01-15-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting

01-15-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting


han yanan,maopeng,Yan Yang,yunlong,Yufei Zhou, Subhash Kumar Singh,Denes,Haibin Huang


  1. VF-C Beijing release planning review 

  2. Ask for intention about which part you plan to contribute for VF-C

  3. Other things


  1.  Review VF-C Beijing release planning

   comments from Denes: 

     Q1. SFC should remove from the VF-C architecture.

     A:  SFC comes from  VF-C seed code, just not been used now

    Q2  EMS northbound API should be part of VF-C outgoing APIs

      A:  We haven't defined unified  EMS northbound API now,  If Vendor wants to integrate their ems with VF-C, they should develop the corresponding ems driver which can collect fcaps from their ems and then report data to DCAE Ves collector.   

  2.  Ask for intention about which part you plan to contribute for VF-C

   No feedback


   1. Yan will send email to VF-C current contributors and committers  to ask contribution intention

   2. Yan will define the epics and stories with more detail information