03-12-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting

03-12-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting


Haibin, hanyanan, Lux xin , zhou yufei, Yan , Denes ,Yunlong?Jinhua?Bin Yang?maopeng?Lingli

Meeting Material:

ONAP-VF-C weekly meeting_20180312.pptx


1. Summarize the recent work about VF-C team.

2. Identify the tasks that need to be done before M4


  1. Summarize VF-C team work progress 

    S3P status

    R2 usecase updates

    Jenkins status 

  2. Task that need to be done before M4

    •nokia driver/  Multivim proxy to increase test code coverage
    •Work with LF to enable test coverage data display in sonar for Python components
    •Solve License and Vulnerability Thread form Nexus IQ server.

       If you can’t solve them, please Add them to https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16273495
    •All components update the log out put location and work with Yanan to add Filebeat to OOM VF-C existing container. Python components update log configuration and integrate with new python AOP library
    •Work with OOM to manage multiple instances of VF-C stateless components.
    •Fix failed jenkins job
    •Other code development tasks: use case (Scaling/HPA) components(Multivimproxy)

  3. Open topic
     Denes propose one JIRA ticket which  haven't been solved?Maopeng give the answer and will keep close communication with Denes.
     Security issue is difficult to identify for three VNFM vendor under vfc/nfvo/svnfm


  1.  All developer should update the JIRA status ,when you create task ,you should fill the fix version field

  2.  Every components owner should continueto improve the unit test code coverage

  3. Yannan add filebeat container to VF-C existing component container 

  4. Every components owner should solve security issue reported by Nexus IQ server