LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-10-23

LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-10-23


@Michael O'Brien is working at the ONAP Academic Summit Mon/Tue - @Prudence Au will run the meeting

We will meet again at 1600H EDT (GMT-5) Wed to go over Dublin scope

Logging Casablanca Scope

Logging Dublin Scope

And our regular Acumos/ONAP log meeting from 1130 EDT (GMT-5) right after the ONAP TSC meet.

Notice that the logging spec for casablanca after it was finalized 1 month ago has been closed - the Dublin spec is now our focus for completion before Dublin officially starts - implementation of the spec beyond Beijing is slated for Dublin - no changes to the spec are anticipated after dublin starts except for normal implementation iteration.


We had audio problems.

Small attendance, so we agreed to disband until next week. (A couple of people joined right as we were signing off, around 10 minutes after the hour, but it was too late...)