PTL 2018-10-08

PTL 2018-10-08

2018 PTL RecordingsZoom Chat Log

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

ONAP Normative container base images

Adolfo Perez-Duran

ONAP Normative container base images.

These improvements will be part of Dublin Release.

Recommendation is to upgrade to the ONAP Normative container base images no later than M3.

5minReview list of libraries in current oparent pomAmy Zwarico

Discuss new DashboardGildas Lanilis Gmail

RC0 Confidence

BranchingDan TimoneyCCSDK-SDNC are moving ahead with branching on Casablanca. That will help the team to move forward with Dublin dev on Master branch

Action items

  •  Adolfo Perez-Duran Follow up with Jason to ensure "ONAP Normative container base images" is included within Dublin S3P.
  • Adolfo Perez-Duran to ensure tutorials are widely available to the community for smooth adoption.
  • Amy Zwarico follow up with PTL to gather asense of which team is using the oparent list of 1/3 party of libraries

Zoom Chat Log 

06:12:09 From Keong : how do the golang parts become platform agnostic? they need to be compiled for specific platforms
06:19:54 From Keong : also the C/C++ parts
06:21:33 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : logging, pomba at 1.2.1 will use 1.2.2
06:25:08 From adolfo : @keong golang supports multi-cpu arch https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/MinimumRequirements
06:26:34 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : btw the Acumos LFN project inherits some fixes from your oparent - indirectly because they consume onap jars and tech
06:27:26 From Keong : will onap be able to achieve CII if the dependencies do not?
06:28:02 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : related
06:28:02 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : https://jira.onap.org/browse/TSC-15
06:32:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : release jobs for pomba in progress, release jobs for logging done, the single docker job is nexus3
06:32:12 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : https://jenkins.onap.org/view/logging-analytics/job/logging-analytics-pomba-pomba-sdc-context-builder-master-docker-java-daily/65/console
06:32:18 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : 10:51:46 [ERROR] DOCKER> Unable to pull 'anapsix/alpine-java:jre8' from registry 'nexus3.onap.org:10001'
06:32:27 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs) : intermittent pull failure
06:33:23 From Taka Cho : APPC docker release depends on CCSDK docker release.
06:41:14 From Michael Lando (SDC) : [ONAP Helpdesk #58911]
06:41:23 From Michael Lando (SDC) : SDC-1447
06:41:58 From Shankar Narayanan : Hi Gildas,
06:42:31 From Shankar Narayanan : the oof daily job failures are for a new repo cmso whose seed code
06:43:31 From Shankar Narayanan : we upstreamed in Casablanca. the other two repos are doing fine - our team is working on fixing the issues with cmso as we speak.
06:44:33 From Jonathan Gathman : Sorry, I was waiting for call, and missed “8 am” (CDT)
06:44:54 From Jonathan Gathman : I can give status, if needed