LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-10-16

LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-10-16

I am on a last minute ONAP bilateral meeting from 9 - I may be late for this meeting

TODO: send out onap-discuss on split dublin/casablanca spec changes plans going forward - on "proposal" section below

send out mail on acumos/onap collaboration follow up -  before the 20th

send out mail on dublin scope before the 18th

send out meeting request on dublin scope meet for 4pm 24th 

Changes since last Meeting


Request from Acumos to upgrade from ELK 5.5/5.6 to 6.x - for syslog capture capability (CLAMP is at 6.1 there was a common poc using 6.3) - will retest ELK+Filebeat under 6.3 images
