LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-05-28

LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-05-28


  • Thanks @michaelfor all of his great work for the Logging Enhancements Project and the ONAP community

  • Thanks all committers to support @Prudence Auas the next PTL for Logging

  • Dublin RC2 this week

  • Need more hands for this project



  • Logging spec adoption

    • why companies or even ONAP components are not adopting to the spec?  Perhaps not seeing the values of this.  What can we do to drive this forward?


  • it was agreed that we will meet once every 2 weeks (next meeting will be on June 11, 2019)


@Prudence Auto show the POMBA demo at the next meeting
All - to come up with use cases to showcase the capability of logging and logging specification 
revive culprit locator ONAP Culprit Locator