[ptls] 2018-06-11

[ptls] 2018-06-11


Duration 60 minutes

Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Meeting refreshes

Community AwardsONAP Community Awards: Beijing Release

release notes & artifacts

Release notes 

readthedocs will be defaulted to Beijing by 6pm Eastern today.

Please continue to clean up rst errors and link check errors.   Have been doing regular reviews.

Little things can cause confusion to the reader

Release Artifacts

dockers - all images are properly tagged

infor for downloading scripts for HEAT and OOM  has been added to the docs to indicates that pull needs to be against the Beijing branch and not Master.

Concerns that we have not done a full install from Beijing tagged - Helen Chen complete test today

When do we start daily builds on master? 

to be discussed in lessons learned and process improvement discussion

suggestion for using T-lab for build, however that lab has not yet passed full health checks

Helen Chen suggests training on CSIT. 


violates CII badging

Need to figure out how to address the delays introduced by committers not being distributed across time zones.

cl664y@att.com suggests that we make it self commits after RC1

discussion over how other Communities are handling this.

Eman Gil looking for feedback on this for next week

James Forsyth suggestion Could we make the rule that a committer must get a +1 before merge, instead of having to get 2nd committer to approve?

Casablanca Developer Event

all topic approved, may be able to accept some adhoc requests

2 shuttle busses from the Shaoyaoju train station - capacity 80

TSC meeting to be set during the event, not at the normal time

Meeting refreshes

Action items