LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-08-06
El Alto early drop status
@Dave Williamson
@Luke Parker
@Sanjay Agraharam
@Prudence Au
AT&T starts to implement the Casablanca loggigng spec.
There are 11 mandatory fields in the Casablanca spec. which was agreed upon by the Ops team for tracing the flow
In ECOMP, the InvocationID is not implemented at the moment
It would be great to bring back the Log Checker started by Horace Ip at the Frankfurt timeframe.
Action: @Prudence Au to create EPICAction: @sanjay Agraharam to contact HoraceWhat are the valid values for PartnerName in the Casablanca logging spec?
If an authenticated API, then log the userid
Otherwise, if the HTTP header "X-ONAP-PartnerName" was provided, then log that (note: this was a direction that we seemed to be going but never completed)
Otherwise, if the HTTP header "User-Agent" was provided, then log that
Otherwise, log "UNKNOWN" (since the field is currently required, something must be in it
We need a Geo-redundant or highly available environment to confirm the values for ServiceInstanceID.
Action: @Prudence Au to reach out to the integration team if they have an environment availableNext meeting: August 20, 2019