[ptls] 2018-06-04

[ptls] 2018-06-04


Duration 60 minutes

Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

DOS Attack over the weekend

DOS Attack

Mailman targeted -  down for ~9hrs

Status of High/Highest priority bugs Gildas Lanilis Gmail

5 still open
TEST-100 - Getting issue details... STATUS - new test bug open this am non blocking

OPTFRA-251 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan. Just need LFIT to release the docker artifact

LOG-376 - Getting issue details... STATUS   Michael O'Brien merged last night in OOM by Borislav

POLICY-879 - Getting issue details... STATUS POLICY-879 Pamela Dragosh person that opened the bug is not responding, don't believe a blocker, but still trying to follow up

DOC-269 - Getting issue details... STATUS  . Roger Maitland update was made- waiting on follow up

Release checklist: Deliverables for Release Sign-Off Milestone Checklist Template

Docker images

SO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti not released - will de in the next few hours

OPTFRA Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan will be today

DCAE wip

May be some confusion over the manifest that needs to be updated. https://git.onap.org/integration/tree/version-manifest/src/main/resources/docker-manifest.csv?h=beijing



main bottleneck is getting Docker images released

Integration must  have all dockers in to run test - final manifest must be completed

Container release requests no later than 2PM Pacific, June 5

All PTLs should have requested docker release from LFIT by that time

Release notes

If you have not reviewed your release notes please do so

Updates should be limited to new features and Amsterdam bugs that have been fixed.

Beijing Maintainance Release?

HPA use case wants one and Integration Scalability testing may produce bugs.

Individual teams can release incremental releases but testing is the project team's responsibility for integration testing.

Regression Tests Expectations

Needs to be discussed for Casablanca

Efforts on getting healthchecks to pass 
CSIT does not do automated checking - should be part of the verify before merge
We actually turned off a lot of checking
Prebuilt images would help.
Integration had a video for Amsterdam on  how-to
People should be making updated to Accelerate ONAP Release Cadence page and ONAP Beijing Lesson Learned and Casablanca Process Improvement


Default currently is amsterdam- the day befiore the press release will switch to Beijing

PTLs please review Beijing docs - spelling, typos, etc.


arch, deployability and functional enhancements - details on these areas

"Deployed Ready" platform

Will include Casablanca pre-view

Press is pre-briefed this week, and press release will occur on June 12

SDC issue with VID Michael Lando

Has been tested locally

Helen Chen grants  permission to merge because Michael Lando cannot get an integration environment to test

e2e testing will be done by integration when an environment is available.

Zoom Chat Log:

06:07:54 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : My LOG-376 merged last night in OOM by Borislav
06:12:07 From Catherine Lefevre : Pam - i have sent an update on behalf of Jorge
06:12:16 From Catherine Lefevre : he has an issue with e-mail
06:12:35 From Catherine Lefevre : pb with wind river on Friday so he can not finish the testing
06:20:21 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : sounds good, cumulative and fixed from past release in RN's
06:30:12 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Accelerate+ONAP+Release+Cadence
06:31:33 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/ONAP+Beijing+Retrospective+and+Lesson+Learned
06:32:45 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : different levels of dependencies between pods - in one case since we all live in a single memory/cpu space - any component is affected by any other rogue component - section 2 - core/services split will help this
06:32:47 From Gildas Lanilis : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Deliverables+for+Release+Sign-Off+Milestone+Checklist+Template
06:34:02 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : for commits - could do parallel 2 verify jobs - quick sanity and full CD regression - where the commit will initially pass but marked for revert 2 hours later by the CDVerifyJob - has issues if the change is picked up by others during the 2 hours
06:45:34 From Randa Maher (AT&T) : We have requested LF do the release for APPC; we will up manifest as soon as that last step by LF is completed
06:45:49 From Randa Maher (AT&T) : update*
06:57:52 From Gildas Lanilis : https://git.onap.org/integration/tree/version-manifest/src/main/resources/docker-manifest.csv?h=beijing
06:58:59 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : need to drop for next meet

Action items