06-24-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting

06-24-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting


Meeting Material:


  • 1. VF-C Dublin Project Status and action status from last meeting

  • 2. The new features for VNF onboarding  in SDC (Haibin)



1. Yan will follow the work that need to be done about Dublin sigh-off before June 6.

2. Sirisha will confirm with SO team to see if they have the plan to do the sol005 interface integration testing between SO and VF-C.

3. Haibin will prepare the concrete solution for common library.

4. Yan will contact xuyang to arrange a meeting to discuss how to leverage the CLI work to add VF-C to daily building.

5. Yan will contact Jim to see if we can create F branch to develop in parallel with E.

6.  Welcome to review and add items in https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/VF-C+requirements+collection+for+E+release