LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-05-28
LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-05-28
Thanks @michaelfor all of his great work for the Logging Enhancements Project and the ONAP community
Thanks all committers to support @Prudence Auas the next PTL for Logging
Dublin RC2 this week
Outstanding items:
Security/Vulnerability R4 Logging Security/Vulnerability - Full Content
Need more hands for this project
Logging spec adoption
why companies or even ONAP components are not adopting to the spec? Perhaps not seeing the values of this. What can we do to drive this forward?
it was agreed that we will meet once every 2 weeks (next meeting will be on June 11, 2019)
@Prudence Auto show the POMBA demo at the next meeting
All - to come up with use cases to showcase the capability of logging and logging specification
revive culprit locator ONAP Culprit Locator