LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-03-13

LOG Meeting Minutes 2018-03-13


Deliver python library (Thank you @liang ke and   MULTICLOUD-151 - Logging Enablement IN PROGRESS  in the logging repo via the Multicloud team (@Ramki Krishnan and @Shankar Satyanarayanan (Deactivated) interested)

Sonar must be above 50%, and address CLM

From Gildas summary

For Licensing and Vulnerability, you should ensure there is no Critical “Security” nor “License” issue.

Current report is available at https://nexus-iq.wl.linuxfoundation.org/assets/index.html#/reports/logging-analytics/d39f5b74afc8499787bc3e2864758524 and can be accessed from Jenkins/CLM tab search for “logging-analytics-maven-clm-master”.

For your convenience I have attached the report.

I think you can also update M3 template at https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Logging+Beijing+-+M3+API+Freeze+Milestone+Checklist and answer Yes to the first question (Has the Project team reviewed the APIs with the Architecture Committee (ARC)?

As you now filled out the M3 template, I will bring this to TSC on Thursday for review.

For Licensing and Vulnerability, you should ensure there is no Critical “Security” nor “License” issue.

Current report is available at https://nexus-iq.wl.linuxfoundation.org/assets/index.html#/reports/logging-analytics/d39f5b74afc8499787bc3e2864758524 and can be accessed from Jenkins/CLM tab search for “logging-analytics-maven-clm-master”.

For your convenience I have attached the report.

I think you can also update M3 template at https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Logging+Beijing+-+M3+API+Freeze+Milestone+Checklist and answer Yes to the first question (Has the Project team reviewed the APIs with the Architecture Committee (ARC)?

As you now filled out the M3 template, I will bring this to TSC on Thursday for review.