[ptls] 2018-06-25

[ptls] 2018-06-25


Duration 60 minutes

Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Discuss requirements for Casablanca


requirements for Casablanca

CCVPN & OSAM owners say not code impacting.

Mazin sugggrests that fosuc be on S3P rather than usecase focuses

Should be able to develop usecases in parallel rather than usecases driving the release.

Michael Lando notes that groups bring on new developers need to be on-boarded and that will take time

Dan Timoney notes that anyone bring in resources should have their stories in JIRA and to have discussed withy t PTL by Thursday.

cl664y@att.com reviewed Casablanca Release Requirements column-by-column.  Expectation is that both the owner and the PTL will be filling in and that all information will be listed or linked here.

Discussion of  S3p Improvements.pptx

Randa Maher requests that the S2p requirements are turned into a formal version controlled document so that the PTLs can say that they are compliant with a specific version.  

Amy Zwarico is working with the LF on getting Coverity testing into the tool chain. 

Concerns raised over the abilities of the PTLS to actually meet M1.  Eman Gil says the PTLs need to bring the info they have to the TSC meeting.

discussion over code coverage. Want to stay at 50% and include javascript. PTLs to provide input on what they can do.

discussion over Beijing to Casablanca upgrade requirements and database rollback

discussion over OOM vs. HEAT-  HEAT is non-gating for Casablanca. HEAT support is retained for testing and integration purposes only.

Chris Donley Architecture will be updated today

discussion of CLA requirements-  Kenny Paul will be sending out info to community.

  • list of contributors will be approved (where appropriate) by a company's legal team.
  • individual contributors, or those where we do not have legal contact information will be required to sign thew agreement themselves, as will any new contributors that come along after the initial "bulk" approvals

Action items

  • djhunt make sure that the approved version of S3P deck is tagged similar to how we manage the Architecture deck.
  • Stephen terrill make sure that the approved version of Security deck is tagged similar to how we manage the Architecture deck.