04-22-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting

04-22-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting


Yan, Sirisha, Deng Yuanhong, GL, haibin, jinhua, limingzhang, maopeng, ruoyu

Meeting Material:

ONAP-VF-C weekly meeting_20190422.pptx


1. VF-C Overall status and RC0 status

2. Align VFC data model to SOL001 v2.5.1(Haibin)

3. SOL005 Integration Test plan in vFW use case 


VF-C Overall status and RC0 status

  1. Yan summarized the VF-C overall status , now only the security issue haven't been solved . and there is a pending commit which is waiting for OOM team to merge.

  2. For RC0 checklist, the work that haven't been done , including:

    1. pair testing

    2. artifact&docker image release

    3. DB commit merge https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/84210/    

Align VFC data model to SOL001 v2.5.1(Haibin)

  1. Haibin introduced the model changes from SDC and shared the analysis result sdc_model_change.png

  2. Yan and maopeng give some suggestion about whether VF-C will do the corresponding changes, considering we are approaching RC0, bring more changes is not reasonable,  if we have resource and work can be done before RC0, the changes can be included in VF-C D release. we also need to consider the model compatibility in VF-C even though SDC can't support backward compatible. Haibin feedback he can do the change in VF-C and maopeng suggest he can commit one patch including all the changes and before merge the changes, let the team review first.

SOL005 Integration Test plan in vFW use case 

  1.  About the SOL005 integration testing plan, there are some problem need to get confirmed, such as :

    1. Use case?
      In which lab?
      How to access?
      How to support ?
      Model design solution?

      Sirisha feedback the SO commit is pending and waiting SO team to merge  


1.  Haibin will organize offline meeting to discuss the modeling alignment in VF-C project.

2. Yan will have more discuss with verizon guys about SOL005 integration testing.