06-24-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting
Meeting Material:
1. VF-C Dublin Project Status and action status from last meeting
2. The new features for VNF onboarding in SDC (Haibin)
1. Yan will follow the work that need to be done about Dublin sigh-off before June 6.
2. Sirisha will confirm with SO team to see if they have the plan to do the sol005 interface integration testing between SO and VF-C.
3. Haibin will prepare the concrete solution for common library.
4. Yan will contact xuyang to arrange a meeting to discuss how to leverage the CLI work to add VF-C to daily building.
5. Yan will contact Jim to see if we can create F branch to develop in parallel with E.
6. Welcome to review and add items in https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/VF-C+requirements+collection+for+E+release