[ptls] 2018-05-14

[ptls] 2018-05-14


Duration 60 minutes

Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

PTLs need to update the platform maturity

adding a logging column to their pairwise template

bitergia unknowns

Disappearing images

"run-sonar" tag only runs on master 

concernn over having to merge to see sonar issues. Want a way to see w/o merge
Seshu Kumar Mudiganti recommends setting up set up local 

OOM Healthcheck

34 passes  AWS? http://jenkins.onap.info/job/oom-cd-master/2940/consoleFull
Fails AWS- policy

???36 Passes  tlab? https://jenkins.onap.org/view/External%20Labs/job/lab-tlab-beijing-oom-deploy/307/console?
Fails TLAB- sdc, so, multicloud-octa fails

Fails on both AWS & TLAB appc, dcae, nbi, portal, sms, so

Tlab new environment being built

Stability Testing

Reminder if not using something in in a lab, please remove it to fee up resources
Beijing Release Stability Testing Status
oad testig started Saturday, but 10 hours under "official clock"

Jenkins toolchain- concersn regarding a ~2 min delay between submission and the job appearing - seems normal 

SDC vulnerabilities Seshu Kumar Mudiganti reports WIP 

Gildas Lanilis Gmail reminds committers to only commit high priority changes

Helen Chen requests LF-IT monitor jenkins system & build system proactively and not  wait for ticlket and Intel monitor their lab.

Current throughput greatly improved. 

Action items