TSC 2021-08-26

TSC 2021-08-26

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Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly status

    • REQ-760 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - missing from Impact per view 
      • damian.nowak reports that there are no current issues with dual stack support, based on results of daily testing.
      • Note that REQ-718 (spec) and REQ-760 (GR) are different issues
      • Damian has added REQ-760 to the impact view page.  However, this is simply for completeness as there are no current issues.
      • Chaker Al-Hakim Chaker has updated ONAPARC-639 to include approval of REQ-760, based on review of other similar requirements
      • Next steps:
    • VFC-1875 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - SECCOM opinion?
      • To be re-opened and added recommendation to use the integration base image (see Jira)
      • Suggestion that this should be proposed as a best practice REQ for Jakarta release
  • Honolulu Maintenance
    • Jira issues
    • Next step: Regression Tests by the Integration Team i.e. Healthcheck, Smoke Tests - Morgan Richomme waiting for OOM updates to initiate daily tests on Honolulu branch


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
    • Gerrit & Jenkins issues this AM
    • Issue was due to zombies resulting from Gerrit restart.
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

Update on integration lab status

EU support 


#AGREED the TSC approves the OOM Gitlab POC using CLA validation via the ci chain demonstrated in https://gitlab.com/kopasiak/oom_cla_test/-/merge_requests/1 as a workaround until EasyCLA supports GitLab

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Update for the LFN Governing Board

  •  (Sunday preceding the ONE Summit)  GB meeting to include update preso from the LFN Project TSCs. 
  • Template will be provided shortly - GB asked for changes
  • 2022 budget process will be that same as in the past.

TSC Activities and Deadlines

ONAP Community Awards: Honolulu Release

TSC 2.0 Community Document Draft

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

PTL meeting on Sept 6 is canceled due to the Labor Day holiday in the U.S.

Zoom Chat Log 

06:57:40 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
07:00:15 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone:
#info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:00:17 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone:
#info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:25 From Alla Goldner to Everyone:
#info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:00:29 From Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile) to Everyone:
#info proxy Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:00:39 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
#info, Catherine lefevre AT&T
07:00:44 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:47 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
#info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:00:53 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone:
#info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:01:14 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
#info, Catherine lefevre AT&T
07:01:18 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone:
#info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:01:19 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone:
#info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:02:04 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone:
#info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:04:58 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#topic Istanbul M3 Review
07:05:37 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone:
#info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:06:06 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
@Ciaran - thanks
07:06:13 From Martin Vezeau (Bell Canada) to Everyone:
#info Martin Vezeau, Bell Canada
07:06:52 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
07:06:52 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
@Martin - thanks
07:14:01 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#info David recommends slipping the M3 milestone due to low % of completion.
07:18:53 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
Last results on daily : https://logs.onap.org/onap-integration/daily/onap_daily_pod4_master/2021-08/26_11-43/
07:23:10 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#AGREED M3 slips until Sept. 2nd
07:30:05 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#topic REQ-760
07:35:48 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
Primary impact is believed to be on OOM.
07:38:59 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone:
I would argue that there are changes required (Generic though, that is good news) in each client and server microservices to support IPv6.
07:40:25 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone:
Changes to helm charts would to none to at the most minimal.
07:41:19 From Krzysztof Opasiak to Everyone:
@Srini I believe that components already handle this I saw several patches form Nokia guys fixing that where it didn't work
07:42:09 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
OOM confirms that they can comply with REQ-718 & Req-760 in the Istanbul release.
07:42:30 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone:
That is great. This is good requirement as I also started to see many providers underlay network is IPv6 is based.
07:44:40 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#ACTION Chaker & Timo to have an offline chat to ensure alignment.
07:46:25 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#topic VFC-1875
07:49:10 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
Full ubuntu 14.04 which contains a lot of GPLv3 license content (+ a lot of unnecessary content)
07:51:23 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
Ticket to be reopened to use the integration base image
07:51:24 From Jason Hunt to Everyone:
#info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:51:33 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
@jason thanks
07:55:21 From Krzysztof Opasiak to Everyone:
07:55:42 From Krzysztof Opasiak to Everyone:
most of those are related to swithich baseOS to integration-java11
07:56:07 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
true too
08:00:50 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone:
I am sorry. I need to drop.
08:04:11 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar (AT&T) to Everyone:
Reg INT-1959 - This may not be DCAE related. The collector in question is likely a simulator/app used in integration usecase I believe.
08:11:08 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
Great news about EMEA Support - let's hope the candidate will be identified soon
08:12:20 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
Thanks Catherine
08:15:06 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#topic OOM gitlab
08:21:06 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#vote Does the TSC approve the OOM Gitlab POC using CLA validation via the ci change demonstrated in https://gitlab.com/kopasiak/oom_cla_test/-/merge_requests/1as a workaround until EasyCLA supports GitLab? +1, 0, -1
08:21:15 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:16 From Jason Hunt to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:19 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:20 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:20 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:20 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:22 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:22 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:27 From Martin Vezeau (Bell Canada) to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:40 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
08:21:41 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:21:59 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone:
#vote +1
08:23:12 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#AGREED the TSC approves the OOM Gitlab POC using CLA validation via the ci change demonstrated in https://gitlab.com/kopasiak/oom_cla_test/-/merge_requests/1as a workaround until EasyCLA supports GitLab
08:23:46 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
08:30:00 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#topic TSC 2.0
08:30:14 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
if no comments move to a vote next week.

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:02:04 Okay.
07:02:08 Going We are at quorum.
07:02:15 Meetings being recorded.
07:02:19 Everyone's muted when you command please keep yourself muted when you're unless you're speaking, if you're on a phone.
07:02:24 Excuse me, you can use star six.
07:02:27 If you send me a private chat message I will happily cut and paste it into the meeting minutes.
07:02:32 So be aware of that Sweeney Thank you.
07:02:41 And as always, we'll start the meeting by mentioning, our anti trust policy.
07:02:47 You can find this link from the lF and all of the project websites.
07:02:52 Policies important. We've got multiple companies including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings. Please review it. If you have any questions please contact companies illegal council members of the elf may also contact and drip
07:03:15 the firm gives my appt Grove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
07:03:24 Okay.
07:03:23 Today is m three so we will be spending a good chunk of time talking about that
07:03:32 couple of updates in terms of range.
07:03:37 Want to discuss the OEM get lab pilot proposal
07:03:46 update from the governing board on what's coming up.
07:03:52 And then some basic housekeeping type of things.
07:03:55 Any other items, anyone needs to add.
07:04:05 Okay, I will stop sharing them and turn it over to David.
07:04:13 I think skinny.
07:04:32 Alright, so I sent out a weekly status report yesterday.
07:04:41 So a lot of what we'll be reviewing here as a reiteration of that.
07:04:47 Because everyone's well where am three is scheduled for today.
07:04:54 There was some confusion about the difference between three and four so am three is when we finalize our code reviews, and four is when we complete container delivery.
07:05:18 So this was a decision that was made.
07:05:21 Among the PT else.
07:05:24 This past spring.
07:05:28 After our experience with the Honolulu release and just recognizing that we needed some separation and time from those activities so there's about a three weeks separation between the end of code reviews, and the container delivery.
07:05:48 In September,
07:05:53 are there any questions about the meaning of them three and then four difference between two. Does that make sense.
07:06:02 I sent out an email about this last week as well. There's a link here on the agenda.
07:06:09 All right.
07:06:16 So, let's start with the milestone status.
07:06:26 Okay so, As of this morning, we're at about 75%, approximately So that's improved a fair amount since, when I sent the, the weekly update out yesterday it was around 62% I think it was so, so we're making progress.
07:06:58 Still some work to do here though.
07:07:06 I knows we still have South five in progress. I think that's om which naturally tends to lag.
07:07:18 The rest of the projects.
07:07:22 Just because of the nature of the dependencies.
07:07:32 This is David when we bros because I was, I was trying to understand what is left when we lose a little bit, as you said om integration.
07:07:42 They will be under code, under oak for the end for because they are in standby from the completion of the code freezing on the code so that's why I was also not expecting completion.
07:07:58 At this stage, as you said, 77% today. and what is left with maybe some code review, so we want to invite people to ensure that the day finalize their code review.
07:08:11 And they are may be potentially some remaining is priority.
07:08:18 That looking at what is left, right, if we click on the in progress, and please also recheck the the open because if you think it was done.
07:08:32 When David review a fine probably things that you have overlooked. So, please, ever. Check to see if there's a major misunderstanding between both party contact immediately David.
07:08:47 Okay, so I was definitely will be 80%. We have 77, we are not that far.
07:08:55 So just keep going.
07:09:01 All right. Yeah, I went through and review these and I found in some cases, particularly with high and highest priority jury issues, but there were still some issues up and if you're having problems with those issues.
07:09:19 You can create an exception request.
07:09:26 But we need to get that documented.
07:09:32 So David, can I just mention that today to have been some issues with first Jenkins, so first with Garrett and actually at the moment we have problems with the Jenkins builds.
07:09:43 So that's what's blocking us completing some of our task at the moment I'm not sure if it's been mentioned in all of this course. And in general, Slack channel but anybody who's taking action on it.
07:09:57 Yeah, I know I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for bringing that up.
07:10:02 I think, Jessica Are you on the call. Can you comment.
07:10:07 Yes, I'm here. um, I was out yesterday I was sick yesterday but can you describe the problems that you're seeing at the moment. So the issue with with with Garrett has been fixed certificate has been restarted but I think this might be.
07:10:21 This might be part of the course now some of the Jenkins engines. Now, in the Slack channel I think it's, yeah you know do a different job she has different engines with different labels.
07:10:32 So anyway, the ones were using center seven are down and somebody else reported that their Jenkins and is we're also down so I'm not quite sure of all Jenkins engines are down, or there's only specific ones.
07:10:44 Anyway, just just two links that I can copy them in a minute into the chat here.
07:10:50 Definitely down.
07:10:51 Yeah, I can take a look.
07:10:54 Usually I seen that happening when when Jenkins, when get rid of some of the notes, end up being in zombie state. So, somebody has to go and physically clear them out, let me see if that needs to be done and I'll do it.
07:11:11 Yeah, it sounds like God because God was restarted or Jenkins was restarted Baldwin restarted I think so, I can send you the link so do you think you need him or not really.
07:11:21 No, I don't need the link, let me let me go.
07:11:22 Look right now.
07:11:23 Okay, thanks very much. Thank you guys see, I say being on the call and I know he took care of the earlier problem was, yeah was some IPS needed to be blocked because I guess they're hammering the system.
07:11:40 Got it, okay thank you for that. Let me, let me check what's happening with Jenkins.
07:11:46 Here, Bill down for me I don't know folks are still seeing the issue but I can't get to it
07:11:56 just doesn't sound
07:12:04 right.
07:12:06 So I guess, Jessica is going to investigate.
07:12:17 Let's see. So, I guess, I guess we need to decide how to proceed.
07:12:24 You know, given that we're around 75 80%.
07:12:30 It seems a little low.
07:12:35 To try and, you know, normally we might say well
07:12:42 you know we can go ahead and approve the milestone. With these caveats and expectations but it seems a little low to me for that.
07:12:54 So an alternative.
07:12:58 We could slip an entire week.
07:13:02 Or we could slip until Monday and review status.
07:13:07 On Monday, and I consider recommendation out to the TASC.
07:13:12 What to what to TLC numbers. Thank you.
07:13:23 Any opinions.
07:13:26 Um, So, again, I was like you being we will reach the equity person understand they've been some jinking issue based on the feedback of the team.
07:13:38 So let's give a couple of these more to the team, because we have been facing some tooling issue.
07:13:46 Again, I really invite people to recheck.
07:13:49 When we look at the nature of the problem it's review the source code, which has been posted over the last 36 hours, and also the most common items to closes the high, and I know, I know that some of your task might be tagged as I i 's.
07:14:11 And these tasks are potentially related to documentation of testing of better ways testing disabled things So, of course, these to remain open, what is really important is that the task associated to the development.
07:14:40 And you need this, whatever needs to be finalized.
07:14:33 So, if you get a move to the editor because your skill, I use you to task or activities, post and pre, which is everything related to the fact that we need to have the, the container in place, and continue the rest of the milestone of locally, that's
07:14:54 okay. The only thing that we would like to ask you, is put a note, because when we have a change of status.
07:15:03 There is no information in the ticket.
07:15:07 It's very hard for David to make a judgment. So, I hope David I, I, I tried to convey what you had in mind. So, afterwards to make a big deal judgment so let's let's preview the situation on Monday.
07:15:25 But we need to be honest be up at five by next Thursday.
07:15:31 Otherwise, we, we, we might do apologize the date and we know all the projects need to be clean, because otherwise we cannot kick off the demos testing and an overview of all the rest of the face for the video.
07:15:45 What the TC thinking so the proposition is. Let's ensure that the tooling is in place, because the team have been suffering and my apologize I've been away a little bit of my emails due to network issues so I only understand your concern on this call.
07:16:02 So let's give some time to the teams and check on Monday, and take a decision, next week.
07:16:11 If we, we need to shift. Open up, but I would not see Furthermore, honestly.
07:16:28 Maybe I can assure also but we have a lot of patch on the waiting for the gating because we had some problems during the last weekend.
07:16:32 You too many many issues and we had some programming now for Andre data center.
07:16:38 So what's the program and Gary mixtures.
07:16:41 So we are you had that galaxy sort of shown on the deed some, some Charlotte affected also our channel so on. So as our reserves eyes are not tough, but she's that are waiting on to get into to pass on maybe to take some time to, to be to be checked out
07:17:15 project team because they need, they need to. They need to provide the best they can to do the next phase with the container, we have our first three weeks, between the, what the complete and the, the om completion.
07:17:27 So what about you review this with the team next week because I need to take some time off. So, based on the tool in different settings with the lab, we are all aware of that because we have been communicated to the TASC.
07:17:42 The challenge with the orange lab then we look at the Media Lab to. Let's give time to the team and explore week.
07:17:48 And then we already look at Monday where we are.
07:17:53 And from the week we take a decision, do we need an extra week or not. Would it be okay. can you also lead the discussion because
07:18:03 we need, we need to remember to with close with on last to the next step, which is integration and the container heading to provide recommendations on the, on the DSP.
07:18:16 Would it be okay.
07:18:18 Okay.
07:18:20 Thank you. To conclude, I took a lot.
07:18:23 We let the team.
07:18:26 Trying at least to these, we really need an 85%, which is very important. even more, much better. Do what you can by Monday.
07:18:35 And then on the has and also aqueous provide accommodation because there are 50% ready for the testing I hope I don't forget anybody. I know, maybe honey can provide some insight as well so they will provide a recommendation and then to see need to vote
07:18:53 what we do. Ship of state.
07:18:56 Okay.
07:18:57 Ok so that is the, this decision on the table, is that we postpone and three until Monday, or postpone em three until next Thursday a week from today, based on the feedback I would sit and pray to fill the, but we need to monitor what's going on on the
07:19:20 call because maybe the teacher will say, Well, I need, I have this issue, and then maybe sitcom we say maybe hesitation request or no, it has to be fixed.
07:19:30 I think that the PTN, who have not yet finite, they need to share more insights, I bought the problem, we know we have been facing some lab and tooling issue.
07:19:42 Is it the only reason, or is it something more serious. So I think discussion at the PTA call is absolutely Emma said. With empty my students have to be the visit, at the center of the album cure, when I talk now.
07:19:57 So, discussion about facing as a typical employee milestone shift to next week.
07:20:05 I guess I'm a bit confused.
07:20:08 Yes games is m three is when the code reviews are supposed to be complete.
07:20:19 But for the moment it's not the case can eat because there's no no I, I realized that. Mm hmm.
07:20:29 How much tooling comes into play for somebody to complete a code review
07:20:38 easily
07:20:50 Okay. And you click for example of the remaining in progress.
07:20:55 The court gives you is one aspect, but you've also resolution of i i
07:21:02 I don't blame anybody I don't blame anybody, we just give some time, because we've been facing a lot of blood issue, right, that the team members have been trying to recover.
07:21:14 We are unlucky, we have some tools Jenkins give a tissue as well so we just give the time to people to come back refreshed from their vacation, and also to have an opportunity to finalize the task.
07:21:32 If he does not only the code review. There are other tasks funnel and
07:21:41 I just wanted to mention that the fourth from Gary people need also Jenkins working right because you don't get up our nuts are not succeeding then probably no one's going to take the risk and merge the patch.
07:21:54 So that's the one thing and another thing is that the program the om perspective dq into gate is not that bad. I mean, we have a lot of patches into review but it's expected at this point of the release.
07:22:09 And I must say that I'm really positively surprised that there is already a few teams that submitted their container updates I'm very happy with that.
07:22:20 And I encourage everyone to do the same. So do not wait this additional week.
07:22:28 If you can, if you already have all patches in place, then please make sure to start your container, update, or any other or new charts especially asked me over it as possible.
07:22:51 Sorry, I am going to type agreed and three slips until sep tember second is that a true statement.
07:23:03 Yes.
07:23:06 Okay.
07:23:12 All right. Thank you.
07:23:16 See where are you documenting that Kenny.
07:23:21 I just typed it into the chat window I'll drop it into the notes. Okay, great. thank you.
07:23:26 Okay.
07:23:31 So, I think I'm going to go ahead and
07:23:36 drop down to this issue about requirements 760.
07:23:45 So we talked about this on the TASC call last week and just to refresh your memory, give you the background Timo reached out to me last week, and said that
07:24:06 he was puzzled because the TMC had agreed on requirements 760 as the global requirement and he had it did not show up in the on the system bowl requirements page in the global requirements section.
07:24:26 And I confirmed but he was seen and then I, I looked at my query I realized that there was a problem with my query where it was filtering on
07:24:37 release so it's filtering on Honolulu release actually.
07:24:43 And of course the global requirements are not associated with a specific release so I updated my query and corrected that problem.
07:24:51 so that it now shows on the requirements page.
07:24:56 But then I realized that there was another problem and that is that
07:25:01 it was not listed on the impact component page.
07:25:09 Probably because
07:25:13 whoever put the page together and put in the requirements was probably basing it on the assemble requirements page.
07:25:21 And so, that meant that we did not collect input from the PhD else as we normally do for all of our other requirements.
07:25:32 So, we had a discussion about this on the PTO call on Monday, and
07:25:42 realized several things.
07:25:45 First of all, the requirements 760 is similar to two or three other requirements that we've had in the past.
07:25:59 And the only difference with 760 it is that it is a global requirement. And so the idea was that we, We developed support for dual stack.
07:26:14 And then the global requirement ensures that going forward we maintain support for dual stack.
07:26:24 And so therefore they're really, I think we, we decided that the work was just limited to om or om and DCA.
07:26:39 So that's the problem isn't as large as it initially appeared in other words, it would have been good to have it reviewed by the VCs but as it turns out there, there is no that the, the current effect is very limited.
07:26:59 So,
07:26:59 the,
07:27:02 the impact per component page has been updated with 760, but there's no need for any additional input from the BTL so it's just been placed there just for completeness and thanks to Damien for updating that page for us.
07:27:23 Then, shocker pointed out that, you know, we still had a whole because of the,
07:27:32 the architecture, review course all of our requirements go through the architecture review and 760 had not gone through that architecture review.
07:27:42 But we agreed that the requirement was more or less identical to other requirements that had been reviewed. So we agreed and Shukor updated on a part 639 to include the approval of requirement.
07:28:06 760.
07:28:08 So that's a lot of speech to come to basically simple conclusion that that yes the requirements 760 was was left out, but the impact is minimal and now we're, we're set up to, to move forward.
07:28:31 So, I know that was a lot to digest.
07:28:38 Any questions, comments,
07:28:42 Does anyone disagree with how we handle that.
07:28:47 David doesn't shock I just have a comment. Sure.
07:28:51 So, so I, as you said, Great I updated the, The architecture review JIRA 2.2 both requirement JIRA tickets.
07:29:06 However, though, thinking through it when I went back and look at my notes.
07:29:10 When we reviewed the this issue. It was labeled as a park.
07:29:19 And now it has become a global requirement.
07:29:24 The only count I have over here is that when it was when it was designed or was flagged as a park.
07:29:33 Some of the PTS may have decided not to participate in the architectural review because they probably thought they were not going to be impacted.
07:29:44 Now, it has become a global requirements or global requirement now everybody is potentially can be impacted.
07:29:53 And that's something that we need to keep an eye on. and perhaps bring up at the Monday's call the BTL call to see if they, they're okay with moving forward with it, as is, without doing any additional architectural reviews.
07:30:11 So you you think that this can be handled with a discussion in the the ptl call because I was thinking, you know, based on what he said you know another approach would be to, you know, just leave things as they are for assemble.
07:30:30 And then, and then go through an architectural review for 760 for the Jakarta release that would be another approach, but you don't think that's necessary.
07:30:41 I'm okay. Either way, I just want to get the details, take on it.
07:30:48 Right, but I do, I would like for them to weigh in on it before we will make any decision.
07:30:52 What kind of feel like we we got that on okay final didn't wait.
07:30:58 What kind of feel like we we got that on okay fine I didn't know I understand that that I think the, the, the other point that you know I know that we did go over it, but the the point that my main point over here is that when it was reviewed it was supposed
07:31:10 to be, it was considered a park. Now that it has become a global requirements.
07:31:15 Again, it's a comment, it's not a recommendation or anything.
07:31:20 Now, or the PDF is okay with implementing this requirement. Knowing that
07:31:31 architecture review discussion when it was considered a park.
07:31:36 Right. Just, just one comment here, I mean for me.
07:31:39 Yeah.
07:31:41 So, I think. But David, When you said that there has been multiple requirements on this same topic I think this may be now creating the confusion because the requirement that is a pork is something that took place in Honolulu release already so it's it's
07:32:04 something that is kind of water under the bridge, the one that is current new 718.
07:32:13 that is kind of water on the under the bridge, the one that is current is 718. And I think that's not not a park.
07:32:17 And then then we have a session have been on architecture review and I think what we discussed on Monday that.
07:32:24 That of course yet book is pork butt, but there are other things that have been done in addition to that book requirement.
07:32:32 Over the course of alien and Honolulu and now he's tumbled 718, which yeah all then kind of point to the same direction, which is to kind of get get this to our spec, as, as a global requirement.
07:32:50 So I think what Chucky says about this book is correct, but it's it's best to release.
07:32:59 And I think what we discussed that, that kind of firm. If the other. If, if the earlier requirements and disseminate have been reviewed, then, that kind of firm.
07:33:16 Could couldn't consider that it completes the seven six different view as well.
07:33:19 Right.
07:33:32 It's not. It's all nothing, so I do you implement on the whole code, and the code or either you don't implement. So it means, in order to become a global requirement, you need for us to be best practice, and it was a pool, and then become global requirements.
07:33:48 So, at least from a process perspective.
07:33:51 No, it's true, it has been approved.
07:33:53 But we were tracking. Still, when it was stacked, and of course, as a best practice and that's why we have 718.
07:34:01 When we look at the 760. There is a little bit of smoke, but I want that people understand it changed, expected for the one project.
07:34:16 Change expected for the one project. Not, of course, that the others will benefit but I mean, the change of made at the om level, and all the project will benefit from that. So the question is, to conclude.
07:34:30 Since my understanding from Damien and I don't know if he's on the call. The only impacted component is aware, and of course the integration team for the testing.
07:34:38 I think the discussion is the om is ok for this release or not. I think that, that, that the question at the end, I think, do you agree or not.
07:34:51 Yeah, I think that's mostly true Catherine but I think what Shakur is talking about is, is moving forward.
07:34:59 And that is you know the question of whether in you know I'm fine either way, shocker and all rely on your guidance, as the chair of the architectural subcommittee about whether we can schedule another discussion and detailed meaning if if you think that's
07:35:18 sufficient.
07:35:21 Or we can plan on an architectural review for the Jakarta release or we can do both. So, whatever you think I'm, I'm happy to support. Yeah, I think, I think when you know I'll talk to Tim on demand offline.
07:35:39 but at least my recommendation would be.
07:35:44 Let's now that it is considered a global requirements. Let's take it to an architectural review one more time in the Jakarta release.
07:35:54 Okay would be my recommendation.
07:35:57 All right.
07:36:01 Alright, I I don't don't want to, you know, talk too much about that, but if if it became a global if it became a best practice. It was reviewed it was presented to TLC it was presented to TLC then any deals approved, then it became a global requirements
07:36:19 so once again, it was definitely presented to the TASC.
07:36:22 It was probably reviewed with the architecture.
07:36:26 And now we want to review that once again.
07:36:32 Do we really going to create.
07:36:34 I think I think the issue is slightly different Christophe, at least from the architectural review perspective. When a feature or a capability is flicked as a park PLC, then that is not a global interest if you will, from the community to participate
07:37:02 Very few participants and a park is not something that is included in the release so the attention, the focus is not the same as if the this requirement or this capability is becoming a global requirements.
07:37:21 That is my point.
07:37:24 Sir, I noticed here but I think, becoming it already was in previous release.
07:37:33 It was a best practice and then it was approved. The problem is the tracking Crisco man I'm sorry to cut you we, when we did back component and the sun bowl.
07:37:44 We were packing against of and wanting look 760. So the flight region is a glitch in the process, because if it is not in the Heaney's potentially by, it's not part of the list of sector to review and so on and so on and so on.
07:38:00 Right.
07:38:01 But as I said, 718 was there, and we know it does not make sense because having our new code ib ipv4 dual stack, apply does not make sense, it's either everything, or nothing.
07:38:15 So now we are in the recovery process. And for me, before we in Florida is the question.
07:38:21 Even before discussing about architecture give you those the om theme feel comfortable to maintain his requirement. As part of this really, right, because they are the only impacted component.
07:38:35 If they say no, We don't need to discuss anymore, right, and the architecture review can a book can happen in jack after his own team saying, No, no, it was part of my plan, there is no issue I can make it, then we need to correct the process, and under
07:38:52 has the request of tracker.
07:38:54 So I come back on my first question. Does the om team or representatives, believe they can make it for
07:39:06 Istanbul considering the other stuff they have to do.
07:39:11 Right. So, I know the PTO but I believe I'm the only community on commuter here. So, for, from my perspective and I believe that so young, would tell the same.
07:39:24 We have a long history of collaborating with Nokia guys on this. And we know that it has been tested it's already march to the master branch. So from my perspective I believe that there is no new things that needs to be done to fulfill this requirement.
07:39:44 And if there are any those are really some small glitches that we are happy to take before end of this release.
07:39:54 We act. So, we get, you are presenting your senior, your computer.
07:39:59 The om project confirm that they can keep going on this requirement, even if there was a process glitch, and I don't think anybody is happen, right. We are not perfect.
07:40:11 We are not perfect. So, we have the confirmation that this requirement can be passed, of the needy. Now we need to make a recovery plan. And the first step that I would like to as the project team is to address the request of sector to do the official
07:40:28 ask each of you, even if there is nothing you just meet 10 minutes, five minutes. Right, just to be aligned.
07:40:36 And then not all on the same page. Oh, does it sound.
07:40:44 People you probably need to, to have a prison Daniel, I, I, again, I'm old enough so I don't know if Daniel is there or not but it only cost you 15 minutes, potentially, just to get alignment between the onion and, and you're 30 miles if it's done in
07:41:15 not on the call and checker. So from an architecture point of view, in alignment with our release process we are back on track. That's what I'm trying to do. Sure, yeah i think that that's doable.
07:41:18 I was just coming. Yes.
07:41:21 To make it short. The only thing I'm a little bit confused. This is going to reference me to Tupac because, I mean, if we look at the JIRA ticket there is no one on the screen.
07:41:34 We have references to 385 in Guilin for three two in Honolulu, 718, in current release, none of them is Park.
07:41:58 There has been one book, which was also related in all time to this same topic but it, it was a poke, definitely, and it was always like this but as you see, when we discuss what the scope of 716 is we don't make a reference to this book at all except
07:42:11 for it. This one here about thing book MCI environment but we are not referring to the JIRA ticket because it's just something additional. So, basically I think we are.
07:42:22 We should be good but, I mean, yeah, let's let's complete the process so that all the bells and whistles are in place and we can move on.
07:42:35 Basically fine.
07:42:36 That's basically fine. Yeah, and we know we was approved by the TSP so again. Sometimes we might have what it is important if we start from today, and we move forward. For one, and we back up the process.
07:42:49 So I count on you to know because Damien is the day I think yes, and you just meet as you can, and give an update to the CSC that six Okay, my I hope it's okay.
07:43:03 So that's what we need to do. There may be other things we need to check with David.
07:43:08 But now we have the commitment of the project team which is the most important un sector, you will speak next week you will give us a green light. I hope we are back on track.
07:43:19 Okay.
07:43:23 Sounds good to me.
07:43:29 Sorry I'm talking to me yet we're good. I'm good.
07:43:33 Excellent. so that would be the action regarding this topic.
07:43:37 Okay, so we, in terms of moving forward. We don't think that another review is necessary. Another architectural review. Okay, and sugar Did you still want to discuss it in detail meeting.
07:43:51 No, no, let me have a discussion with that team. Okay. All right, I just want to make sure that it was clear. Yeah, okay, I'll have it Okay, I'll have a sidebar discussion with him.
07:44:01 Okay, great. Alright, sounds good. Thank you.
07:44:06 Okay. Um, let's see.
07:44:12 I wanted to
07:44:17 raise this one issue, mostly for sec.
07:44:24 Amy possible Are you on the call.
07:44:28 I'm on the call.
07:44:29 Okay. Yeah, so, came across this A day or two ago, comment that Morgan made.
07:44:38 This is VFC 1875, pointing out that this project is using Ubuntu 1404.
07:44:50 And this is independent of the, the issue itself which is currently closed.
07:44:57 But the question is whether this you know constitutes a security issue or not and, and whether you, you know what what we should do with this.
07:45:10 Oh, I mean, the version of Ubuntu is very old it should have been updated.
07:45:17 Is that possible for the FC to do.
07:45:20 I'm not sure and you don't need to address it right here on this call, but I just want to make sure that you're aware of.
07:45:26 Sorry someone else was trying to find.
07:45:28 Yeah, if I may. So the first part that we see here is that they are using fo boom to image in their container. So, that's like it to geeks image that contains tons of stuff that they're never going to use.
07:45:46 So, this should be replaced. first of all, this should be replaced with a way smaller image that's the first point and then they should use the recent version of that image.
07:46:06 And so the question has to go back so I wouldn't close this issue. I think the question has to go back to the CFC team can that happen. I think that needs so Christophe, I would say that needs to be the recommendation on this, that they need in order
07:46:20 for them to close this issue they need to replace Ubuntu 14 or four with a newer version, and to remove all of the extra stuff they need.
07:46:31 Well, if I'm I'm understanding what pushed off is saying.
07:46:36 I think that because this issue was related to licensing, not the version of Ubuntu or the size of the image so my suggestion would be rather than really opening this issue, we should have a new issue based on this comment from Oregon.
07:46:58 Well, you know David probably we could feel like 20 or 1000 tickets related to using the image. I mean, many components that are POV three size of the image, are maintained components to old versions, and stuff like that right so I'm fine with having
07:47:19 a single ticket with that, just make sure that there is some link so that the is being somehow tracked.
07:47:40 Because maybe.
07:47:31 Go on.
07:47:31 I was just gonna say maybe I'm misunderstanding.
07:47:35 The comment I thought that this was orthogonal to the subject of a ticket, as a separate issue is that wrong or is this actually tied into the JPL licensing issue.
07:47:49 So, the problem is that the whole Obama image contains a band of GPOV three components.
07:47:57 So, if we want to get rid of them it's probably not wise to do it by just updating the image and still using full Ubuntu. We should use some smaller base image.
07:48:09 That way we will automatically remove number of GPLv three components that are present in that the image.
07:48:19 So is your is your recommendation then to create a new ticket or just reopen this ticket.
07:48:25 So I would personally reopen that one because it's already probably tracked by more done. And, you know, we are talking with the VFC team about the image database image that they use or, I don't know, three releases, or something, they are using this
07:48:46 boon to 1404 since I ever remember.
07:48:52 So, taking that into account I believe that it's really high time to update that it's really old image that that shouldn't use anywhere. So David, if I can, if I can.
07:49:06 You need to reopen it, and the recommendation needs to be that they need to update the base image.
07:49:13 Plus, remove all of the GPS, these three components, Christoph Is that a fair. Is that a fair recommendation.
07:49:23 Yeah. So, in some sense, it's fair, I would just suggest right away that they should switch to another base, because you eat they try to remove all the JPL v3 component from that image, they can spend significant amount of time and to not get there.
07:49:43 But that's what I. That's what I said. I said, they need to update to a recent version of the, of the Ubuntu. and ensure that it has no GPLB three components.
07:49:55 I think me we would you brought up some, some best image by integration team as he's a shrewd user. Correct. It's busy manager, as well, commanded by your own up so it should explain why.
07:50:11 laptop. Great point. Eric I totally spaced on that so the recommendation from the recommendation is going to be to update to use the own app provide, what is it, it's the om provided base image Christophe is provided by the integration.
07:50:37 That's right, by the integration team based version.
07:50:41 Thanks, sorry.
07:50:44 Okay.
07:50:45 Anything else.
07:50:51 Not from my side.
07:50:55 No. Sounds good to me. All right, thank you
07:51:00 can ask a question, um, have you have you.
07:51:10 I tend to say the container unfortunately abode in there still a lot of container with this old version of Ubuntu.
07:51:23 Because we might want at one point to be sure we have an alignment regarding us.
07:51:29 I don't think we do it, but it could be a requirement.
07:51:34 Street, just focusing on us as possible.
07:51:38 So because I can, if I could weigh in. I think that there are a fair number of people still using and their own base images, not the one provided by integration team, because when I look at the results for upgrading to upgrading Python and Java.
07:51:58 I still see a number of things that have that have, you know, both, say for example, Something that has both Java, 11, and Java eight in the container, and that would indicate that they're not using the basis, they're not using the integration team base
07:52:17 image.
07:52:18 I can get some stats on that because Morgan has run the tests again. There are few So,
07:52:26 yeah, I would be interested to see this and ppl will eat me probably but it's for the goodness singable best practices.
07:52:40 Again, it keeps all of those things.
07:52:42 But we really need to to fix the baseline for everybody except if there is a constraint.
07:53:09 that.
07:53:09 that. I will say gathering that it looks a lot better than it looked when we, when the, the Honolulu release was delivered in terms of an ode to confirm that because there's been a lot of progress to update the latest, latest Python correct but we need
07:53:26 to continue in this direction, I know there are a lot of winning next path of do not community, but some convention and still continue to be addressed release after release.
07:53:40 Okay, so look my.
07:53:44 So, above my. You find my other few words about this topic. So actually we have a tool that's been written by Alexander, like half a year ago or something where we can visualize the relationships between all not images, you probably remember this really
07:54:01 huge graph that we've been showing quite some time ago. So, we may regenerate it and we then we may see which images depend on some old base images right because it provides you the host tractor, just as the images go.
07:54:19 And another thing is that, that there should be a lot of improvement, not all images are already released, but there was quite ill departures from Alexander to switch multiple images to do the integration provide the base image.
07:54:35 So, I expect that after we have all the containers in Om.
07:54:40 have all the containers in Om. There will be a lot of improvement because when I see in the stats there is at least 40 patches that are touching this topic.
07:54:53 Thank you Chris and again I hope Oh nice, we have been doing great job. He leads up to a feeling, we need to continue misalignment to move to the convergence.
07:55:06 So one disease you my, open your eyes, or refresh or is it because they were so many things to to fix.
07:55:16 So, something to follow up more globally, not only for for this project.
07:55:23 That, that's my personal feedback.
07:55:28 Any tissue members can also share their feedback if it's three different
07:55:42 would be the time to put together, certainly put together a proposal for this to become a best practice, and then potentially be upgraded to a global requirement for Jakarta.
07:56:03 Using the base image.
07:56:21 Why, Kenny is documenting some suggestion.
07:56:27 Maybe.
07:56:34 David, you want to talk a little bit about only women. We are yeah yeah we're starting short on time so yeah we're on.
07:56:40 We're almost there. So let's take a look ups.
07:56:47 We were down to one now we're back up to three.
07:56:52 All right, I, I've been harassing Dan about this particular issue.
07:57:04 And Dan what, what were you saying, I think you're on the call.
07:57:08 What do we need to close this one down.
07:57:15 Dan Are you on the call.
07:57:18 Yeah, yeah, we have, we have a pending review in all app on this one and I know the, the problem is this has to be coordinated with an SM radio.
07:57:28 So, I saw Christoph I saw you minus one, this and I added a comment this morning, which which hopefully will clarify the, this is going to be submitted without the SL review it's it's going to fail.
07:57:44 Okay so, you are right.
07:57:47 Yeah, yeah.
07:57:49 Okay, that then in that case, we should we should squash those two reviews just to make sure that they are one come, they may damage, two components, but if they depend on each other they should be a single comic, otherwise it will break our be sick who
07:58:09 in the master branch. Okay, so what I can do is I can, I can abandon the review I haven't just hit update the SL review to do a version pump.
07:58:16 Yep, Yep. That would be good. Okay.
07:58:19 Yeah, I mean it's it's simple version bumps I'll take care of that question. This is from mustard is about the stumble or follow a little low maintenance, really well.
07:58:33 The first.
07:58:34 Yeah, it will be it will be checked in master and then it will be cherry pick because in this master I have replaced the so image change on top of the CC CDs in the change in monster.
07:58:50 that are breaking the master because when we get to the later stage of the release and we mess up something, and we need to roll back our master. And we have a comment that we know that breaks the master branch, it starts becoming really tricky to figure
07:59:10 out what to do. So, we would prefer to really squash those two comments together. And then we have a single comments, we know that master was working before we know that it is working after, and everyone is happy.
07:59:30 Alright, next issue.
07:59:36 And it looks like this was just created.
07:59:39 Two days ago.
07:59:42 Anyone have some familiarity with this.
07:59:45 I haven't seen this one.
07:59:57 Until now,
07:59:55 looks like.
08:00:17 Lisa this particular virtual class that pulled them you will need to do a new container. I don't know if.
08:00:17 Here is the semi final issue we might delay so I'm going to say, but DJ the DJ ppl will tell us the final words.
08:00:20 We need to take a turn. Yeah, yeah, I'm on I was not aware of this, I need to check because this is DC issue or something, because we'll take some reviews have been posted on the integration side I any to any some time to look through it I haven't had
08:00:38 a chance to.
08:00:40 to do this.
08:00:53 No, I know you have to continue up and I don't know why I say vj, because in fact went, because I saw that that college, probably, but yes it's something they fix an integration level so we're testing, or I don't know what with Morgan to assess, but I
08:01:10 tend to say we should treat the demand.
08:01:10 And he focused ourselves on the stumbled.
08:01:13 Yes, good see.
08:01:22 All right. And then the last one.
08:01:27 Also new
08:01:33 out here, here is, I don't mean to pick on this person but here is a classic example of a JIRA issue that drives me crazy.
08:01:48 Where we don't have any.
08:01:52 It's a big title. There's no description.
08:01:57 It's been advanced to delivered, and there's no comment.
08:02:03 Let's go going on here no idea may provide a small rationale why why this kind of things are happening, try and do that and then I'll stop Okay, so the reason for that is because we are mandated to have an issue ID in the comic message.
08:02:23 So sometimes when you have a simple fix it also drives me crazy so we took a little bit different approach, or I'm Sylvia, but it sometimes drives me crazy when I see a small issue in the code that I can fix within five minutes and then I would need to
08:02:39 go to gyro and create a new ticket to do you know to describe that hey I created a simple fix that took me 40 seconds and now I need to spend 10 minutes to create a task and describe why I'm doing that.
08:02:56 Yeah, that may be the reason why you have number of tasks of tasks without descriptions, and without comments. Yeah, I can appreciate that but I think people need to remember that JIRA isn't nearly, you know, personal to do list.
08:03:14 It's also communication with the, with rest of the team, and release management and the TASC and so on and so when we have issues like this, particularly, you know when they're, you know, against a release or trying to get out the door.
08:03:31 It's not helpful, in my opinion, but I understand your point.
08:03:42 Alright, so needed for that you on.
08:03:51 Since it is related to the Istanbul, maybe the person tax wrongly already.
08:03:57 So I don't know especially in there.
08:03:58 But I think this one is for a stumble, not for you see the one is a big link so impactful and when install more so, I would not consider for all you would consider directly for Istanbul.
08:04:15 Yeah, that's a good point that they did put for effects version and fixed version on a little maintenance, that you make a good point. So, maybe they don't understand the gyro detect when they were assisting something on your new maintenance and, but
08:04:46 is a conflict, either it's for a stumble, either. It's hopeless you see what I mean. So, yeah.
08:05:03 right. And while I think the other part that we still need to do even if we succeed to reduce the number of jihad, to zero at one point, I know that. Morgan will perform the final check.
08:05:20 Just to give a go to the release so let's hope we can have the final container of take a decision and close because we know focus on the Istanbul and we really need all the energy on the so more so let's ensure that we freeze the list of issue and if
08:05:41 we need a cigar normally minutes, why not, but we really need to face at this stage.
08:05:47 The contain to do the final testing.
08:05:51 So can we have a point on the bigger agenda on Monday and three.
08:05:56 It would be the key words.
08:05:58 Okay.
08:05:59 All right, I will add it to the agenda.
08:06:04 All right. Um, so that that's it for the release status that went a while longer than I was expecting but a lot of good discussion.
08:06:16 Any, any final questions or comments about really status before we move on.
08:06:26 All right. Back to you, Kenny.
08:06:34 Okey dokey.
08:06:38 So real quick.
08:06:43 Just banked, Kevin.
08:06:47 You have any information you can share on the Dr. Jenkins stuff.
08:07:10 Yes.
08:07:04 Jenkins is back on track, it's going through the queue of jobs that were pending. And he was again. It's. I don't want this to be confused to a in a stability, with Jenkins itself, because we're tracking and making sure that Jenkins behaves more stable
08:07:11 than it was before. The issue was because when Garrett gets restarted.
08:07:18 The Jenkins persecutors.
08:07:20 Some of the Jenkins executioner's become zombies and prevent other new execute or start up so Jenkins is unable to to handle those executioner's but yeah the problem was originated because of Garrett, so he's back on track right now.
08:07:37 Thanks very much for that Jessica does great help.
08:07:40 Yeah, thank you. My pleasure.
08:07:48 Okay.
08:07:53 if there's nothing else then related to directly to REL Inge.
08:08:01 Just a quick update.
08:08:04 We will be going with UNH or hosting the hardware that Intel is donating. And we are working on getting that underway.
08:08:21 So that is great news.
08:08:26 And then the other thing that I wanted to share is that we were in the process of putting together the budget proposal for the governing board in terms of getting support for somebody in EU and completely coincidentally, a member of the team gave notice
08:08:54 so the backfill, we are just going to put in Europe.
08:08:57 So that is under that is being worked on as well,
08:09:07 no applause no Cheers.
08:09:14 Kenny so that's why I speak less. We are looking for us to do the names of the guy.
08:09:25 Anyways, it's in the works.
08:09:31 Um. Ok so moving on, then Christophe stop sharing.
08:09:39 Oh, so I the, you can continue sharing.
08:09:43 I'm not going to jump too much and maybe it is better if you just click on the link that I provided.
08:09:54 Well, let me actually hit share.
08:09:58 Okay.
08:10:04 Okay, so what I just did, I took my GitHub profile.
08:10:09 New probably sharp injury probably remember the discussion that all empty wants to migrate to the club. And there was an obstacle that is here where he wasn't supporting keep up, and to avoid waiting long time for the UCLA update we propose to have, let's
08:10:28 say, our own implementation of checking the CLA status for for contributor.
08:10:36 So what I just did instead of creating, you know, just a scraped and long presentation how it works. I just created the voc each that real view may may go ahead and try to play with.
08:10:49 So what we have here is basically a bush of the repo master branch from this week, probably.
08:10:58 And then I added a few ci checks to it that they're simply checking whether the contributor has signed the CLA or not. If you could click Kenny on the pipeline.
08:11:14 Yep, right here.
08:11:17 So whenever a new pull request is being created, we have a pipeline that is being started. And the first step of the pipeline is to check the computer.
08:11:28 So if you could click on that one.
08:11:32 Below below.
08:11:35 below with the red X.
08:11:38 Yep.
08:11:39 Over here. So as you can see this job has failed.
08:11:44 And the message that we have in mind 41 and 42, or more, rather than 42.
08:11:51 You can see that out one of the comic authors that are added in this march request has not been found in any open carry groups that contain people who signed the CLA so there.
08:12:03 So, one of the outdoors is not authorized to contribute to honor.
08:12:09 And that's it. So this is a PLC.
08:12:12 to show that it is possible, even without easy CLA, it is possible to control who is comfortable code and we may automatically check and prevent merges of patches from people who didn't sign the CLA that we need.
08:12:31 At this point I'm happy to take any questions
08:12:43 too so Christopher. You said you would you change that to contribute on the same see that is directly to
08:12:53 defend them.
08:12:55 Yep. So the way how it works, that there is a script, if you could click on the repository
08:13:07 files. Yep.
08:13:09 And then there is the CI ci scraped
08:13:14 and check CLA.
08:13:16 Okay,
08:13:19 so that there is a simple script, and that you know just goes to Gary using SSH Gary SSAT API.
08:13:29 It goes to Garrett and query for members of the group that are there to define a list of people who signed a CLA. And if we managed to find the email address of comics out or in one of those groups, then we know that this particular person is authorized
08:13:47 to contribute to a nap, otherwise we are just resent Ed error message, as we have seen before.
08:13:56 Grant directly.
08:14:00 So, with that and a little bit of a repo configuration where we force.
08:14:04 The pipeline to succeed.
08:14:07 We can provide, we can prevent merges from people who didn't sign the open up CLA.
08:14:24 So what is the next step no Crysis two. That's a great question, DSC. This is a BOC right, I just showed you that hey this is possible we didn't need to wait for easy CLA which probably will be better than this, because you know, This is just a CI job
08:14:44 and the pipeline and that's it.
08:14:46 There is no direct let's say give up integration with user accounts or anything like that, we just prevent that request level.
08:14:55 So, even if the mechanism that I show you here is fine for the SEC and for the elf.
08:15:03 Then, we may probably start migrating the repo to the official on that profile and simply added this job.
08:15:12 Before we allow people to contribute via slack.
08:15:22 So that's the SEC has any doubts or any comments around this.
08:15:32 No, you're good. Good work. I think it's, it's good to fruit that we can progress on that topic.
08:15:44 I believe that.
08:15:52 Anyway, because you do a gravy on your decide.
08:15:52 Nobody can change and add the fake members on the other side because it's, it's aligned with the CLA list, which is managed carefully by the to change that we have.
08:16:07 Under by fit is great.
08:16:12 The only insecure place is in the SSH query because I'm not checking the host key.
08:16:19 But that's something easy that can be fixed that as I said, it is a PLC. And in the final version I am definitely going to include the host of our Gary server.
08:16:32 Okay, that's, that's all good that leaves we have a mechanism.
08:16:46 Legally to respect the obligation and so you can move for often go to say good luck in the context of Om.
08:16:54 Thank you for, for giving us the overview because we have a better understanding about how to prevent bad things happening and having a understanding of a whole week is implemented it.
08:17:04 Great. Thank you.
08:17:07 No problem. Okay. So, as far as I understand, DSC has no concerns with real starting of moving do and repo and deal and contribution process to get up.
08:17:20 Am I correct here.
08:17:24 So, yes, so the the, what had been agreed to before.
08:17:32 Was that going forward with the proof of concept for om was contingent on easy CLA being supporting it.
08:17:44 So, the question out of the PSC is resending that and approving going forward with this model,
08:18:02 And obviously all what DSC can see here is public, and if you have any doubts you may just go to that link to that repo and try to you know, try to play with it and fantastic and see if you can bypass those jerks always happy to accept.
08:18:25 That's a good challenge. Anyway,
08:18:29 what do we win.
08:18:38 If you bypass it, I owe you a beer.
08:18:46 But my side my concern was really that we create the liquid breed.
08:18:53 There was also the fact that easy today was supposed to be implemented in August, and we are still shifting a little bit.
08:19:10 No, there is a walk around in place to guarantee that an author who is pushing something in developed for your project can be rejected if it is not part of the community to simplify.
08:19:17 Do not community to sit behind. So for my side I'm good, man. The other team members are also good.
08:19:24 Yeah, I am.
08:19:26 Yeah. I'm typing it up as a, as a vote so just give me one second.
08:19:39 Copy.
08:19:50 I'm unsure if we would need a TASC boat on that but for for the voc here. I just created another personal account using identity system, but if it's possible, and the lf it could provide us.
08:20:08 Let's say credentials for a dedicated account that will not be able to push any punches and Jessica permissions to query.
08:20:22 Members of the Garret group that that would be even better.
08:20:24 Because for now I'm just using a second account with another email address and, you know, that's basically on the account but you can sign CLA so it shouldn't be able to push, push patches.
08:20:39 But if it is aware of that kind of non human users, it will be even better.
08:20:48 Okay, so when I'm putting is does the TSA approved the om get lab PLC using CLA validation via the CI change demonstrated and blah blah blah blah that I've got highlighted there as a workaround until easy CLA supports get loud
08:21:09 in the chat.
08:21:32 Another 10 seconds.
08:21:45 Doc. T mo just missed it.
08:21:50 Okay, it's approved.
08:21:56 Whoo. So my understanding for moving this forward is that now I can request to lf it to provide me access to own up oh and namespace. is that correct.
08:22:14 I assume so.
08:22:19 Well I think your main point of contact is going to be banked, he reached out to you earlier about this, so he's going to help you drive up the effort so just reach out to him on what he will need you to do.
08:22:37 Okay, cool.
08:22:39 And regarding the non human user that I mentioned earlier, do I need any kind of TASC approval or I can just create a fit kit and you'll create one for me.
08:22:54 Um, I will, I think I will let the bank decide on that, um, If, for now.
08:23:02 I believe he reached out to you via email so if you get back to him on that he will let you know how to proceed better.
08:23:10 Okay, then I need to search my inbox because I haven't seen an email from him. Probably I lost it yeah I think it was earlier this week if I recall.
08:23:23 If not, I'll let him know that.
08:23:25 Ok, I will just go ahead and reach out to him. No problem.
08:23:34 What was that Eric.
08:23:36 Yes No, No me.
08:23:41 Okay.
08:23:46 Okie doke I'm moving on have an update there was a governing board meeting yesterday.
08:23:59 I was on a train I was on the BART train and and had problems hearing it but one of the things that I know came out of it is that the governing board is going to be looking for all of the elephant projects to provide an update presentation at the board
08:24:20 meeting. This will be on Sunday proceeding the one summit. In October, a template will be provided.
08:24:30 Evidently, there were some changes that the governing board asked for that need to be incorporated into that.
08:24:41 And once I know what they are, I will share that with the TASC.
08:25:00 Jason I think you were on the call any.
08:25:05 Anything to add there.
08:25:08 No, that updates key I think the budgeting process, they said was going to be the same as in the past so you know have to be thinking about that shortly.
08:25:21 And then otherwise. You know the board is looking at priorities, you know, for this year and next year will be sure it gets communicated out as this gets firmed up.
08:25:41 Okay, thank you.
08:25:47 Say, email out.
08:25:53 Maybe yesterday on it so it's a blur.
08:25:59 On the Honolulu awards, so please take part in there.
08:26:04 And I don't think I've seen any feedback yet on the draft
08:26:14 for the community document updates.
08:26:23 So one of the things I had to do is first go through and do a remember pretty much from, from the ground up.
08:26:32 So that I got all the paragraphs, where I could actually do edits.
08:26:38 This version here of the document actually shows the red lines which happened to be green lines in this case sorry for the scrolling.
08:26:51 You'll see there's a couple of minor typos that I've corrected, where I seen it, but most of the information is in section for
08:27:03 lots of rework done there.
08:27:07 Some of the previous sections. I moved around so that it was in a more logical order.
08:27:17 But I believe this captures
08:27:22 everything that was agreed to in principle, and codifies it.
08:27:30 So, please look through that, and provide comments.
08:27:38 There is also the link.
08:27:43 So this is the clean copy where it's got. Everything's everything's there.
08:27:52 There's also a final copy in a Google Doc, that you can get to link from there. If you want to do your, your comments. I really wanted to have this setup so we could do in line comments.
08:28:07 Unfortunately, once you get beyond a few nested items
08:28:18 conference doesn't do paragraph numbering very well.
08:28:23 So, I was unable to get the inline comments like we did when we were trying to put together some of the some of the materials so my apologies for that.
08:28:37 Please look through this.
08:28:42 If we can get the.
08:28:46 If we can get the
08:28:50 information updated.
08:28:56 Sorry about, I didn't have the tab open.
08:29:01 If we can get this reviewed by September 9.
08:29:07 In, and get approval on it by then.
08:29:10 It'll still give us three weeks to conduct the elections. In September, which is our which was our goal.
08:29:18 This was a pretty big at it as a lot of material there to to work through I realize, but please take a look at it.
08:29:30 Anyone have any questions on that.
08:29:34 No level nice wants to Justin Kenny.
08:29:39 I would say if you don't have any did by next Thursday.
08:29:44 Just go for a vote.
08:29:47 Okay.
08:29:49 Please give one week to the DNC members to review, provide the comments.
08:29:56 And if there is no comments, then move to the next week.
08:30:02 Okay.
08:30:23 Okay, moving on to me Don't be canceled on the 62 a holiday.
08:30:32 The one summit coming up in October.
08:30:35 It will be both a.
08:30:38 It'll be a hybrid event in person and
08:30:46 and virtual.