04-09-2018 VF-C Weekly Meeting
hanyanan, Lu xin , zhou yufei, Yan , Denes ,Yunlong ,Jinhua ,Shashikanth, maopeng, H60-L01
Meeting Material:
ONAP-VF-C weekly meeting_20180409.pptx
1. RC0 checklist review
2. The remaining unfinished work
3. VF-C Casablanca requirements
RC0 checklist review Yan suggest team member should update the JIRA status timely and check the jenkins job regularly
The remaining unfinished work
Security issue
Deployment issue: heat and oom deployment status and the remaining issueVF-C Casablanca requirements
1. For JIRA owner, please update your JIRA task status timely
2. For the remaining security issue, Denes provides some solution and will send email to the team to briefly describe the solution.
3. Heat deployment : the following components healthchek url should be added to the testsuit
4. OOM deployment : OOM Beijing chart format transition is under review. The failed components include:
please the above components owner review the char transition carefully and find the error reason ASAP