PTL 2018-10-01

PTL 2018-10-01

2018 PTL RecordingsZoom Chat Log

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

New Integration/CSIT repo

There is a new repo integration/csit to manage all CSIT test.  That will will for teas that to branch out early for Dublin. For branching, create LF Ticket, this will help for consistency.

PTL to provide status and their confidence to achieving Pair-Wise Testing for RC0.cl664y@att.comPTLs to update Integration Weather Board for Casablanca Release and the child page (one per project)

Replacement for 1/3 party libraries with unplanned vulnerability maintenanceGildas Lanilis Gmail

Amy Zwarico to lead the effort.Identify these 1/3 party libraries that could be replaced and those who can't.

Shall we keep CLM report at  https://nexus-iq.wl.linuxfoundation.org/ for repos that have been locked?

Gildas Lanilis Gmail to lead. Goal is to remove from Nexus-IQ old reports (on locked repos)

Silver Badging for CII review

Wki page with all info in regards to CII badging. Amy Zwarico to update wiki page on those questions who have a generic ONAP answer.

INFO.yaml files

Kenny Paul to investigate with LF IT.


  • There is a new repo integration/csit to manage all CSIT test.  That will will for teas that to branch out early for Dublin. For branching, create LF Ticket, this will help for consistency.

Action items

Zoom Chat Log 

06:01:30 From Yang Xu : Hi Gildas, Helen is traveling and I am representing her today
06:01:48 From Gildas Lanilis : ok Thanks Yang.
06:02:14 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : hey yang, are we moving the Integration meeting to Tuesdays again?
06:03:24 From Yang Xu : Marco, I did not hear that
06:11:16 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : for logging - aware of pairwise testing but - lower priority after coding, release, clm, builds etc
06:12:29 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : doing pairwise unofficially as we go - cyclic as we bring in dependencies and close out interfaces - and a lot of time setting up environments
06:13:05 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : @Marco @Yang - looks like my error. Helen wanted the meeting extended and I had the wrong day open. fixing now.
06:13:41 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : OK Thanks Kenny
06:15:47 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : Even I end up with ghost meetings sometimes. That is what happened here. :-{
06:41:23 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : tracking pomba HC failure of the networkdiscoveryctxbuilder in https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-711 - thanks Brian - looks like proper validation/testing may not have been done on 1 merge
06:43:23 From Brian : locked repo means no updates so seems like removing them from clm rerport makes sense
06:44:38 From Gildas Lanilis : + 1 at Brain for clm report
06:44:49 From Gildas Lanilis : sorry Brian
06:49:13 From Amy Zwarico : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/CII+Badging+Program
06:49:17 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : for pomba HC - re-reviewing https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/69169/
06:50:15 From Catherine Lefevre : @Gildas - for the locked repo, let’s review sonar, nexus, daily jobs etc. not only CLM jobs