[ptls] 2018-05-07

[ptls] 2018-05-07


Duration 60 minutes

Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

review of open RC1

from TSC meeting

release criteria

from TSC meeting

volte use case

RC1 Review

DMaaP has met R1 criteria

DCAE -pending pairwise testing

CLAMP -pending OOM  

Q) Benefit of testing in multiple labs?  

A) It is needed because the differences between OOM and HEAP deployments

Discussion over level of effort being invested on HEAT deployment over OOM.

FREEMAN, BRIAN D Dev teams are testing in one environment until the team gets blocked and then move to another env. 

Gildas Lanilis Gmail Spike in Integration testing blockers Beijing Release Integration Test Blocking Issues


  1. Fix OOM deployment issues
  2. Teams should be focused on fixing the integration blockers.
  3. blockers to Pairwise testing.
  4. Ensure OOM and HEAT deployments are setup
  5. War Room for SDC / VOLTE - finalize certification and Tosca packages

Roger Maitland, Michael O'Brien OOM team has spend a lot of time with OOF and AAF - these teams are more reliant on the OOM team to perform their testing than the other teams. The PTLs are the owners of their own container and  health-check fixes.
The OOM team has done all they can  to assist. 


Teams are overwhelming the OOM team, especially when poor quality fixes are being submitted . 
Many fixes have not been tested before being submitted. Lots of back-and-forth on 
Need help with code reviews. 
Component level testing capabilities exist but aren't being used. 
cl664y@att.com requests to use SB04 for use by developers for testing. 
Agreement that someone that has deployed the component to give it a +1 before giving to OOM team


Michael Lando Modeling team has the responsibility for doing the testing- SDC team are not the ones to be working on the packaging. 
~9 packages for Amsterdam, but should be ~3 for Beijing.  

cl664y@att.com requests War Room for SDC / VOLTE

Release Criteria Functional Use Cases:

what is the criteria for passing? - all 4 use cases must pass  instantiation, regression and closed loop testing

vcpe  plus HPA and change management

need updates at TSC meeting.

sunmary S3p, usecases, HPE, changemgmt, pnfs, manual scaling . Gildas to put a slide together 

Action items