TSC 2021-07-22

TSC 2021-07-22

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

David on PTO this week - no update


PTL Updates

PTL Updates

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Ctrl-Loop, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Any update?

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


GB meeting summary

  • Deployment focus top of mind - highest priority
  • Speed is an issue- more cross level support needed.

TCC / ONAP Liaison Update

Any update?

Task Force Update
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Next ONAP Enterprise meeting is scheduled on August 4th, 2021

  • SABRES (Secure, Adaptive, roBust, Resilient, and Efficient Slices) presented by Dr Eric Kline
  • Proposal of SABRES Integration into ONAP E2E Network Slicing call flows

TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • Honolulu Awards
  • TSC 2.0 - kenny is still, still, still making edits
     (sad) (sad) (sad) (sad)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

06:58:04 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:58:21 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:58:48 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:00:17 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:47 From SaiSeshu (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
07:01:35 From Amy Zwarico to Everyone : #info proxy Amy Zwarico, AT&T
07:01:41 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:02:12 From Yuanhong Deng to Everyone : #info proxy Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:03:30 From bin.yang@windriver.com to Everyone : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:04:07 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:04:10 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:04:49 From Damian NOWAK (Nokia) to Everyone : #info proxy Damian Nowak, Nokia
07:05:36 From Damian NOWAK (Nokia) to Everyone : ok THX,
07:07:27 From Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info proxy Byung-Woo Jun, Ericsson
07:07:55 From Martin Vezeau (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Martin Vezeau, Bell Canada
07:13:38 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/7976

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:04:02 Transcript has been started.
07:04:06 Welcome to summertime at the TASC
07:04:12 where attendance is linked and folks are on vacation, as well. Everyone's muted when you come in please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking, you're on a phone line you can use star six to unmute yourself any private chat messages sent to me will
07:04:28 become part of the public record.
07:04:32 And we will start our meeting by mentioning our anti trust policy notice you can find this link from the lF, and all of the project website.
07:04:55 in these meetings, please review your question, please contact your company's legal counsel, members of the lF may also contact.
07:04:54 Andrew up to grow the firm gives her approach LLP which provides legal counsel, who the lol.
07:05:12 Okay so, um,
07:05:16 Okay. Damien Thank you.
07:05:26 And Eric.
07:05:32 Three.
07:05:36 Okay. Thanks, everyone. I'm
07:05:40 David's out.
07:05:43 So there's no update this week.
07:05:47 Talk a little bit about range as usual.
07:05:53 I don't know if you're ready to talk, this topic but if not I'll give a just a brief update.
07:06:00 I know there's been, I was an email sent about some issues with scaling failures.
07:06:06 We've got a new lead for end to end network slicing final plea for the lab subcommittee.
07:06:15 I will give a brief update of yesterday's governing board meeting, and then some of the other stuff, and anything that needs to be added by anyone.
07:06:32 Okay, looks like Jess is luck in limbo trying to join the me. Now she said, Yeah, I'm here.
07:06:44 Okay, um,
07:06:49 any anything specific in terms of tickets, etc etc I know that we've got a bank's another note about a Nexus outage coming up.
07:07:01 Yeah, that's probably the only the only important one, I'm nothing other than that nothing urgent the tickets are moving and. Yep.
07:07:16 Okay, we got questions about the outage.
07:07:20 I think this is going to be like at 1am UTC or something like that, let me just take it.
07:07:35 Yes, and we think this is gonna help with the problem to problems that were discovered on that upgrade. With manifests getting damaged. So, we, we, we think that this upgrade is going to help against that.
07:07:43 Okay.
07:07:46 So, that is coming up.
07:07:49 Thank you.
07:08:01 Um, the other thing that I wanted to just touch on martin Thank you.
07:08:08 There you are.
07:08:13 wanted to touch on, we had on the eighth, there was
07:08:24 the decision made to transition. Om to get lab.
07:08:30 There are some pretty significant ramifications regarding that.
07:08:36 The IT team has gone back in, and are looking at that.
07:08:43 Something that we will be presenting at next week's TLC to share with everyone, potentially, might get it on the agenda for the, for the PTO meeting on Monday, but for sure it will be here next week,
07:09:03 we can proceed with this.
07:09:05 But there are some specific caveats that pretty much everyone in the community needs to understand.
07:09:13 I would flail about a little bit, trying to explain those so I will wait for folks that have a more in depth knowledge of the tool chain, and what moving to om would mean.
07:09:29 Be there there there was one thing that I can say.
07:09:37 And there was a note from bark tech
07:09:45 basically talking about cracking other contributions.
07:09:53 We can insights does support.
07:10:01 Get lab support is on deck if it's not already there.
07:10:05 So that would be one of the, one of the considerations there.
07:10:16 Where did
07:10:20 that was weird.
07:10:22 Now we're back.
07:10:26 Um.
07:10:26 Any questions, anything to add there from anyone.
07:10:37 Okay.
07:10:38 There was also an email sent out about
07:10:43 the
07:10:46 gating
07:10:49 and daily job finding out.
07:10:58 So this is something that is in the works.
07:11:04 Folks it on, and the integration team are familiar with what's going on. So that's just a heads up there.
07:11:12 Yeah, so just information. So, at least we have again daily builds or daily tests or running on the
07:11:24 on the on the owner on the orange lab so it's working now, I think it was fixed, two days ago so from Sarah, and I think today we had also.
07:11:36 Let's say a daily result, a test result and besides that we have in the DT lab as well.
07:11:49 Tests ongoing so our pipelines are in most cases also working daily so what we have also some, some issues in our labs, so that we have at least a wide overview and they are as I said already in the in the integration meeting they are look similar.
07:12:00 So, we have still some open issues will have to solve the
07:12:06 me Hall and Lukash are working on a fix for the stage for this, for the so staging.
07:12:17 And I will most likely test this then tomorrow with him with me how so that we may have done also they they staging test.
07:12:27 Back in, in work done next week.
07:12:33 It's just my information.
07:12:41 Okay, well thank you for that update.
07:12:45 Anyone else have anything on that topic will be a short meeting today folks.
07:12:53 Okay.
07:12:54 Sarah van is the new lead for end to end network slicing.
07:13:01 So, just everyone's awareness of.
07:13:08 Nothing changed they're
07:13:15 moving on to subcommittees lab subcommittee, this is kind of the last call that I'm going to make for folks that may be interested, please.
07:13:31 Here's the call that I will drop that into the chat window.
07:13:43 Please sign up for that. And I'm saying get the doodle poll.
07:13:47 There hasn't, there's only been a couple of new folks that have signed up and there's quite a few folks on the list there that's the legacy.
07:14:12 So assume that they're no longer members of the community so if you are interested in lab, infrastructure,
07:14:13 please do that.
07:14:16 Also with regards to the Intel lab.
07:14:20 We had a meeting this week with
07:14:29 Steven Gucci when River. And he was talking directly to Steve IRA and Andy and Trevor on our side, about some of the requirements.
07:14:40 We've gotten a few new quotes back or getting the hardware.
07:14:50 Someone for the hardware to live and and for maintenance.
07:14:55 One of the things that Steven mentioned, is that Wind River is happy to continue.
07:15:03 Some of the remote administration responsibilities that they had previously that they have previously been providing wherever we end up installing this so that was very nice to hear and super appreciative of Wind River willing to continue providing at
07:15:26 least some of the OS level support remotely
07:15:36 questions on that.
07:15:43 Okay.
07:15:47 governing board meeting was yesterday I know that Allah and Randy were on the call as proxies.
07:15:57 So if there's $1 that you would want to provide here is is I'm kind of summarizing everything, just feel free to hop in
07:16:11 the recently completed operation survey was reviewed, as was a specific strategy survey that we had sent out in parallel to the governing board members, lines of questions on these were lightly different, because obviously the operation survey is more
07:16:39 focused on how are we performing as an organization, where as the one center the governing board is
07:16:53 purely strategy strategy focused on operations more tactical. The other one, focused on the other issues.
07:17:03 One of the, one of the things that was good thing is that in areas where there was overlap and intentional overlap.
07:17:17 The reception of members of the Governing Board and the perception of the community were in line.
07:17:26 This is always something that you want to look at because if leadership has one view of the world, and the folks that are actually doing the work have a completely different view of the world.
07:17:39 On some topics, then
07:17:43 that gets to be a little bit of a red flag and and we weren't seeing that so this was, this was good,
07:18:07 Actually no, noteworthy was the areas where there was specific
07:18:03 discussions of the projects, and where we would like.
07:18:19 And it was in the same four areas.
07:18:22 It was with. lf edge with CNC f CNC F of course being the, the highest one with OIF, and then with Iran.
07:18:37 Everything else was kind of distributed about the same level.
07:18:42 But those for where the, where the important ones.
07:18:48 Another thing that was good to see is that through the work that relish teams been doing some of the Self Service Automation
07:18:59 that the results of that on the operation survey was up to 57% satisfaction versus 48% satisfaction year over year so this was good to see
07:19:14 collaboration tool satisfaction was up a bit.
07:19:20 And for the aspects of ci CD.
07:19:25 It was pretty much up in all areas, with the exception being ticket times response to ticket times, and that we believe is primarily
07:19:40 an artifact of
07:19:45 coverage for the EU
07:19:53 coming out of the meeting there was a decision that there would be a follow up.
07:20:01 Follow up governing board meeting, set for August.
07:20:07 So that's going to be a special meeting to discuss that.
07:20:10 The other part of the main focus of the meeting was on elephants, marketing, update, and how we're going to handle messaging.
07:20:22 Wednesday check who's the chair of the Mac gave a, an excellent presentation that talked about how things are being revised and how the focus on communicating to particular personas is key.
07:20:46 one of the areas that the focus was on was in the area of communications to developers, primarily targeted at potential developers to help get them to join the community.
07:21:23 I think that's summary at the high level. Oh. The other thing is, is that the operation survey will be made available to the public, it will be posted out on the LFN out any elephant surveys area, and as soon as that's done I can share the link with everyone.
07:21:33 Where I think I made Kenny is the priorities for the board that were the result of a survey and, I think, to me, the most important thing is that the thing that came up, highest was deployments, promoting and supporting more deployments of elephant project
07:21:55 so I know several members of the community are working hard to make on a more deployable and are working on.
07:22:04 Use Cases lab trials for deployment so should know that your work is highly appreciated and in focus for the board but in general for the community.
07:22:21 And also to follow up with what Ronnie said another point was just that the, the ability to have these easier deployments is going is going to really be critical to operators adopting the owner happen, and the various elements and products to do there
07:22:40 to do, to run their networks.
07:22:43 their networks. So, I think, Ronnie if I recall we all agree that that that that's a really key dependency.
07:22:52 Yeah, absolutely.
07:22:55 And Amy sorry for.
07:22:57 We're neglecting you when I talked about folks over there.
07:23:01 If anyone doesn't know me as the elected
07:23:07 committed representative to the, to the governing board so she's a regular attendee.
07:23:16 So I think, to Ronnies point one of the things that really came up is we need to take.
07:23:22 We really need to take a look at how a lot of the integrations are done on the various projects, and perhaps adopt some common, common practices, but generally make that a lot easier for operators and and speed up how all that works.
07:23:40 And we raised the pain point that that that is.
07:23:44 That's a big task it's certainly a huge task the integration team for honor.
07:23:50 And how do we get more cross support across the elephant for that type of activity.
07:24:17 I did you want to add anything.
07:24:27 Okay.
07:24:28 That's not
07:24:34 anyway so when that when the when the operation surveys posted.
07:24:39 I'll let everybody know
07:24:44 yesterday's yesterday's governing board meeting.
07:24:49 From my perspective, the level of discussion and interaction was probably the best we've ever had.
07:25:01 And very glad to see the the level of interaction between folks on the on the governing board.
07:25:10 Basically, joining in the dialogue so
07:25:14 I.
07:25:16 That made me do a little happy dance.
07:25:29 Okay, then moving on the next enterprise meeting is on the fourth.
07:25:37 There are the topics that are going to be discussed there.
07:25:46 And
07:25:46 as a reminder,
07:25:50 this is this is some of the input coming from
07:25:55 the ops working in as a reminder for that. The all of any contributions are all being done upstream so it's all, it's 100% community based.
07:26:09 And that's the question that comes up from time to time.
07:26:12 anyone's welcome to attend that meeting and see what's going on.
07:26:19 So activities, high level awards I need to get on that. And I am still making edits.
07:26:29 You see to Dotto document
07:26:32 main issue there that has been dogging me, is
07:26:39 being able to just block everything out and
07:26:44 and get in uninterrupted in, and focus on it.
07:26:48 One of the things that is is happening with this is I want to make sure that what I'm putting out for folks to look at.
07:27:01 Doesn't require a great deal of edits and setting up the section in the document in a way that can be viewed as a red line as been a tricky exercise so
07:27:20 been working on it off and on, but I just need like a dedicated time where I locked myself in a little box and don't pay attention anything else to finish it.
07:27:33 So, my apologies on that.
07:27:38 But just as a reminder to everyone there was an agreement that we would do the.
07:27:48 In, there was an agreement, but it hasn't been like codified.
07:27:52 There was consensus I should say that the election will be held in September. So we've got a little bit of runway there.
07:28:03 And we've got the one summit coming up in October, this will be a hybrid event.
07:28:10 I know that there were questions, previously about how this is going to work for remote presenters and things of that nature. I still do not have an answer for you.
07:28:20 And as soon as I do.
07:28:23 I'll let you know, one thing is is that there's a lot of pent up demand. And there was actually four times the number of sessions that could be accepted were submitted as
07:28:43 offer papers.
07:28:45 It was, which is really amazing so
07:28:51 if you folks that submitted stuff and I know that we have several here, thank you so much for doing that.
07:29:01 So, there will be a nother governing board meeting there, prior to the event so the governing board meeting will be taking place on Sunday.
07:29:12 On Sunday prior to
07:29:15 that, and then cube con immediately follows on the 13th. So,
07:29:23 good stuff coming up.
07:29:35 has got a strong foothold and Los Angeles County has just gotten back into a mass mandate, we are monitoring the situation, and the events team will respond accordingly depending on what the situation is.
07:29:56 Any questions.
07:30:05 Okay, Well I know this has been a bit of a Kenny monologue this morning.