01-22-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting

01-22-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting


Haibin, hanyanan, Jinhua Fu, Lux xin,  maopeng , zhou yufei, Yan , Denes , subhash , S72267


  1. Review VF-C Epics and Stories

  2. Synchronize the feedback about contribution intention

  3. The tasks that need to be done

  4. Call for volunteers for S3P related epics and stories.


  1. Review VF-C epics and stories 

  2. Synchronized the feedback about contribution intention from VF-C contributors and committers

  3. The task list that needs to be done
    a.  ask for TSC approval for new repo: Multi-cloud indirect mode proxy
    b.  Modeling contact from VF-C
    c.  TSC ask PTL to clear inactive committer and contributor. The current list was identified as resources for VF-C during the Amsterdam release, If you want to continue to contribute to VF-C project, please feedback to me which part you want to contribute.

  4. Status about s3p
    security: security subcommittee has come up with a wiki page with  CII badging program related information  https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/CII+Badging+Program?we should start to research it ASAP. 
                  Increase test coverage to 50% , Most of  components can begin to increase test coverage, especially for those components which has no new requirements or need little changes. 
    Scalability. VF-C includs many components, for some components they have state record library and not easy to split this from code now.  and considering we don't have enough resources currently, VF-C may not achieve scalability level 1 for all components in this release and plans to support scalability level 1 for part of components first. So we should identify the components that need to support single site horizontal scaling in Beijing release.

  5. call for volunteers for S3P related epics and stories.
    call for volunteers for usability, scalability and integration with IM. 


  1.  agenda collection for next week's meeting

  2.  More discussion about VFC-657 with Denes 

  3.  call for volunteers for usability, scalability and integration with IM.