06-04-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting

06-04-2019 VF-C Weekly Meeting


Yan, Sirisha, Deng Yuanhong, haibin, jinhua, limingzhang, maopeng, zhao hongyu

Meeting Material:

ONAP-VF-C weekly meeting_20190603.pptx


  • 1.VF-C Dublin Project Status 

          Sign-Off (June 6) :https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/VF-C+Dublin%3A+Deliverables+for+Release+Sign-Off+Milestone+Checklist+Template  

  • 2.E release Timeline 

  • 3. VF-C requirements collection for E release

  • 4. Refactor common api for nslcm and vnflcm(Haibin)

  • 5. Coming DDF VF-C session plan 


VF-C  status and highlights in dublin

  1. Yan summarized the VF-C dublin highlights 

  2. Yan mentioned that there are some work need to be done before sign-off (June 6)

    1. sign-off checklist 

    2. VF-C Dublin release notes

    3. create Dublin branch

E release Timeline 

  1. Yan introduced the E release timeline 

  2. Yan need confirm if there is code freeze milestone and RC0 milestone ,we need to know when to start the integration testing

  3. Maopeng mentioned if we can create F branch, so that we can parallel develop for E and E release.

VF-C requirements collection for E release

  1.  Have filled some requirement in https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/VF-C+requirements+collection+for+E+release according to the integration testing feedback and other feedback.

      2. About the python upgrading, maopeng suggest chose one component to upgrade and test , then we can try to upgrade the remaining components according to the experience. 

      3. SOL005 integration testing between SO and VF-C, sirisha will ask SO team if they have such plan, then we can continue to discuss 

Refactor common api for nslcm and vnflcm(Haibin)

    haibin propose one proposal to put all the external component API  into one common library, such as parser, multicloud , a&ai, SDC, 

    It's good for vf-c, but need to evaluate the impact and also need the concrete proposal and solution, then can we continue to discuss.

Coming DDF VF-C Session

    Yan have apply one timeslot in DDF to have a specific VF-C session, now have the following plan topics:

    VF-C Dublin highlights ---yan will cover this part 

    VF-C automation –CLI, testsuit  ---haibin will introduce the CLI work in Dublin 

    VF-C commercial application — chengli from chinamobile will introduce the VF-C commercial application 

    VF-C development experience--- if anyone interest in this topic , welcome to feedback to yan


1. Yan will follow the work that need to be done about Dublin sigh-off before June 6.

2. Sirisha will confirm with SO team to see if they have the plan to do the sol005 interface integration testing between SO and VF-C.

3. Haibin will prepare the concrete solution for common library.

4. Yan will contact xuyang to arrange a meeting to discuss how to leverage the CLI work to add VF-C to daily building.

5. Yan will contact Jim to see if we can create F branch to develop in parallel with E.

6.  Welcome to review and add items in https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/VF-C+requirements+collection+for+E+release