12-10-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting

12-10-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting


Yan, haibin, maopeng, GL, jinhua, Ping Jing, Tianxing Liu, Victor


  1. VF-C requirements collection for Dublin release 

Meeting Slides:


  1. Yan summarized the process of the follow-up actions after last week's meeting
    Maily summarized the committer role confirmation and contributers' contribution in past 6 months in VF-C  and give the normination suggestion and will open vote within VF-C committer list

  2. Yan briefly introduced the Casablanca maintenance release timeline and scope 
    Considering VF-C didn't have highest and high bugs , so VF-C will not participate in Casablanca maintenance release and the main resource plan to contribute in Dublin release.

  3. Looked through the VF-C requirements for Dublin release
    After last week's meeting and combined with the use case and functional requirements, Yan added more content in VF-C Dublin requirements table.
    People have expressed their intention to contribute


  1. Yan will send email to ask for the contribution intention 

  2. Yan will create the JIRA tickets for each task