TSC 2021-07-29

TSC 2021-07-29

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly status

Release Status

Istanbul: Test criteria for certifying the release

Integration Criteria for Stability/Resiliency Testing

  • what is the criteria that the TSC believes should be the threshold?
  • DT looking at test cases that can be unstreamed
  • Resiliency testing is a bit chaotic - intentional "breaking" of components in the stack
  • Stability Test Run - Success Rate between 85-90%?

#AGREED TSC approves that for Istanbul we maintain the current stability/resiliency acceptance criteria until  community members raise an improvement request to be assessed for the next release.

Security Testing:

  • discussion with SECCOM - belief is that security should be at 100% to certify a release.
  • sometimes false positives and unmaintained projects impact the ability to pass
  • 9 pods currently failing root pod test
  • exception lists need to be better documented - exceptions are excluded from testing.
  • example:  ESR is not excluded and no exception has been filed yet.
  • #AGREED since  the TSC is approving unmaintained projects in a release the exception filing should be made by the TSC itself.
  • Moving closer to CII Silver badging - Silver not yet a requirement

Infrastructure health check 

  • belief this should also be 100%


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

Andrew Grimberg

  • Review of OOM Migration to  GitLab  
  • Namespace acquisition is WIP - someone has squatted on it.

PTL Updates

Krzysztof Opasiak

Discussion about scanning dockert containers

  • scancode.io and infrastructure to run it on is needed
  • License Compliance. - Talk was accepted for ONE Summit.
  • Currently set up as an internal resource - need a public resource to run it on
  • Need feedback from other folks 

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Ctrl-Loop, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


  • GB meeting was on the 21st- reviewed the LFN Operations survey and a separate survey specific to the GB members themselves
  • LFN Membership meeting was yesterday - 2 sessions to accommodate different time zones.
    • Materials will be made available to the registered member contacts on file. Please reach out to them for the slides and the recording links.

TCC / ONAP Liaison Update

Task Force Update
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Next ONAP Enterprise meeting is scheduled on August 4th, 2021

  • SABRES (Secure, Adaptive, roBust, Resilient, and Efficient Slices) presented by Dr Eric Kline
  • Proposal of SABRES Integration into ONAP E2E Network Slicing call flows

TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • Honolulu Awards
  • Action items from June LFN event identified during the daily summaries calls - Plenary: Daily Summaries 
  • TSC 2.0 - kenny is still, still making edits (sad) (sad) (sad)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

<Available Slot>

Zoom Chat Log 

06:57:50 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:58:21 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:59:54 From yuanhong to Everyone : #info proxy Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:00:18 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:01:02 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:01:28 From SaiSeshu (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
07:01:29 From Byung-Woo Jun to Everyone : #info proxy Byung-Woo Jun, Ericsson
07:01:37 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:01:49 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:02:24 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:03:28 From Martin Vezeau (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Martin Vezeau, Bell Canada
07:03:54 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:04:11 From Damian NOWAK (Nokia) to Everyone : #info proxy Damian Nowak, Nokia
07:06:42 From SaiSeshu (Huawei) to Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message) : Hi Kenny, I will be leaving the meeting early today.
07:06:53 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to SaiSeshu (Huawei)(Direct Message) : ok
07:07:59 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info, catherine lefevre, AT&T
07:08:17 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : sorry to be late
07:20:15 From Amy Zwarico (AT&T) to Everyone : example: 9 pods are failing the "root pod" test
07:21:25 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : Thanks Amy.
07:57:52 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Dear all - I am very sorry. I need to drop - Amy will be the AT&T TSC representative for the rest of the call.
07:58:45 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : concerning license for docker scan, is it expensive? I will check my note about this topic. I will follow-up offline with the TSC
08:01:15 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : I need to drop. Bye

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:03:35 Thank you, Martin.
07:03:41 Okay recording has been started.
07:03:45 And the transcript has also been started. If you want to follow that
07:03:59 man, but he's muted please keep yourself muted unless you are speaking union star six if you're coming in on the phone line if you send me a private chat message, it will become part of the public record when I cut and paste it into the meeting minutes
07:04:16 Sweeney Damien Thank you.
07:04:24 And as always, start off by mentioning our antitrust policy.
07:04:29 You can find this link from the elephant the project websites, its policies important when we've got multiple companies, including industry competitors, participating in these meetings.
07:04:40 Please review if you have any questions, you can contact your company's legal council members the elf may also contact Andrew up to growth from Kazmir up Grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
07:05:03 On today's market.
07:05:10 David's back. He's sent out to release status.
07:05:16 Be a little bit of a discussion here on there integration.
07:05:22 I think that was something that that Catherine wanted to discuss if I'm not mistaken.
07:05:30 at the
07:05:34 hour from now, Andy Greenberg will be joining to discuss
07:05:40 the it findings for the Omi migration to get lab.
07:05:47 This is this information was presented Monday at the PTO meeting, and will be shared with the TLC today.
07:05:58 discussion of enterprise meeting.
07:06:03 And then that'll stop it's got a very light agenda today.
07:06:12 So I guess David I'll turn it over to you.
07:06:18 Thanks Kenny, I don't have much to add other than.
07:06:23 If you haven't had an opportunity, please check out the weekly status I mailed it to the release and TASC mailing list yesterday.
07:06:38 And then there was another item that I think that, Catherine wanted to discuss, Catherine Are you on.
07:06:49 She's joined I don't think Scott audio yet.
07:06:52 Okay, maybe we can go ahead and move on to the next item and then come back to that when she's available.
07:07:09 Just we have anything related to tickets.
07:07:15 No nothing urgent.
07:07:16 Things are moving.
07:07:19 We did contacted a good love, support to help us with the namespace I had made a mistake on the PTO meeting and mentioned the name space wrong but it's actually the route nine space which is just get left the comm slash own up like the very root, root
07:07:34 namespace that's the one that they that we wanted to acquire so we we come back to them and, since they couldn't give us, of course I mean as expected, they were not going to give us information of who owns it.
07:07:59 They themselves got in touch with with owner and if they're helping us acquire that namespace.
07:08:07 That's, that's probably the only thing that is happening that was worth updating.
07:08:42 Catherine thanks.
07:08:49 for joining us anyone else no. Okay, Catherine Hi, um, did you want to talk about the
07:08:58 integration criteria.
07:09:20 Sorry, I was muted.
07:09:22 Yes, I can do it, except if you wanted to dedicate the time to another topic first.
07:09:30 Otherwise, Yes, we can tackle this topic, but I will need to take presentation right for a few minutes.
07:09:39 Right.
07:09:45 To show you my screen where you go.
07:10:00 Okay. So sometimes you remember we were discussing about what will be the minimum of scope to see production of community with via the integration team, and we were defining the scope we did some cool glass in them.
07:10:19 But there is still one area, or even two where we still need the support from the CC, which is to confirm of not what they would mind that we consider acceptance criteria.
07:10:35 So, it gives you only working with a security team to define what will be the minimum acceptance criteria for this release. And we will also mention this thing.
07:10:49 But today, I think I will give you more time today what I would like to discuss with you see is when we look at the stability and the resiliency.
07:10:59 They have been some
07:11:04 people yet that has been consider by the integration team of two now here is just an example. I mean it's above the number of what would be the sixth grade.
07:11:17 because we know, not always the best aspects of full file not always the call a successful.
07:11:25 The number of gamers and it says that we want to do there's been a lot of hoopla because before we were quite.
07:11:37 You know, we ran both launching and, you
07:11:42 know, the last previous with something too complex define the scenario to increase the homelessness and to simplify the whole business of the platform.
07:11:54 That's why we speak about number of seniors me access the duration of the stuff
07:12:09 Many times we stay home and also from an SMC perspective, we were monitoring. In terms of duration as well.
07:12:11 So, I believe this is the coupons acceptance criteria associated to the stability.
07:12:19 I don't know if one of the member from the integration team can confirm that.
07:12:28 It's not I believe my understanding was correct.
07:12:47 Yeah, yeah basically that's I think that that's right, that that was the idea so that we work on that. Yeah.
07:12:48 Yeah, for the 70 pieces that we use in several hundred videos.
07:13:08 Since a couple of you have evolved over, over the last few years, trying not only some component of the own app platform in production, we want to be sure that we are aligned with your expectation when you use some of these components in production.
07:13:12 So do you think that the criteria which are defined here are good enough to 75 or next CD, or would you line that we explore something else,
07:13:34 at least from my perspective from, let's say one of the companies which will take up into production, hopefully.
07:13:44 I think that's for the beginning, that's fine.
07:13:49 We also will try to, let's say, create some additional tests which hopefully will also then be up streamed and added to the, to the cases.
07:14:04 We also internally, of course, checking the components also as well. In our besides the daily test of course also in our, let's say, product, product.
07:14:18 Let's say releases, which I'm not, it's not. Let's say covering all this stuff but I think from my perspective, that's, it's okay.
07:14:31 When I see it.
07:14:38 Thanks Andrea for your feedback.
07:14:37 Anybody else.
07:14:45 We don't need to change it. There is no need to change but we are always seeking for improvement. So that's why we wanted to look at what for the acceptance criteria and see if we need to improve anything.
07:15:02 So yeah gets reinforced for security so yeah. So we had a discussion with a comma.
07:15:11 The bad news for, was it was a community of other ppl is that we agree that we should reach 100%.
07:15:32 to.
07:15:32 to pass a realism.
07:15:32 Yeah, but don't be afraid because what today. Today, we have five or six tests in the security, each test face each one of the tests for example when, when we test the HTTPS bought a burner.
07:15:51 If there is only one plots to burn. So the test failure so we are in such cases you will proceed into account, complete for this test so what we want to reach is read to read just one other percent.
07:16:10 Shake for all the security death, but we, we have discovered that some tests are not doesn't pass today due to many results.
07:16:20 Sometimes we have some false positives sometimes you have some components that are no more maintained and on sometimes we have some exceptions that we can again be accepted.
07:16:32 So, the objective is really to reduce on 100%.
07:16:36 We will, we want to let set to, to, to achieve that, of course, obviously, we still need to improve some, some security programs him some project that, it's just not a lot of them on the, we also need the set to better artist kind of exception nice on
07:16:56 to be managed or together to contradict your teeth carefully.
07:17:03 As a result, we really want to achieve this 100%, and to be sure that everything is correct. At the security level.
07:17:17 So this is a, maybe a stronger requirement.
07:17:22 But do not be afraid and we are not far from this requirement today, if I need to figure out, can be low, because for example today, if you ever amongst security stats I think we have six men for me today.
07:17:43 I think a new one or two of them are one 100% okay but are not with freeze up it was it was it was it puts limits.
07:17:55 I think we have
07:18:02 seen hundreds of posts today, if only one inputs as not limited define name is defined.
07:18:14 Those of me test is the is zero percent okay so that's why we can reach the one on the horizontal it's a reserved quite quite easily.
07:18:22 I don't I don't know if you might be on but
07:18:27 yeah I think I can give an example at the moment for example we have the ASR components which are not maintained anymore, he's allowed to launch without limit.
07:18:37 is allowed to launch without limit. We have some simulators, of course, we, we are using in the test itself, which is also not relevant usually, and we have one exception which is of course needs to be checked is would be the TCP Gentoo of the, of the,
07:18:52 the, for example of the DCI a component so but all the rest are have exceptions, and are not relevant so that would be then one, let's say, that would then, If this for example TCIE Gen two would be fixed.
07:19:09 We would have the security test passed, basically.
07:19:14 The rest are basically we should have put as an exception or something, because they are not relevant at all or they are not maintained and maybe really, For example, we moved completely like it's after and we're seeing your desktop.
07:19:29 Something pop up by mistake, sorry.
07:19:33 Okay.
07:19:38 But yeah, I think that's, I think something is pretty broad and don't don't worry we discuss we say continue on. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that so it's not a big, bigger measure our program.
07:19:53 We just. So, so far, maybe just discuss positivity for infrastructure and shake for example for this way I'm not sure that we, for which 100% maybe on the rest.
07:20:03 And you know what is your opinion on that but sometimes I think the infrastructure health check should be hundred percent. I think at the moment is the failing part, I have tickets in there, which should be changed is one is the DCI he desktop I think
07:20:24 that's still in the process. And the other one which sometimes fades, and sometimes not, is all fk the of component. I think these kind of stuff of problems, should be fixed and I think the health check should be at 100%.
07:20:44 That's something I think we should aim for. So that means all these kind of startup problems we have should be fixed. So a smooth set up of all components and working components that should be something we somehow reachable I would say.
07:21:04 Now, at the moment, as I said, it's, it's either one or maybe two components which have at the moment startup problems. But I think that these kinds of things should be fixable and and and change these infrastructure health check parts, of course, this
07:21:20 is a timing issue in most cases. So, when you at the beginning, maybe before everything is really started up checked and the components.
07:21:31 Maybe it's not completely fixed and not started up completely.
07:21:36 But at least at this step when we do the health check which is then, let's say should be a stable state of all components. This should be 100%. That's why.
07:21:47 That should be the target.
07:21:59 Yes, but I agree Catherine you can be a strong cream on but I
07:22:03 was always difficult to to to fix a value because
07:22:10 the way we we defined this security test value is really we have I think five five meters we Some are the values a test to each test is okay it's it's a it's 100% for this test on it's not okay to zero percent so it's also difficult to define your value
07:22:37 that is not 100% for that.
07:22:45 Understood. But, but I believe you are referring on the to the security percentage.
07:22:53 You are in a very bad place.
07:22:58 So I think we need to see. Well, I don't know.
07:23:05 Today we are living the above 29%.
07:23:10 We should enjoy. Once again,
07:23:14 doesn't mean nothing because it's okay. It doesn't reflect the full set of tests that are performed was a report for example I seen hundreds of of tests, maybe or nine of them are not okay.
07:23:30 So globally. For this reports we may have more than 90% of desert our past, but when we, we can just test we can zero.
07:23:46 Okay, so maybe that's something we should also review with the BPM to see the delivery of this book to.
07:23:58 She can hear me.
07:23:59 Yes yes yes just this way I just, I just want to get to share with you what we discuss at reset karma.
07:24:08 but no need to discuss that
07:24:13 Jasper for information and just looking into recent results from the book tests, and I see that we have two poles from a year and a half is kind of not maintain.
07:24:30 We have one thoughts from CFPB to serve provider. We have DCA cloud defined manager for poles that are etc D, which probably need to run us a route due to current image that we are using, and 2pm simulators that they expect should be excluded from the
07:24:54 the test. So it's not bad, I'd say that that we are really close, especially the DC team is already working on alternative to cloud be fine.
07:25:06 And the other thing is that we do have a standardized exception process for these, so it's just that the exceptions have not been or the waivers have not been submitted yet, but those will be incorporated into a test, and to the file that the test results
07:25:21 are bashed against, so also it's it once we get the nine exceptions or however many we need those will, it will that test will show 100% complete, or 100%.
07:25:36 Yeah, and it will bond pass, for example, not engaging we have four tests in security category so managing to fix the root cause will help us to reach 50%.
07:25:52 So, the game. The game would be huge.
07:26:02 On a question that
07:26:06 mentioned by describing me.
07:26:09 Excuse me, we have been
07:26:17 showing your social economic choppy. Is it OK, enough.
07:26:18 Yeah, just speak slowly and I think it'll be okay.
07:26:30 It seems that it isn't.
07:26:33 It's not okay at all we can.
07:26:38 Can I hear your sister do know that sometimes when she was speaking, it'll, it'll cut out. I'm not sure why but if you speak slow.
07:26:51 Can you can use it okay now. Yes it is.
07:26:54 Okay, I just using it, what can we read this issue with the previous network. Okay, what I'm trying to ask is, we have a criteria for meeting single batch of this time isn't it.
07:27:04 We have a criteria for moving, for to moving closer to silver badging not meeting, moving closer there's, they're very.
07:27:13 They're very specific years that were opened for each project on it and it had to do with fixing so in our cloud findings.
07:27:23 Okay, because this trundling your route also is a part of it or not. If it's not, then it's fine. I mean, we can go with exceptions.
07:27:30 Thank you.
07:27:31 Right, it's this, there are two separate things.
07:27:34 I mean obviously the route would the route has more to do with how you would run it, and remember ci badging has much more to do with the quality of code produced, so it's it's a gray area, I think.
07:27:49 But still sexually here safe, so he's making the records criteria, there's always so much to talk here and not just from from a song from a Tz perspective because overall enter product has meditated You're right.
07:28:02 Yeah, right.
07:28:06 I me one question is, ESA excluded.
07:28:12 Yes, or is going to have, I don't think it's excluded today.
07:28:16 But and, and, in order to get ASR excluded from the tests and exception will have to be filed for each one of the tests to make, you know, they might fail because again, I believe that the ASR is still going to be included those, those
07:28:36 included in the release so we got to be honest about it.
07:28:40 At least currently I do not see it on the least I'm not sure if it was the same one in that game from or.
07:28:47 or is fixed, I don't know.
07:28:50 I mean one one the use case honey you the CCP and the using years, but he confirmed he can use a and I, and I, you know, API directed at moving yes I use them is no one is going to use then maybe they can exclude, but we all come from.
07:29:08 I got confirmation on me, but I need to confirmation from network slicing from coming up next week so after there probably are safe to we not no one using it.
07:29:18 Then we can exclude it from the release that would be fantastic and
07:29:25 it is included and it is failing at least in the security test for the ports without limit. Yeah, we have.
07:29:32 So, so that means when we excluded from the om release then force it to be.
07:29:46 But at least it's not rounding guys for raw data status right.
07:29:48 Just without limits just a test with just faking.
07:29:55 One of the places that will fail though is in the burgeoning that I believe they're, they're one of the. I know that they're one of the projects that's running, either.
07:30:05 And I don't remember if it's Python two or Java eight, but they never that they did not upgrade which is why they keep coming up for discussion.
07:30:15 Because that's where we identified the problems.
07:30:19 But any ability to get that out of the release would be fantastic for everybody
07:30:28 is the only thing which is running in my mind is the fact that if we have to be under person. We need to follow up with, with the components that are included and and maintain
07:30:47 because they will not allow you to be at another person, if there are not fixed.
07:30:53 Yeah, we, I think we really screwed on mental component.
07:30:59 Okay, so what what do you suggest that you need, sort of feedback from the DSP, or do you also to discuss, and share that with the BTR call on the second.
07:31:25 Yes, we need to discuss that the only free agree on, on, on the vision. On this yes maybe yes we need maybe an explanation to the JIRA.
07:31:34 we can make a try I would say, we can make a try.
07:31:39 But I don't know how much the problem to see a home guess it's I don't know how much do we need to own this debate on the project theme.
07:32:02 On top of what they've already scheduled
07:31:59 on scenes as a big surprise because it's so to be clear, steps we decided, a long time ago on the
07:32:08 said previously that there is not a lot of projecting back to, to the to reach this is 100% target.
07:32:24 Discuss, so we summer we see love or for some program we can serve them.
07:32:30 So, on the free exclude some components that are typically you use only for test.
07:32:38 We are not far from just started.
07:32:45 So I, I heard two things. One is that there's a feeling that CENTCOM or the answer and not sitcom that security requirements, should be at 100% to certify release.
07:33:02 And I heard that there is a feeling that infrastructure health check should also be at 100% to certify or released, or those two statements.
07:33:13 Correct.
07:33:15 We haven't voted on it yet but that's just confirming what I've heard during the call.
07:33:30 Okay well no one's contradicting me so I assume that's okay.
07:33:34 Is that something that, that, that we feel ready to put to a vote now or do we believe that it needs to go to the ptl for discussion first and I think that going to the PDL for discussion is where the conversation was headed.
07:34:02 Welcome to summer,
07:34:10 assuming this is going to the PDL, who is going to be making that presentation.
07:34:42 Look, he's on vacation. Next for the next three months.
07:34:53 Yeah, I know I can prepare some slides on maybe on dress or Katrina, you can use me and you can present them shorter.
07:35:00 Yeah, I think we can do that.
07:35:04 I just need to reserve my time for being in the, in the PTO meeting, usually not.
07:35:13 All right. Yeah, then take. Give it to me and
07:35:18 we'll try to do that.
07:35:32 So, in the background, be young and I are having a little bit of a conversation, and it comes down to who has, who has to actually submit an exception for the, for the unmaintained projects.
07:35:46 I'm going to just throw out a proposal that somebody on that that's that since it's a TLC decision to just to include and maintain projects and release it probably falls to the TSA to finally exception, any exceptions that we need for those just kind
07:36:06 Yeah.
07:36:23 So getting back up to where we were talking about exceptions
07:36:32 here and let's capture capture what Amy just said.
07:37:25 Is there any disagreement with that.
07:37:34 What I've got highlighted there.
07:37:37 If not, I'll mark that as an agreement.
07:37:42 Yep.
07:37:42 Yeah, that's, yeah.
07:37:50 It makes sense.
07:37:50 I can spell it correctly.
07:38:02 Cool.
07:38:07 Anything else on this topic.
07:38:14 No. The only thing is that we also need to see what we would do, socially, also designed that we maintain the quantity of resiliency and scalability.
07:38:27 Are those the CSC me the resiliency and stability, sorry, has it all does the TC need to think more about that so we only update if there is a, or I would tend to suggest maybe we only update.
07:38:46 The criteria, there is a particular need raised by the community, it's another way on the list.
07:38:54 So we give up until somebody specifically will request an improvement.
07:39:11 So it's related to stability and resiliency acceptance criteria
07:39:21 Is it okay, that we keep as it.
07:39:26 And if a company
07:39:30 ever they are wants to improve it, then we we assist
07:39:35 us I would do so, and especially because I think first we need to get the.
07:39:45 Also the weekly
07:39:48 tests running again right so because I think at the moment of the weeklies are not running, because these are including the stability tests at the moment.
07:39:58 And I think when we see okay any changes or concerns I think that can we can reassess that and maybe if we have a better idea is that how this is proceeding, I would say, yeah.
07:40:16 And what is the current criteria.
07:40:21 What are the what are the current threshold.
07:40:28 Um, I cannot I cannot have the, the slide that I was presented before or again,
07:40:42 because I only did the next practical disability. For those regulations that we cannot put it's an image. Okay, I will add the image for the resiliency.
07:40:59 I didn't share shared up here.
07:41:06 The resiliency is this kind of chaos result right so where we have, where we are stopping
07:41:16 the ends and whatever and we see after that, whether it is starting up and it's available again disabilities are the, the kind of first 24 hours test with different use cases or end to end use cases so onboarding and basically am as a result results and
07:41:40 I think these are the two tests which are at the moment done.
07:41:47 I don't know whether we can have already some polar chaos result tests, because I cannot see the results at all at the moment.
07:41:55 Yeah.
07:41:57 Yes.
07:41:58 Yeah, we are working on that.
07:42:00 I'm sure we have good results but I just think it's too early to say we cannot.
07:42:10 Maybe to be discussed for next for us which we are on the process of approvals access to good possibility that I don't know if I think nine keep us on should be agreed with right but difficult to once again to define figures but yes, all the success rate
07:42:34 Yes, all the success rate you mean at the moment. Okay, yes yes right yes yes reason I'm saying I got you.
07:42:40 100% is of course also. Yeah, I mean, okay, not, whether it is really reachable.
07:42:50 At least around 90% for the wrong 90 I agree but 100% would be that can be always environmental issues that would say exactly a failing. And that's would be a hard criteria so at the moment.
07:43:08 They are about 88 up to 90% and so on. Maybe 90% would be a good target for that I would say, Yeah, but I think in as Catherine said in her slides we had I think some values here, which we could use, easy I just put the picture.
07:43:31 But, again, it was just an example where we have this debate.
07:43:37 Maybe we should talk somewhere.
07:43:41 The exact numbers, because it was just the next project.
07:43:53 So maybe we can say, maybe I make enough.
07:44:39 Be the one because
07:44:44 community members.
07:45:01 don't want to dip your toe dies nobody's, adding equipment in the middle of nowhere needs to be accessible the following on the cream. Is it clear what I wrote you understand what I knew.
07:45:15 And then we need to see if you agree or not I didn't put the head item but I'm happy to do so.
07:45:23 So basically we maintain the current criteria.
07:45:28 Yeah, as is, until Jakarta.
07:45:35 Yeah, until you get into these are you on there on the previous basis, I would say, except the the integration team have auto suggestion.
07:45:50 I would suggest that for now.
07:45:55 And it's, it's I.
07:45:58 We can move the statement if people are Luna Luna cannot speak anymore.
07:46:09 So is it good for everybody. For all the DSD member.
07:46:15 Yes, it's not remove the statement.
07:46:24 That's okay do
07:46:24 good.
07:46:25 Yeah.
07:46:31 Okay. Let's go with that
07:46:36 one.
07:46:37 Okay. I will also publish. Thank you.
07:46:50 Okay.
07:46:55 As can be joined yet. no I don't see him on the call yet.
07:47:02 So moving forward.
07:47:07 The Enterprise Task Force.
07:47:15 Yeah, so I just wanted to understand or next on up enterprise the task force meeting as you know we are acting the weekly, so it gives her a book Nikki to the team to continue to deep dive, first of all, do integration with magma, but also we have other
07:47:35 topics on the pipeline which is to assess how we can make our network slicing use case, a little bit more figure, and the network slides perspective.
07:47:47 So, we have the Dr. Eric climb who will join us on the force, and he will present a new concept.
07:47:58 I think we can still see the concept because it does not totally exist it's maybe a prototype.
07:48:05 It's based on SAP, which stands for secure productive obese presidents and effective slides, and he will present this concept and how we, he believe we could integrate the concept to the upside.
07:48:25 And then we will have a team member from the outside, overthrew to make some proposition about the API, the interaction between the two components.
07:48:37 So, there is no we are not speaking about implementation at this stage where I'm just assessing.
07:48:44 If it's possible or at least understanding what sob good offer as an adding value in order to add additional security, when we speak about network slicing.
07:49:07 So if you're interested, to have your secure network slice, or at least two to explore this option with us.
07:49:10 This join us on August for.
07:49:20 Right.
07:49:24 And one of the things I if we're going to shift here a little bit. I do want to just do a quick update on the, on the elephant board.
07:49:36 As mentioned last week, the board meeting was on the 21st.
07:49:45 During that call the results of our annual operations survey were were shared, as was a separate survey that we made of the governing board itself.
07:50:04 You have the questions overlapped and the good intentionally and where the questions did overlap. There was good alignment between the community and the governing board which is good to see.
07:50:20 Yesterday we had our annual update for the left hand, members.
07:50:32 These were two sessions to meeting sessions that took place.
07:50:39 One in morning pacific time, one in the evening pacific time to try and accommodate the needs of both
07:50:53 Europe, the US, the Middle East and Asia.
07:51:01 Those, the content of those information. The content of those information.
07:51:07 The information shared and the content, the recordings in the content will be shared with the folks that are registered as the members with us.
07:51:22 So, if you would like it if you would like to see that information.
07:51:30 I would encourage you to reach out to the person in your company.
07:51:36 That is the official registered point of contact for elephant.
07:51:41 To get the slides and a link to the recording if they don't share it with with everybody.
07:51:47 But it's not something that I can distribute here, it's something that you would need to ask them for and like I said that will be distributed sometime today.
07:51:55 But I wanted to make everyone aware of it, that that information will be out there for folks to, to look at.
07:52:14 In other news, edits are still going on.
07:52:21 And I feel horrible, and I'm sorry. I wish this was done and I want to get it done.
07:52:32 Yeah.
07:52:38 When someone's coming up in October.
07:52:41 There were several papers submitted by folks in the own app community that were accepted. So congratulations on that now the work begins.
07:52:56 I know that the discussion of how our remote sessions going to be handled is.
07:53:06 I still don't have clear line of sight on. And the one thing that we do know is it as a hybrid event that it's going to be handled some way either.
07:53:20 The presenting live or presenting a pre recorded session, and then doing live q amp a.
07:53:30 Whatever the platform that's going to be used isn't what we would normally use for our developer and test forums, which as you know is just straight using zoom.
07:53:56 I'll actually be using a different platform for that so as soon as I know something.
07:53:49 I'll let you know but that also is something that should be getting communicated by the events team.
07:53:56 If you have any specific questions about that.
07:53:59 I would encourage you to send email to events at Linux foundation.org, to try and get that information.
07:54:13 Kenny as we are talking about October events.
07:54:34 The, and then we will have we're planning a face to face in June.
07:54:39 Okay, Cool. Thank you.
07:54:44 So, ultimately related question.
07:54:46 Do you have any update.
07:54:50 Are you or Katrina, any updates regarding the resources for the license compliance work.
07:55:05 Bring the bank to me okay so can you know i i.
07:55:12 Some time ago, together with Alexander we had the presentation regarding license compliance in all up and coming Docker images, And I believe that TC agree that we should proceed with some proof of concept and second gap license compliance for doctors
07:55:34 coming from a single project or something, and then.
07:55:44 Both. both of you decided that it's the right direction but we need to figure out whether that those should be as real resources or Wind River library services and we've been supposed to wait for for your guidance, let's say,
07:56:05 scan called IO doesn't drink any bell for you.
07:56:10 Scan code I O rings a bell, and I want the background I remember the discussion on whether the on what resources to us.
07:56:25 I,
07:56:28 I am apologize there but I didn't see that as a, as a decision for me to make.
07:56:38 Certainly, I would see that as a community based decision.
07:56:43 Okay, so I felt that we are writing for you and Katrina to make the decision.
07:56:56 If it is not, then please let us know what we should do and who we should ask.
07:56:57 I think what may have come up was that the discussion about the Wind River lab is being decommissioned and did it make sense to stand up new functionality there.
07:57:12 I think was, was the discussion, the work that's being done currently to get the resources that are being donated from Intel, to be good up.
07:57:32 That work is still is still in place is still going on because that that's that requires a actual call to the governing board to make a decision on budget.
07:57:45 But, as I understand it, Steve IRA who is
07:57:50 head of the IT infrastructure here has gotten several quotes back.
07:58:00 One foot came back.
07:58:03 That was fairly expensive as I, as I had anticipated.
07:58:09 Because this is going to be going into a location where the support of the actual hardware needs to be provided by by somebody else currently that supports being provided by Wind River.
07:58:24 The onsite supporting speaking about.
07:58:29 Also, not being donated is anything related to the network gear. So, top of rack.
07:58:41 Basic switches and things like that, also need to be provided by whoever's wherever this is going to be installed. So, I realized Christoph that I've gone off in it in a separate direction from the question you were asking.
07:58:59 But I saw that is related so
07:59:06 see Catherine's type something in here oh she needs to leave.
07:59:12 Yeah I, along with Catherine I I need to go back and if this is something that was on my plate that that just completely got dropped my apologies for that.
07:59:26 Okay, cool. So, if you could try to get back to that topic.
07:59:32 And maybe trying to figure out something how we should proceed, or what we need to do, whether we need to ask DSC for Asian resources or, or what or what we need to organize them or on our own or what we did.
07:59:53 That would be really helpful because
07:59:59 certainly the talk that that we submitted about the license compliance has been accepted for one segment and that's why I followed the it is related. And in that case, we really want to have that set up on some, you know, public instance that people may
08:00:15 go and look at at the time of of EOV that.
08:00:26 Currently we are using cover our own resources to test that internally but you know those resources are not that easy to be available from the outside.
08:01:16 Especially that we are looking for feedback from other communities and maybe potentially also their involvement, because I believe we are not the only community that has this issue of scanning Docker containers.
08:01:35 Then, probably having some, you know, infrastructure, where they can easily take a look, used to really something that that this desire to foster collaboration here.
08:02:04 Okay.
08:02:15 Okay, thank you for for that.
08:02:21 Thank you.
08:02:24 Okay.
08:02:26 Andy I see that you've joined. Yes, I have.
08:02:30 Let me give you
08:02:33 their ability.
08:02:36 Okay, stop.
08:02:40 Hello folks for those that don't remember me I'm the release engineering manager at the Linux Foundation.
08:02:46 I'm coming in today to give a brief update on
08:02:53 stability issues that have been raised as well as the decision by the TLC to allow om to move over to get lab, as a proof of concept for possibly moving all of own up.
08:03:08 Just an FYI, the slides I'm about to show are actually a little about a week or so out of date, I haven't had time to update them, they are in general, though, accurate for what I'm going to talk about.
08:03:20 So first things first Jenkins stability was raised as a major issue, all of the work that we've been doing related to that has shown that we've now got a stable system again as it's about two weeks ago.
08:03:34 So we're going to kind of call that at this time we're going to call that good.
08:03:38 Since we're not seeing any other problems related to that.
08:03:43 We do have some more tools installed on the Jenkins system though to get better insights into, into these kind of problems earlier on, if we're running into them.
08:03:54 Second of all, we were having.
08:03:56 We got feedback about our ticketing process and the fact that was very frustrating in regards to the stability issues around Jenkins in particular because we kept closing up tickets as we were essentially rebooting them after the community.
08:04:12 After the community raised an issue.
08:04:15 We've made a smallest process change internally related to stability issues in specific.
08:04:23 Right now, our process has always been that we would as we got to a point where we had completed the majority of the work, or the work on that particular issue we would basically close it out.
08:04:34 Especially if nobody responded back to us.
08:04:37 We are going to be keeping stability related issues, open for at least a week.
08:04:42 Just for monitoring purposes. So we don't have this constant reopening of tickets and frustration that regard.
08:04:49 Other tickets style. Other types of tickets, we will continue to go ahead and close as normal, our experiences at most of the time. Once we resolve an issue people don't respond back to us so we just go ahead and close them out.
08:05:02 So that kind of why that happens.
08:05:05 Now, on the topic of moving om over to get lab. There's been a lot of discussion internally around that.
08:05:16 And a couple things have kind of popped up as potential issues.
08:05:21 We have ideas on what that's going to look like to resolve them. The biggest issues that we currently see our limitation on build minutes, and limitation on instant sizes in get lab from the free pool.
08:05:37 There are ways around that, including leveraging the Vex host cloud that we currently have, we are investigating how that's going to look and what that's going to look like.
08:05:48 The other major roadblock we currently have, is that the own nap namespace on get lab is currently being squatted on by somebody and it's a private namespace.
08:05:58 We are working with get lab to resolve that it seems like that namespace has actually been dormant for a long time. We're going through their squatters resolution process so we're not going to know what the outcome of that is for a couple weeks.
08:06:14 But I fully expect that we will have that namespace once we have that namespace. We can do a lot more work related to setting up the configuration so that it meets our general standards on management, and then we can actually evaluate what it's going
08:06:29 to take to get oom migrated out of the air Jenkins setup over to get lab.
08:06:35 The etiquette project is actually going through this process right now. And they've got some lessons learned that we're kind of taking and trying to, to go with that so we don't have as bumpy road as they've been having there, they haven't actually been
08:06:50 having too many problems with that. The one other issue is easy CLA.
08:06:57 That is a dependency of of this whole transition, and our communication to folks has been that it's going to be available at end of August, I had to, I had word back over this past weekend that that's actually looking like it's not going to be generally
08:07:15 available until end of September, so that pushes back the timeline by about a month.
08:07:21 But we are not going to stand still on transition work related to that.
08:07:28 I do know that if we were to move all of our own app over which is our end goal as a release engineering team would be to migrate all of our own app eventually.
08:07:44 We have a lot of work related to rebuilding job templates.
08:07:44 But I can say this, if for some reason that get lab does not work out for om or another net project we need to seriously consider the bringing everything back to Garrett, and Jenkins, not because that's a preferred platform but because we want to make
08:08:02 sure that the project as a whole is operating out of the same structure. All everywhere.
08:08:09 We've run a couple projects that were running in Split platforms and it caused a lot of problems for the project, and for release engineering just from management perspective, and it caused a lot of a lot of heartache, and it's something that we just
08:08:26 generally recommend against for any extended period of time.
08:08:32 And so we want to make sure that if if things don't work out and get lab for one of the projects that it that we are are making sure that things are. Yeah, we're going to bring it all back to, to, to the current setup, or a different setup that would
08:08:46 work better.
08:08:47 We are open to transitioning your platform to something else we just want to make sure that it's the right thing for the entirety of own app and not just a pick and choose your own adventure thing because that becomes very difficult to manage from our
08:09:02 support standard but it also is very difficult on a community to know what they're where they're supposed to go to do certain things.
08:09:10 So, that's kind of just everything all in a little nutshell there, and I am now open for any questions.
08:09:28 People still hear me.
08:09:30 Yep. Okay.
08:09:45 Okay.
08:09:52 Certainly expecting more questions. Well at least some questions.
08:10:05 They will die, take that to mean that the direction you guys are heading is the correct one.
08:10:12 Okay, great.
08:10:14 I'm not yeah I'm gonna say, I'm easy CLA, the August states that we had been given.
08:10:20 Well, specifically that I had been given that was basically the code complete date, not the release date so that's where the. That's where the confusion came so Andy's discussions.
08:10:39 Found found what the actual situation one so thanks for that.