07-30-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting
SOL003 and Stand-alone DB Microservice contribution summarize OOF(5min).
Release calendar?identity important milestone deadline(5min).
VFC connet to OOF (Huang Haibin 30 mins) .
Data model bug introduction (Huang Haibin 20mins, postpone to next meeting) .
Huang Haibin, hanyanan, Jinhua FU, Liuskyter, maopeng, mingzhang li, ruoyu ying,Shobana,Yan, TR00568434
1.SOL003 and Stand-alone DB Microservice contribution summarize OOF
Identified all subtasks about above two task, zte and verizon will collaborate to contribute these two task.
2.Release calendar?identity important milestone deadline?5min?.
M3 API freeze(2018/8/23)
M4 code freeze(2018/9/20)
3. VFC connet to OOF (Huang Haibin 30 mins) .
Haibin and ruoyu introduce the overall design about how VFC integrates with OOF.
Q: The design only mentioned about gvnfm , need to consider the svnfm scenario
Q: About two callback proposal, there is no difference for Async and sync, but the callback url should be nslcm
Q: OOF output and input parameters, how OOF to know the allocation requiremnets
The overall design has been known ,but more details need discuss offline
The OOF integration details need to be discussed
If the task haven't started, task owner should start to work right now to catch up the following milestones