former collaboration.
08:19:44 So we would like to perhaps suggest that maybe we could kick off some kind of formal interaction that the architecture and requirements committee level between noisy and on up.
08:19:55 We would like to one of the a couple of the barriers that we see between on up and RC is around the perceived close shop type
08:20:09 of appearance of how do you get requirements into one app and how do you get them acted upon and how do you get them delivered back out to an external community.
08:20:18 I know that that's the one of the main roles of our own app is to be able to achieve that within or not but as it as a downstream user of own app functions, that's a bit daunting to, or perceived as being daunting to some actors.
08:20:32 So we would like to see if we could maybe as an informational level at least try to open the doors between different requirements, and requirements committees again, between, between on up and see and see if we could get at least that information and
08:20:51 kind of alignment and discussions going on there. The second barrier that has been quoted to us is the, the lack of flexibility around release cadences, and the fact that release cadences in on up don't align with release cadence in RC and that's to be
08:21:04 expected of course, different projects. So, we would like to see, perhaps, at least an acknowledgement of the need to be able to take a interim or snapshot type releases at sometimes from on up and be able to have those used in downstream projects like,
08:21:22 like always see, and vice versa for snapshot type functionality that could be delivered by or see to at least be made aware of that functionality in in in all now around, particularly around requirements gathering time.
08:21:41 We don't see any particular need for a major change in the way that the functionality is developed, because we already see that there's massive alignment.
08:21:54 Already in terms of the functional requirements of the functions in on app and the requirements in Oh, I see. But there's always a little bit more as we could be doing in terms of just making each other aware of what's happening in the two programs and
08:22:03 see if you're aware of areas that we could be aligning better.
08:22:08 We do see that there's probably significant work needed particularly around model modeling alignment not say not necessarily modeling alignment but at least being aware of other models existing and making sure that the functions that are developed in
08:22:24 on up, are not prohibitive against using or and models in particular, and vice versa the submission short prayer appropriate that Oren models can be used in on up.
08:22:36 But we still have most of the alone, which actually happens at the function level, like for instance of individual project level and we see very very good engagement already at the developer level between the teams, we see that the Wednesday meetings
08:22:52 where we discuss up the function level, being very proactive, but we would like to just push them on and see if we could get a more formal type alignment.
08:23:00 Okay.
08:23:02 In terms of, for instance co development, perhaps across board on up and I see.
08:23:10 We try to push for instance study or that the a one functions, could be co developed in on up and RC which is quite a tricky amount of hurdle jumping required to achieve that, but I think we were quite successful in as as as an example of how we can do
08:23:28 co development across two projects.
08:23:30 Okay, so I'll hand back maybe to Swami I think maybe for the next slide.
08:23:37 Yeah.
08:23:39 I think maybe.
08:23:40 Thank you very much john I think you captured most of what we needed to convey this slide just summarizes what john has been talking about in, probably more detail on the previous slide, but to kind of define, at least from our side write a proposal in
08:23:55 terms of what are the next steps. I mean, possible next steps for better alignment, as we go forward.
08:24:02 This is the recommendation that we have put together. Obviously the TASC, and the I mean both the communities can also be in with their views. But the whole idea here is that we need to.
08:24:19 And how should I say maybe make it more formal like john said some of the things are happening today. Maybe some for some of the areas that is definitely more collaboration needed, but even for the areas where we do collaborate maybe at a developer level
08:24:31 or at a project level. I think it would make more sense. If we want to, let's say, raise the bar a little higher right in terms of cooperation and also the synergy aspect right i mean if you want to realize maybe like a to end use cases where you have
08:24:46 some functions, coming from own app and some functions coming from Boise right so that's where we think that a significant.
08:24:57 Let's say improvement is needed, but for the rest. I think it is more of, let's say, following the good practices and addressing big gaps. So this kind of captures I will not read whatever is here on the slide but in terms of the request to each of the
08:25:13 committee's or the teams right in terms of what can be done together, and the proposed the frequency. So maybe you can have a look below to share the slides as well and then you can share your feedback.
08:25:27 but maybe the last slide is kind of more important for this meeting, I think, from the PCs perspective, one of the main things that we would request right towards around the sea is that we need to have.
08:25:42 I mean, community alignment discussion together with the what I see, Doc. And just like we have like a point of contact from own upside right i think it would be useful to have maybe at least one or two contacts from Orion AC.
08:26:01 Also, so that we can at least, this would be any kind of.
08:26:05 So, Let's say logistical or operational challenges.
08:26:09 And another thing that we thought would be useful, especially as we talk about the topic of SM own Andre and time Rick and greater collaboration, maybe in the milestones also, we should have a check and defeating the milestones are a little too late,
08:26:22 maybe as part of the requirement or the architecture reviews, we should have a checkpoint to ensure that we are aligning and we are using whatever functionality is possible right and instead of trying to develop something on our own, or something that
08:26:37 is not aligned right with Turin.
08:26:40 And as far as joint use cases are concerned, I think that's something that we have just put down our thoughts here. Maybe this requires a little more brainstorming in terms of how we actually operationalize it and it's very nice to put a few lines on
08:26:53 a slide, but you know in order to realize that right i think john gave one example of the one that, but I think we need to come up with more such use cases or joint requirements.
08:27:05 But I think we need to come up with more such use cases or joint requirements. I think it will be to the benefit of both communities, if we come up with at least a few use cases to start with.
08:27:14 I mean, use cases or it can be requirements to start. And also with respect to the demo, and the testing right so the wind lab is one example but we are kind of sharing the resources, between the two communities.
08:27:25 One advantage of that would be that as we look into these joint requirements or use cases, then it can be a ground for the common demos, and I mean let's say the showcasing that we would want to do right it also eliminates a lot of practical challenges
08:27:40 right in terms of access and all that. So that is also something that we should keep in mind. And we also have a request to the origin, as far as the collaboration with Doran do it's happening in pockets with respect to some of the aspects.
08:27:56 It might also be a good idea to request for a formal Spock from the urban Alliance, so that we are also.
08:28:04 I mean, let's say, we also get timely updates in terms of when a particular aspect is coming, or what is the idea that the order is focusing currently on what is their priority and so on, so that any use case requirements you know nap, if that needs to
08:28:17 be an alignment. They can also check out their faces. For example, if the old two speakers coming, let's say, six months from now, well, maybe for use case like network slicing, then I will accordingly.
08:28:30 Let's say she will that I will not look at oh two related or the interface for instance eating the right network functions in Istanbul. Maybe it comes in the, in the GA release or the kidneys.
08:28:43 So I think with this, we will end up presentation here, but we would like to hear back from the TLC your inputs and suggestions and with the idea that we should definitely take this forward in the right spirit, so that it's to the benefit of the communities.
08:29:05 Swami Mussina and john travolta, thank you so much for the presentation I think it gives us a good overview of the improvement and also all the good relationships that have been established.
08:29:20 Over the past month between the two community.
08:29:23 The good news is that I will need to leave you in one minute. Because, indeed, the lineup. You see, will meet the DSP to try to see if there is an agreement to formalize the relationship so I will be presenting.
08:29:51 have community, and I will need in one minute, the DSC, because on previous discussion, we don't have quality is clear that we really want to formalize and monetize and I use what has been the blocks in this community.
08:30:11 by the ohana. So, that's my that's my feedback to all of you but it should not be a surprise because I was already giving you the awareness, one, one or two weeks ago, and now I let the flow to the CSM members to provide additional feedback but great
08:30:28 job to summarize in on the five improvement improvement area, and also our real focus, and how we can continue to build on top of this relationship
08:30:44 orientation.
08:30:51 And as noted, Catherine needs to drop I also have a hard stop at this point.
08:30:58 To join that other meeting.
08:31:02 I can transfer host privileges over to somebody.
08:31:08 And if desired. If you guys wish to keep talking.
08:31:15 Just one quick comment. I understand that the meeting Captain that you're having is with Dr and alliances that are with the Orion talk DRC, is it with Oren Lyons are always see.
08:31:34 Yeah, I actually don't know the answer to that question john. Okay, because again, that's one of the main things for question is to is to try to aim for direct point blank communications between the on up at leadership under your leadership.
08:31:54 Okay.
08:31:54 Thank you. The second thing is I noticed we've run out of time but please can we take your comments offline, please address any comments that you may have to Swami, Martin RA, and we'll take one board on come back to the to see if there's anything else
08:32:08 that we can work on.