LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-08-28
Refactoring the patterns in logback.xml - (ONAP and Acumos) - plus implications for teams
Lorraine and I started aligning the patterns in logback.xml last thursday in the acumos meeting - however we all need to discuss this and the implications
onap - ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)
<property name="pattern" value="%nopexception${p_tim}|%X{EntryTimestamp}|%X{InvokeTimestamp}|%X{RequestId}| %X{InvocationId}|%X{InstanceUUID}| %X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{ServiceName}|%X{PartnerName}|%X{StatusCode}|%X{ResponseCode}|%X{ResponseDesc}|%.-5level| %X{Severity}| %X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{ElapsedTime}| %X{ServerFQDN}|%X{ClientIPAddress}|%X{VirtualServerName}|%X{ContextName}|%X{TargetEntity}|%X{TargetServiceName}| %X{TargetElement}|%X{User}| ${p_log}|${p_mdc} |${p_msg}%n" /> |2018-08-27T14:08:47.233Z|||1ff4ba60-4b23-4e81-a5fc-0b8055bbf1de||http-apr-8080-exec-4|/logging-demo/rest/health/health||||| INFO||||dev.onap.info|||||||| org.onap.demo.logging.ApplicationService| InstanceUUID=1ff4ba60-4b23-4e81-a5fc-0b8055bbf1de, RequestID=7ddbb889-0c6d-418e-b59a-df0450e57d76, ServiceName=/logging-demo/rest/health/health, InvocationID=e16e8b3e-01c6-4578-a3fc-d802ab31d91a, InvokeTimestamp=2018-08-27T14:08:47.233Z, PartnerName=, ClientIPAddress=, ServerFQDN=dev.onap.info |Running /health
onap and acumos teams are looking for a standard logback.xml - see https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/63235/
However we have the following considerations
Moving MDC attributes to standard attributes (defined in logback.xml)
(Yes pipe) pipe/tab delimited - portal and a lot of onap is still pipe (align with acumos where pipes are used)
plan for migration needs pipeline change
implications for the pipeline yml in elasticsearch
implications for our and other logging libraries in use - setting these field as mdcs or standard attributes
(Yes for single) A single pattern for all 4 log files (debug, error, metrics, audit)
Acumos reference https://wiki.acumos.org/display/OAM/Logging#Logging-Logback.xml
!) Log levels are still as defined in the spec (INFO/TRACE/DEBUG/WARN/ERROR/FATAL) no fine/finer/finest
What to do with application.log (it is the default for a lot of components - but is being migrated to audit.log)
plan: for code migration - ie portal/sdk application logs that would break if application appender is removed
move app to audit? yes
Do we make audit.log the default (info logs) - yes
Adjust msg to Message
migration story
default log level - still info (yes)
Note p_log (logger field (one of debug,audit etc) - not needed once markers is implemented - markers only available via Luke's slf4j lib currently
for now hardcode the name in the 4 pattern strings
default debug state true/false (default should be false)
need to test if changing a onap/values.yaml helm variable requires a bounce of the container (–set component.enabled=false/true)
single logback.xml for all of OOM - is this feasible (yes going ahead with it) - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-630 - lowers config map size issue
parameterized values for logDirectory, debug, level
JIRA board - https://jira.onap.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=143
review state of Logging Casablanca Scope
need to fix ciritical CLM issues (library versions) to remove instability flag on CLM job - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-604 -
versions approved being fixed https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/topic/logging_m3_template_ready/24828468?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,24828468
some fixes (guava) are in oparent now - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/INT-619
pending commits (none 2 merged)
Portal/sdk library usage (EELF based) - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/PORTAL-348
Acumos log standardization - single logback.xml https://jira.acumos.org/browse/ACUMOS-1584
SDC logging issue (fixed?) - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/OOM-1311 and https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/58267/
Still need to incorporate templating https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-560
review changes in ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)#StandardAttributes (standard and required) - expected as in
fix spec table for mdc to standard attributes changes ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)
fix RI code log/portal for MDC changes
finish 4 logback.xml pattern examples for 4 logs
Start enumerating uses cases and verify MDC propagation flows inside and outside a microservice - distributed transactions inside/outside
between microservices
inside a microservice
logback.xml rework
Answer serverFQDN question from Dave - ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)#Logback - testing on clustered system to see if dev.onap.info becomes dev0/dev1