[ptls] 2018-08-06

[ptls] 2018-08-06



Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Review previous week action items

Randa Maher - JIRA

Helen Chen - SB04/SB07 Integration ask

Kenny Paul - License, email, CLM, CLM Access

20m ?Question to PTL's regarding TSC Policy: ONAP MaintenanceStephen terrill
10mlanding page template
10mPresentation of the vulnerability metrics for critical and severe vulnerabilities from the NexusIQ scans. List of the packages affecting the most ONAP projects.

Amy Zwarico and Amanda Cameron

3-4 pages TBD

Updated file:


5 mOOM container restartshttp://onapci.org/grafana/d/kRvfoqKmz/oom-container-restarts?orgId=1
10mStandardizing Third-party Library Versions for ONAP ProposalHelen Chen

Previous Action Items

Randa Maher - Still a few remaining projects: Openlabs (Chenwei Wang ?) and Usecase UI. Will submit tickets for the projects. Wiki needs to be updated to remove documentation around the old flow.

cl664y@att.com - SB04/SB07 difficulties after a full deployment due to maintenance activities.

  • Would like to see if Integration team could ensure the labs are up every Sunday morning European time?
  • Helen Chen - will talk about during Integration all with Gary.
    •   Gary re-install it every Saturday 4-5am Pacific time CLOSED

cl664y@att.com - Legal agreement. Some code submission have been not approved due to header was not in the files. 

  • Need Steve Winslow from LF to help clarifications on wiki and modification(modifications) copyright. Would a root license just be enough? Kenny Paul will follow up with Steve and initiate email.
  • Rules for implementing FOSS in a project
  •   - Kenny will follow up again (been working on elections)

Kenny Paul - people have problems with email lists. Kenny added to FAQ instructions on setting up an alias:

  • Mailing Lists in groups.io Migration FAQ
  • Keong - can't use hashtags when cross posting across lists. Kenny will open up a ticket to track, common set of hashtags across lists.
  •  - Kenny did open a ticket for this.

Michael O'Brien - asked about CLM jobs. What the status for the fix? Also, JIRA.

  •  Everything ok. Except LDAP seems to go down. Only nexus3 works. Michael sent email ticket. CLOSED?

Vijay Kumar - access to CLM job reports. How to give access to contributors vs committers as well as open to others for viewing. Kenny Paul - follow up with Jessica regarding this.

Action items

Zoom Chat

06:16:03 From Keong : call it 11 months support instead of 12
06:26:09 From Keong : does this also mean the common versioning strategy proposal comes into force?
06:30:22 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : thanks kenny - will use your template
06:37:17 From Keong : more JIRA queries from confluence will also make it slower and less responsive when its busy
06:38:11 From Keong : the links should go both ways, JIRA projects can have a URL for home pages too
06:43:43 From Stephen Terrill : kenny, it seems that links to a confluence page can have a "version" number
06:45:54 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : OOM (missing) needs a helm/yaml parser for nexusIQ - it is a devops project - I'll raise an LF ticket
06:47:39 From Bin Yang (Wind River) : MultiCloud jira project need change the owner to me: Bin Yang (LFID: biny993), who I can reach out to for help?
06:49:13 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : some 3rd partly libraries with vulnerabilities-fixed-versions can be used until we update the dependency stack (for example swithching JAX-RS 2.0 to 2.1
06:49:24 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : can't
06:51:16 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : for example in OOM we are still on kubernetes 1.8.6 and not 1.10.x because we need to test everything in the stack helm 2.8.2+, docker 17.03+ - even though k8s 1.8.6 has security issues that are fixed in 1.10
06:53:44 From Yan Yang to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Please let me know your thoughts about creating ONS wiki. when you are convenient.Thanks.
06:56:45 From Stephen Terrill : I need to drop. Thank-you for the feedback.
06:58:52 From Dan Timoney : What’s the URL for that report?
07:01:56 From Rich Bennett : need to drop for another meeting
07:02:03 From Helen Chen : http://onapci.org/grafana/d/kRvfoqKmz/oom-container-restarts?orgId=1